About benzburg
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5,264 followers Joined May 2014
Hello everyone! ! ! I'm Benjamin based in Toronto, Ontario with my wife and 2 whiz kids with various passion and interest in life. Glad





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asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

As Social Media (FB, Linkedin, Google +, Pinterest, Twitter, etc.) is very popular, it is a known fact that they are useful in driving traffic to our websites.

Not yet ... but I am watching how it is working for the others. M

Thanks Melody!
It's great trying and using it to get more traffic and we could avail with it free. . .

It time permits, got good feedbacks on the use of SM on this link:

As my niche is spiritual marketing, I advertise in spiritual groups advertising my services with links to my website - and I'm starting to see results with 4 jobs coming in yesterday. I also have a friend who has her own page where she gets over 12,000 likes each week and has over 1 million likes. She's now sending them over to her website where over 1000 have already signed up to her newsletter. I'm now helping her to monetize her site. She's sitting on a gold mine :)

Thank you Gordon!
That's a great testimony and success story on the use of FB groups and Advertisement.

Just have some cautious feedback on FB "Likes" on issues of "Click-Farm" Fraud worth reading shared by Steve:

Thanks, benzburg. It's a bit hit and miss but if you do it every day you get results. It took my friend 5 years to get it to 1.2 million likes just by posting every day and branding herself! Once she hit 30,000 likes - within a year it climbed to over a million. Apparently, when you reach 30, 000 Likes you get listed on the Recommended Pages, and that's where she got her Likes from. Btw, someone just offered her $36,000 for her page, but it's worth a lot more than that!

Oh! It's a painstaking work but it is worth the effort.
That's great. . . .

I do have a FB page for my site. I'm getting some shares from things I post but they are usually only broadly related to my nice. I'm not going to pay FB for promoting posts when I know it's not the only way to get viewers.

Great feedback Melanie!
At least you are utilizing FB without a penny. Perhaps it is good to extend also to FB groups wherein you get connected with people related to your niche and possible prospects. Again, we just have to spend time and build relationship.

The process may take time but it will definitely help to get additional viewers on your website.. . . .

Thanks for the advice. I will definitely look to see what groups I can find!

I have used FB groups and pages for years. I have several pages, but it's getting harder and harder to do anything with them now that FB wants you to "boost your posts," which means pay for it. They let us have it all for free and then started putting a meter on it. Smart marketing for them; not so much for us.

I am beginning to dislike facebook.
For me right not I only stay for family connection, share, photos!

They will drive everyone away by thinking people will pay for it. Just will not happen.
I use it daily for all of my websites and such, but the day they make it too much work is the day I will move on.
Right now it is worth the effort, but I am a bit unhappy by how the timeline posts show up. One will be 10 hours ago, and the one under it will be 2 hours, just no sesnse in order at all.

Agree, Shawn. I promote my writing there and I'm in several writers groups, but I don't do anywhere near as much as I used to. Little to no return. BIG SIGH

I am getting a good return for my effort on one site, simply because it is promoting a service any demographic might need, thus social media exposure does really work on this niche. On others, yeah, not much happening like it used to

I am sorry it did not do much for you. You are a fantastic writer Carla.

Thanks, Linda! I have other promo techniques. Maybe they'll appear in a blog one night. :)

Thanks for your comments Carla/Shawn/Linda!
Things are indeed getting too commercialized in some aspects at FB with various problems such as privacy issue, bugs on newly introduced trends, and others.

Though this is the case, I am still using it in "free" package. As of now I can't see justification for levelling up to "paid advertishment or features". Still many people find some of the services worth paying. As I mentioned, for me the advantages is still worth using it. Though for Social Media I am a fan of Linkeidn, FB, Google +, Twitter, etc. in that order.

Your feedbacks is definitely helpful and appreciated in WA community. . . Thank you!

I do know Jay likes the targeted ads feature and has had good results with it. I am seriously thinking about running a couple test ads myself.

Also when some posts something for sale I post my affiliate link

Having your own FB group or fanpage helps on this as you can have full control of posting and be more visible and not just depending on the trend of others.

I've been told it is a waste of time to be marketing on facebook, but I do it when i meet the right person.

Hello Meryl!
There are many ways on how you can promote at FB some of them we discussed previously. Many of the ways are free while others with payment. I have never tried going to paid advertishment. It may be good for some people and situation.

