About Diana-DB
Rank 274
4,269 followers Joined October 2019
EVERY TIME IS MY TIME! ~ My Mantra ~ Hello beautiful people, My name is Diana (44) and I am a proud mother of a 23-year-old boy.





Create Your Free Wealthy Affiliate Account Today!
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asked in
Website Development & Programming

Hello everyone,

I recently had to install a backup on one of the websites. Now, as far as I can see, the site is seen as new. What steps do you think I should take from

I hope this has been figured out?

Hey Diana,

If you've restored your website from backup, then I would just make sure that the sitemap is still there. Go into your Google Search Console and make sure that the SiteMap URL is still online - I imagine it will be.

You can also just go through your plugins and make sure that they are all working - mainly Google SiteKit.

You should not need to reinstall anything as the connection to Google Analytics and Search Console were already created via the SiteKit plugin.

Hi Carson,

Thank you for your answer. I don't use Google SiteKit. I set up Google Search Console and Google Analytics individually. But I will do the checks. It also shows me this message for the website. I have no idea what it could be.

Hey Diana,

Google searching a prompt is what I do whenever I see an issue that I do not understand... see screen print below...

But, I cannot see the rest of the prompt in your screen print above, so I cannot determine which of the suggested prompts that it might be, in order to help you with a suggestion.

If you can see the entire prompt, try Google searching it and look for a Google guide discussion as to how you might be able to fix it.

Hope you find this helpful.

Hi Trish,

It was the first thing I did. All the code and technical issues sound like Chinese to me. If I had understood the problem, I wouldn't have made it known to Carson.🙂Thank you for your help.

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What should I do?

What should I do?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

Hello everyone,

I recently had to install a backup on one of the websites. Now, as far as I can see, the site is seen as new. What steps do you think I should take from

I hope this has been figured out?

Hey Diana,

If you've restored your website from backup, then I would just make sure that the sitemap is still there. Go into your Google Search Console and make sure that the SiteMap URL is still online - I imagine it will be.

You can also just go through your plugins and make sure that they are all working - mainly Google SiteKit.

You should not need to reinstall anything as the connection to Google Analytics and Search Console were already created via the SiteKit plugin.

Hi Carson,

Thank you for your answer. I don't use Google SiteKit. I set up Google Search Console and Google Analytics individually. But I will do the checks. It also shows me this message for the website. I have no idea what it could be.

Hey Diana,

Google searching a prompt is what I do whenever I see an issue that I do not understand... see screen print below...

But, I cannot see the rest of the prompt in your screen print above, so I cannot determine which of the suggested prompts that it might be, in order to help you with a suggestion.

If you can see the entire prompt, try Google searching it and look for a Google guide discussion as to how you might be able to fix it.

Hope you find this helpful.

Hi Trish,

It was the first thing I did. All the code and technical issues sound like Chinese to me. If I had understood the problem, I wouldn't have made it known to Carson.🙂Thank you for your help.

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hi guys,

Please, somebody can help me? I want to move just one blog post from website A to website B. I know I have to go to tools to export and import. But I also know

It sounds like you're all figured out. You have FANTASTIC responses here; kindly let us know if you require additional assistance.

Hey Diana,

The following video tutorial may offer you the help you seek: Hope you find this helpful.

Hi Trish,

Thank you very much for the recommendation; it was more than welcome. I'm glad you sent it to me and that I waited until I made the changes to the website.

The fact that I watched your video helped me to export all the comments and images of the post. Everything depended on ticking that box. :)

Something that doesn't happen if you copy and paste the post into the new website. From the beginning, the comments were my concern.
Although I was told that a plugin is needed to do this.

Your video confirmed to me that it is not so.

Once again, thank you very much for your help. I appreciate it!


What Phil said.

If you only need to move one blog post, that is the most simple way!


Thank you, Rudy. So, is it recommended to use export-import only if I have several posts to export?

Yes, when you bulk transfer, its easier to export.

In your case, simply copy and paste. You can insert the same images if they don't copy.

Add the images to you new website media library and add to post.

Ask if you need any more help with this!


Thank you, Rudy. All good!

For just one blog post, why don't you copy and paste the text and reinsert the images?

Hi Phil,

Thank you for your suggestion. And after that, should I do the redirection from one post to the other on the new site?

