About EdwardSeeley
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841 followers Joined October 2016
Hi, I'm Eddie. I am 50 years young and have been married to my beautiful wife Maria for over 22 years. I have 3 daughters and 1





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asked in
Everything Wordpress

When I embed this code into my post in text mode it just shows a blank box in visual mode. It has now disappeared from another post. Could it be to do with changing from http t

I'm getting the same thing... sometimes in the box it says "Moved Permanently"!

When I first started asking around less than a week ago, no one was having problems with it. Now, finally, it's starting to be a prob for some folks here

I'm relieved cuz I thought I was just doing something wrong and just couldn't figure it out!

Thanks for that. Hopefully we can get it sorted soon.

Cheers. Thats the only connection I could think of. Hopefully someone has a solution

From what I have read in blogs, it appears to be connected.

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Anyone having a problem with the site rubix website plugin?

Anyone having a problem with the site rubix website plugin?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

When I embed this code into my post in text mode it just shows a blank box in visual mode. It has now disappeared from another post. Could it be to do with changing from http t

I'm getting the same thing... sometimes in the box it says "Moved Permanently"!

When I first started asking around less than a week ago, no one was having problems with it. Now, finally, it's starting to be a prob for some folks here

I'm relieved cuz I thought I was just doing something wrong and just couldn't figure it out!

Thanks for that. Hopefully we can get it sorted soon.

Cheers. Thats the only connection I could think of. Hopefully someone has a solution

From what I have read in blogs, it appears to be connected.

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asked in
Getting Started

What is the recommended word count when creating content for your website?

Thanks everyone for your replies. Plenty of things for me to work on. Much appreciated

Hey Edward, chances of longer posts that rank on google page one is higher, Jovo's training has some great statistics :

It depends on what you are writing about. One thing that is for certain, the top ranking pages on Google have 2000 and more words. See image below from serpIQ showing the content length that gets ranked high in Google

I personally create content that is 1500 to 3000 words. Only 2% of my website content is under 1000. The more content you have that is not stuffed with extra words just to make it long, the better Google likes it. They want in-depth content.

Remember, Google is looking for content that is thorough, informative and also unique. Long form content tends to rank higher because it will naturally contain many LSI keywords. It also gets more social shares.

Thin content, which have a few hundred words, tells Google that your content is not authoritative enough. When Google sees that you are an authority in your content, by going into depth and giving comparisons , they boost your rankings.

Look at it this way. Your content is meant to teach your website visitors. If you provide a minimum amount of content about your niche, it is like going to a 15 minute class instead of an in-depth one hour class. More is always better.

All good answers. It depends on your message, it's impact and how you want to get it across!

I suggest you look at your top competitors' contemt. Top ranking posts are commonly over 2000, so I try for that too!

The Yoast SEO plugin sets 300 words as an absolute minimum for posts.

AS long as needed to tell the story or get the message across.

For posts, I want 500 - 700 words. For articles, I want 2,000 words. But if I can cover the subject with less, that is OK.

Most of my posts have been between 300 - 500 words, but there are times I can't get much past 100 words.

It has always been one of those things that 'they' say: The absolute MINIMUM must be no less than 400!

A lot of folks have stated that 1,000 to 1,500 is an average.

The key, here, is that ALL content must be informative, as concise as possible and as entertaining as the topic will allow...

With all of those rules, again, it is critical that the question should not really be: How long should the content be, but what should the content cover.

Remember the masterpiece painting is a masterpiece NOT for what is illustrated in the last few brush strokes but what is left out...


No Less than 500 words, the more, the better, 800 words would be optimal but don't always aim for 800 words, just write naturally and try to make the post the far possible from the 500 words mark.

Some of my posts are 700 words, 850 words and 780... while I have 3 or 4 posts that are more than 1,700 words.

A good length for content?

A good length for content?

asked in
Getting Started

What is the recommended word count when creating content for your website?

Thanks everyone for your replies. Plenty of things for me to work on. Much appreciated

Hey Edward, chances of longer posts that rank on google page one is higher, Jovo's training has some great statistics :

It depends on what you are writing about. One thing that is for certain, the top ranking pages on Google have 2000 and more words. See image below from serpIQ showing the content length that gets ranked high in Google

I personally create content that is 1500 to 3000 words. Only 2% of my website content is under 1000. The more content you have that is not stuffed with extra words just to make it long, the better Google likes it. They want in-depth content.

Remember, Google is looking for content that is thorough, informative and also unique. Long form content tends to rank higher because it will naturally contain many LSI keywords. It also gets more social shares.

Thin content, which have a few hundred words, tells Google that your content is not authoritative enough. When Google sees that you are an authority in your content, by going into depth and giving comparisons , they boost your rankings.

Look at it this way. Your content is meant to teach your website visitors. If you provide a minimum amount of content about your niche, it is like going to a 15 minute class instead of an in-depth one hour class. More is always better.

All good answers. It depends on your message, it's impact and how you want to get it across!

I suggest you look at your top competitors' contemt. Top ranking posts are commonly over 2000, so I try for that too!

The Yoast SEO plugin sets 300 words as an absolute minimum for posts.

AS long as needed to tell the story or get the message across.

For posts, I want 500 - 700 words. For articles, I want 2,000 words. But if I can cover the subject with less, that is OK.

Most of my posts have been between 300 - 500 words, but there are times I can't get much past 100 words.

It has always been one of those things that 'they' say: The absolute MINIMUM must be no less than 400!

A lot of folks have stated that 1,000 to 1,500 is an average.

The key, here, is that ALL content must be informative, as concise as possible and as entertaining as the topic will allow...

With all of those rules, again, it is critical that the question should not really be: How long should the content be, but what should the content cover.

Remember the masterpiece painting is a masterpiece NOT for what is illustrated in the last few brush strokes but what is left out...


No Less than 500 words, the more, the better, 800 words would be optimal but don't always aim for 800 words, just write naturally and try to make the post the far possible from the 500 words mark.

Some of my posts are 700 words, 850 words and 780... while I have 3 or 4 posts that are more than 1,700 words.

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