About Daverh
Rank 23
1,469 followers Joined April 2020
Hello. My name is Dave. I've dabbled in this arena in the past with little success. As retirement approaches, I hope to build an affiliate





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asked in
Getting Started

I'm thinking about going into a very narrow niche. It's a single item that comes in many styles. Let's call it a hat niche, but only hats. No scarves, no facemasks, no other he

Totally, the world is your oyster... Hats it is lol

I started an eggplant website, just eggplants :) 🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆 Starting as narrow as you can get... With traction and traffic, you can scale

That's narrow for sure, Abbie. Point taken. I'm on it!


I think you'd make a perfect Hats website :)

Hi Dave

Micro niches are fine, but I would still gauge the item’s overall popularity and your competition.

Also, check affiliate programs to be sure that the commission structure is favorable.

Frank 🎸

I will do that, Frank. Since the idea is new, I haven't started anything yet. I've gotten only as far as this thread. Thanks for the advice. I want to do it right this time.

You’re welcome, Dave. 😎

Keep On Rockin’ It! 🤘
Frank 🎸

I'm rockin' til I'm droppin', Frank!

Dave 🚀

Hahaha, You’re singing my song, Dave! 👍👍👍🤘⚡️😎

Frank 🎸

Hey Dave,

If it's of any consequence, Jay (aka magistudios) has a website for only football helmets.

You could always try DM'ing Jay and have a chat with him to see what he thinks about your idea.

Hope this helps you.

That’s a good idea, Trish. I’ll try that.

Great idea Trish

I DM'd Jay. I will see what he thinks. Thanks very much, Trish!

Keep me posted, please?

Reason being, if he's not happy about chatting with you, I will make sure to NOT suggest that to anyone in the future... but... if he IS into helping you... YEAH!

No problem at all, Trish. Jay was quite gracious and gave me an answer relatively quickly. It turns out that your advice was better than good! As Catherine said, it was great!


Cool! Thank YOU Dave, for letting me know. Pheew.

Trish knows her onions, that is for sure and what she says is always practical. Glad you got your answer Dave, and good luck with your new venture

You're very welcome, Trish!

Yes, I've seen Trish's comments before. I recognized her mastery of the nuances of marketing right away.

Thank you for sending good luck my way, Catherine.

Thank YOU Catherine.

Much appreciated.


I'm a hat lover and would love to have a hats only website to go to!


Thanks, Rudy! That is great to know. I need to take a different approach to my business to see how it goes. It will be exciting to start something new.

Any particular style of hat or just hats of any kind?

My go to is the baseball cap....!

Go for it Dave!


I'm sorry, Rudy. I was using hats as an example. Maybe I should change my mind!🤔

Well my motto is test it for yourself, if it proves to be too narrow you can widen it

Awww man, no hats?? Lol.

What did you have in mind?


An opportunity for you Rudy

I got a new one in the works...grin.

Maybe I'll add that to the list... I do have a great wholesaler I use for hats, they may have an affiliate program!


I’m not sure, Rudy. I went way too broad with my first site. So I’m thinking about narrow now.

I like think of finding a niche, like the way you would fund an LCD, The Lowest Common Divider...grin.


That makes sense. I should say it makes sense to me now. It seems I'm the guy who finds out the right way by going the wrong way first.

Hey! You're not the only one...lol.


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How narrow should I go?

How narrow should I go?

asked in
Getting Started

I'm thinking about going into a very narrow niche. It's a single item that comes in many styles. Let's call it a hat niche, but only hats. No scarves, no facemasks, no other he

Totally, the world is your oyster... Hats it is lol

I started an eggplant website, just eggplants :) 🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆 Starting as narrow as you can get... With traction and traffic, you can scale

That's narrow for sure, Abbie. Point taken. I'm on it!


I think you'd make a perfect Hats website :)

Hi Dave

Micro niches are fine, but I would still gauge the item’s overall popularity and your competition.

Also, check affiliate programs to be sure that the commission structure is favorable.

Frank 🎸

I will do that, Frank. Since the idea is new, I haven't started anything yet. I've gotten only as far as this thread. Thanks for the advice. I want to do it right this time.

You’re welcome, Dave. 😎

Keep On Rockin’ It! 🤘
Frank 🎸

I'm rockin' til I'm droppin', Frank!

Dave 🚀

Hahaha, You’re singing my song, Dave! 👍👍👍🤘⚡️😎

Frank 🎸

Hey Dave,

If it's of any consequence, Jay (aka magistudios) has a website for only football helmets.

You could always try DM'ing Jay and have a chat with him to see what he thinks about your idea.

Hope this helps you.

That’s a good idea, Trish. I’ll try that.

Great idea Trish

I DM'd Jay. I will see what he thinks. Thanks very much, Trish!

Keep me posted, please?

Reason being, if he's not happy about chatting with you, I will make sure to NOT suggest that to anyone in the future... but... if he IS into helping you... YEAH!

No problem at all, Trish. Jay was quite gracious and gave me an answer relatively quickly. It turns out that your advice was better than good! As Catherine said, it was great!


Cool! Thank YOU Dave, for letting me know. Pheew.

Trish knows her onions, that is for sure and what she says is always practical. Glad you got your answer Dave, and good luck with your new venture

You're very welcome, Trish!

Yes, I've seen Trish's comments before. I recognized her mastery of the nuances of marketing right away.

Thank you for sending good luck my way, Catherine.

Thank YOU Catherine.

Much appreciated.


I'm a hat lover and would love to have a hats only website to go to!


Thanks, Rudy! That is great to know. I need to take a different approach to my business to see how it goes. It will be exciting to start something new.

Any particular style of hat or just hats of any kind?

My go to is the baseball cap....!

Go for it Dave!


I'm sorry, Rudy. I was using hats as an example. Maybe I should change my mind!🤔

Well my motto is test it for yourself, if it proves to be too narrow you can widen it

Awww man, no hats?? Lol.

What did you have in mind?


An opportunity for you Rudy

I got a new one in the works...grin.

Maybe I'll add that to the list... I do have a great wholesaler I use for hats, they may have an affiliate program!


I’m not sure, Rudy. I went way too broad with my first site. So I’m thinking about narrow now.

I like think of finding a niche, like the way you would fund an LCD, The Lowest Common Divider...grin.


That makes sense. I should say it makes sense to me now. It seems I'm the guy who finds out the right way by going the wrong way first.

Hey! You're not the only one...lol.


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asked in
Getting Started

Hi Folks!

There is a referral table in the 'Stats' tab in which the first three columns read Clicks (raw), Clicks (unique), and Clicks (content). Can someone tell me wha


Thanks, Abie. That solved it for me.

You're welcome, Dave :)

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Clicks, clicks, and clicks?

Clicks, clicks, and clicks?

asked in
Getting Started

Hi Folks!

There is a referral table in the 'Stats' tab in which the first three columns read Clicks (raw), Clicks (unique), and Clicks (content). Can someone tell me wha


Thanks, Abie. That solved it for me.

You're welcome, Dave :)

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