About carcol
Rank 28565
785 followers Joined May 2014
Hi, We are Carol & Colin, a retired couple, originally from the UK, living in the Spanish sunshine. As pensioners we have been looking for





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asked in
Getting Started

I want to develop a simple landing page style webpage to sell ebooks and I am having difficulty finding a suitable them. It needs to be compatible with ejunkie. Advice anyone??

Hello. If you go to this site of mine there is a free PDF download right at the bottom of the article that gives ideas about Landing Pages.
Perhaps you will find info in there that will be of some help to you or at least point you in the right direction.


Hope this helps and at least gives you an idea or two.
Enjoy your Monday.

Thanks Robert, much appreciated. I'll take a good look at your site and see if the content helps me.

I have started creating my own landing page now but am open to useful suggestions.

Thanks again.


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How can I sell ebooks?

How can I sell ebooks?

asked in
Getting Started

I want to develop a simple landing page style webpage to sell ebooks and I am having difficulty finding a suitable them. It needs to be compatible with ejunkie. Advice anyone??

Hello. If you go to this site of mine there is a free PDF download right at the bottom of the article that gives ideas about Landing Pages.
Perhaps you will find info in there that will be of some help to you or at least point you in the right direction.


Hope this helps and at least gives you an idea or two.
Enjoy your Monday.

Thanks Robert, much appreciated. I'll take a good look at your site and see if the content helps me.

I have started creating my own landing page now but am open to useful suggestions.

Thanks again.


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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I am using low hanging fruit keywords that have high search values and 0 up to 5 competition values and yet my site & posts do not show in the first few pages of Google whe


If you haven't heard of the sandbox - it's basically Google's "holding pen" for your website. It can last up to 6 months (not exact), and from what I can gather is there to ensure you are posting good quality content regularly, so that you demonstrate you are trying to add value to people browsing.

It would be easy to through up a few pages aimed at low hanging fruit, and not add any more value - if that's the cast then Google etc wouldn't see that as a site that adds value to "their" customers - but if you're consistently posting good content, then G etc will eventually rank your site.

Unfortunately it's just a waiting game. Keep posting, and keep adding good hints and tips and reviews. You may rank in other engines sooner - I'm not so sure about their algorithms.

All the best, Mark

All of my posts are content rich and give great value to anyone interested in my niche. www.rookiercflyer.com

Great niche. I love your theme, is it WordPress, and what is it called?

Hi Sherefashion, thanks for your kind comment. The theme is a WordPress theme called Anarcho Notepad.


I took a look at the website you have listed on your profile, Rookie RC Flyer; is that the one you're talking about?

First, RC has been a hobby of mine for many years, especially flying and off-road cars. So I bookmarked your site. :)

So, my opinion is that you've chosen to make your home page a static one instead of taking advantage of the dynamics of listing the 'previews' of your blog-type articles. I'm thinking that by doing this, you have far fewer keyword phrases being looked at on the home page. I'd appreciate if others with more expertise could tell me if I'm on the right track with this thinking....

Next, you've chosen to place your website's menu in the right sidebar instead of the usual top of the page above or below the header. I personally found this to be a bit harder to work with, but I don't know if that has much affect on the SEO.

Last, your home page information is setup to go from page to page in a lesson style similar to our WA training courses. I don't think that, in itself, is a bad thing at all. But, when I clicked on the text link at the bottom of the second page, I got this error: "Error establishing a database connection" - that's not good. :(

Now the good news... I did a Google search for "rc flyer" in incognito mode in Chrome and your home page was on Page 3 of the search results. :)

Very nice looking site, overall, clean and uncluttered. I didn't read much, but what I did is good info. I'm looking forward to going through it with a fine-tooth comb in the future. :)

Yours in success ~ Mike

You have the right one Mike. thanks for your comments here, I'll take a look at the text links you had a problem with. thanks again.

Hi there!

