About tobocrs
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460 followers Joined January 2018
I'm Tim: 30 years a teacher in both public and private secondary schools, now retired in Central Arizona. My wife and I have hosted





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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

Just modified an earlier version of a post that's been out there for awhile, added some photos, etc. Now I find that the modified version has replaced the original post, but al

This happened because in SiteContent we cannot edit a post we have already published.

To edit an old post, we must work directly in the WP editor.

The post duplicated because SiteContent gave it a new URL.

I suggest you copy the updated, edited version into the old URL in your WordPress site, so the URL address stays the same as it has always been. Once you are happy with that, you can delete the second copy you just made in the way the Lee has explained.

If you delete the wrong one by mistake in WP, don't worry. It will go into Trash and you can restore it from there. ~Jude

Lee gave you the answer that you need.

Thanks for dropping by, Jerry..

If you go in to your WordPress dashboard and click on post->all posts-> you should see BOTH of the post that you are referring to. You can delete post there.
However, if you edited the original one and did not duplicate, there should only be 1 post.
Did you happen to update?save and refresh your browser once you made the changes?

I considered WordPress, but since I know almost nothing about it didn't think long or hard. At your suggestion, though, I'll give it a shot and see what I can accomplish. Thanks!
Update? Firefox? Don't think so, but after a 3 month absence I can't be sure. I'll check that, too
Thanks, Lee!

By update, I mean did you save the changes?
If you didn't make the changes in WordPress that means you did them in SiteContent then, right?

Yes, found an empty page when I opened it in in the Content option, saw there were two available revisions and chose one of those to edit, added and modified my photos then hit Restore! That was it, and I found two of them when I went to the website in my browser...

Ok, it sounds like you did it a little backwards.
I believe you are to hit restore first and then make the changes.

It sounds like you may have created the duplicate by doing it that way.

I would honestly got in to your WordPress dash board and click on post-> then all posts. It will show you every post you have created.

Look to see if there are in fact 2 of the same post.
If there is you will want to view them in order to know which one you want to delete. There will be a "trash" written in red to the right, if you are IN the actual post.
There will also be the same when you have all of the post pulled up and you hover your mouse over the post. At the bottom you will see edit, quick edit and trash.

Make sure to hit update (saves the changes) when finished.

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Fixing or deleting a duplicate post? where do I have to go?

Fixing or deleting a duplicate post? where do I have to go?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

Just modified an earlier version of a post that's been out there for awhile, added some photos, etc. Now I find that the modified version has replaced the original post, but al

This happened because in SiteContent we cannot edit a post we have already published.

To edit an old post, we must work directly in the WP editor.

The post duplicated because SiteContent gave it a new URL.

I suggest you copy the updated, edited version into the old URL in your WordPress site, so the URL address stays the same as it has always been. Once you are happy with that, you can delete the second copy you just made in the way the Lee has explained.

If you delete the wrong one by mistake in WP, don't worry. It will go into Trash and you can restore it from there. ~Jude

Lee gave you the answer that you need.

Thanks for dropping by, Jerry..

If you go in to your WordPress dashboard and click on post->all posts-> you should see BOTH of the post that you are referring to. You can delete post there.
However, if you edited the original one and did not duplicate, there should only be 1 post.
Did you happen to update?save and refresh your browser once you made the changes?

I considered WordPress, but since I know almost nothing about it didn't think long or hard. At your suggestion, though, I'll give it a shot and see what I can accomplish. Thanks!
Update? Firefox? Don't think so, but after a 3 month absence I can't be sure. I'll check that, too
Thanks, Lee!

By update, I mean did you save the changes?
If you didn't make the changes in WordPress that means you did them in SiteContent then, right?

Yes, found an empty page when I opened it in in the Content option, saw there were two available revisions and chose one of those to edit, added and modified my photos then hit Restore! That was it, and I found two of them when I went to the website in my browser...

Ok, it sounds like you did it a little backwards.
I believe you are to hit restore first and then make the changes.

It sounds like you may have created the duplicate by doing it that way.

I would honestly got in to your WordPress dash board and click on post-> then all posts. It will show you every post you have created.

Look to see if there are in fact 2 of the same post.
If there is you will want to view them in order to know which one you want to delete. There will be a "trash" written in red to the right, if you are IN the actual post.
There will also be the same when you have all of the post pulled up and you hover your mouse over the post. At the bottom you will see edit, quick edit and trash.

Make sure to hit update (saves the changes) when finished.

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asked in
Getting Started

I'm going to be traveling for much of the next three months. I'll have WiFi, and I should be able to move forward with my certification training, and to knock out a few posts a

First of all, enjoy your trip.
I believe, you can always reply some emails, add some comments to keep your membership active without worries about your rank.

I agree with everyone else. Enjoy the adventure....a lot of change is happening for you so take your time and be ready to share some wonderful stories when you are settled. Safe travels.

Thanks, Debbie!