Will it be enough? Do I not have to use export-import?

If you plan on deleting the original post, yes create a redirect.

No, export/import is just to make the job easier when you have several.

Perfect! I need to delete it otherwise it will appear as a duplicate. Thank you very much, Phil. Have a good day or night.

11:30am Friday here. Starting to think about lunch.

Friday 01:30 am, Canary Islands. Enjoy your lunch. I'm going to sleep. :)

Phil, another question. When you export a post, the comments from that post are exported as well?

Thank you!

I don't know for sure, but I would think so.

I already checked. A special plugin is needed for comments. :(

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Moving a blog post from site a to site b?

Moving a blog post from site a to site b?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hi guys,

Please, somebody can help me? I want to move just one blog post from website A to website B. I know I have to go to tools to export and import. But I also know

It sounds like you're all figured out. You have FANTASTIC responses here; kindly let us know if you require additional assistance.

Hey Diana,

The following video tutorial may offer you the help you seek: Hope you find this helpful.

Hi Trish,

Thank you very much for the recommendation; it was more than welcome. I'm glad you sent it to me and that I waited until I made the changes to the website.

The fact that I watched your video helped me to export all the comments and images of the post. Everything depended on ticking that box. :)

Something that doesn't happen if you copy and paste the post into the new website. From the beginning, the comments were my concern.
Although I was told that a plugin is needed to do this.

Your video confirmed to me that it is not so.

Once again, thank you very much for your help. I appreciate it!


What Phil said.

If you only need to move one blog post, that is the most simple way!


Thank you, Rudy. So, is it recommended to use export-import only if I have several posts to export?

Yes, when you bulk transfer, its easier to export.

In your case, simply copy and paste. You can insert the same images if they don't copy.

Add the images to you new website media library and add to post.

Ask if you need any more help with this!


Thank you, Rudy. All good!

For just one blog post, why don't you copy and paste the text and reinsert the images?

Hi Phil,

Thank you for your suggestion. And after that, should I do the redirection from one post to the other on the new site?

Will it be enough? Do I not have to use export-import?

If you plan on deleting the original post, yes create a redirect.

No, export/import is just to make the job easier when you have several.

Perfect! I need to delete it otherwise it will appear as a duplicate. Thank you very much, Phil. Have a good day or night.

11:30am Friday here. Starting to think about lunch.

Friday 01:30 am, Canary Islands. Enjoy your lunch. I'm going to sleep. :)

Phil, another question. When you export a post, the comments from that post are exported as well?

Thank you!

I don't know for sure, but I would think so.

I already checked. A special plugin is needed for comments. :(

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asked in
Website Development & Programming

Hi guys,

I have the affiliate banners placed in the sidebar of my website, but it is a distraction from the main article. I tried a few things to see where I could plac

You have FANTASTIC responses here; kindly let us know if you require additional assistance.

Hi Abie,

Indeed. Thank you for stopping by. Do you have any personal experience or suggestions? I would love to hear them. Thank you.


In the sidebar, I have custom banners (designed in Canva) that say, if you would like a so-and-so niche blog (related to niche) that makes $100 or $1000 or more monthly and funds your blog, click here for free training. Sidebars on mobiles show the bottom of the page. The destination URL is WA with my unique affiliate link.

I like my web pages clutter-free as much as possible.

I keep testing what works and what doesn't, one element at a time, and for a lengthy period, to give it a chance.

I understand. 👍 I can't see any website in your profile. Is your niche MMO or different? Thank you for your time and answer.

Traditionally text links will outperform banner ads. That being said, when both banners and text links appear on the same page, text links perform better than they do without a banner ad on the same page. Just something to consider when you think that the banner ads are distracting.

I have never had an issue with placing affiliate links in the first or second paragraph (thus above the fold). Yes, you can have your shopping links on another page, but that will then force your visitors to go to another page to buy which will drop your conversion rate, so be prepared to make less money by doing so.

And, as always, make sure to include a disclosure on any page containing an affiliate link. It must precede the affiliate link and can't be in the sidebar, footer or on another page.

Hi Jeannine,

Thank you for pointing out some details to consider.

When I said it's distracting, I was referring to the situation where I have the main article on the left and the sidebar with different affiliate banners on the right.

