About jacob4987
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298 followers Joined October 2013
I am a 60 plus senior and about to retire soon and would like to supplement my income by working at home. I have





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asked in
Everything Wordpress

Why do all my website links have a line thru them

Yes my links do work this may be a security issue from what I have read but I really do not know . thanks for your help !!!

It does that when the link isn't working. At least mine does. Check to see if you have your links right.

Thanks I will give it a try !

Check your Theme options. Appearance>writing or if you have a specific Theme settings section. I use Platform and there are a ton of different settings.
That's all I can think of right now

Why do all my website links have a line thru them

Why do all my website links have a line thru them

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Why do all my website links have a line thru them

Yes my links do work this may be a security issue from what I have read but I really do not know . thanks for your help !!!

It does that when the link isn't working. At least mine does. Check to see if you have your links right.

Thanks I will give it a try !

Check your Theme options. Appearance>writing or if you have a specific Theme settings section. I use Platform and there are a ton of different settings.
That's all I can think of right now

asked in
Getting Started

Guys please read and comment on my latest review on Social Report


Jacob, are you using this product yourself, or did you get a review copy of it and test it yourself? I ask because many product owners will provide you with a free test of their product if you tell them you need it in order to do a review. Your review would be more meaningful if you said, "I am using this...", or "I obtained a copy for testing and this is what I have found.".

Otherwise the review is just information that anyone can get from the web anyway.

The fact that you have hands on experience with the product, whether for your own use, or testing it for review purposes, makes the review more valuable. ~ Jude

Makes sense to me

Yes right now I am running 9 social media accounts on their 30 day free offer .....thanks

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my latest review on Social Report !

my latest review on Social Report !

asked in
Getting Started

Guys please read and comment on my latest review on Social Report


Jacob, are you using this product yourself, or did you get a review copy of it and test it yourself? I ask because many product owners will provide you with a free test of their product if you tell them you need it in order to do a review. Your review would be more meaningful if you said, "I am using this...", or "I obtained a copy for testing and this is what I have found.".

Otherwise the review is just information that anyone can get from the web anyway.

The fact that you have hands on experience with the product, whether for your own use, or testing it for review purposes, makes the review more valuable. ~ Jude

Makes sense to me

Yes right now I am running 9 social media accounts on their 30 day free offer .....thanks

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asked in
Getting Started

Is it ok for me to put a WA video on my website and at what part of my post should I insert it at Beginning ,end or somewhere in the middle.

thanks Jacob

You can ask this in the live chat and get answer !!!

Thanks I have never done the live chat before maybe I will give it a try

Hi Jacob - if you can link to the page/post where the video already is on WA, then that should be no problem.

For me, I would rather see a video at the top of the screen (under the title heading - maybe with one or two lines, no more than a paragraph - outlining what the video was going to show me).

The thing to remember about video is, it has no text - so you still need the heading/paragraph introduction etc - to ensure your page still gets ranked by the search engines.

I hope this helps,

All the best, Mark

Thanks for your help very good info...thanks again

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adding a WA video to my website

adding a WA video to my website

asked in
Getting Started

Is it ok for me to put a WA video on my website and at what part of my post should I insert it at Beginning ,end or somewhere in the middle.

thanks Jacob

You can ask this in the live chat and get answer !!!

Thanks I have never done the live chat before maybe I will give it a try

Hi Jacob - if you can link to the page/post where the video already is on WA, then that should be no problem.

For me, I would rather see a video at the top of the screen (under the title heading - maybe with one or two lines, no more than a paragraph - outlining what the video was going to show me).

The thing to remember about video is, it has no text - so you still need the heading/paragraph introduction etc - to ensure your page still gets ranked by the search engines.

I hope this helps,

All the best, Mark

Thanks for your help very good info...thanks again

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asked in
Getting Started

Some of my comments have the persons image in their page and post comments how do I upload my image to my comments on my website? I went in to my profile but their is no image u

Gravatar is the answer. :)

sign up for gravatar. it's free. then you attach your web page to your gravatar account

Thanks I will give it a try !!!

Thanks guys I think I can upload my image at the bottom of my comment replies. When I get another comment to reply to I will try it....thanks again

You want to do this on a page at your website try this

Oh wow, much better answer.

Sorry Jacob,

You need to upload the image through http://gravatar.org. :)

Just to add, this is the only way I know how to do it/maybe there is another way, not sure.

