About benandnili
Rank 76036
914 followers Joined July 2016
I am a pastor - serving in an executive role over multiple campuses. I have 7 (now 8!) beautiful kids and have a desire





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asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

I am looking and I do not see the tab to purchase credits - can you give me a link? I can see where I can earn credits, and started to do that - but I have read in different p

Yes you can purchase credit from WA.

Go to your profile > Credit Dashboard > BUY CASH Credit
$10 for 20 credits..

Hope you'll find it.

Click on your Profile and scroll down to Credit Dashboard. You will be able to buy credits there :)

The only info I can find about this is out of date, so I do hope someone can help you here :)

Where is the site address to purchase credits for comments?

Where is the site address to purchase credits for comments?

asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

I am looking and I do not see the tab to purchase credits - can you give me a link? I can see where I can earn credits, and started to do that - but I have read in different p

Yes you can purchase credit from WA.

Go to your profile > Credit Dashboard > BUY CASH Credit
$10 for 20 credits..

Hope you'll find it.

Click on your Profile and scroll down to Credit Dashboard. You will be able to buy credits there :)

The only info I can find about this is out of date, so I do hope someone can help you here :)

asked in
Website Development & Programming

I have a well built, hard work website that I would LOVE the platform of indexing, writing posts, etc that WA offers. I love the sites I have through WA - but there isn't a CP

If you have a saved XML file of your site: In your WP dashboard, go to Tools -> Import -> Run Importer for WP then upload your saved XML File.

If you don't have it yet, go to Tools -> Export -> Choose All then Download the XML File.


I've used a free plugin called WP Clone in the past to move complete websites from one WP platform to another. I ASSUME (although haven't tried) that it would work find with WA. Here's the steps.

NOTE: This will completely reset the target WA site with content, settings,etc. It will bring over themes and all. If you've got stuff on the WA site, you want to keep, this might not be the best method.

1) Add WP clone to the website you want to move
2) Create a backup using WP clone. It will give you a URL when it creates it. Copy this URL link someplace
3) Add WP Clone to the WA Wordpress platform you are targetting
4) With WP Clone, import the other website with the URL.

If you have questions, let me know. PM if you'd like

How do I transfer a whole wp content to my wa site?

How do I transfer a whole wp content to my wa site?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

I have a well built, hard work website that I would LOVE the platform of indexing, writing posts, etc that WA offers. I love the sites I have through WA - but there isn't a CP

If you have a saved XML file of your site: In your WP dashboard, go to Tools -> Import -> Run Importer for WP then upload your saved XML File.

If you don't have it yet, go to Tools -> Export -> Choose All then Download the XML File.


I've used a free plugin called WP Clone in the past to move complete websites from one WP platform to another. I ASSUME (although haven't tried) that it would work find with WA. Here's the steps.

NOTE: This will completely reset the target WA site with content, settings,etc. It will bring over themes and all. If you've got stuff on the WA site, you want to keep, this might not be the best method.

1) Add WP clone to the website you want to move
2) Create a backup using WP clone. It will give you a URL when it creates it. Copy this URL link someplace
3) Add WP Clone to the WA Wordpress platform you are targetting
4) With WP Clone, import the other website with the URL.

If you have questions, let me know. PM if you'd like

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