What's Really Holding You Back?


I have been fortunate to help others achieve their goals. The joy I feel when I see others succeed is indescribable, and it fuels my passion for guiding and encouraging.

I excel at inspiring people to believe in themselves, live boldly, shed limiting beliefs, and fully commit to achieving their desires. The power of self-belief is immense, and this belief can propel you towards your goals.

Start by analyzing where you are now and where you want to be, and prepare to transition. At first, it may seem complicated, but rolling up your sleeves and getting your hands dirty is how you shift into growth mode. With this resilience, adaptability, and openness to a learning mindset, you'll be ready to handle whatever comes your way. You won't stop until you've achieved your desires.

You must remind yourself, "I am enough. I have what it takes. It is possible." These affirmations help you win half the battles.

You must also be willing to invest in your future and your education. Find a mentor early on to help you navigate the challenging path ahead. This is the fast track; you won't waste time on trial and error because mentors have already traveled the road before you. It's crucial to budget for this. I've seen people miss out by skipping this critical step.

Armed with a strong "why," you will find the "how." First, learn how to do things yourself. Then, outsource as much as possible and focus only on high-impact activities. Knowing how things work will help you delegate effectively. Delegation is critical to freeing up mental energy and time for more meaningful work.

You don't need to be physically present to earn income. This is where opportunities like affiliate marketing come in handy. Set up systems that work for you and generate passive income. The same principle applies to investing—start small, set money aside, and eventually, your money will work harder for you.

Start a project and see it through to a preliminary result before scaling. Starting multiple projects simultaneously can spread you too thin, reduce your focus, and diminish your effectiveness.

Ultimately, it's about YOU more than the projects or plans you execute.

Commitment at every level is crucial. It's not just about setting goals; it's about committing to them, staying focused, and seeing them through to the end. This level of commitment is what separates the successful from the rest.

Commit fully, and watch your life transform in ways you never thought possible.


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Recent Comments


I try my best to stay in that positive mindset everyday. Do I have days where I want to say screw it? For sure! I reach out to my accountability partner and work on getting back to being centered. Don't let your ego prevent you from reaching out if you need it. Go through whatever it is that you're going through and know that it'll pass. You'll wake up the next morning and you'll know that the day is yours to make it a great one.

Absolutely! In my world, there's something every day. I cannot afford to halt; there's no such thing for me. I have to keep moving forward. I'd figure it out on the way. I salute you, and I know that you have an accountability partner... That's very important. You can do it. Persevere and persist.
I appreciate your feedback here, Christina!

I appreciate you and everyone here too!
Have a wonderful weekend :)

Thank you so much, Christina!

Great article and very true!

You are welcome, George! How's your day going?

Not bad. I have a lot to do today!

That's brilliant to hear; I wish you well always! :)

AbieOi. That's terrific. You go, Girl!

I appreciate it, Lola! Thank you.

Thank you, AbieOi.

You're welcome, Lola! Please keep us posted.

Yeah, AbieOi. I keep you posted.

TheAbiePPlus, this was a nice read!! My take home messege is: "setting goals without committing to them, is as good as not setting them altogether". Thank you, once again, and have a refreshing weekend.
Take care

That's spot on, Joseph! Sometimes, it is not apparent; however, we have to think outside the box and always challenge the status quo. I am always on the lookout to bring something new and unique to the table.

I like that. Finding a new to do things and not to always follow the band wagon! Thank you, once again.

Yeah, it shows the leadership elements and allows you to shine through.
I follow my heart and gut feeling. I can also see the future, but I'm still working on a process to manage this phenomenon. Lol!

And whatever the outcome, you are contented if you follow your heart! Keep doing this, please, and I am sure this is you, TheAbiePPlus.

Totally! Also my sense of smell is another vital attribute. Lol! If it smells good, I follow up on it. Lol!

That is very good! I make organic fertilizer, but it smell very badly. I am sure you cannot follow it. But when plants receive it!! What change occurs!! I am sure your strawberries will smile widely if they receive it. This tells me that smell is an attribute that attracts those who can benefit from what is smelling. A bad one can be a good one for another!! Follow a good smell for you, please! I am also looking for a good one to follow.
Have a great day.

I am an extremist when it comes to smelling. People stand by to watch me in action; I just continue doing it. But I know what you mean. Funny, I dreamt about this overnight as I was on the field attending to my strawberries. I was not kidding, lol. My hubby thinks I'm nuts.

Because I have worked and still with badly smeliing stuff, I have come to tolerate bad smell. What really I can say, God bestored upon me is a sense of hearing. Even a hiss I hear it. Use your power to smell to your advantage.
Wishing you a "nice-smelling" weekend.

Likewise, and thank you, Joseph! I appreciate you 🙏👃

Very encouraging. ‘If it is to be, it’s up to me.’

It is up to us to make magic, and it isn't hard. My mama used to say, 'If you really want it, you will reach and attain (your goals) no matter your circumstances.'

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