This is distracting even for me from the main article.

In all the websites, I have affiliate links and/or banners associated with them in reviews.

What I want to do is to delete the sidebar and leave only the article alone. But if I do this, what do you recommend?

Is it enough to have only the links and banners from the articles, or should I also create a resource page with all banners in one place?

One more thing...

What I don't understand about the disclosure is why I must include it on any page containing an affiliate link.

I have the Affiliate Disclosure on the menu, and I am not an Amazon Affiliate.

Thank you!


Hey Diana,

You absolutely can just have your content without any banners on the side, but do know that even if this bothers you, having banners in the sidebar for other products is not normally an issue for most people. True, the most common scenario is to have banners for the same product, but it’s acceptable either way.

The disclosure requirement is made by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), which governs all the online commerce in the US. Failure to place a disclosure on any page containing an affiliate link can get both you and your merchant in trouble. The FTC’s goal is to ensure that anyone reading your review knows that compensation may be involved, so the reader can decide whether your review was affected by the opportunity to earn from any subsequent sales. Whether you are promoting Amazon products or products from another company, you need to have a disclosure on any page containing an affiliate link.

Also, the disclosure must precede the affiliate link. It can’t be in the sidebar or in the footer or on another page. It must be unavoidable to be compliant, so it can’t be in smaller type, italics, etc. to be less obtrusive.

Hope that helps!


It helps a lot, Jeannine. Thank you. I thought the new regulations only applied to Amazon Affiliates, bearing in mind that a while ago, it was enough to have the Affiliate Disclosure page in the menu.

Thank you very much for the update. I appreciate your time.

Have a great weekend!

I forgot to ask. Is there a disclaimer in particular that needs to be placed under the affiliate links, or can I create one myself? Thank you!

It needs to identify that you may be paid for your efforts. The basic one says something like

"This post contains affiliate links. Should you make a purchase I may receive a commission."

You can play with that a bit, but you must disclose that you could be paid.

Okay. Thank you very much, Jeannine.

Enjoy your Sunday!

Hi - one thing to be aware of, is that on mobile, the sidebar drops to the bottom of the site.

So, most people will not scroll that far and not even see your banners.

Realistically, they don't really convert very well.

Hi Diane,

Thank you for your answer. It is true, indeed. In this case, I would like to know your opinion.

Do you think it's a good idea to create an affiliate category?

I don't want it to be in the sidebar, but at least it can be found on the website.


Hi - kind of like a resources pages, with all your links together?

Yes, that can work, and add internal links from your informational posts.

Perfect! I appreciate your time and suggestions. Thank you!

Hey Diana,

First, let me share an experience I had doing just that. Google does NOT like affiliate links to appear above the fold.

One an old site now, I had an affiliate link in the sidebar and Google dropped that site from ranking nearly over night.

Once I moved the widget waaaay down the page, the ranking improved somewhat... but shortly after that I decided to merge that site with my personal blog.

Anyway, after THAT experience, I've tried to warn others to be VERY careful where they put their affiliate links... even in your posts. Just make sure they are below the fold.

If you do not understand "above the fold", here's a post explaining this: Hope you find this helpful.

Hi Trish,

How are you?

I am glad you are still on the platform.

I wonder how many of the veteran members are still present.

But it is good to see you. 😉

Anyway, thank you for your answer. One of my attempts was to put them in columns at the bottom of the article. That way, I can be selective and place those related to the same topic.

But what do you think about creating a category dedicated to affiliate partners?


Hey Diana,

Thanks, good to see you here too.

Maybe check this video out: and see if that plugin might offer you the versatility that you're looking for.

Hi Trish,

Thanks for the suggestion, but I don't understand why I should install the plugin when I can do it without it. I did it using just a simple WP block.

I hear ya' Diana, but I thought you were having problems placing the banners, and you did not mention that you are using the Block Editor, previous to this.

Hi Trish,

Your first comment gave me the answer I was looking for. I have no problem placing the banners physically,

I just wanted to know where everyone strategically places them on their site. For example, all together in the sidebar, in the carousel, or randomly placed inside articles. That's all. 😊

Have an amazing weekend ahead!

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How do you use affiliate banners beside the sidebar?