As time is so precious, we got to be more vigilant on where we should invest our time and in what ways. Our learning experience matters.

Get lots likes but that is it. So I am beginning to think there are just toooooo many affiliate marketers on Facebook now. May be it will go into the Internet black hole Just like my space did. LoL

Thanks Tommy for dropping by.
As you have said, you may have all the "likes" yet not converting.
So, basically SM (social media, FB) is just one of the ways to drive traffic to our website.
So, we still have to learn to create a good website through our trainings at WA plus our social media presence and other ways. .. .

I promote WA on my Facebook page and in groups. Actually that's where most of my referrals are coming from right now. It's a lot of programs and services that get promoted in Facebook groups that don't work.

Just do a search in Facebook for home business groups, make money online groups, etc. There are a lot as I am part of a few hundred groups. I just provide them with the value of setting up a free account to start their online business. And on my fb page I mix it up. I sometimes post about a blog post on my WA website, or just post about the value of WA.

A lot of people aren't making money online and I purposely try to spot them on fb and appeal to their struggle and provide them with a solution.

Good points Terrell!
Indeed, tons of programs and services on fb groups. With this competition, it is usually very hard to stand-out from the crowd. So, posting on many FB groups sometimes seems to be a waste of time. This is the situation wherein having your own FB Fan Page or FB Group is good to have better control and wherein you can build peoples relationship online.

So, here at WA we are being thought on the better ways or I may say a more scientific approach. If we wnat to promote WA best to go on the Affiliate Bootcamp to learn, and go for the trainings for our own website developments.

Thanks. . .

Hi Benjamin I have the same question than Emily as I am sparsely using Facebook for contact with friends at this time. Could you explain how you are using it for business?

Thanks Daniel for dropping by.
I have posted some pointer on Emily's post.
So, you can post your website link on your social media (FB), in order to get traffic into your website. So, SM serves as a launching platform to your website.

Increasing your contacts and building relationship is a continuing activity and comes with consistency and persistency.

Hope it helps. . . .

Thanks Benjamin for the information!! I always wanted to use Facebook for business but gets hold back because I don't have Facebook groups. The only Facebook I have is my family and some friends, that's pretty much all I have. So how can I have this facebook group to help with traffic to my website?

Creating FB Group and Fan Page is Straight forward. You can use the icons on the upper left portion of FB page (Pages, Groups) by clicking it and following the pop-up menus. In the same manner you can use the button on top right to create pages.

You can also add your interest group independently even if you don't have an fb group. You can search for groups and join using the regular search area at top.

Got it!! Thanks again.

As a newbie, it is good to observe and study other Fan Pages structure to learn from them. Typically, FB Fan Pages are free except to a certain point wherein you want to raise further some additional functionalities intending it for business.

The FB Groups are free. Creating your own FB group and becoming an administrator gives you authority of the group and activities. You can then put a "pinned post" which always remain on top (a major advantages) no matter who is posting making your post always readable.

Thanks Emily!

Hi Ben, Thanks to your direction I have now clicked to join 2 different guitar groups that look interesting. Hope they accept me. I will let you know what happens. Blessings

That's great Emily!

So you could actually interact with the people in the group and learn from them as they may also have websites similar with your niche. As you go along building realtionship you could as well invite people to visit your site.

Good luck!

Thanks Ben, but I am zora2 not emily lol. That is ok. That's the plan for them to visit my site. Blessings

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Do you have any success story on using fb fan pages n group?

Do you have any success story on using fb fan pages n group?

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

As Social Media (FB, Linkedin, Google +, Pinterest, Twitter, etc.) is very popular, it is a known fact that they are useful in driving traffic to our websites.

Not yet ... but I am watching how it is working for the others. M

Thanks Melody!
It's great trying and using it to get more traffic and we could avail with it free. . .

It time permits, got good feedbacks on the use of SM on this link:

As my niche is spiritual marketing, I advertise in spiritual groups advertising my services with links to my website - and I'm starting to see results with 4 jobs coming in yesterday. I also have a friend who has her own page where she gets over 12,000 likes each week and has over 1 million likes. She's now sending them over to her website where over 1000 have already signed up to her newsletter. I'm now helping her to monetize her site. She's sitting on a gold mine :)

Thank you Gordon!
That's a great testimony and success story on the use of FB groups and Advertisement.

