My Twentieth Task: $50,000 a Month Case Study

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Well, it's the New Year and I'm in POWER MODE! I have just 5 short months till my one-year Case Study is completed! Of course, I will be working on it probably until infinity. But, for now, I'm stepping it up! Plus, although the end date is May 22nd, I may work till the end of the month, but will let you know. At any rate, I am stretching myself to the limit!


  • Last month, I researched more sales promotions on ClickBank to implement. I did add a couple, but now I've decided to focus more on promoting Wealthy Affiliate around every corner of my CS (Case Study) site. After all, that is my main interest--to get referrals, and the top priority of this Case Study!
  • I went through and analyzed my search tactics; Search Console, Google Analytics. I also went through most of my posts and tried different keywords/keyword phrases to improve the SEO. This is a continual task moving forward in order to direct more traffic driving in.
  • I've been promoting Pins on Pinterest from photos and content that I've added. I am also looking into promoting Rich Pins from my CS site. This is a program within Pinterest where you can add more content on your pins and also the meta data in order to catapult searches and traffic. You have to apply for it---If you go to Pinterest and search Rich Pins, you will see the process.
  • I would still like to add some more funnels and have been working on one which I'll tell you about in a minute. (MMO Guide)
  • I have been writing more content in the form of Comparison Reviews. I will elaborate on this below.
  • I started a Guest Blogger page that isn't published as of yet. I will get to it this month. If anyone is interested, please let me know! I would like to include anyone who has a great deal of Premium referrals.


Some of you may have read my last 2 blog posts (Below). The first is some important motivation, and the second is some of what I'm up to with my Case Study for the next 5 months.

Work With the Determination of an Athlete

Preparing for 2019

In order to increase---traffic, converting referrals, sales conversions and more interaction on my CS site, I realized that to do this, I need to write like there's no tomorrow!

In my Preparing for 2019 post, I listed Grace's (Littlemama's) Vegas Training series. This has helped me push the limit to full-blown success.


In the next 3 months through March, I've set a goal to write 5 Comparison Reviews (1,000 words each) daily, 5 days a week. If I do not meet my quota, I will spill over to the weekend. Comparison Reviews are like 2 Reviews in 1, comparing them and giving pros and cons for each, facts, advantages, and my opinion as to which one would be more beneficial. It gives the reader a choice as to which one to choose---with more likelyhood in getting a sale!

In doing this, I will become an affiliate to each one I write about, making it a Win-Win if they buy!

MY MMO (Make Money Online) GUIDE.

I have also written almost 5,000 words today. (Well, it's 5,000 counting this post!) I am offering all my visitors a MMO Guide that is a thorough analysis of Affiliate Marketing, the success I've had with it, why they should join WA and endless helpful tips.

I will be creating an opt-in page to start an email marketing campaign for it also. When they put down their information and click the button, they will be taken to the Guide (through a Landing Page), and also will get the link in their email, along with a welcome and then a series of emails.

I will be writing my email campaign at AWeber soon with 10 emails that each opt-in will receive.


I set my writing so high in order to write 300 reviews by the end of the campaign. It seems impossible, but I will put my best foot forward and press toward my goal.

Happy New Year and may you all keep stepping toward your success!

Remember, once we get past all the hard work and dedication, we will be able to reap the benefits!

Thank you for reading my 20th Task! Only 4 more Task posts to go!

PLEASE LIKE and SHARE, if you wish, to SPREAD THE IDEAS! Thank you!

Erin :)!

In case you missed my previous related blogs:

I Want to Generate $50,000 a Month: This is My Year-Long Case Study

My First Task: $50,000 a Month Case Study

My Second Task: $50,000 a Month Case Study

My Third Task: $50,000 a Month Case Study

A Pause in My Personal Case Study to Reflect.

My Fourth Task: $50,000 a Month Case Study.

My Fifth Task: $50,000 a Month Case Study.

My Sixth Task: $50,000 a Month Case Study.

My Seventh Task: $50,000 a Month Case Study

My Eighth Task: $50,000 a Month Case Study.

My Ninth Task: $50,000 a Month Case Study.

My Tenth Task: $50,000 a Month Case Study

My Eleventh Task: $50,000 a Month Case Study

My Twelveth Task: $50,000 a Month Case Study

My Thirteenth Task: $50,000 a Month Case Study

My Fourteenth Task: $50,000 a Month Case Study

My Fifteenth Task: $50,000 a Month Case Study

My Sixteenth Task: $50,000 a Month Case Study

My Seventeenth Task: $50,000 a Month Case Study

My Eighteenth Task: $50,000 a Month Case Study

My Nineteenth Task: $50,000 a Month Case Study

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: Please note that this is a Personal Case Study to prove to myself whether or not it is obtainable to earn a large income, as much as $50,000 per month in only a year's time. (A case study analyzes research over a period of time.) This Personal Case Study has not been proven as of yet, and will prove in time whether or not it can be accomplished. I will seek the possibility of the subject matter.

