About AllynBeekman
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Upon graduation from college, I married my high school sweetheart. That was 41 years ago. We now have two grown & married children, plus four





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asked in
Website Development & Programming

I installed & activated UpdraftPlus Backup/Restore plugin and immediately got this message:

"Warning: The scheduler is disabled in your WordPress install, via the DIS

Good question, resulted in great conversation

I use backup by blogvault real time and I haven't had any problems. Just a suggestion. Also, back up is not local so it doesnt slow down your site and it's compatable with wp3

Thanks. Just found out that WA has complete backups so my doing backups is redundant effort.

Why do you need a back-up, one of the premium advantages is that WA has a complete back-up from your site, whenever something goes wrong.

Thanks Loes. Marion just mentioned that in her reply also. Somewhere along the line I missed that piece of info. I guess I don't need to worry about backups. One problem solved the easy way!

You have your website on SiteRubix and there are no outbound connection here. So no back up plugins are going to work. Also, you don't have access to a cPanel so the only way to back up your website is via Tools==> Export for your content and FTP for your plugins, themes, media and settings. ~Marion

Hi Marion. Thanks much.

I'm not sure if I've forgotten to update an address somewhere but my websites are my own domains, not on SiteRubix.

I did use your instructions once before to download but I was hoping there was a simpler way to do it. I don't find FileZilla to be very user-friendly (though it does work which is better than what I'm experiencing with the plug-ins).

May I ask - what is your reason for using FTP rather than a plug-in? People don't normally explain WHY they choose a plug-in or some other method to accomplish a task, so it sometimes becomes confusing as to which option might be best overall.

I suppose that going with FTP eliminates the need for one more plug-in!

Are your websites hosted at WA? I should have been a bit more explicit. WA hosting (SiteRubix) does not have outbound connections or cPanel. I can see from your favicon that you're using WA hosting (or you have in the past and not changed your favicon). On my websites at HostGator I use backup plugins but not on the ones I have here for testing. SiteRubix subdomains don't have FTP access only top level domains (dot coms).

Ah, the missing piece of information. Yes, I'm hosted here at WA. Somehow I never caught this before in all the discussions I've seen on here about backups.

So, I'll stop wasting my time and get rid of the plugins.

Thank you!

UpdraftPlus has been causing problems
with the new update for wordpress.
I have uninstalled it from my sites.

Thanks Ken. I haven't added the new update yet and just saw the post from Labman encouraging us to not add it in due to the problems it is causing.

If you aren't using UpdraftPlus will you be using any other plugin for backups?

No plugin at this time Allyn.
I will be backing everything up the way I always have.
It is safe and easy to track. My team does the work.

Allyn, what theme are you using?
I will run a test for you and see if there is another way, but straight up I think you will need to use FTP.
You can PM me if you like.

Ah, sorry, I meant to include that. I am using the Supernova theme.

If I have to use FTP I'll get my son to help so I don't mess things up. I have a good deal of experience in computer programming but my knowledge is back with the dinosaurs.

I'm trying to set up automatic backups to Dropbox, by the way.

I am surprised that it takes this type of programming change to make the plugin work. Others here in WA have recommended this one and also Backwpup, which I tried using first and it didn't work either. I assume it's the same issue but Backwpup didn't give me any clues as to the problem, just said it couldn't access the network.

Thanks for responding!

OK Stand by I will have a look at it for you.

Hey Allyn,
I was hoping that within Editor of the theme that you might have been able to access the wp-config.php. but no go.
I use FileZilla for an FTP client.

I was able to quickly FTP to my test site, once there I went into httpdocs directory and in there is the wp-config.php file. Copy this out to a directory on your c:\ the open it by right clicking and select Edit. Scroll down towards to the bottom and you will see about 8 lines from the bottom this line: define( 'DISABLE_WP_CRON', True );
as you know for the forums that you just need to change true to false save it then copy it back to the same place and overwrite the old copy.
This immediately allowed for the UpdraftPlus Backup/Restore plugin to allow it to be configured.

Sorry there is no other way than using the FTP client to make this change.

Thanks much, Paul. I'll give it a shot. I've used FileZilla a couple times (when I have good instructions like yours) and have been successful. I don't want to mess up my site by doing something wrong in the config file though. I really appreciate your follow-up on this!

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How do I get backup plugin to work?

How do I get backup plugin to work?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

I installed & activated UpdraftPlus Backup/Restore plugin and immediately got this message:

"Warning: The scheduler is disabled in your WordPress install, via the DIS

Good question, resulted in great conversation

I use backup by blogvault real time and I haven't had any problems. Just a suggestion. Also, back up is not local so it doesnt slow down your site and it's compatable with wp3

Thanks. Just found out that WA has complete backups so my doing backups is redundant effort.

Why do you need a back-up, one of the premium advantages is that WA has a complete back-up from your site, whenever something goes wrong.