How do you use affiliate banners beside the sidebar?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

Hi guys,

I have the affiliate banners placed in the sidebar of my website, but it is a distraction from the main article. I tried a few things to see where I could plac

You have FANTASTIC responses here; kindly let us know if you require additional assistance.

Hi Abie,

Indeed. Thank you for stopping by. Do you have any personal experience or suggestions? I would love to hear them. Thank you.


In the sidebar, I have custom banners (designed in Canva) that say, if you would like a so-and-so niche blog (related to niche) that makes $100 or $1000 or more monthly and funds your blog, click here for free training. Sidebars on mobiles show the bottom of the page. The destination URL is WA with my unique affiliate link.

I like my web pages clutter-free as much as possible.

I keep testing what works and what doesn't, one element at a time, and for a lengthy period, to give it a chance.

I understand. 👍 I can't see any website in your profile. Is your niche MMO or different? Thank you for your time and answer.

Traditionally text links will outperform banner ads. That being said, when both banners and text links appear on the same page, text links perform better than they do without a banner ad on the same page. Just something to consider when you think that the banner ads are distracting.

I have never had an issue with placing affiliate links in the first or second paragraph (thus above the fold). Yes, you can have your shopping links on another page, but that will then force your visitors to go to another page to buy which will drop your conversion rate, so be prepared to make less money by doing so.

And, as always, make sure to include a disclosure on any page containing an affiliate link. It must precede the affiliate link and can't be in the sidebar, footer or on another page.

Hi Jeannine,

Thank you for pointing out some details to consider.

When I said it's distracting, I was referring to the situation where I have the main article on the left and the sidebar with different affiliate banners on the right.

This is distracting even for me from the main article.

In all the websites, I have affiliate links and/or banners associated with them in reviews.

What I want to do is to delete the sidebar and leave only the article alone. But if I do this, what do you recommend?

Is it enough to have only the links and banners from the articles, or should I also create a resource page with all banners in one place?

One more thing...

What I don't understand about the disclosure is why I must include it on any page containing an affiliate link.

I have the Affiliate Disclosure on the menu, and I am not an Amazon Affiliate.

Thank you!


Hey Diana,

You absolutely can just have your content without any banners on the side, but do know that even if this bothers you, having banners in the sidebar for other products is not normally an issue for most people. True, the most common scenario is to have banners for the same product, but it’s acceptable either way.

The disclosure requirement is made by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), which governs all the online commerce in the US. Failure to place a disclosure on any page containing an affiliate link can get both you and your merchant in trouble. The FTC’s goal is to ensure that anyone reading your review knows that compensation may be involved, so the reader can decide whether your review was affected by the opportunity to earn from any subsequent sales. Whether you are promoting Amazon products or products from another company, you need to have a disclosure on any page containing an affiliate link.

Also, the disclosure must precede the affiliate link. It can’t be in the sidebar or in the footer or on another page. It must be unavoidable to be compliant, so it can’t be in smaller type, italics, etc. to be less obtrusive.

Hope that helps!


It helps a lot, Jeannine. Thank you. I thought the new regulations only applied to Amazon Affiliates, bearing in mind that a while ago, it was enough to have the Affiliate Disclosure page in the menu.

Thank you very much for the update. I appreciate your time.

Have a great weekend!

I forgot to ask. Is there a disclaimer in particular that needs to be placed under the affiliate links, or can I create one myself? Thank you!

It needs to identify that you may be paid for your efforts. The basic one says something like

"This post contains affiliate links. Should you make a purchase I may receive a commission."

You can play with that a bit, but you must disclose that you could be paid.

Okay. Thank you very much, Jeannine.

Enjoy your Sunday!

Hi - one thing to be aware of, is that on mobile, the sidebar drops to the bottom of the site.

So, most people will not scroll that far and not even see your banners.

Realistically, they don't really convert very well.

Hi Diane,

Thank you for your answer. It is true, indeed. In this case, I would like to know your opinion.

Do you think it's a good idea to create an affiliate category?

I don't want it to be in the sidebar, but at least it can be found on the website.


Hi - kind of like a resources pages, with all your links together?

Yes, that can work, and add internal links from your informational posts.

Perfect! I appreciate your time and suggestions. Thank you!