Just have some cautious feedback on FB "Likes" on issues of "Click-Farm" Fraud worth reading shared by Steve:

Thanks, benzburg. It's a bit hit and miss but if you do it every day you get results. It took my friend 5 years to get it to 1.2 million likes just by posting every day and branding herself! Once she hit 30,000 likes - within a year it climbed to over a million. Apparently, when you reach 30, 000 Likes you get listed on the Recommended Pages, and that's where she got her Likes from. Btw, someone just offered her $36,000 for her page, but it's worth a lot more than that!

Oh! It's a painstaking work but it is worth the effort.
That's great. . . .

I do have a FB page for my site. I'm getting some shares from things I post but they are usually only broadly related to my nice. I'm not going to pay FB for promoting posts when I know it's not the only way to get viewers.

Great feedback Melanie!
At least you are utilizing FB without a penny. Perhaps it is good to extend also to FB groups wherein you get connected with people related to your niche and possible prospects. Again, we just have to spend time and build relationship.

The process may take time but it will definitely help to get additional viewers on your website.. . . .

Thanks for the advice. I will definitely look to see what groups I can find!

I have used FB groups and pages for years. I have several pages, but it's getting harder and harder to do anything with them now that FB wants you to "boost your posts," which means pay for it. They let us have it all for free and then started putting a meter on it. Smart marketing for them; not so much for us.

I am beginning to dislike facebook.
For me right not I only stay for family connection, share, photos!

They will drive everyone away by thinking people will pay for it. Just will not happen.
I use it daily for all of my websites and such, but the day they make it too much work is the day I will move on.
Right now it is worth the effort, but I am a bit unhappy by how the timeline posts show up. One will be 10 hours ago, and the one under it will be 2 hours, just no sesnse in order at all.

Agree, Shawn. I promote my writing there and I'm in several writers groups, but I don't do anywhere near as much as I used to. Little to no return. BIG SIGH

I am getting a good return for my effort on one site, simply because it is promoting a service any demographic might need, thus social media exposure does really work on this niche. On others, yeah, not much happening like it used to

I am sorry it did not do much for you. You are a fantastic writer Carla.

Thanks, Linda! I have other promo techniques. Maybe they'll appear in a blog one night. :)

Thanks for your comments Carla/Shawn/Linda!
Things are indeed getting too commercialized in some aspects at FB with various problems such as privacy issue, bugs on newly introduced trends, and others.

Though this is the case, I am still using it in "free" package. As of now I can't see justification for levelling up to "paid advertishment or features". Still many people find some of the services worth paying. As I mentioned, for me the advantages is still worth using it. Though for Social Media I am a fan of Linkeidn, FB, Google +, Twitter, etc. in that order.

Your feedbacks is definitely helpful and appreciated in WA community. . . Thank you!

I do know Jay likes the targeted ads feature and has had good results with it. I am seriously thinking about running a couple test ads myself.

Also when some posts something for sale I post my affiliate link

Having your own FB group or fanpage helps on this as you can have full control of posting and be more visible and not just depending on the trend of others.

I've been told it is a waste of time to be marketing on facebook, but I do it when i meet the right person.

Hello Meryl!
There are many ways on how you can promote at FB some of them we discussed previously. Many of the ways are free while others with payment. I have never tried going to paid advertishment. It may be good for some people and situation.

As time is so precious, we got to be more vigilant on where we should invest our time and in what ways. Our learning experience matters.

Get lots likes but that is it. So I am beginning to think there are just toooooo many affiliate marketers on Facebook now. May be it will go into the Internet black hole Just like my space did. LoL

Thanks Tommy for dropping by.
As you have said, you may have all the "likes" yet not converting.
So, basically SM (social media, FB) is just one of the ways to drive traffic to our website.
So, we still have to learn to create a good website through our trainings at WA plus our social media presence and other ways. .. .

I promote WA on my Facebook page and in groups. Actually that's where most of my referrals are coming from right now. It's a lot of programs and services that get promoted in Facebook groups that don't work.

Just do a search in Facebook for home business groups, make money online groups, etc. There are a lot as I am part of a few hundred groups. I just provide them with the value of setting up a free account to start their online business. And on my fb page I mix it up. I sometimes post about a blog post on my WA website, or just post about the value of WA.