FURTHERMORE: The leaders of Wealthy Affiliate have given their consent to this Personal Case Study with regard to adhering to the WA standards, rules, regulations and guidelines. This is under no circumstance a "how to" study, as it is not a proven method. It is not a training, as it is pure speculation and has not been proven. This is my own personal study to prove, whether or not, this task can or cannot be accomplished.

THIS PERSONAL CASE STUDY IS WRITTEN IN FIRST PERSON SINGULAR. It includes my own thoughts and speculations. Therefore, the following content lists the tasks I will take to venture through my study. I welcome you all to follow along and make it your choice whether or not you would like to join in these tasks with me. I am very hopeful and excited to pursue this one-year journey, and to invite others to either observe as an onlooker or to become a participant.

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Recent Comments


WOW - You are one lady to watch Erin!
I feel like a complete underachiever after reading this - but in a good way, it has encouraged and given me VOOMA!
You've got this - I look forward to reading about your successes as they unfold!

Thanks so much, Louise! Just adding a little motivation to your day! You can achieve ANYTHING in this world with continuous effort and Faith! I appreciate your nice words! They have lifted me up today! xoxo

Erin :)!

Way to go, Erin! You are continuing to rock it. WooHoo!

I love your constant enthusiasm, Suzanne! It keeps me reaching farther! WooHoo! xoxo

Erin :)!

Thank you Erin. This is a total project, like no other. Look forward to your next work. It encourages me to lift my game, for sure.

I really enjoy sharing my work to encourage others, Ken! Praying for your success, as well, my friend!

Erin :)!

Hi, Erin! I've bookmarked this blog. I'm really interested in following your progress. I wonder how different my actual plan would be if I had read your blogs earlier, but I'm not changing trains yet ;-)
Best wishes for your success in 2019.


Hi Richard! We are all on our own paths to success! You may find some helpful hints here, or you may not, but--it's all good! Maybe we'll ride on the same train someday, my friend! It will be on the train leading to our success! :)

Erin :)!

Sure! Thanks for your kind words, Erin

Anytime, Richard!!

As always, Erin, your posts are very interesting.

I was worn out just reading this one. If you are wondering about making $50,000/month or not, read Eddy ( with a Y ) Salomon's posts. He told me he makes $100,000/mo. So it is definitely attainable.

How he did it is amazing. You might have to ask him, though.


Wow! What! That IS amazing! I will scoot right over there now and grab some insight! Thanks for the tip! I am open to all directions! Thanks, Chuck! Following the money and the ones who have found it!

Erin :)!

Thank you for your comment

If I could afford you, I would hire you as my coach, lol.

A lot of nice comments here for you.


OMG Chuck! You're so kind!!!! I humbly thank you.

Looking forward to the end results Erin.


Thanks for being here throughout my study, Derek! Your support has meant the world to me!

Erin :)!

Amazing how much you can do per day.
Looking forward to the next update.
Have a great day

Thanks, Tommy! I will get there one way or another! Enjoy!

Erin :)!

Will be interesting to see the end result of this Erin.

Yes, it will be to me, as well, Dave! Trying my best toward success! Thanks!

Erin :)!

Wow amazing, it's a lot of work, but for sure you will attend amazing results :)
As they say, roots create the fruits!

I LOVE that, Karim! What we put into something will be what we get out of it---"reap what you sow," in Biblical terms! Loving the upcoming fruits of my labor in advance! Thanks for lifting me up today, my friend, and it's nice to connect with you!

Erin :)!

You're welcome
Me too


Wow! That’s awesomely aggressive resolution in my opinion. Kudos!

Two questions are you going to be comparing other affiliate program/platform with wealthy affiliate in your intended review and how do you get the long list of affiliate programs that you will be reviewing?

Good luck in 2019!

Good questions, Anthony. I'm following you for that.


Thanks, Tony!

1. Yes, I will.
2. I'm going with a top contender--GoDaddy. I thought I'd compare a leading source. It's going to be a great review! In thoroughly researching GoDaddy, WA, by far, offers above and beyond what they do -- and at unheard of cost compared to them!

Thanks for your questions! Feel free to expand!

Erin :)!

Look below, Chuck! :)

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