Hey Diana,

First, let me share an experience I had doing just that. Google does NOT like affiliate links to appear above the fold.

One an old site now, I had an affiliate link in the sidebar and Google dropped that site from ranking nearly over night.

Once I moved the widget waaaay down the page, the ranking improved somewhat... but shortly after that I decided to merge that site with my personal blog.

Anyway, after THAT experience, I've tried to warn others to be VERY careful where they put their affiliate links... even in your posts. Just make sure they are below the fold.

If you do not understand "above the fold", here's a post explaining this: Hope you find this helpful.

Hi Trish,

How are you?

I am glad you are still on the platform.

I wonder how many of the veteran members are still present.

But it is good to see you. 😉

Anyway, thank you for your answer. One of my attempts was to put them in columns at the bottom of the article. That way, I can be selective and place those related to the same topic.

But what do you think about creating a category dedicated to affiliate partners?


Hey Diana,

Thanks, good to see you here too.

Maybe check this video out: and see if that plugin might offer you the versatility that you're looking for.

Hi Trish,

Thanks for the suggestion, but I don't understand why I should install the plugin when I can do it without it. I did it using just a simple WP block.

I hear ya' Diana, but I thought you were having problems placing the banners, and you did not mention that you are using the Block Editor, previous to this.

Hi Trish,

Your first comment gave me the answer I was looking for. I have no problem placing the banners physically,

I just wanted to know where everyone strategically places them on their site. For example, all together in the sidebar, in the carousel, or randomly placed inside articles. That's all. 😊

Have an amazing weekend ahead!

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asked in
Getting Started

Hello everyone.

Before all updates, members could create a custom homepage link here on the WA platform that opened a personalized message directly from the member on th

You have FANTASTIC responses here; kindly let us know if you require additional assistance.


Yes, Abbie, I can see that. Thank you for pointing it out. Do you have any personal experience on the subject?


I do not. I have not used it; if I did, I cannot remember how it functioned.

But in a way, the co-founders know better what converts on the platform and always keep the end user in mind. They aim to make the site as practical and accessible as possible, incorporating adequate marketing strategies.

I really like and highly appreciate the works of the co-founders, Kyle and Carson.

From your comment, I will consider only the first part of it as it is the only one related to your experience. Thank you.

Enjoy your weekend!

You're awesomely welcome, Daina :) Have a great weekend too.

Thank you. ;)

No problem :)

Hi - this option was removed several months ago.

I believe that Kyle said it led to a level of "bias" and a lack of trust.

Apparently, it led to fewer conversions.

Thanks, Diane. I missed that, and didn't notice the change until now!

Hi Diane,

It stopped working since the first update, but I hoped it would be fixed. As for the statement: led to a level of bias and a lack of trust, that depends on how you look at it.

It can be considered an intermediate detail to put it that way because, among new members, I see now that they do not know how and from where they landed on the WA platform. At least that "I'm person X from website Y" message always appeared before the person entered their email address.

That's my point of view, and if its functionality is no longer desired, I no longer understand its purpose on the platform.

Hi - well, I can't argue with your logic, I can only assume that Kyle has the data to back this up.

Perhaps you could ask him?

Thank you, Diane, for your time. I appreciate it!

Enjoy your weekend!

The platform functions might not be working at times since they are undergoing a massive revamp lately, Diana! That would be my guess!


Hello Jeff. It's been a long time since we spoke. I hope all is well for you.
Thanks for the reply, but it seems, as Diane said, Kyle and Carson no longer want this on purpose.

Enjoy your weekend!

I am doing as fine as I can be, and I hope that you are, as well! Each new day is an adventure!

Perhaps they don't. We will have to wait and see! Keep succeeding!

Enjoy the rest of your Frisatsu too!


Thank you. All is good here. Give Shadow a big kiss for me. :)

I certainly will, Diana!

Jeff 🐶

Good question! Following.


Hmm, you're right. I can create the link and the link works, however, none of the custom information is showing up.

Hi Mary. Thank you for the confirmation. Maybe Kyle sees the question and gives us an explanation or solution.

Have a great weekend!

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No more custom homepage link?

No more custom homepage link?

asked in
Getting Started

Hello everyone.

Before all updates, members could create a custom homepage link here on the WA platform that opened a personalized message directly from the member on th

You have FANTASTIC responses here; kindly let us know if you require additional assistance.


