About gkhchay
Rank 46198
483 followers Joined June 2016
Hi, this is Galen. It's been 2 years since I first joined WA. Started with zero knowledge on building websites and online marketing after falling





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asked in
Everything Wordpress

I'm now using the latest version of wordpress & it's driving me nuts! I cannot vary the space between paragraphs and choose the fonts type that I want because the fonts plu

the newer versions of wordpress not only give you problems with the new block editor but they plug security problems identified - so always keep wordpress up todate.
as laksha had done - install the classic editor and you may find other addons for it now.
if this doesn't do it you may need to think about a page builder to control your theme.
or another theme which allows the mods you want.
good luck getting it sorted

Yeah, although I've installed the classic editor & it's working like before now, you've just brought up a good point - my theme is dated & it hasn't been updated for at least a year. Guess I need to take your advice and look for a new theme that's updated frequently.

i think a lot has changed with the last gutenberg update - we will all need ot review our sites - i think there is a plugin to keep a check on plugins :) for compatability.
a few very flexible themes are generatepress, ocean, and astra -try them out on a test site and see how they fit with your theme.
a lot of work but may turn out for the better.
good luck

Thanks Phil but I thought Generatepress is a payable theme? Does it have a free trial or something? Are Ocean & Astra also payable? I really don’t mind a good payable theme but I need to try them out before buying them.


all three are available for free within the theme repository.
you can pay for them if you find that the features you want are only available within the premium version.
but i know that generatepress is a one time fee for unlimited installations.
so to find it - go to appearance - themes- add new
and search for generatepress, astra or ocean.
where you can preview or install.
my advice is to put them into a test site and have a play.

Great! Thanks Phil. Cheers!

Sounds like you are not getting on with the new block editor, search for the classic editor within your plugins section. Install and active it and this will make the editor go back to the previous one.

If it doesn't work straight away search in settings and writing and make sure the classic is ticked.

Trust this will help you

Thanks, I just did that & I'm absolutely relieved now. Cheers!

Great well done :)

I had an issue like this and site support uploaded the classic editor plugin on mysite. Its the old verision of Wp. The one we were use to before they made changes. I think all you have to do is search for this plugin, in the add new plugin section.

In my case I had to upload the pligin because my WordPress wouldnt go back to the old WP. If all else fails try the classic editor plugin.

I hope this helps

Thank you so much! I just installed the classic editor plugin & I can sleep peacefully again tonight! Phew!

Oh, you're welcome. It frustrated me too! I am glad the issue was fixed.

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How do I revert back to the older version of wordpress?

How do I revert back to the older version of wordpress?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I'm now using the latest version of wordpress & it's driving me nuts! I cannot vary the space between paragraphs and choose the fonts type that I want because the fonts plu

the newer versions of wordpress not only give you problems with the new block editor but they plug security problems identified - so always keep wordpress up todate.
as laksha had done - install the classic editor and you may find other addons for it now.
if this doesn't do it you may need to think about a page builder to control your theme.
or another theme which allows the mods you want.
good luck getting it sorted

Yeah, although I've installed the classic editor & it's working like before now, you've just brought up a good point - my theme is dated & it hasn't been updated for at least a year. Guess I need to take your advice and look for a new theme that's updated frequently.

i think a lot has changed with the last gutenberg update - we will all need ot review our sites - i think there is a plugin to keep a check on plugins :) for compatability.
a few very flexible themes are generatepress, ocean, and astra -try them out on a test site and see how they fit with your theme.
a lot of work but may turn out for the better.
good luck

Thanks Phil but I thought Generatepress is a payable theme? Does it have a free trial or something? Are Ocean & Astra also payable? I really don’t mind a good payable theme but I need to try them out before buying them.


all three are available for free within the theme repository.
you can pay for them if you find that the features you want are only available within the premium version.
but i know that generatepress is a one time fee for unlimited installations.
so to find it - go to appearance - themes- add new
and search for generatepress, astra or ocean.
where you can preview or install.
my advice is to put them into a test site and have a play.

Great! Thanks Phil. Cheers!

Sounds like you are not getting on with the new block editor, search for the classic editor within your plugins section. Install and active it and this will make the editor go back to the previous one.

If it doesn't work straight away search in settings and writing and make sure the classic is ticked.

Trust this will help you

Thanks, I just did that & I'm absolutely relieved now. Cheers!

Great well done :)

I had an issue like this and site support uploaded the classic editor plugin on mysite. Its the old verision of Wp. The one we were use to before they made changes. I think all you have to do is search for this plugin, in the add new plugin section.

In my case I had to upload the pligin because my WordPress wouldnt go back to the old WP. If all else fails try the classic editor plugin.

