About CordeliaN
Rank 260
1,232 followers Joined May 2019
I live in the UK down south in a seaside city called Brighton (about hour and a half outside of London); with daughter and partner. I





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asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

Hello Guys,
If this question has previously been asked with answers I apologise in advance, my memory is rubbish!! But does anyone know of a way to turn a Video into a blog

You have fantastic responses here; I would also go with the "View AI summary" button on YouTube; it will be in your ChatGPT app. And then, write your take original in your own words.

Thanks Abbie 👍

You're welcome :)

Once you have the YouTube transcript you could potentially feed it into ChatGPT and ask it to turn it into an article for you. That’d be my first option.

Thanks Eric,

I was arriving at that as a possible option, came to me in the middle of the night 😵‍💫, whilst sleeping Lol, I have meantime found “video tap” they seem like quite a fancy alternative 🤞

Hi Cordelia,

You can try this programme, its a video to text programme.


Enter a video URL and it will translate it into words, this can be entered onto one of your pages as text.



thank you :)

You are welcome,

You will have to put the URL that you want to transcribe, into the link tab.


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How do I turn a youtube video into a blog post?

How do I turn a youtube video into a blog post?

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

Hello Guys,
If this question has previously been asked with answers I apologise in advance, my memory is rubbish!! But does anyone know of a way to turn a Video into a blog

You have fantastic responses here; I would also go with the "View AI summary" button on YouTube; it will be in your ChatGPT app. And then, write your take original in your own words.

Thanks Abbie 👍

You're welcome :)

Once you have the YouTube transcript you could potentially feed it into ChatGPT and ask it to turn it into an article for you. That’d be my first option.

Thanks Eric,

I was arriving at that as a possible option, came to me in the middle of the night 😵‍💫, whilst sleeping Lol, I have meantime found “video tap” they seem like quite a fancy alternative 🤞

Hi Cordelia,

You can try this programme, its a video to text programme.


Enter a video URL and it will translate it into words, this can be entered onto one of your pages as text.



thank you :)

You are welcome,

You will have to put the URL that you want to transcribe, into the link tab.


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asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hi Guys, I received a message from Google analytics saying I need to complete GA4 update the “universal (GA3)” is ceasing 1st July. Are there any classes, on the pl

Hello gorgeous,
Thank you for the sassy response….

Sadly Google emailed me and let me know I have an issue,
My simple brain struggled with their instructions.
But I knew my fellow WAmily would help me when I seemed incapable of finding the relevant class.

You're welcome :)

Dearest Princess Plump Lips,

What Diane Said.

Hello gorgeous,
Thank you for the sassy response….

Sadly Google emailed me and let me know I have an issue,
My simple brain struggled with their instructions.
But I knew my fellow WAmily would help me when I seemed incapable of finding the relevant class.

Fully enough, I was just going to "leave it and let it automatically happen", but I received an email from Mediavine yesterday stating that all sites need to be swapped over to GA4 NOW, and then integrated into the Mediavine dashboard.

And they sent instructions on how to do this (obviously, if you want to change over just follow the GA4 instructions and ignore the Mediavine integration, LOL).


Brilliant, thank you :)

like Diane has said below, you don't need to do anything.

Hi - unless you have some specific settings in your old Universal Analytics account that you need to save, you don't actually have to do anything.

Google will do it for you.

But it might be worth having a look at Jay's classes because it's very different from the old version and will take some getting used to!

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Can you suggest an easy lesson in completing the ga4 update ?

Can you suggest an easy lesson in completing the ga4 update ?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hi Guys, I received a message from Google analytics saying I need to complete GA4 update the “universal (GA3)” is ceasing 1st July. Are there any classes, on the pl

Hello gorgeous,
Thank you for the sassy response….

Sadly Google emailed me and let me know I have an issue,
My simple brain struggled with their instructions.
But I knew my fellow WAmily would help me when I seemed incapable of finding the relevant class.

You're welcome :)

Dearest Princess Plump Lips,

What Diane Said.

Hello gorgeous,
Thank you for the sassy response….

Sadly Google emailed me and let me know I have an issue,
My simple brain struggled with their instructions.
But I knew my fellow WAmily would help me when I seemed incapable of finding the relevant class.