How long have your website been up? Using low competition keywords does not mean that your posts are going to show up within the first few pages immediately.

My initial posts showed up at like pages 10 and above. Only after one or two months later, a few of them reached like page 4 and above.

It takes a little while for Google to trust your site.

Be a little patient and keep writing content =)

My website has been up since May 2014 and I have been adding posts weekly since July 2015.

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Why is my website & posts not appearing in google search?

Why is my website & posts not appearing in google search?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I am using low hanging fruit keywords that have high search values and 0 up to 5 competition values and yet my site & posts do not show in the first few pages of Google whe


If you haven't heard of the sandbox - it's basically Google's "holding pen" for your website. It can last up to 6 months (not exact), and from what I can gather is there to ensure you are posting good quality content regularly, so that you demonstrate you are trying to add value to people browsing.

It would be easy to through up a few pages aimed at low hanging fruit, and not add any more value - if that's the cast then Google etc wouldn't see that as a site that adds value to "their" customers - but if you're consistently posting good content, then G etc will eventually rank your site.

Unfortunately it's just a waiting game. Keep posting, and keep adding good hints and tips and reviews. You may rank in other engines sooner - I'm not so sure about their algorithms.

All the best, Mark

All of my posts are content rich and give great value to anyone interested in my niche. www.rookiercflyer.com

Great niche. I love your theme, is it WordPress, and what is it called?

Hi Sherefashion, thanks for your kind comment. The theme is a WordPress theme called Anarcho Notepad.


I took a look at the website you have listed on your profile, Rookie RC Flyer; is that the one you're talking about?

First, RC has been a hobby of mine for many years, especially flying and off-road cars. So I bookmarked your site. :)

So, my opinion is that you've chosen to make your home page a static one instead of taking advantage of the dynamics of listing the 'previews' of your blog-type articles. I'm thinking that by doing this, you have far fewer keyword phrases being looked at on the home page. I'd appreciate if others with more expertise could tell me if I'm on the right track with this thinking....

Next, you've chosen to place your website's menu in the right sidebar instead of the usual top of the page above or below the header. I personally found this to be a bit harder to work with, but I don't know if that has much affect on the SEO.

Last, your home page information is setup to go from page to page in a lesson style similar to our WA training courses. I don't think that, in itself, is a bad thing at all. But, when I clicked on the text link at the bottom of the second page, I got this error: "Error establishing a database connection" - that's not good. :(

Now the good news... I did a Google search for "rc flyer" in incognito mode in Chrome and your home page was on Page 3 of the search results. :)

Very nice looking site, overall, clean and uncluttered. I didn't read much, but what I did is good info. I'm looking forward to going through it with a fine-tooth comb in the future. :)

Yours in success ~ Mike

You have the right one Mike. thanks for your comments here, I'll take a look at the text links you had a problem with. thanks again.

Hi there!

How long have your website been up? Using low competition keywords does not mean that your posts are going to show up within the first few pages immediately.

My initial posts showed up at like pages 10 and above. Only after one or two months later, a few of them reached like page 4 and above.

It takes a little while for Google to trust your site.

Be a little patient and keep writing content =)

My website has been up since May 2014 and I have been adding posts weekly since July 2015.

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asked in
Website Development & Programming

If I buy a cheap domain name and add it to my new website, can I then change it back to an existing domain which we already have. I want to set up a new website for a dog resc

It looks like Marion has you covered. I'm glad. Wishing you the best!

Thank you.

Your Welcome.

I think I understand what you're trying to do.

1) You have an existing website that you don't want to mess up.
2) You want to try out a premium theme without wrecking your website.
3) You can't use a SiteRubix subdomain to try out a premium theme.

Yes, you can buy a new domain name and use that as a test website. I have one of those. The thing is that it's only for testing purposes.

It gets complicated when you want to move an entire website from one domain name to another.

Put in a support ticket https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/websites/support and see it they will help you move the site after you develop it.