I hope this helps

Thank you so much! I just installed the classic editor plugin & I can sleep peacefully again tonight! Phew!

Oh, you're welcome. It frustrated me too! I am glad the issue was fixed.

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asked in
Everything Wordpress


I need some help. Yoast SEO is driving me up the wall! 😖

I've just finished drafting a post. The keywords are in the SEO title, slug, meta descripti

Sometimes if you have a banner or an image before text then Yoast counts it as s paragraph so that is one reason.

I got rid of it long ago

Not my favorite

Ignore it and move on. The Yoast keyword guidelines are exactly that...guidelines. They will not prevent you from getting high rankings if you ignore them.

Google ranks your website based on the entirety of your content and not just on keywords. If you are doing it properly, which you are based on what you have described, then just ignore Yoast. Perhaps it is just a glitch.

Thank you Robert! Cheers!

You are welcome Galen.

Make sure the keywords are written exactly how you entered it into the Yoast focus keyword box. If you add words between your keyword phrase or spell any word differently Yoast will not recognize your keywords.

Thanks; I did all that & Yoast is still not recognizing the keywords. Guess I'll need to try changing keywords & see what happens!

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How to get yoast to recognize my keywords?

How to get yoast to recognize my keywords?

asked in
Everything Wordpress


I need some help. Yoast SEO is driving me up the wall! 😖

I've just finished drafting a post. The keywords are in the SEO title, slug, meta descripti

Sometimes if you have a banner or an image before text then Yoast counts it as s paragraph so that is one reason.

I got rid of it long ago

Not my favorite

Ignore it and move on. The Yoast keyword guidelines are exactly that...guidelines. They will not prevent you from getting high rankings if you ignore them.

Google ranks your website based on the entirety of your content and not just on keywords. If you are doing it properly, which you are based on what you have described, then just ignore Yoast. Perhaps it is just a glitch.

Thank you Robert! Cheers!

You are welcome Galen.

Make sure the keywords are written exactly how you entered it into the Yoast focus keyword box. If you add words between your keyword phrase or spell any word differently Yoast will not recognize your keywords.

Thanks; I did all that & Yoast is still not recognizing the keywords. Guess I'll need to try changing keywords & see what happens!

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asked in
WA Affiliate Program


I can't seem to find the affiliate link for premium membership in my list of WA affiliate links. Reason why I need the link is that I'm anticipating readers from I

It's the same affiliate link you are using for other countries.

But when they try to join, they will be sent directly to the premium membership instead of the free starter membership.

Hi, thanks! So they automatically be sent to the premium membership site?

Hmmm, I've seen some of the other members' sites & when I click on their link(s), there's a special site just for premium membership.

Take a look here.
There is a special premium promo.

But they would still get sent to the premium membership if the free starter membership is not available.

Ah OK, thanks. That explains it! Cheers!

Hi, click on the airplane up on the right of this screen and then click on links and banners, you should find it there : )

Thanks I know where the links & banners are but I'm trying to find the one for premier membership.I've seen it on some members' sites where they are also promoting WA.

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Where's the affiliate link for premium membership?

Where's the affiliate link for premium membership?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program


I can't seem to find the affiliate link for premium membership in my list of WA affiliate links. Reason why I need the link is that I'm anticipating readers from I

It's the same affiliate link you are using for other countries.

But when they try to join, they will be sent directly to the premium membership instead of the free starter membership.

Hi, thanks! So they automatically be sent to the premium membership site?

Hmmm, I've seen some of the other members' sites & when I click on their link(s), there's a special site just for premium membership.

Take a look here.
There is a special premium promo.

But they would still get sent to the premium membership if the free starter membership is not available.

Ah OK, thanks. That explains it! Cheers!

Hi, click on the airplane up on the right of this screen and then click on links and banners, you should find it there : )

Thanks I know where the links & banners are but I'm trying to find the one for premier membership.I've seen it on some members' sites where they are also promoting WA.

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asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing


My Shareaholic social share buttons stopped showing my shares on Google+. I emailed Shareaholic for assistance but was told that Google+ has stopped supporting sha

Thanks! Really crappy of Google+ to stop supporting shares because we need social proof.

I agree, and no one is really sure why they did it.

Worth checking online. Thanks for making us aware of this!

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Google has stopped supporting share counts?

Google has stopped supporting share counts?

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing


My Shareaholic social share buttons stopped showing my shares on Google+. I emailed Shareaholic for assistance but was told that Google+ has stopped supporting sha

Thanks! Really crappy of Google+ to stop supporting shares because we need social proof.

