Your Journey with a Mentor


Your Journey with a Mentor

I have always been curious about the role of a mentor; for a while, I hesitated, thinking I could figure it out independently. Once I found a mentor, it was one of my life's most transformative decisions.

What's our relationship like?

My relationship with my mentor feels dynamic, open, and honest. They also act as liaisons. We've built trust that allows us to give genuine feedback, not sugar-coated advice. They provide insights, I contribute to the conversation, and we drive our direction together.

How am I benefiting from the relationship?

I have noticed a clear shift in my thought process and actions. They've helped me refine my goals and break them down into achievable steps. I see the long-term value of every effort I put into the relationship.

What do I expect from my mentor?

I need clarity, perspective, and, at times, a gentle push. I have been challenged when needed and want to hear their perspectives and opinions about specific topics. They're great at asking me the right questions to guide me to my own conclusions rather than just giving me advice.

Do they push me or just listen?

My mentor pushes me when I need it and calls me out when necessary. But they're also there to listen when I need to vent or talk through a problem. That balance has been crucial to my growth.

Am I achieving because of them?

That's not really applicable, but their support allows me to achieve without feeling too dependent. Their role is to guide and challenge, but the work and wins are my own. Knowing that I can reach my goals and that my mentor simply enhances the process is empowering.

How have I overcome challenges with the help of my mentor?

One specific challenge was self-doubt when I felt stuck. They helped me dissect that feeling, understand the root cause, and build a plan. This process gave me the tools to handle similar challenges in the future. They showed me how to view setbacks as learning opportunities.

What would life be like without a mentor?

My path would need to be more precise. I would still be moving forward because that's ingrained in me, but with much more second-guessing and uncertainty. Having a mentor to offer perspective, keep me accountable, and provide encouragement has made a huge difference. With them, I'd be able to reach my full potential.

How am I taking ownership of my growth?

They're there to guide me, but the decisions and actions are mine. Mentorship is a two-way street, and I believe that you get out of it what you put in.

Have I considered being a mentor?

Absolutely! And I am. Having experienced firsthand the value of mentorship, I understand the impact it can have. Everyone who has benefited from a mentor should consider paying it forward when the time is right.

How am I staying accountable?

My mentor keeps things from slipping. They're not harsh about it, but they hold me accountable. We review my goals and figure out what's blocking me. It's not about guilt but refocusing. They've taught me that accountability is a crucial part of growth, and I've learned to apply it to myself even outside our sessions.

Have I disagreed with my mentor?

Absolutely, and at times, we talk through it. My mentor respects that I have my own thoughts and opinions, and we explore what we see differently. Those conversations often lead to deeper discussions and better solutions. It makes the relationship healthy, and I've never felt like I had to blindly follow their advice.

What is the most significant risk I took because of their guidance?

Pivoting my career and business. My mentor encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone, even when I wasn't sure it was the right move. I took leaps, and it was one of my best decisions.

Mentorship is about having someone in your corner who can guide, challenge, and support you while you grow and take ownership of your journey. It has made all the difference for me, and I can't imagine where I'd be without it.

How's your journey been going? Do you currently have a mentor, or what would you seek from mentorship? How has it shaped your growth?


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Hi Abie, yes I have a mentor...for the past 2 years, I have been stalling and only writing a few posts a year.

I needed some fresh feedback regarding my work so far and also a push in the right direction. Which I get.

So whenever you get stuck, a mentor can really sort out the ifs from the buts (if you get my drift!)

Thanks for sharing Abie!

Hi Abie,
In my world, and in business I have had 3 major mentors/teachers/friends that have changed my "journey of life" at different points along the way.

My first was at 13 years old, a dear friend of my feathers who owned a huge farm and who by my 15th birthday entrusted me with all of his amazing equipment and put me in charge of my own crews and gave me my first opportunity with price work.

A big gap followed until I was 26, and this was my true construction mentor & friend.

Then an even bigger gap until I met an American who I paid to mentor me in the equivalent of B A in business management.

