About Armlemt
Rank 8926
941 followers Joined September 2017
Hi! My background is in emergency medicine. Before that, I worked as an investigator for the US Consumer Products Safety Commission. I started out in





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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I received an email notification from Google that there is a verification error on my website that I just renewed for the year. I follow the prompts and it instructs me to down

Kindly read this resource. If it's what you're looking for, let me know and if not, let me know. Thanks for asking!

There are lots of different ways to verify your website. This page has links to my videos and tutorials. By far, the easiest way is to use your SEO plugin.

I agree with you Marion. The All In One SEO plugin makes it easy.

Thanks you Marion

Are you sure this came from google... sounds weird to me.
Best login to your google dev site. Copy your key and paste in all in one seo plugin if you use that.

Yes, I'm sure it came from Google. I went to Google webmaster tools and I got the same message. I'll try using the All-in-One SEO. Thank you!

Here is an excellent video training by Marion

Verify Website In Google Console With Child Theme

Thank you Robert!

Happy to help when I can Anita.
Enjoy your Tuesday.

I just renewed my website and Google doesn’t ask for verification again. Very obvious. I like to know the answer as well.

I'm certain that it came from Google because when I logged into Google Webmaster Tools, I got the same message. I'll look at the training that others have provided me here and I'll get it figured out. I'll let you know what works.

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Site verification question, how to do it now?

Site verification question, how to do it now?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I received an email notification from Google that there is a verification error on my website that I just renewed for the year. I follow the prompts and it instructs me to down

Kindly read this resource. If it's what you're looking for, let me know and if not, let me know. Thanks for asking!

There are lots of different ways to verify your website. This page has links to my videos and tutorials. By far, the easiest way is to use your SEO plugin.

I agree with you Marion. The All In One SEO plugin makes it easy.

Thanks you Marion

Are you sure this came from google... sounds weird to me.
Best login to your google dev site. Copy your key and paste in all in one seo plugin if you use that.

Yes, I'm sure it came from Google. I went to Google webmaster tools and I got the same message. I'll try using the All-in-One SEO. Thank you!

Here is an excellent video training by Marion

Verify Website In Google Console With Child Theme

Thank you Robert!

Happy to help when I can Anita.
Enjoy your Tuesday.

I just renewed my website and Google doesn’t ask for verification again. Very obvious. I like to know the answer as well.

I'm certain that it came from Google because when I logged into Google Webmaster Tools, I got the same message. I'll look at the training that others have provided me here and I'll get it figured out. I'll let you know what works.

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

I wanted to update a page in WordPress. I can sign into the dashboard just fine, but when I click on a page or a post, all I get is a blank page. Nothing comes up.

I was

Wordpress is getting ready for the formal release of their Gutenberg user interface - Wordpress 5.0. This is a very big deal, it's not like the past updates.

They said April, so I'm guessing any day now. I have a feeling any glitches have to do with this major overhaul. It will make Wordpress much easier to use with a drag and drop interface and the need for fewer plugins to do basic things.

I imagine it's really important over the next few weeks, while this transition happens, to make extra sure all content is backed up somewhere safe on your computer, or a cloud service like SiteContent or Google Docs - even better back up to both.

Thanks for the warning. I'll have to do backups more often until everything is running better. I do have it all in SiteContent, though. I know there are better ways to back it up. I'll have to find my notes on it.

Happy Easter!
Happy Passover!
Happy Spring!


Last week I posted one article, the following day when I wanted to update the only remaining was the title but the content is empty. I was not able to recover.

I'm sorry to hear that. I had gone to my website, so everything was there. It must have been a glitch, because when I came back an hour later, everything was as it should be.

Happy Easter!
Happy Passover
Happy Spring!


Yes, have a happy celebration.

It works perfectly fine to me. I hope they help you with that. Godspeed!

I waited for about 45 minutes to an hour and it worked. Thanks for responding!

Happy Easter! (if you celebrate) Happy Passover! (If you celebrate) Happy Spring!


Was having problems last night. Wondering if it is just making a wave.

Tried and true


Read @WendyG53 wrote. It explains the glitches and why often backups are needed right now.

Happy Easter!
Happy Passover
Happy Spring!


Thank you all for your replies! I was able to get the pages and posts come up so that I could edit them after waiting a little while. I guess WP was having a glitch when I tried the first few times.

Have a great weekend!


Seems to be OK


Thanks, Wayne!

mine has been fine except for not updating the URL after changing the title everywhere

Thanks. I hope your issue gets resolved. I was able to get mine back after waiting a little while.

great. mine is not a problem just an annoyance.

That's good!


I hope that you had a great Easter!

I did and hope you did as well.

It was okay. I spent most of the day with a migraine but was able to get up and enjoy it later.

I'm not having any problems, Anita.

Thanks, Frank!

Mine is working fine

Thanks! I may have to contact support then. I will clear my cache and all that first.

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Anyone else having any problems with wordpress today?

Anyone else having any problems with wordpress today?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I wanted to update a page in WordPress. I can sign into the dashboard just fine, but when I click on a page or a post, all I get is a blank page. Nothing comes up.

I was

Wordpress is getting ready for the formal release of their Gutenberg user interface - Wordpress 5.0. This is a very big deal, it's not like the past updates.

They said April, so I'm guessing any day now. I have a feeling any glitches have to do with this major overhaul. It will make Wordpress much easier to use with a drag and drop interface and the need for fewer plugins to do basic things.

I imagine it's really important over the next few weeks, while this transition happens, to make extra sure all content is backed up somewhere safe on your computer, or a cloud service like SiteContent or Google Docs - even better back up to both.

Thanks for the warning. I'll have to do backups more often until everything is running better. I do have it all in SiteContent, though. I know there are better ways to back it up. I'll have to find my notes on it.

Happy Easter!
Happy Passover!
Happy Spring!


Last week I posted one article, the following day when I wanted to update the only remaining was the title but the content is empty. I was not able to recover.

I'm sorry to hear that. I had gone to my website, so everything was there. It must have been a glitch, because when I came back an hour later, everything was as it should be.

Happy Easter!
Happy Passover
Happy Spring!


Yes, have a happy celebration.

It works perfectly fine to me. I hope they help you with that. Godspeed!

I waited for about 45 minutes to an hour and it worked. Thanks for responding!

Happy Easter! (if you celebrate) Happy Passover! (If you celebrate) Happy Spring!


Was having problems last night. Wondering if it is just making a wave.

Tried and true


Read @WendyG53 wrote. It explains the glitches and why often backups are needed right now.

Happy Easter!
Happy Passover
Happy Spring!


Thank you all for your replies! I was able to get the pages and posts come up so that I could edit them after waiting a little while. I guess WP was having a glitch when I tried the first few times.

Have a great weekend!


Seems to be OK


Thanks, Wayne!

mine has been fine except for not updating the URL after changing the title everywhere

Thanks. I hope your issue gets resolved. I was able to get mine back after waiting a little while.

great. mine is not a problem just an annoyance.

That's good!


I hope that you had a great Easter!

I did and hope you did as well.

It was okay. I spent most of the day with a migraine but was able to get up and enjoy it later.

I'm not having any problems, Anita.

Thanks, Frank!

Mine is working fine

Thanks! I may have to contact support then. I will clear my cache and all that first.

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