I agree, and no one is really sure why they did it.

Worth checking online. Thanks for making us aware of this!

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asked in
WA Affiliate Program


Not sure where to post this since asking for comments is for the whole website rather than for a landing page. Would appreciate any comments & advice regarding

You have added the image of the WA certification course, view lesson 1, but people can not click that, that looks weird to me, can you make that clickable and go to the lesson?
And try some different colors for your title text, the read is difficult to read.
Is it possible to add a read more on the landings page, because there is no menu tab at all which goes to your mainpage

Thanks for the comments Loes - I'll add my affiliate link to view lesson 1 so that the image is clickable. I'm also trying out different backgrounds and font colors now to see which is easier for reading & at the same time appealing.

I decided to choose a totally blank page called the Elementor canvas from the plugin because when I tried the full width page template, the laptop image on the homepage could be seen & it makes the landing page extremely unappealing & ugly.

The white characters are better, but still no opportunity to go to your website behind the landingspage

Thanks Loes, the full page template which shows the navigation panel also shows the header image. This makes the landing page extremely ugly so I decided to stick the the present Elementor canvas format.

By the way what theme or plugin you’re using to create the landing page.

Theme is Poseidon. Plugin is Elementor Free. There's a Pro version but it's not cheap so making do with the free version first.


Looks ok.
But as commented, the header image makes the heading a bit difficult to read.
Also, maybe include a second opt-in at the bottom for those who scroll all the way down. That will 'force' their next action to be signing up instead of scrolling back up while reconsidering what they should do.

Thank you! I'll probably add a button at the bottom that's linked to opt-in at the top. What color text do you think I should use to make the reading easier?

I'm not sure about the color because it will render differently depending on screen size, so it will be on top of different parts of the image depending on what device it's viewed on.

What I do sometimes is to blur the picture or change the color tone to make the text more in contrast to the image. You just have to experiment.

Or maybe change the image to a less dominant one. On my laptop, I see a total of 12 computer screens, and they keep pulling my eyes away from the message.

Very good point! Thanks a lot! Cheers

Nice page. Try make a test. Advertise the landing page for a while and see how it will turn out.

Hi Galen, I like your landing page. Clear and concise. But your background image makes your header text (RED Text) a little bit difficult to read.


Thanks Joo Kwang, maroon/red was all I could think of! What color text would you suggest I use instead?


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How's my landing page for wa sign-up?

How's my landing page for wa sign-up?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program


Not sure where to post this since asking for comments is for the whole website rather than for a landing page. Would appreciate any comments & advice regarding

You have added the image of the WA certification course, view lesson 1, but people can not click that, that looks weird to me, can you make that clickable and go to the lesson?
And try some different colors for your title text, the read is difficult to read.
Is it possible to add a read more on the landings page, because there is no menu tab at all which goes to your mainpage

Thanks for the comments Loes - I'll add my affiliate link to view lesson 1 so that the image is clickable. I'm also trying out different backgrounds and font colors now to see which is easier for reading & at the same time appealing.

I decided to choose a totally blank page called the Elementor canvas from the plugin because when I tried the full width page template, the laptop image on the homepage could be seen & it makes the landing page extremely unappealing & ugly.

The white characters are better, but still no opportunity to go to your website behind the landingspage

Thanks Loes, the full page template which shows the navigation panel also shows the header image. This makes the landing page extremely ugly so I decided to stick the the present Elementor canvas format.

By the way what theme or plugin you’re using to create the landing page.

Theme is Poseidon. Plugin is Elementor Free. There's a Pro version but it's not cheap so making do with the free version first.


Looks ok.
But as commented, the header image makes the heading a bit difficult to read.
Also, maybe include a second opt-in at the bottom for those who scroll all the way down. That will 'force' their next action to be signing up instead of scrolling back up while reconsidering what they should do.

Thank you! I'll probably add a button at the bottom that's linked to opt-in at the top. What color text do you think I should use to make the reading easier?

I'm not sure about the color because it will render differently depending on screen size, so it will be on top of different parts of the image depending on what device it's viewed on.

What I do sometimes is to blur the picture or change the color tone to make the text more in contrast to the image. You just have to experiment.

Or maybe change the image to a less dominant one. On my laptop, I see a total of 12 computer screens, and they keep pulling my eyes away from the message.

Very good point! Thanks a lot! Cheers

Nice page. Try make a test. Advertise the landing page for a while and see how it will turn out.

Hi Galen, I like your landing page. Clear and concise. But your background image makes your header text (RED Text) a little bit difficult to read.


Thanks Joo Kwang, maroon/red was all I could think of! What color text would you suggest I use instead?


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