Thank you Marion I will have a look at that

Hi Colin and Carol
You can buy a Domain Name, and park it until you're ready to use it. Are you hosting it on WA. ?

You're a premium member, you can upload your theme, set your domain name. Then set your new website to private until your ready to use it.
But you can't change a domain name, they will be 2 different sites?

However you can transfer your content to a new site, that's not a problem

It also depends on how you're ranking on google, changing a site name will affect your rankings.
Hope this helped

my theme wont upload, I have purchased the theme I want to use but it wont upload. I have tried using filezilla but it wont work that way either. I have been told that I can't upload a premium theme to a siterubix domain????

Hi Carol and Colin, I believe that's correct, you can't upload a premium theme to a site Rubix sub domain. You'll have to have you're own domain to be able to upload your premium theme, as the site rubix domain has limited features and functions.

Can you upload your premium theme ZipFile to your CDrive.? Then un-box it directly to Wordpress when you're ready?

Sorry Jozeph, but I don't understand!

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Can I change my domain name?

Can I change my domain name?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

If I buy a cheap domain name and add it to my new website, can I then change it back to an existing domain which we already have. I want to set up a new website for a dog resc

It looks like Marion has you covered. I'm glad. Wishing you the best!

Thank you.

Your Welcome.

I think I understand what you're trying to do.

1) You have an existing website that you don't want to mess up.
2) You want to try out a premium theme without wrecking your website.
3) You can't use a SiteRubix subdomain to try out a premium theme.

Yes, you can buy a new domain name and use that as a test website. I have one of those. The thing is that it's only for testing purposes.

It gets complicated when you want to move an entire website from one domain name to another.

Put in a support ticket https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/websites/support and see it they will help you move the site after you develop it.

Thank you Marion I will have a look at that

Hi Colin and Carol
You can buy a Domain Name, and park it until you're ready to use it. Are you hosting it on WA. ?

You're a premium member, you can upload your theme, set your domain name. Then set your new website to private until your ready to use it.
But you can't change a domain name, they will be 2 different sites?

However you can transfer your content to a new site, that's not a problem

It also depends on how you're ranking on google, changing a site name will affect your rankings.
Hope this helped

my theme wont upload, I have purchased the theme I want to use but it wont upload. I have tried using filezilla but it wont work that way either. I have been told that I can't upload a premium theme to a siterubix domain????

Hi Carol and Colin, I believe that's correct, you can't upload a premium theme to a site Rubix sub domain. You'll have to have you're own domain to be able to upload your premium theme, as the site rubix domain has limited features and functions.

Can you upload your premium theme ZipFile to your CDrive.? Then un-box it directly to Wordpress when you're ready?

Sorry Jozeph, but I don't understand!

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asked in
Website Development & Programming


I have downloaded the above theme onto my laptop, which I want to use for my new Barneys A

It is probably because of the size of the them it may be you have to upload it by ftp

looked at that and have downloaded filezilla but couldn't work it out. I put in the website name and username and password but it wouldn't accept it. So stuck!!!!

When you could try another browser that maybe the problem but I'm still suspecting that it is the size of the files that's quite normal with theme Forest files. You could do it through your control panel but if you host here you don't have access to the control panel the only way that I can suggest is that you outsource the work or go to YouTube and watch to see how to connect . Once you done it once it's quite easy

There should be a button somewhere to say "yes". Make your browser full screen and see if you can find it.

Nope no sign of a yes button, just get a blank page with

Are you sure you want to do this?

Please try again.

what happens when you tell it Yes, you really want to do that? as long as it's a wordpress theme in a zip format everything should be fine.

there isnt an option to say yes, just try again and when I do I get the same problem

hm. you are under "themes" and then clicking "add new" at the top of the page, correct?


I am very surprised you don't see a button to accept the action. as Marion said, make sure your window is full screen and you are zoomed to 100%

I have just tried it again and all I get is a white page with

Are you sure you want to do this?