Several of you have asked, so here's our schedule.
Starting next week we're on a tour of Vietnam — start in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) for several days, then Ha Long Bay and finish with about 5 days in Hanoi.
We leave mid-April for nearly a month visiting our exchange student son in India, preparing for and experiencing and participating in the naming ceremony for their new daughter, as yet unnamed (of course).
When we get back it is time for Nadine's "retirement trip" to Oaxaca. Booked while she was still the principal, before the school closed necessitating her "early retirement", it will now serve as our final vacation from Arizona, before we move to Costa Rica.
In the middle of all this, somewhere, we will be selling our house and everything we're not moving — packers were here this week, estate sale sometime while we're in India, we think (need any authentic Kachina, Navajo rugs?)
Thanks for all your suggestions and support. The predominant response has been exactly as I was thinking: be on the trip, but with WA in the back of my mind. Collect lots of pix and stories to retell once all the dust settles. Write when I can, do some coursework and come back raring to get my site online and producing!
Once again, this process have re-demonstrated the value of having the WA community in my corner. Thanks Kyle and Carson, but mostly thank you, my network, for being there for me

Sounds like lots of fun and adventure, Tim!


What an amazing adventure you have planned. Enjoy every moment..share when you can or on those rain days when you can't get out and about and we'll welcome ya back with open arms when you're ready! Have a great time!


I'd say your first responsibility is to enjoy the trip and take care of whatever it is that the trip is for. However, you'll undoubtedly have some free time:

- Write about your experiences.
- Take plenty of pictures.
- Reflect and meditate on your business (and personal) goals
- Learn a few words or phrases in a new language
- Interact with the locals
- Rest

thats okay enjoy

Enjoy your time!!! You will NOT lose "progress". For example, I built a site and then had to walk away from it for almost 6 months as we were moving and some life changes. I went back to the site and I had gained over 12k post reads and generated quite a bit of "ranking". Part of the equation requires time!

Maybe you should keep some great notes and take a lot of photos and when you get back, you'll be a mad man as you have a huge amount of things to share.

Where are you going, if you don't mind me asking?


I am not sure how to answer about the email and keeping current.
But I do want to wish you a great time. Have fun.

Hi Tim!
Enjoy yourself!
Just set aside some time for WA and you are good to go.
Writing and sharing your experiences can be a good way to stay current and engaged. That's your call.

All the best!

Have a good trip Tim!

I usually use my iPhone for everything, checking emails, questions, comments.

It can be done if you have the time.


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What can I do while out of the country?

What can I do while out of the country?

asked in
Getting Started

I'm going to be traveling for much of the next three months. I'll have WiFi, and I should be able to move forward with my certification training, and to knock out a few posts a

First of all, enjoy your trip.
I believe, you can always reply some emails, add some comments to keep your membership active without worries about your rank.

I agree with everyone else. Enjoy the adventure....a lot of change is happening for you so take your time and be ready to share some wonderful stories when you are settled. Safe travels.

Thanks, Debbie!

Several of you have asked, so here's our schedule.
Starting next week we're on a tour of Vietnam — start in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) for several days, then Ha Long Bay and finish with about 5 days in Hanoi.
We leave mid-April for nearly a month visiting our exchange student son in India, preparing for and experiencing and participating in the naming ceremony for their new daughter, as yet unnamed (of course).
When we get back it is time for Nadine's "retirement trip" to Oaxaca. Booked while she was still the principal, before the school closed necessitating her "early retirement", it will now serve as our final vacation from Arizona, before we move to Costa Rica.
In the middle of all this, somewhere, we will be selling our house and everything we're not moving — packers were here this week, estate sale sometime while we're in India, we think (need any authentic Kachina, Navajo rugs?)
Thanks for all your suggestions and support. The predominant response has been exactly as I was thinking: be on the trip, but with WA in the back of my mind. Collect lots of pix and stories to retell once all the dust settles. Write when I can, do some coursework and come back raring to get my site online and producing!
Once again, this process have re-demonstrated the value of having the WA community in my corner. Thanks Kyle and Carson, but mostly thank you, my network, for being there for me

Sounds like lots of fun and adventure, Tim!


What an amazing adventure you have planned. Enjoy every moment..share when you can or on those rain days when you can't get out and about and we'll welcome ya back with open arms when you're ready! Have a great time!


I'd say your first responsibility is to enjoy the trip and take care of whatever it is that the trip is for. However, you'll undoubtedly have some free time:

- Write about your experiences.
- Take plenty of pictures.
- Reflect and meditate on your business (and personal) goals
- Learn a few words or phrases in a new language
- Interact with the locals
- Rest

thats okay enjoy

Enjoy your time!!! You will NOT lose "progress". For example, I built a site and then had to walk away from it for almost 6 months as we were moving and some life changes. I went back to the site and I had gained over 12k post reads and generated quite a bit of "ranking". Part of the equation requires time!

Maybe you should keep some great notes and take a lot of photos and when you get back, you'll be a mad man as you have a huge amount of things to share.

Where are you going, if you don't mind me asking?


I am not sure how to answer about the email and keeping current.
But I do want to wish you a great time. Have fun.

Hi Tim!
Enjoy yourself!
Just set aside some time for WA and you are good to go.
Writing and sharing your experiences can be a good way to stay current and engaged. That's your call.

All the best!

Have a good trip Tim!

I usually use my iPhone for everything, checking emails, questions, comments.

It can be done if you have the time.


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