Fully enough, I was just going to "leave it and let it automatically happen", but I received an email from Mediavine yesterday stating that all sites need to be swapped over to GA4 NOW, and then integrated into the Mediavine dashboard.

And they sent instructions on how to do this (obviously, if you want to change over just follow the GA4 instructions and ignore the Mediavine integration, LOL).


Brilliant, thank you :)

like Diane has said below, you don't need to do anything.

Hi - unless you have some specific settings in your old Universal Analytics account that you need to save, you don't actually have to do anything.

Google will do it for you.

But it might be worth having a look at Jay's classes because it's very different from the old version and will take some getting used to!

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asked in
WA Affiliate Program

Hello WA family,
Happy BF selling day

I’m sure I’ve asked similar last year?
Will my annual renewal (due 27/11) take into account the di

*** hi Cordelia!

It's all good -- whichever program you decide to purchase -- you might want to recall that this platform is based upon the 'pay-it-forward' in kindness as an operating principle by the owners ... so your WA account is credited automatically going forward and you will likely find a new forwarded membership subscription due date ...

that's been my experience previously here ...

hope all this helps for a clearer understanding of the pay it forward principle ...

all the very best ... :)) ***

To avoid much thought and defeat, what I did was to clock the banner and do it myself.

This way I am now happy I did achieve my aim than waiting for it to automatically pay. The earlier the better for me. Good lick Cordelia.

Yeah that’s what I’m thinking, let’s just “crack on” 🥳


When you click banner up top, you would get a coupon discount for a Premium, however there should a box on page where you are able upgrade to Premium Plus, and if applied the coupon it will be upgrade on its own, the only difference is the "plus".

You don't need to cancel, system would work out prorated amount for any months you have paid.

Hope this helps.

Thank you Abie really useful

You're very welcome.

Hope you had a great thanksgiving by the way :)

My renewal was the 29th. It prorated so Prem+ was $497. No need to cancel.


Mel that was exactly what I meant thankyou. So you have upgraded? 👍

Yes, I did. They announced it was live in live chat and I jumped on it. :-)



Cordelia, it will automatically deduct :)

Thank you, I thought it would, I just seem to get over anxious, scared I will miss out ….oh yes there is an acronym for my anxiety ……FOMO lol

You will be fine

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Recurring membership with the new discounts?

Recurring membership with the new discounts?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

Hello WA family,
Happy BF selling day

I’m sure I’ve asked similar last year?
Will my annual renewal (due 27/11) take into account the di

*** hi Cordelia!

It's all good -- whichever program you decide to purchase -- you might want to recall that this platform is based upon the 'pay-it-forward' in kindness as an operating principle by the owners ... so your WA account is credited automatically going forward and you will likely find a new forwarded membership subscription due date ...

that's been my experience previously here ...

hope all this helps for a clearer understanding of the pay it forward principle ...

all the very best ... :)) ***

To avoid much thought and defeat, what I did was to clock the banner and do it myself.

This way I am now happy I did achieve my aim than waiting for it to automatically pay. The earlier the better for me. Good lick Cordelia.

Yeah that’s what I’m thinking, let’s just “crack on” 🥳


When you click banner up top, you would get a coupon discount for a Premium, however there should a box on page where you are able upgrade to Premium Plus, and if applied the coupon it will be upgrade on its own, the only difference is the "plus".

You don't need to cancel, system would work out prorated amount for any months you have paid.

Hope this helps.

Thank you Abie really useful

You're very welcome.

Hope you had a great thanksgiving by the way :)

My renewal was the 29th. It prorated so Prem+ was $497. No need to cancel.


Mel that was exactly what I meant thankyou. So you have upgraded? 👍

Yes, I did. They announced it was live in live chat and I jumped on it. :-)



Cordelia, it will automatically deduct :)

Thank you, I thought it would, I just seem to get over anxious, scared I will miss out ….oh yes there is an acronym for my anxiety ……FOMO lol

You will be fine

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asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

Hi WAmily, hope you are having a good and productive Monday. :)
I am looking at adding Ezoic to my websites and having completed the process the final hurdle was to add Ezoi

I tried Ezoic, but it ended up affecting my site layout badly. Ezoic aren’t a hosting company, but they want to point the servers away from Wealthy Affiliate. You can in theory still use Ezoic without changing name servers but it didn’t work for me and only ended up messing up my site. I deactivated the plugin a few days ago and my site is fine now. I looked into an alternative and found medianet. If you Google it you’ll find out more. It seems there’s no traffic requirement, but they’re more interested in your websites appearance. I’m going to apply but will stick with Adsense for a few more weeks.