Thanks Loes. Marion just mentioned that in her reply also. Somewhere along the line I missed that piece of info. I guess I don't need to worry about backups. One problem solved the easy way!

You have your website on SiteRubix and there are no outbound connection here. So no back up plugins are going to work. Also, you don't have access to a cPanel so the only way to back up your website is via Tools==> Export for your content and FTP for your plugins, themes, media and settings. ~Marion

Hi Marion. Thanks much.

I'm not sure if I've forgotten to update an address somewhere but my websites are my own domains, not on SiteRubix.

I did use your instructions once before to download but I was hoping there was a simpler way to do it. I don't find FileZilla to be very user-friendly (though it does work which is better than what I'm experiencing with the plug-ins).

May I ask - what is your reason for using FTP rather than a plug-in? People don't normally explain WHY they choose a plug-in or some other method to accomplish a task, so it sometimes becomes confusing as to which option might be best overall.

I suppose that going with FTP eliminates the need for one more plug-in!

Are your websites hosted at WA? I should have been a bit more explicit. WA hosting (SiteRubix) does not have outbound connections or cPanel. I can see from your favicon that you're using WA hosting (or you have in the past and not changed your favicon). On my websites at HostGator I use backup plugins but not on the ones I have here for testing. SiteRubix subdomains don't have FTP access only top level domains (dot coms).

Ah, the missing piece of information. Yes, I'm hosted here at WA. Somehow I never caught this before in all the discussions I've seen on here about backups.

So, I'll stop wasting my time and get rid of the plugins.

Thank you!

UpdraftPlus has been causing problems
with the new update for wordpress.
I have uninstalled it from my sites.

Thanks Ken. I haven't added the new update yet and just saw the post from Labman encouraging us to not add it in due to the problems it is causing.

If you aren't using UpdraftPlus will you be using any other plugin for backups?

No plugin at this time Allyn.
I will be backing everything up the way I always have.
It is safe and easy to track. My team does the work.

Allyn, what theme are you using?
I will run a test for you and see if there is another way, but straight up I think you will need to use FTP.
You can PM me if you like.

Ah, sorry, I meant to include that. I am using the Supernova theme.

If I have to use FTP I'll get my son to help so I don't mess things up. I have a good deal of experience in computer programming but my knowledge is back with the dinosaurs.

I'm trying to set up automatic backups to Dropbox, by the way.

I am surprised that it takes this type of programming change to make the plugin work. Others here in WA have recommended this one and also Backwpup, which I tried using first and it didn't work either. I assume it's the same issue but Backwpup didn't give me any clues as to the problem, just said it couldn't access the network.

Thanks for responding!

OK Stand by I will have a look at it for you.

Hey Allyn,
I was hoping that within Editor of the theme that you might have been able to access the wp-config.php. but no go.
I use FileZilla for an FTP client.

I was able to quickly FTP to my test site, once there I went into httpdocs directory and in there is the wp-config.php file. Copy this out to a directory on your c:\ the open it by right clicking and select Edit. Scroll down towards to the bottom and you will see about 8 lines from the bottom this line: define( 'DISABLE_WP_CRON', True );
as you know for the forums that you just need to change true to false save it then copy it back to the same place and overwrite the old copy.
This immediately allowed for the UpdraftPlus Backup/Restore plugin to allow it to be configured.

Sorry there is no other way than using the FTP client to make this change.

Thanks much, Paul. I'll give it a shot. I've used FileZilla a couple times (when I have good instructions like yours) and have been successful. I don't want to mess up my site by doing something wrong in the config file though. I really appreciate your follow-up on this!

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

In Kyle's training, Course 2 Lesson 2, he discusses how to fill out the content on three initial pages. The pages he shows in the training are Diets, Exercise, and Reviews. Thes

For my money I'd use the 100 searches and 10 competition for the title. It's easier to get to page 1 on Google results with low competition. However I would also use the '100,000 searches keyword' in the first paragraph. That way Google could find you under both keywords. ~Marion

That was kind of my line of thought. Thanks.

Just write naturally and put your keyword in the first paragraph and maybe repeat it naturally twords the end of the post,/article.

As far as those pages in the menu, either make the pillar articles or you could make them categories and then you would have titles in all your articles,/posts under each category.

It is not a good idea to have a permalink that is different that the title of the page/post

Thanks Shawn (and others). I very much appreciate all of the input I've seen here. I did write my question specifically to see the different types of responses I might get.

As for the permalink remaining exactly the same as the title, there seems to be some disagreement within WA. Several training and/or posts, from others who have also been in WA for quite some time, have discussed that they change the permalink to remove extraneous words, leaving only the more dense keyword phrase. Thus, the title and permalink are slightly different.

What I am hearing most everyone here say is that if we develop a page called "reviews" and then create content for the page (for whatever reason), we should keep the permalink as "/reviews".