A lot of people aren't making money online and I purposely try to spot them on fb and appeal to their struggle and provide them with a solution.

Good points Terrell!
Indeed, tons of programs and services on fb groups. With this competition, it is usually very hard to stand-out from the crowd. So, posting on many FB groups sometimes seems to be a waste of time. This is the situation wherein having your own FB Fan Page or FB Group is good to have better control and wherein you can build peoples relationship online.

So, here at WA we are being thought on the better ways or I may say a more scientific approach. If we wnat to promote WA best to go on the Affiliate Bootcamp to learn, and go for the trainings for our own website developments.

Thanks. . .

Hi Benjamin I have the same question than Emily as I am sparsely using Facebook for contact with friends at this time. Could you explain how you are using it for business?

Thanks Daniel for dropping by.
I have posted some pointer on Emily's post.
So, you can post your website link on your social media (FB), in order to get traffic into your website. So, SM serves as a launching platform to your website.

Increasing your contacts and building relationship is a continuing activity and comes with consistency and persistency.

Hope it helps. . . .

Thanks Benjamin for the information!! I always wanted to use Facebook for business but gets hold back because I don't have Facebook groups. The only Facebook I have is my family and some friends, that's pretty much all I have. So how can I have this facebook group to help with traffic to my website?

Creating FB Group and Fan Page is Straight forward. You can use the icons on the upper left portion of FB page (Pages, Groups) by clicking it and following the pop-up menus. In the same manner you can use the button on top right to create pages.

You can also add your interest group independently even if you don't have an fb group. You can search for groups and join using the regular search area at top.

Got it!! Thanks again.

As a newbie, it is good to observe and study other Fan Pages structure to learn from them. Typically, FB Fan Pages are free except to a certain point wherein you want to raise further some additional functionalities intending it for business.

The FB Groups are free. Creating your own FB group and becoming an administrator gives you authority of the group and activities. You can then put a "pinned post" which always remain on top (a major advantages) no matter who is posting making your post always readable.

Thanks Emily!

Hi Ben, Thanks to your direction I have now clicked to join 2 different guitar groups that look interesting. Hope they accept me. I will let you know what happens. Blessings

That's great Emily!

So you could actually interact with the people in the group and learn from them as they may also have websites similar with your niche. As you go along building realtionship you could as well invite people to visit your site.

Good luck!

Thanks Ben, but I am zora2 not emily lol. That is ok. That's the plan for them to visit my site. Blessings

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asked in
Website Development & Programming

I just had my laptop formatted the past days due to corrupted Windows O/S. Before doing this, I was able to back-up important files from my hard disk. As I am trying to r

Could try Menu Bar -> File -> Import and Export

Thanks Edward!
Tried preliminary things like this b4 (Show all Bookmark/Import and Back/Restore, etc. . .
Hope 2 solve the issue soon. . . .

hope so too:)

Thank you Robert!
Your link is useful though still figuring out things. It shows more details on doing with Chrome.
Some "gray" areas on discussion for MFirefox on what exactly files to grab and put back.
Hope I could give more time and solve this issue very soon.
Will keep you posted. Thx again.

Thank you for the link.. I work from different computers, I recently synced Firefox between computers because I did not want to loose bookmarks. When bad computer was restored I just re-synced.
Your info. was very helpful, especially for those who only work from a single computer.

You've gotten lots of great advice here! Bookmarks are important. I am NOT good at backing things up so I pay Carbonite to do it. Good Luck!

Thanks Carla, (enjoy your weekend!)
This should be a very easy maneuver as I got a back-up of my files.
Hope to have the bookmarks back soon. . . . .

I'm in your corner rooting for you!

I would be devastated if I couldn't get my bookmarks.
I was frantic yesterday when I couldn't find a link I bookmarked but luckily I had it saved on my desktop as backup.

The desktop is usually the first "holding place" before I bookmark (just in case I forget which browser has it).

Thanks Ade,
Having a regular back-up is indeed important. I did it b4 the reformat. I just hope they are not affected by the crash.

The bookmarks are indeed very useful. Hope, I will be able to put them back soon. . . .

Two things I do that has saved me lots of headaches.