Thank you Kathy that’s interesting to read, I will have a look at medianet together with the reviews, I sort of came to the same conclusion as you, in that Ezoic does not work well with plug-in, I certainly won’t be changing to Ezoic hosting, therefore I need to look at alternatives… 👀

Hi, how's ur experience with medianet? Are they good?

Thank you for reminding me, do you know, this has been on my to-do list for 4 months…👍👏

Hi Cheekeong, I don't have enough traffic yet to apply for Medianet, but hope to soon as my site continues to grow. You need 50,000 page views a month

Wow did not know that, thank you so much for your help.

You’re welcome 🙂 Ezoic worked for a short while, then I had terrible problems with it. Support were great and very helpful, but unless your site is hosted on another platform you’re better off with Google Adsense.

Thank you so much for the information and all the best to you!

Just a quick follow up on this...did you ever have any luck setting up Ezoic? I was hoping to use them as well but Site Support said WA hosting not compatible. If you found a solution, I'd love to hear it. Would prefer using ezoic over adsense and, like you, I don't have the monthly page views for medavine or adthrive. Thx!

Hello and thanks for this info!

Hi Tzbiz, funny you should ask
I spent a good chuck of yesterday trying to get some joy.
They do have a plug in which (as an alternative) can be applied, however I am told it does slow the site down. So far no luck

I am a member or Project24 and they have an agreed partnership in which you receive added benefits to IF you use Cloud or CDN/ Ezoic.

I received an email from them saying my site was too small and young for them to get the necessary data, to enable the plug in to work, but I am going to try and attempt again using Income School’s working relationship and see if I manage to sort it out.

It does seem to take time.

I will let you know 🤞

Thanks Abie,
I will give it a go, I do have the “plug in” but now they tell me my site is too new and small for them to collect the necessary data for the plug in.

I will let you know 🤞

We will find it as we continue to seek answers. Have a good day!

Dear Cordelia,

Thanks a lot for asking this question I am thinking of asking this question.

One of my targets is to add Ezoic to my site (last month - 920 sessions). My site is hosted here and I love WA - Siterubix, so I had a doubt whether there will be any problem with the Ezoic process.

Since it will take a while for me to achieve that 10k sessions/pageviews I decided to ask later but you asked it.

Reading the suggestions eagerly.

May I ask...

Without changing from WA - Siterubix can't we set up Ezoic.

Please advise and I am looking forward to how you sort this out.

Very helpful question...

Thanks Paul,

FYI Ezoic have dropped the page view requirements (for the time being) so you could monetise with them right now if you wished. It's a bit of a palaver getting it set up (but I'm not very techy) others (you) may find it easier than I did.
As you can see I'm struggling

I will check out the answers from the community, especially from Abie and Partha..👍

Thanks for the helpful question and for this reply. I am not a techy person and I am afraid.

I wish you all the very best.

May I know, whether you added Ezoic to your site?

Hi Paul,

Not at the moment, its been a bit of a palaver, I am trying to use the Ezoic plug-in rather than the cloud or Ezoic hosting, but I'm struggling to integrate. I am going to let it sit for the time being...I think when I have more PV's might give me more leverage with Ezoic

Oh, Okay! That's great to increase your PV, indeed it will give more leverage. All the very best!

If possible please read the below question I asked related to ezoic and read the reply by Loes. I believe it might be helpful.

Have you managed to integrate ezoic?

No not yet,
I think I am going to put a bit more effort with traffic, make more off a consisted effort with thier support team (so far automated response and no real person (aka no real help) but if I still have a problem with cloud I will try for the big bugger….mediavine ….maybe not this year…😔

Hey Cordelia,

Firstly, well done, congratulations for getting to level of traffic required for Ezoic acceptance (although I understand that they will accept some sites at slightly lower traffic levels nowadays... Did you cheat?? LOL)

As far as I'm aware there is no actual requirement to change Nameservers with Ezoic, they simply recommend it for speed issues.