Yes, Abbie, I can see that. Thank you for pointing it out. Do you have any personal experience on the subject?


I do not. I have not used it; if I did, I cannot remember how it functioned.

But in a way, the co-founders know better what converts on the platform and always keep the end user in mind. They aim to make the site as practical and accessible as possible, incorporating adequate marketing strategies.

I really like and highly appreciate the works of the co-founders, Kyle and Carson.

From your comment, I will consider only the first part of it as it is the only one related to your experience. Thank you.

Enjoy your weekend!

You're awesomely welcome, Daina :) Have a great weekend too.

Thank you. ;)

No problem :)

Hi - this option was removed several months ago.

I believe that Kyle said it led to a level of "bias" and a lack of trust.

Apparently, it led to fewer conversions.

Thanks, Diane. I missed that, and didn't notice the change until now!

Hi Diane,

It stopped working since the first update, but I hoped it would be fixed. As for the statement: led to a level of bias and a lack of trust, that depends on how you look at it.

It can be considered an intermediate detail to put it that way because, among new members, I see now that they do not know how and from where they landed on the WA platform. At least that "I'm person X from website Y" message always appeared before the person entered their email address.

That's my point of view, and if its functionality is no longer desired, I no longer understand its purpose on the platform.

Hi - well, I can't argue with your logic, I can only assume that Kyle has the data to back this up.

Perhaps you could ask him?

Thank you, Diane, for your time. I appreciate it!

Enjoy your weekend!

The platform functions might not be working at times since they are undergoing a massive revamp lately, Diana! That would be my guess!


Hello Jeff. It's been a long time since we spoke. I hope all is well for you.
Thanks for the reply, but it seems, as Diane said, Kyle and Carson no longer want this on purpose.

Enjoy your weekend!

I am doing as fine as I can be, and I hope that you are, as well! Each new day is an adventure!

Perhaps they don't. We will have to wait and see! Keep succeeding!

Enjoy the rest of your Frisatsu too!


Thank you. All is good here. Give Shadow a big kiss for me. :)

I certainly will, Diana!

Jeff 🐶

Good question! Following.


Hmm, you're right. I can create the link and the link works, however, none of the custom information is showing up.

Hi Mary. Thank you for the confirmation. Maybe Kyle sees the question and gives us an explanation or solution.

Have a great weekend!

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asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

Hi guys,

After a few months since my account was deactivated, I managed to re-subscribe yesterday, and with the help of the site support to recover my old website and it

You have been given some fantastic suggestions Diana. I know what you're going through as I have to do the same for several of my websites after a lengthy break. Please write a blog and let us know how you went after implementing the suggestions given. All the best. Jim

Hi Jim,

Nice to hear from you. In my case, the site has been dormant for almost six months, and is still connected to Google Analytics, and the sitemap is still displayed.

Therefore, it was only a matter of time before the values ​​of the posts in the site speed insights appeared.

Of course, now I have to update each article individual, and ask to re-indexing them.

But this is my case. I don't know for how long your websites have been inactive? Anyway, I wish you to solve this issue in the easiest way.

Thank you for stopping by, and enjoy your weekend.


Oh Diana, Stop it!! Hahaha

I don't know about any of that.

I am indeed that "quiet, shy boy" you remember.

You can actually run both the "old" and "new" Google Analytics at the same time.

Plus, I have 2 sites that I still use the "old" Google Analytics on, without any issues.

I'm probably the worst person to ask about Analytics to be fair, LOL.

I know there are those who study every little intricacy of their stats, and therefore they love the additional information that the new version provides.

I've always been a "Am I receiving traffic? Am I getting sales?" type of person.

If I can say "yes" and "yes" I leave it at that.

I'm sure there are many wondrous ways I can improve my site performance and statistics if I pay more attention and actually try to learn how to use GA properly, LOL.

But for me, it's always been about producing content.

I would say that you can track your stats with the current version of GA, and you're happy with it, stick with it.

I know there will be a time when it's out with the old and in with the new, but until then I'm happy to stick with what I know.


Hi Diana,

The advice you've received is great, Lily's absolutely nailed it.

The aim is to show Google that you're now "serious" and you're going to may a go of this website.

