About tich65a
Rank 24341
132 followers Joined June 2015
Hi, My name is David Schofield, and I live in Salisbury, Wiltshire, England. I'm retired now, and after a great time the British Army I worked





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asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

So I signed up for Jaaxy a few days ago, then returned today. But have found my membership has been cancelled and I don't know why.
Did I do something wrong?

Have you resolved this?
Maybe you tried to sign up for the membership level that is included in WA premium.
If you did and used the same email as you use on WA, Jaaxy may have recognized that you are already a member at that level, and canceled your registration.

I just had the same thing happen and in my Paypal messages it says that "Jaaxy Cancelled your automatic payment". It further goes on to say that they (Paypal) tried to process my automatic payment but it did not go through. I am truly confused, did I miss something here ?

When you become a Premium member of WA, you get a free JaaxyLite membership, so you no longer have to pay to use the tool.

Thank you very much, appreciated, Hudson

did you contact support wa

u have to ask the people you runs the webpg

Correct that's why I asked the question here

If you used paypal to make a payment, was your funding source correct and available?

Thanks - yes - it took the original payment no worries. However I'll pop over to PayPal and see what's going on.. good idea..

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Jaaxy - i'd like to ask why membership cancelled?

Jaaxy - i'd like to ask why membership cancelled?

asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

So I signed up for Jaaxy a few days ago, then returned today. But have found my membership has been cancelled and I don't know why.
Did I do something wrong?

Have you resolved this?
Maybe you tried to sign up for the membership level that is included in WA premium.
If you did and used the same email as you use on WA, Jaaxy may have recognized that you are already a member at that level, and canceled your registration.

I just had the same thing happen and in my Paypal messages it says that "Jaaxy Cancelled your automatic payment". It further goes on to say that they (Paypal) tried to process my automatic payment but it did not go through. I am truly confused, did I miss something here ?

When you become a Premium member of WA, you get a free JaaxyLite membership, so you no longer have to pay to use the tool.

Thank you very much, appreciated, Hudson

did you contact support wa

u have to ask the people you runs the webpg

Correct that's why I asked the question here

If you used paypal to make a payment, was your funding source correct and available?

Thanks - yes - it took the original payment no worries. However I'll pop over to PayPal and see what's going on.. good idea..

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asked in
Website Development & Programming

So I want to move my website to another host, so I've deleted it from here, but I don't understand why WA have put a holding page up saying Unknown Domain - can someone explain

You to contact Kyle WA! support

Have you changed the domain's DNS pointers to reflect your new hosting provider?

If you've moved your site's content off of WA's servers but haven't yet changed your hosting DNS settings, there's little more that WA can do than to indicate that it doesn't have any content to provide for accesses to your URL.

If you've *just* changed your DNS settings, you may need to allow a bit of time for that change to propagate out to the various DNS caches around the internet. DNS propagation can take from as little as an hour or so up to 24 to 36 hours.

That sounds like a question for Kyle or WA support. I'd PM Kyle first David.


Unknown doman message - why is is this here?

Unknown doman message - why is is this here?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

So I want to move my website to another host, so I've deleted it from here, but I don't understand why WA have put a holding page up saying Unknown Domain - can someone explain

You to contact Kyle WA! support

Have you changed the domain's DNS pointers to reflect your new hosting provider?

If you've moved your site's content off of WA's servers but haven't yet changed your hosting DNS settings, there's little more that WA can do than to indicate that it doesn't have any content to provide for accesses to your URL.

If you've *just* changed your DNS settings, you may need to allow a bit of time for that change to propagate out to the various DNS caches around the internet. DNS propagation can take from as little as an hour or so up to 24 to 36 hours.

That sounds like a question for Kyle or WA support. I'd PM Kyle first David.


asked in
Website Development & Programming

So I have my site vinylives.co.uk and I also have vinylives.uk. Now I'd like have the second pointing at the former. So if you put the latter in you'll be taken to the former, b

Use 301s if you've restructured your site use 301redirects("redirectpermanent") in your htaccess file to smartly redirect users Googlebot and others spiders (in Apache you can do with an htaccess file in llS you can do this through the administrative console.)

Hi David,

You'd have to edit your .htaccess file to add 301 redirects as shown at http://www.rackspace.com/knowledge_center/frequently-asked-question/how-can-i-do-a-301-redirect

A couple ways to access your .htaccess file at vinylives.uk (where you'll place the redirect) are:
- use the ftp login information from WA to pull up the .htaccess file information, download it, modify it, and upload the modified file.
- contact support and ask them to insert the redirect ;)

My site isn't on WA servers currently (I just added it to some others I've had for some time), so I can't test and verify the above - but you should be able to make it work.

Best of luck with it!


Thanks for your prompt reply Dennis,
I can see what you are saying, but can I ask - do you think a 301 redirect overcome the duplicate content issue with Google?
Not having access to a CPanel is worrying me moving forward a bit I have to say ....

Hi Dennis,
me again!
Had a look at my registrar - Fast Hosts - and they have a system in place to achieve this, using a 301 redirect, which they assure will not affect content duplication. So I have now got them both pointing in the same place - result!
So I apologise for not thinking this one through before asking questions here.
Sorry I wasted your time.....

Great to know David - thanks for pointing out that registrars may already have a system in place to take any pain away.

I just saw your blog - Great job!


Using a 301 redirect is the google-recommended way to avoid duplicate content issues.

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Domain pointing - how to get two with the same content?

Domain pointing - how to get two with the same content?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

So I have my site vinylives.co.uk and I also have vinylives.uk. Now I'd like have the second pointing at the former. So if you put the latter in you'll be taken to the former, b

Use 301s if you've restructured your site use 301redirects("redirectpermanent") in your htaccess file to smartly redirect users Googlebot and others spiders (in Apache you can do with an htaccess file in llS you can do this through the administrative console.)

Hi David,

You'd have to edit your .htaccess file to add 301 redirects as shown at http://www.rackspace.com/knowledge_center/frequently-asked-question/how-can-i-do-a-301-redirect

A couple ways to access your .htaccess file at vinylives.uk (where you'll place the redirect) are:
- use the ftp login information from WA to pull up the .htaccess file information, download it, modify it, and upload the modified file.
- contact support and ask them to insert the redirect ;)

My site isn't on WA servers currently (I just added it to some others I've had for some time), so I can't test and verify the above - but you should be able to make it work.

Best of luck with it!


Thanks for your prompt reply Dennis,
I can see what you are saying, but can I ask - do you think a 301 redirect overcome the duplicate content issue with Google?
Not having access to a CPanel is worrying me moving forward a bit I have to say ....

Hi Dennis,
me again!
Had a look at my registrar - Fast Hosts - and they have a system in place to achieve this, using a 301 redirect, which they assure will not affect content duplication. So I have now got them both pointing in the same place - result!
So I apologise for not thinking this one through before asking questions here.
Sorry I wasted your time.....

Great to know David - thanks for pointing out that registrars may already have a system in place to take any pain away.

I just saw your blog - Great job!


Using a 301 redirect is the google-recommended way to avoid duplicate content issues.

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