Unfortunately, the sites I have Ezoic ads on are not hosted at WA, so I don't know what difference it would make.

That being said, when I first added them to a finance-based site, my mobile site speed went down to 22 for a few weeks before they sorted it out.

Plus, I know many people who still have poor site speed scores even with Ezoic Hosting/Nameserver change.

It's not until you get to 50,000 monthly visitors that they offer an option for a guaranteed site speed score of 80+.

However, if you've gone with the paid premium ads ($29.99 a month for under 50,000 visitors), the site speed is still pretty good.

I'd check if Jim and Ricky have any specific videos around Nameservers and Ezoic, as I know they like to use it.

You could also go onto YouTube and search "Morten Storgaard + Ezoic Nameservers" or something similar, as I know that he loves Ezoic (He has a site that gets 300,000+ visitors a month, but chooses Ezoic over Mediavine and Adthrive).

Basically, Ezoic is a bit of a S**T to start off with, but once your site gets used to it (could be a month or two), the ads get better and better, and so do does your site speed and revenue.

Sorry, probably not much help there Cordelia, Hahaha.


Partha, (spellcheck keeps changing to Martha)...thank you for reading and responding, I always enjoy hearing from you😉
You are spot b.l..k on, ....I cheated.....ha ha (I am a p24 member)

so far I have only done the Ezoic tutorials, I think what you are suggesting is to look at other tutorials. I did try YouTube but Didn't get any answers.
I guess because Jim and Ricky are so supportive of Ezoic it makes sense to look at what they may suggest.

Thanks for the Youtube suggestion I will go and check it out.
I'm not going to change hosts so I will have to look at other ways of adding Ezoic to my site....
I am aware Ezoic has it's cons and will slow my site for a few months..👀☹️

Thanks for dropping by Partha 👍

Watching with interest, Cordelia!

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Adding ezoic to my website, having a problem can you help?

Adding ezoic to my website, having a problem can you help?

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

Hi WAmily, hope you are having a good and productive Monday. :)
I am looking at adding Ezoic to my websites and having completed the process the final hurdle was to add Ezoi

I tried Ezoic, but it ended up affecting my site layout badly. Ezoic aren’t a hosting company, but they want to point the servers away from Wealthy Affiliate. You can in theory still use Ezoic without changing name servers but it didn’t work for me and only ended up messing up my site. I deactivated the plugin a few days ago and my site is fine now. I looked into an alternative and found medianet. If you Google it you’ll find out more. It seems there’s no traffic requirement, but they’re more interested in your websites appearance. I’m going to apply but will stick with Adsense for a few more weeks.

Thank you Kathy that’s interesting to read, I will have a look at medianet together with the reviews, I sort of came to the same conclusion as you, in that Ezoic does not work well with plug-in, I certainly won’t be changing to Ezoic hosting, therefore I need to look at alternatives… 👀

Hi, how's ur experience with medianet? Are they good?

Thank you for reminding me, do you know, this has been on my to-do list for 4 months…👍👏

Hi Cheekeong, I don't have enough traffic yet to apply for Medianet, but hope to soon as my site continues to grow. You need 50,000 page views a month

Wow did not know that, thank you so much for your help.

You’re welcome 🙂 Ezoic worked for a short while, then I had terrible problems with it. Support were great and very helpful, but unless your site is hosted on another platform you’re better off with Google Adsense.

Thank you so much for the information and all the best to you!

Just a quick follow up on this...did you ever have any luck setting up Ezoic? I was hoping to use them as well but Site Support said WA hosting not compatible. If you found a solution, I'd love to hear it. Would prefer using ezoic over adsense and, like you, I don't have the monthly page views for medavine or adthrive. Thx!

Hello and thanks for this info!

Hi Tzbiz, funny you should ask
I spent a good chuck of yesterday trying to get some joy.
They do have a plug in which (as an alternative) can be applied, however I am told it does slow the site down. So far no luck

I am a member or Project24 and they have an agreed partnership in which you receive added benefits to IF you use Cloud or CDN/ Ezoic.

I received an email from them saying my site was too small and young for them to get the necessary data, to enable the plug in to work, but I am going to try and attempt again using Income School’s working relationship and see if I manage to sort it out.

It does seem to take time.