That is the way I want it as the permalink is what determines what the name on the tab in your browser will be.
When I look at the tab in an open window of my browser, it needs to say reviews :)

I'd say, if your site is already an authority site, use high volume one with more competition; if it's a new site, use the 2nd.

You want to use both large volume and low hanging and use correct hierarchy in your posts. With some planning you can rank the lower hanging fruit and send that power up the line to more broad search terms.

Randy is on the money with pillar posts. This is the structuring of posts for optimal seo results.

I use longtail pro as my keyword tool, found it to be the fastest tool on the market. has some cool features that allow me to uncover information about how and why people are ranking for their terms. This allows me to map out a strategy to beat the competition.

I also use google search and adwords for sourcing specific information about search terms.

When looking for search terms i open my browser and then open tabs in order that i use them in. Helps me keep focused and remain efficient and productive.

I understand the question but the way you asked it makes me have another question that triggered my mind.

I thought the permalink IS the title?

When I write a post or page I always put my keyword in the permalink because it becomes the title, doesn't it? Or am I incorrect in saying this?

Is not the title of our post/page that Google keys off of is the permalink?

And as for the question I would use the lower competition keyword for my posts that have the lesser words within the article and use the higher search volume keyword with more competition (still under 300 QSR but closer to the 300 mark) for my Pillar articles that might teach - a How To post.

See ya at the top,


The question the above member asked should not be done. The permalink is the title, and it should match the written title of the post or page.

High search rate, low competition is ideal. Check Google, or better, use Jaaxy.

Look into Jaaxy it's one of the best keyword finder. You want look for the number of searches and a low QSR (keyword).

I highly recommend low keywords because you won't rank with any keyword above 300.look for keyword from 100 -0.

I'm always a fan of the low lying fruit. Long term that's what has given me the most results. I'd go with the 100 searches per month one.

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Low hanging fruit or large volume keyword - which is best?

Low hanging fruit or large volume keyword - which is best?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

In Kyle's training, Course 2 Lesson 2, he discusses how to fill out the content on three initial pages. The pages he shows in the training are Diets, Exercise, and Reviews. Thes

For my money I'd use the 100 searches and 10 competition for the title. It's easier to get to page 1 on Google results with low competition. However I would also use the '100,000 searches keyword' in the first paragraph. That way Google could find you under both keywords. ~Marion

That was kind of my line of thought. Thanks.

Just write naturally and put your keyword in the first paragraph and maybe repeat it naturally twords the end of the post,/article.

As far as those pages in the menu, either make the pillar articles or you could make them categories and then you would have titles in all your articles,/posts under each category.

It is not a good idea to have a permalink that is different that the title of the page/post

Thanks Shawn (and others). I very much appreciate all of the input I've seen here. I did write my question specifically to see the different types of responses I might get.

As for the permalink remaining exactly the same as the title, there seems to be some disagreement within WA. Several training and/or posts, from others who have also been in WA for quite some time, have discussed that they change the permalink to remove extraneous words, leaving only the more dense keyword phrase. Thus, the title and permalink are slightly different.

What I am hearing most everyone here say is that if we develop a page called "reviews" and then create content for the page (for whatever reason), we should keep the permalink as "/reviews".

That is the way I want it as the permalink is what determines what the name on the tab in your browser will be.
When I look at the tab in an open window of my browser, it needs to say reviews :)

I'd say, if your site is already an authority site, use high volume one with more competition; if it's a new site, use the 2nd.

You want to use both large volume and low hanging and use correct hierarchy in your posts. With some planning you can rank the lower hanging fruit and send that power up the line to more broad search terms.

Randy is on the money with pillar posts. This is the structuring of posts for optimal seo results.

I use longtail pro as my keyword tool, found it to be the fastest tool on the market. has some cool features that allow me to uncover information about how and why people are ranking for their terms. This allows me to map out a strategy to beat the competition.

I also use google search and adwords for sourcing specific information about search terms.

When looking for search terms i open my browser and then open tabs in order that i use them in. Helps me keep focused and remain efficient and productive.

I understand the question but the way you asked it makes me have another question that triggered my mind.

I thought the permalink IS the title?

When I write a post or page I always put my keyword in the permalink because it becomes the title, doesn't it? Or am I incorrect in saying this?

Is not the title of our post/page that Google keys off of is the permalink?

And as for the question I would use the lower competition keyword for my posts that have the lesser words within the article and use the higher search volume keyword with more competition (still under 300 QSR but closer to the 300 mark) for my Pillar articles that might teach - a How To post.

See ya at the top,


The question the above member asked should not be done. The permalink is the title, and it should match the written title of the post or page.

High search rate, low competition is ideal. Check Google, or better, use Jaaxy.

Look into Jaaxy it's one of the best keyword finder. You want look for the number of searches and a low QSR (keyword).

I highly recommend low keywords because you won't rank with any keyword above 300.look for keyword from 100 -0.

I'm always a fan of the low lying fruit. Long term that's what has given me the most results. I'd go with the 100 searches per month one.

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