Gravatar is owned by Wordpress. It is useful not just for your own blog comments, but when you visit other blogs and you use the same email address as in your gravatar account, then your image will appear with your blog comment everywhere you post on the web.

That's actually a good thing! Bloggers start to recognize you, especially if you make decent comments, and they are more likely to return a visit to your site if you have a gravatar.

Blank images in comments are generally used by spammers. Use pic of landscape, flowers, pet, or other image if you don't wish to use your own. Still better than nothing.


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How to put my image in my comments

How to put my image in my comments

asked in
Getting Started

Some of my comments have the persons image in their page and post comments how do I upload my image to my comments on my website? I went in to my profile but their is no image u

Gravatar is the answer. :)

sign up for gravatar. it's free. then you attach your web page to your gravatar account

Thanks I will give it a try !!!

Thanks guys I think I can upload my image at the bottom of my comment replies. When I get another comment to reply to I will try it....thanks again

You want to do this on a page at your website try this

Oh wow, much better answer.

Sorry Jacob,

You need to upload the image through http://gravatar.org. :)

Just to add, this is the only way I know how to do it/maybe there is another way, not sure.

Gravatar is owned by Wordpress. It is useful not just for your own blog comments, but when you visit other blogs and you use the same email address as in your gravatar account, then your image will appear with your blog comment everywhere you post on the web.

That's actually a good thing! Bloggers start to recognize you, especially if you make decent comments, and they are more likely to return a visit to your site if you have a gravatar.

Blank images in comments are generally used by spammers. Use pic of landscape, flowers, pet, or other image if you don't wish to use your own. Still better than nothing.


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asked in
Getting Started

I have to much space at the end of my posts and the beginning of comments how do I remove this empty space and bring this together?

Without looking at a post we can only guess why.
I wanted to add that I once had a plugin to display G+ comments on my blog, worked great but for some reason it would always leave a big blank area at the end of post.

If the advice below doesn't solve the problem maybe post a link so someone can look at the code to see what is going on.

Thanks for your help it seems the problem is with my posts not my pages have tried to correct this even switched themes still not working.

Usually, if you go to the end of your content, and set your cursor there, hold down the delete key. Usually that's what the issue is. Likely, you've already done this, but I put the suggestion there because it is one of the culprits that could cause excessive spacing.

If that's not what it is, it could be an issue with the particular theme you're using. Maybe the code in it isn't the way it should be. It could also be a plugin you have on there (if any.) Did you put a social media buttons plugin on there and not set up the buttons? If you've not put any plugins that could cause it, try a different theme by going to Appearance>Themes and choose another one. You can always switch back.

Yea the curser thing worked thank you!

Glad you've gotten it sorted. Yeah, that's usually what happens above anything else.

Move your cursor to the bottom of your posts page and delete, delete, delete until you are happy.
You probably have a whole lot of blank lines in there.

Thank you it worked !

Glad to hear it.

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how to remove empty space between end of my post and begging of comments

how to remove empty space between end of my post and begging of comments

asked in
Getting Started

I have to much space at the end of my posts and the beginning of comments how do I remove this empty space and bring this together?

Without looking at a post we can only guess why.
I wanted to add that I once had a plugin to display G+ comments on my blog, worked great but for some reason it would always leave a big blank area at the end of post.

If the advice below doesn't solve the problem maybe post a link so someone can look at the code to see what is going on.

Thanks for your help it seems the problem is with my posts not my pages have tried to correct this even switched themes still not working.

Usually, if you go to the end of your content, and set your cursor there, hold down the delete key. Usually that's what the issue is. Likely, you've already done this, but I put the suggestion there because it is one of the culprits that could cause excessive spacing.

If that's not what it is, it could be an issue with the particular theme you're using. Maybe the code in it isn't the way it should be. It could also be a plugin you have on there (if any.) Did you put a social media buttons plugin on there and not set up the buttons? If you've not put any plugins that could cause it, try a different theme by going to Appearance>Themes and choose another one. You can always switch back.

Yea the curser thing worked thank you!

Glad you've gotten it sorted. Yeah, that's usually what happens above anything else.

Move your cursor to the bottom of your posts page and delete, delete, delete until you are happy.
You probably have a whole lot of blank lines in there.

Thank you it worked !

Glad to hear it.

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