I will let you know 🤞

Thanks Abie,
I will give it a go, I do have the “plug in” but now they tell me my site is too new and small for them to collect the necessary data for the plug in.

I will let you know 🤞

We will find it as we continue to seek answers. Have a good day!

Dear Cordelia,

Thanks a lot for asking this question I am thinking of asking this question.

One of my targets is to add Ezoic to my site (last month - 920 sessions). My site is hosted here and I love WA - Siterubix, so I had a doubt whether there will be any problem with the Ezoic process.

Since it will take a while for me to achieve that 10k sessions/pageviews I decided to ask later but you asked it.

Reading the suggestions eagerly.

May I ask...

Without changing from WA - Siterubix can't we set up Ezoic.

Please advise and I am looking forward to how you sort this out.

Very helpful question...

Thanks Paul,

FYI Ezoic have dropped the page view requirements (for the time being) so you could monetise with them right now if you wished. It's a bit of a palaver getting it set up (but I'm not very techy) others (you) may find it easier than I did.
As you can see I'm struggling

I will check out the answers from the community, especially from Abie and Partha..👍

Thanks for the helpful question and for this reply. I am not a techy person and I am afraid.

I wish you all the very best.

May I know, whether you added Ezoic to your site?

Hi Paul,

Not at the moment, its been a bit of a palaver, I am trying to use the Ezoic plug-in rather than the cloud or Ezoic hosting, but I'm struggling to integrate. I am going to let it sit for the time being...I think when I have more PV's might give me more leverage with Ezoic

Oh, Okay! That's great to increase your PV, indeed it will give more leverage. All the very best!

If possible please read the below question I asked related to ezoic and read the reply by Loes. I believe it might be helpful.

Have you managed to integrate ezoic?

No not yet,
I think I am going to put a bit more effort with traffic, make more off a consisted effort with thier support team (so far automated response and no real person (aka no real help) but if I still have a problem with cloud I will try for the big bugger….mediavine ….maybe not this year…😔

Hey Cordelia,

Firstly, well done, congratulations for getting to level of traffic required for Ezoic acceptance (although I understand that they will accept some sites at slightly lower traffic levels nowadays... Did you cheat?? LOL)

As far as I'm aware there is no actual requirement to change Nameservers with Ezoic, they simply recommend it for speed issues.

Unfortunately, the sites I have Ezoic ads on are not hosted at WA, so I don't know what difference it would make.

That being said, when I first added them to a finance-based site, my mobile site speed went down to 22 for a few weeks before they sorted it out.

Plus, I know many people who still have poor site speed scores even with Ezoic Hosting/Nameserver change.

It's not until you get to 50,000 monthly visitors that they offer an option for a guaranteed site speed score of 80+.

However, if you've gone with the paid premium ads ($29.99 a month for under 50,000 visitors), the site speed is still pretty good.

I'd check if Jim and Ricky have any specific videos around Nameservers and Ezoic, as I know they like to use it.

You could also go onto YouTube and search "Morten Storgaard + Ezoic Nameservers" or something similar, as I know that he loves Ezoic (He has a site that gets 300,000+ visitors a month, but chooses Ezoic over Mediavine and Adthrive).

Basically, Ezoic is a bit of a S**T to start off with, but once your site gets used to it (could be a month or two), the ads get better and better, and so do does your site speed and revenue.

Sorry, probably not much help there Cordelia, Hahaha.


Partha, (spellcheck keeps changing to Martha)...thank you for reading and responding, I always enjoy hearing from you😉
You are spot b.l..k on, ....I cheated.....ha ha (I am a p24 member)

so far I have only done the Ezoic tutorials, I think what you are suggesting is to look at other tutorials. I did try YouTube but Didn't get any answers.
I guess because Jim and Ricky are so supportive of Ezoic it makes sense to look at what they may suggest.

Thanks for the Youtube suggestion I will go and check it out.
I'm not going to change hosts so I will have to look at other ways of adding Ezoic to my site....
I am aware Ezoic has it's cons and will slow my site for a few months..👀☹️

Thanks for dropping by Partha 👍

Watching with interest, Cordelia!

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4-Steps to Success Class
One Profit Ready Website
Market Research & Analysis Tools
Millionaire Mentorship
Core “Business Start Up” Training