Initially, you'll want to make a few changes/updates to your published articles.

These don't have to be huge, sweeping changes, as long as the content is still relevant.

An image, a video, a few internal links, an external link to an authority website in your niche, a few comments, etc. These are all viewed as updated content.

Remember, Google (and the other search engines view your post in its entirety, so even a few comments on the post will be viewed as additional content).

If the posts aren't relevant, i.e. it's not an evergreen subject, then you may require an overhaul of the content.

Changing the published date isn't as important as it once was, and I would only do this if you undertake a major overhaul of an article, e.g. change at least 30% of the content.

Google is intelligent enough to understand that content has been updated, even if it's just one word.

As others have suggested, make sure your site is connected to Google Search Console, and your sitemap is submitted.

You can the request indexing individually with each article, as you refresh/update them.

In keeping with the theme of "showing the search engines that you're serious" you should also look to add new content.

How long is it since a new article was added to the site?

You can then place internal links in your new content to the already published content, and vice versa.

The main aim with a site that has gone dormant is that you'll need to almost start again in terms of regularly updating the site.

However, results in terms of rankings and traffic MAY come quicker, as long as you add "fresh" content regularly.


great insight as usual- read it all prince Partha, thanks for this 👍

Hi Partha,

Thank you for stopping by. I was very surprised to return on the platform and discover that you are the new prince in WA kingdom after which all the ladies faint. I remember you at first when you looked like a "quiet, shy boy".🙂

But considering that you are a gold mine through the valuable information you provide to WA members, I can say that you have rightly earned your place and title.

Returning to my issue, thank you for your time, and the detailed information provided.

My site was still connected to google analytics, i just gave it a refresh, and it was only a matter of time before the values ​​in the site speed insights appeared.

I don't know if I should do something more about it? Also, in the back office, the sitemap is still displayed.

Now, all I have to do is apply your recommendations to make changes to each article, and of course to create as much new content as possible.

As this site has been dormant for almost 6 months, I agree with you that I need to treat it as if it was created now.

I'm a little bit confused about one thing. I understood that it is a new version of Google Analytics. In that case, what should I do? Should I delete the property from the old Google Analytics and reinstall it in the new version, or can I leave it as is?

Your time to clarify my doubts it is much appreciated.🙏 Have an amazing weekend.


Lots of great suggestions from knowledgable members. Great seeing you back.


Hi Dan,

Indeed! Thank you for stopping by, and especially for your warm welcome.

Enjoy your weekend!

Welcome back, Diana! U hope you get it all sorted out!


Hi Jeff,
Thank you very much my old friend. Nice to hear from you. I feel good to be back. The problem is solved, only a few details are missing.

How are you? How is my dear Shadow?

Have an amazing weekend!

I'm glad you're getting settled in, Diana! We are all fine here!🐶😾🐶

I am glad you are all well. Have an amazing week ahead.🤗

I hope you do too, Diana! Stay safe and successful!


If you still have your websites connected with Google Analytics along with Google search Console create a new sitemap and re-send so they can scan all your posts and pages along with what Lily and Harry stated.

Wishing you well


Hi Andre, that's what I'm trying to do now according to your recommendations. Thanks for your time.

Enjoy your Friday.


You are most welcome Diana

wishing you well and have a great weekend coming up too.


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What do you suggest I do?

What do you suggest I do?

asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

Hi guys,

After a few months since my account was deactivated, I managed to re-subscribe yesterday, and with the help of the site support to recover my old website and it

You have been given some fantastic suggestions Diana. I know what you're going through as I have to do the same for several of my websites after a lengthy break. Please write a blog and let us know how you went after implementing the suggestions given. All the best. Jim

Hi Jim,

Nice to hear from you. In my case, the site has been dormant for almost six months, and is still connected to Google Analytics, and the sitemap is still displayed.

Therefore, it was only a matter of time before the values ​​of the posts in the site speed insights appeared.

Of course, now I have to update each article individual, and ask to re-indexing them.

But this is my case. I don't know for how long your websites have been inactive? Anyway, I wish you to solve this issue in the easiest way.

Thank you for stopping by, and enjoy your weekend.


Oh Diana, Stop it!! Hahaha

I don't know about any of that.