Please try again.

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Why am I having problem uploading a themeforest theme?

Why am I having problem uploading a themeforest theme?

asked in
Website Development & Programming


I have downloaded the above theme onto my laptop, which I want to use for my new Barneys A

It is probably because of the size of the them it may be you have to upload it by ftp

looked at that and have downloaded filezilla but couldn't work it out. I put in the website name and username and password but it wouldn't accept it. So stuck!!!!

When you could try another browser that maybe the problem but I'm still suspecting that it is the size of the files that's quite normal with theme Forest files. You could do it through your control panel but if you host here you don't have access to the control panel the only way that I can suggest is that you outsource the work or go to YouTube and watch to see how to connect . Once you done it once it's quite easy

There should be a button somewhere to say "yes". Make your browser full screen and see if you can find it.

Nope no sign of a yes button, just get a blank page with

Are you sure you want to do this?

Please try again.

what happens when you tell it Yes, you really want to do that? as long as it's a wordpress theme in a zip format everything should be fine.

there isnt an option to say yes, just try again and when I do I get the same problem

hm. you are under "themes" and then clicking "add new" at the top of the page, correct?


I am very surprised you don't see a button to accept the action. as Marion said, make sure your window is full screen and you are zoomed to 100%

I have just tried it again and all I get is a white page with

Are you sure you want to do this?

Please try again.

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asked in
Website Development & Programming

I have set up a new woocommerce website (exclusiveprintables.siterubix.com) and want to connect it to https://www.theprintful.com/ a dropship printing site. Has anybody

There is a plugin for printful. I just installed it and it seems to connect the site to printful. I’m still experimenting with it. Looks like you make the product on printful and it goes to your site

Has anyone figured out how to set up woocommerce and printful together on their site?

Check this out, it could be help.

You might be able to do it with a redirect plugin.

If I was going to try that, I would install a redirect plugin and then redirect the root URL (https://yoursite.com) to the printful URL.

I don't know for a fact if it would work, just making an educated guess based on my network and system admin knowledge.

Can you explain how theprintful is supposed to work. Is like shopify where you get a store that is a subdomain of their website?

Anyone get a solution to this?

More information is required to properly answer the question. The printful FAQ's may be a good place to start though

I'm having trouble with this too. Any luck?

No, I want to. I will follow up.

This is a new thing altogether, may be Carcol can elaborate it further.

Good question. I have not, but I understand woocommerce is a different entity to WA when you do a regular site hosted at WA, perhaps you would set a buy or review section then add all the charging elements. I think. Please keep posted as you find out more.

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Problems connecting a woocommerce site to printful?

Problems connecting a woocommerce site to printful?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

I have set up a new woocommerce website (exclusiveprintables.siterubix.com) and want to connect it to https://www.theprintful.com/ a dropship printing site. Has anybody

There is a plugin for printful. I just installed it and it seems to connect the site to printful. I’m still experimenting with it. Looks like you make the product on printful and it goes to your site

Has anyone figured out how to set up woocommerce and printful together on their site?

Check this out, it could be help.

You might be able to do it with a redirect plugin.

If I was going to try that, I would install a redirect plugin and then redirect the root URL (https://yoursite.com) to the printful URL.

I don't know for a fact if it would work, just making an educated guess based on my network and system admin knowledge.

Can you explain how theprintful is supposed to work. Is like shopify where you get a store that is a subdomain of their website?

Anyone get a solution to this?

More information is required to properly answer the question. The printful FAQ's may be a good place to start though

I'm having trouble with this too. Any luck?

No, I want to. I will follow up.

This is a new thing altogether, may be Carcol can elaborate it further.

Good question. I have not, but I understand woocommerce is a different entity to WA when you do a regular site hosted at WA, perhaps you would set a buy or review section then add all the charging elements. I think. Please keep posted as you find out more.

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