I thought there was a fourth but he turned out to be a psychopath, whose award-winning mentorship was a completely planned manipulation of me and after my mental breakdown who stripped away my family ties, business and money.

In this world of digital, you can feel such vibes of mentorship, as I have from yourself, Richard, Frank and Jessie. But it is so different from the real physical world, where other pointers come into play.

I suppose in a way it has similarities to online dating :-)) Rob

Hey Rob, thank you for sharing your journey. It’s impressive to see how mentorship has shaped different stages of your life. It sounds like you’ve had some truly transformative mentors. I’m really sorry to hear about the tough experience with your fourth mentor, though—that kind of manipulation is incredibly hard to go through.

It’s interesting how you describe the difference between physical and digital mentorship, and you’re right; there’s a unique dynamic in the online world. Sometimes, the connection and value can still be very real, even through the screen. I’m grateful to be in the same digital space with you and glad the mentorship vibes are coming through!

I am looking forward to continuing this journey together. 😊

Hi Abi
Thanks for raising this subject, and sharing your experience.
I once wrote a post elsewhere on the subject of:
Coaching vs. training vs. teaching, and naturally included mentoring.
(I have experience as a teacher for some sports and music skills, a coach and facilitator for individuals and groups, mainly in business settings, and a mentor at times, most recently here.)
As a coach, I have often had less experience in a specific discipline than those I was coaching.
As a mentor, I need to be someone who has "been there and done that," and I tend to work on a one-to-one basis.
Many mentors do a great job through instinct, so long as they genuinely want to help others.
However, in addition to being someone who's "been there and done that," the best mentors understand when they need to be a coach (providing the questioning, encouraging, and empowerment of decision-making that you describe), teaching or training to transfer and develop skills, and when to simply be a friend.

Hey Richard, thank you for sharing your thoughtful perspective!
You’ve covered such an important point—the distinctions can sometimes blur, but each plays a vital role depending on the situation.
I really resonate with your statement that mentors need to switch hats, especially when it comes to knowing when to coach, teach, or be supportive friends.
I think having that awareness makes all the difference.
Your experience in various roles must give you a well-rounded approach to helping others. I'm sure those you've mentored or coached have greatly benefited from that versatility!
Appreciate your insights, Richard. 😊

Hi Abi
I live in hope that my associates benefit!

I’m sure they do!
I keep leading with that positive energy; I’m confident your associates benefit more than you realize!

Man, I would love to have a mentor like you’re describing. I started with 1:1 mentorship back in February 2024. In the beginning, he would always answer my questions within 24 hours unless on vacation.

Fast-forward to mid-August, he didn’t think he could work w me anymore and wanted to give me a refund. We worked it out via a phone conversation but he requested I move my site from his cms that he partnered with.

Now, it’s been 2 months since I’ve heard back from him asking for my 2nd site review and answering my questions. I trusted his expertise and insights but now idk what to think! So frustrating…..ugh

I AM soooo grateful for my WA family here. I feel like I’m making progress and I’m happy to have both of my sites hosted here.

That sounds incredibly frustrating, especially after you built that trust and relied on his expertise. It's tough when a mentorship doesn't pan out the way you expect, especially when you’re putting in the work and trying to grow.

But the WAC is like no other, lol! It’s great that both of your sites are in a solid place now, and it sounds like you’re moving forward despite the setback.

Keep pushing forward—you've got the drive, and sometimes, these challenges show us how resilient we are. You've got this!


Thank you Abie. Really appreciate that. 😃

You're more than welcome, Steve!

Very true. When starting a new task you either need easy to understand documentation or someone experienced to ask questions. I have been helped by several people when I have been stuck and I expect I will need more help in the future.

You're absolutely right, George. Clear guidance or having someone experienced to lean on makes all the difference, especially when you hit those roadblocks, and we are all bound to. It's great to hear that you've had support when needed—sometimes, I find the best breakthroughs come from those moments of asking for help. We’re all on this learning journey together!

You have helped me several times.

You are more than welcome, Joseph! Please keep us posted on your progress.

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