I know I asked about the info of URL versa site ID, but do the same recommendations of keeping the .com short or easy to remember apply here too?
You can title and tagline your website to whatever you like; it does not have to follow the domain name.
Settings > General edit the title and tagline saving changes.
Or you can have the logo only - totally your choice.
Hi Robby
By site identity, do you mean logo?
If you men logo, there are places online that recommend 512x512px, although it will most likely be on your website somewhat smaller,,, my main logo in the header of my site is 50x50 when resized.
Another point is that many third party sites prefer round to square...
Thanks Richard I have that part covered I was talking the written identity and Eric has confirmed my thoughts
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Is there guidance on the length of your site identity?
I know I asked about the info of URL versa site ID, but do the same recommendations of keeping the .com short or easy to remember apply here too?
Just like with any business name, if you make it complicated, hard to type, hard to remember, hard to read, hard to spell, you won’t do yourself any favors. When in doubt, KISS principle 😎👍🏼
Thanks Eric that's what I was thinking about, but also I have noticed that a longer name takes up your space in Google headline
You can title and tagline your website to whatever you like; it does not have to follow the domain name.
Settings > General edit the title and tagline saving changes.
Or you can have the logo only - totally your choice.
Hi Robby
By site identity, do you mean logo?
If you men logo, there are places online that recommend 512x512px, although it will most likely be on your website somewhat smaller,,, my main logo in the header of my site is 50x50 when resized.
Another point is that many third party sites prefer round to square...
Thanks Richard I have that part covered I was talking the written identity and Eric has confirmed my thoughts
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Is there a way to create just a simple "click-here" button without all the other pop-ups, forms etc. Something you can just copy and paste that works in WordPress, Please?
Ok, So, some great replies, and I thank you all.
I have the means to create such art work and by doing so raises just one more related question.
What file format do these creations need to be in the so that you have the flexibility to position them exactly where you want them?
i would say jpg - they will be positioned where you place hte button...
make sure they are mobile friendly....
Open sidebar
ChatGPT 4o
You said:
Can you create a descriptive "click here" button that people will want to click on for me to use on a website Im making? Can you generate the image and instruct me on how to place the image so that ot takes the clicker of the button to a website page?
ChatGPT said:
A sleek, modern 'Click Here' button designed for a fitness website. The button has a metallic, gradient finish with bold, easily readable text in the center that says 'Click Here.' The font is strong and dynamic, suitable for a gym or bodybuilding theme, with a slight shine effect to make the button pop. The button is rectangular, with rounded edges and a subtle shadow beneath it for a 3D effect. The background should be transparent, allowing it to blend seamlessly into any webpage.
Here is the "Click Here" button design you requested. To make the button functional on your website, you can use the following HTML and CSS:
1. Upload the Image:
First, upload the image to your website's media library or hosting server and copy the image URL.
2. HTML Code:
Replace IMAGE_URL_HERE with the actual URL of the uploaded button image, and DESTINATION_URL with the page you want users to be directed to when they click the button.
Copy code
Once you upload the image, place this code into your website's HTML where you want the button to appear. This will create a clickable image button that redirects to your specified page.
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Message ChatGPT
ChatGPT can make mistakes. Check important info.
The block editor has easy to use button blocks. You can enter whatever text you like on the button 👍🏼
BTW, thanks for the patterns lesson. I created a mini-bio with photo as a pattern for my articles
You want to be more descriptive when creating such buttons vs just the simple 'Click here' message.
You want to be more descriptive when creating such buttons vs just the simple 'Click here' message.
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Is there a way to create just a simple "click-here" button without all the other pop-ups, forms etc. Something you can just copy and paste that works in WordPress, Please?
Ok, So, some great replies, and I thank you all.
I have the means to create such art work and by doing so raises just one more related question.
What file format do these creations need to be in the so that you have the flexibility to position them exactly where you want them?
i would say jpg - they will be positioned where you place hte button...
make sure they are mobile friendly....
Open sidebar
ChatGPT 4o
You said:
Can you create a descriptive "click here" button that people will want to click on for me to use on a website Im making? Can you generate the image and instruct me on how to place the image so that ot takes the clicker of the button to a website page?
ChatGPT said:
A sleek, modern 'Click Here' button designed for a fitness website. The button has a metallic, gradient finish with bold, easily readable text in the center that says 'Click Here.' The font is strong and dynamic, suitable for a gym or bodybuilding theme, with a slight shine effect to make the button pop. The button is rectangular, with rounded edges and a subtle shadow beneath it for a 3D effect. The background should be transparent, allowing it to blend seamlessly into any webpage.
Here is the "Click Here" button design you requested. To make the button functional on your website, you can use the following HTML and CSS:
1. Upload the Image:
First, upload the image to your website's media library or hosting server and copy the image URL.
2. HTML Code:
Replace IMAGE_URL_HERE with the actual URL of the uploaded button image, and DESTINATION_URL with the page you want users to be directed to when they click the button.
Copy code
Once you upload the image, place this code into your website's HTML where you want the button to appear. This will create a clickable image button that redirects to your specified page.
Is this conversation helpful so far?
Message ChatGPT
ChatGPT can make mistakes. Check important info.
The block editor has easy to use button blocks. You can enter whatever text you like on the button 👍🏼
BTW, thanks for the patterns lesson. I created a mini-bio with photo as a pattern for my articles
You want to be more descriptive when creating such buttons vs just the simple 'Click here' message.
You want to be more descriptive when creating such buttons vs just the simple 'Click here' message.
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Just like with any business name, if you make it complicated, hard to type, hard to remember, hard to read, hard to spell, you won’t do yourself any favors. When in doubt, KISS principle 😎👍🏼
Thanks Eric that's what I was thinking about, but also I have noticed that a longer name takes up your space in Google headline