Use browser sync. Then you can have access to your bookmarks across multiple computers, or user accounts. If you get a new computer or do an upgrade, your bookmarks are there.

I also use a lot of tabs, so sometimes, my browser will start to slow down. One Tab and Tab Wrangler can save open tabs and act as a type of link manager. Tab Wrangler can sync between multiple computers.

Thanks Christopher!
I appreciate your comment. I have encountered this problem twice b4 (for MFirefox) and solved it successfully but things are not going straightforward this time.

This should only be taking few clicks, copy and paste.

For firefox go to "bookmarks" and choose "show all bookmarks" There is an import and export. Depending on what format your bookmark file is in will determine what to do here. I choose "restore" then scroll to the bottom and "choose file" navigate to where you have your bookmark file saved. Hope this helps. :)

Thanks Kathy!
I have actually tried this previously. Things are not going straightforward. Just hope the files being not partof the O/S were not affected with the crash . . . .

Good luck then, let me know if you get it sorted! :)

Were you reading my mind? I will be doing this, I do believe so I will be watching your posts. Please keep me abreast, in case I miss.Did you happen to see my blog?

Thanks Donna. :)
Yup! I saw your blog. Was even one of the first to comment.
Will keep you posted.
Saw your PM too. . .

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How do you restore bookmarks from backup for various browsers?

How do you restore bookmarks from backup for various browsers?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

I just had my laptop formatted the past days due to corrupted Windows O/S. Before doing this, I was able to back-up important files from my hard disk. As I am trying to r

Could try Menu Bar -> File -> Import and Export

Thanks Edward!
Tried preliminary things like this b4 (Show all Bookmark/Import and Back/Restore, etc. . .
Hope 2 solve the issue soon. . . .

hope so too:)

Thank you Robert!
Your link is useful though still figuring out things. It shows more details on doing with Chrome.
Some "gray" areas on discussion for MFirefox on what exactly files to grab and put back.
Hope I could give more time and solve this issue very soon.
Will keep you posted. Thx again.

Thank you for the link.. I work from different computers, I recently synced Firefox between computers because I did not want to loose bookmarks. When bad computer was restored I just re-synced.
Your info. was very helpful, especially for those who only work from a single computer.

You've gotten lots of great advice here! Bookmarks are important. I am NOT good at backing things up so I pay Carbonite to do it. Good Luck!

Thanks Carla, (enjoy your weekend!)
This should be a very easy maneuver as I got a back-up of my files.
Hope to have the bookmarks back soon. . . . .

I'm in your corner rooting for you!

I would be devastated if I couldn't get my bookmarks.
I was frantic yesterday when I couldn't find a link I bookmarked but luckily I had it saved on my desktop as backup.

The desktop is usually the first "holding place" before I bookmark (just in case I forget which browser has it).

Thanks Ade,
Having a regular back-up is indeed important. I did it b4 the reformat. I just hope they are not affected by the crash.

The bookmarks are indeed very useful. Hope, I will be able to put them back soon. . . .

Two things I do that has saved me lots of headaches.

Use browser sync. Then you can have access to your bookmarks across multiple computers, or user accounts. If you get a new computer or do an upgrade, your bookmarks are there.

I also use a lot of tabs, so sometimes, my browser will start to slow down. One Tab and Tab Wrangler can save open tabs and act as a type of link manager. Tab Wrangler can sync between multiple computers.

Thanks Christopher!
I appreciate your comment. I have encountered this problem twice b4 (for MFirefox) and solved it successfully but things are not going straightforward this time.

This should only be taking few clicks, copy and paste.

For firefox go to "bookmarks" and choose "show all bookmarks" There is an import and export. Depending on what format your bookmark file is in will determine what to do here. I choose "restore" then scroll to the bottom and "choose file" navigate to where you have your bookmark file saved. Hope this helps. :)

Thanks Kathy!
I have actually tried this previously. Things are not going straightforward. Just hope the files being not partof the O/S were not affected with the crash . . . .

Good luck then, let me know if you get it sorted! :)

Were you reading my mind? I will be doing this, I do believe so I will be watching your posts. Please keep me abreast, in case I miss.Did you happen to see my blog?

Thanks Donna. :)
Yup! I saw your blog. Was even one of the first to comment.
Will keep you posted.
Saw your PM too. . .

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