I am indeed that "quiet, shy boy" you remember.

You can actually run both the "old" and "new" Google Analytics at the same time.

Plus, I have 2 sites that I still use the "old" Google Analytics on, without any issues.

I'm probably the worst person to ask about Analytics to be fair, LOL.

I know there are those who study every little intricacy of their stats, and therefore they love the additional information that the new version provides.

I've always been a "Am I receiving traffic? Am I getting sales?" type of person.

If I can say "yes" and "yes" I leave it at that.

I'm sure there are many wondrous ways I can improve my site performance and statistics if I pay more attention and actually try to learn how to use GA properly, LOL.

But for me, it's always been about producing content.

I would say that you can track your stats with the current version of GA, and you're happy with it, stick with it.

I know there will be a time when it's out with the old and in with the new, but until then I'm happy to stick with what I know.


Hi Diana,

The advice you've received is great, Lily's absolutely nailed it.

The aim is to show Google that you're now "serious" and you're going to may a go of this website.

Initially, you'll want to make a few changes/updates to your published articles.

These don't have to be huge, sweeping changes, as long as the content is still relevant.

An image, a video, a few internal links, an external link to an authority website in your niche, a few comments, etc. These are all viewed as updated content.

Remember, Google (and the other search engines view your post in its entirety, so even a few comments on the post will be viewed as additional content).

If the posts aren't relevant, i.e. it's not an evergreen subject, then you may require an overhaul of the content.

Changing the published date isn't as important as it once was, and I would only do this if you undertake a major overhaul of an article, e.g. change at least 30% of the content.

Google is intelligent enough to understand that content has been updated, even if it's just one word.

As others have suggested, make sure your site is connected to Google Search Console, and your sitemap is submitted.

You can the request indexing individually with each article, as you refresh/update them.

In keeping with the theme of "showing the search engines that you're serious" you should also look to add new content.

How long is it since a new article was added to the site?

You can then place internal links in your new content to the already published content, and vice versa.

The main aim with a site that has gone dormant is that you'll need to almost start again in terms of regularly updating the site.

However, results in terms of rankings and traffic MAY come quicker, as long as you add "fresh" content regularly.


great insight as usual- read it all prince Partha, thanks for this 👍

Hi Partha,

Thank you for stopping by. I was very surprised to return on the platform and discover that you are the new prince in WA kingdom after which all the ladies faint. I remember you at first when you looked like a "quiet, shy boy".🙂

But considering that you are a gold mine through the valuable information you provide to WA members, I can say that you have rightly earned your place and title.

Returning to my issue, thank you for your time, and the detailed information provided.

My site was still connected to google analytics, i just gave it a refresh, and it was only a matter of time before the values ​​in the site speed insights appeared.

I don't know if I should do something more about it? Also, in the back office, the sitemap is still displayed.

Now, all I have to do is apply your recommendations to make changes to each article, and of course to create as much new content as possible.

As this site has been dormant for almost 6 months, I agree with you that I need to treat it as if it was created now.

I'm a little bit confused about one thing. I understood that it is a new version of Google Analytics. In that case, what should I do? Should I delete the property from the old Google Analytics and reinstall it in the new version, or can I leave it as is?

Your time to clarify my doubts it is much appreciated.🙏 Have an amazing weekend.


Lots of great suggestions from knowledgable members. Great seeing you back.


Hi Dan,

Indeed! Thank you for stopping by, and especially for your warm welcome.

Enjoy your weekend!

Welcome back, Diana! U hope you get it all sorted out!


Hi Jeff,
Thank you very much my old friend. Nice to hear from you. I feel good to be back. The problem is solved, only a few details are missing.

How are you? How is my dear Shadow?

Have an amazing weekend!

I'm glad you're getting settled in, Diana! We are all fine here!🐶😾🐶

I am glad you are all well. Have an amazing week ahead.🤗

I hope you do too, Diana! Stay safe and successful!


If you still have your websites connected with Google Analytics along with Google search Console create a new sitemap and re-send so they can scan all your posts and pages along with what Lily and Harry stated.

Wishing you well


Hi Andre, that's what I'm trying to do now according to your recommendations. Thanks for your time.

Enjoy your Friday.


You are most welcome Diana

wishing you well and have a great weekend coming up too.


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