About Robbyofstone
Rank 72373
31 followers Joined June 2024
Hi there, I’m Robin, though most know me as Rob or Robby. Looking back, I’ve been working in the construction industry nearly all of my





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asked in
Website Development & Programming

In Kyle's training videos, I remember him saying the below 60 is best in the QSR column, and the higher the SEO numberthe better, but I dont't remember any thing conclusive i

While your keyword may fit the metrics, you still need to check the competition on Google Page 1 to see if you can outrank the others, make better, or find angles they have not covered that you can write about and cover :)

Look for searches (avg.) above 30 and competition (qsr. ) lower than 100, the lower the qsr the better. Starter sites SEO greater than 95.


For your choice of keywords, always do an incognito search on Google before settling on a keyword, to see who appears on Google Page 1

Or you may do in Jaaxy tool search analysis



. https://my.jaaxy.com/training Your found target keywords go in the title of your post and again in the first or second paragraph, then write freely. Some include them towards a conclusion if it conveys a message. I'd also make sure they are grammatically correct.

Abie, thank you a million, you just responded in a language I can understand. I do get a bit lost in Jaxy, but I do copy manually any great results, I find, it does raise just a couple of follow up questions, if that is ok. What does the result mean when it includes this character< or it may be the opposite?> And when you are talking grammatically correct, you mean as Jaxy writes it fully its keyword script? the rest I get and its golden I will copy and save links so I can use them. You are my northern star out there guiding me.

Thank you so much

Less than <

No, it is grammatically correct in the English language lol

You are most welcome, Robby!

Well, Abie that's the weird part for as I speak 2 Englishes,
so my grammar issues is whether I use English English or American English, both come up in jaxy on certain major words of the topic, show in Jaxy sometimes with different results, example English English mould
English American mold I use this word a lot in my posts as well as colour I have currently left a few of each in there, is that good or bad?

Use the one most comfy for you :) I use US (English)

The average traffic over a month is 128; the traffic you can expect if your website is on page 1 is 18 readers. There are 35 other sites using that keyword and the SEO IS 98

You probably do not need to rewatch the training, although if you haven't got it, it cant do any harm. If you open Zaaxy and hover over those top titles, you can press the ? and it tells you what they are

Hi Catherine, yes I picked up on those points by doing that, but I am trying to get a feel for what is an adequate findings over the 4 columns, I don't expect there are many jackpot results left, where the first column is in the 1000.s and the next then naturally high, a QSR of 0 and SEO of 100, that's why I used the numbers I included at that was an actual result on Jaxy., to see if I am reading results in the right way for what we are trying to use them for.

And thank you for your help

If your targeted keyword you want to use is poor because everyone is using it. Look into using Alphabet Soup feature within Jaaxy to get like keyword ideas is always an option.


If those were my keywords i would go for it

thank you Catherine

You are very welcome. If your website is new, then it's life blood is content creation so try not to overthink it, just write. I know it's hard but nothing is written in stone you can and should go back to EVERY article when you learn something new. Try not to get hung up on perfectionism, I can tell you (with over 20 years experience) that doing your best is good enough. Also failure is n essential stepping stone to success.

I went back and rewatched the training and had to take notes - for quite a while, to refresh my memory and make sure I didn't go all squirrely on the searches. DO NOT be afraid to rewatch training, take notes, etc. Alot of times when you rewatch it - like in a movie, you see things you didn't 'see the first time - it can be the same way with the training...... I use Grammarly- to clean up spelling and grammar mistakes; you definitely want to do that for your posts. There are others out there, but I like Grammarly.
I believe i have the paid one, but it is so worth it to have a clean, error-free post :-)

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Another question on jaxy results?

Another question on jaxy results?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

In Kyle's training videos, I remember him saying the below 60 is best in the QSR column, and the higher the SEO numberthe better, but I dont't remember any thing conclusive i

While your keyword may fit the metrics, you still need to check the competition on Google Page 1 to see if you can outrank the others, make better, or find angles they have not covered that you can write about and cover :)

Look for searches (avg.) above 30 and competition (qsr. ) lower than 100, the lower the qsr the better. Starter sites SEO greater than 95.


For your choice of keywords, always do an incognito search on Google before settling on a keyword, to see who appears on Google Page 1

Or you may do in Jaaxy tool search analysis



. https://my.jaaxy.com/training Your found target keywords go in the title of your post and again in the first or second paragraph, then write freely. Some include them towards a conclusion if it conveys a message. I'd also make sure they are grammatically correct.

Abie, thank you a million, you just responded in a language I can understand. I do get a bit lost in Jaxy, but I do copy manually any great results, I find, it does raise just a couple of follow up questions, if that is ok. What does the result mean when it includes this character< or it may be the opposite?> And when you are talking grammatically correct, you mean as Jaxy writes it fully its keyword script? the rest I get and its golden I will copy and save links so I can use them. You are my northern star out there guiding me.

Thank you so much

Less than <

No, it is grammatically correct in the English language lol

You are most welcome, Robby!

Well, Abie that's the weird part for as I speak 2 Englishes,
so my grammar issues is whether I use English English or American English, both come up in jaxy on certain major words of the topic, show in Jaxy sometimes with different results, example English English mould
English American mold I use this word a lot in my posts as well as colour I have currently left a few of each in there, is that good or bad?

Use the one most comfy for you :) I use US (English)

The average traffic over a month is 128; the traffic you can expect if your website is on page 1 is 18 readers. There are 35 other sites using that keyword and the SEO IS 98

You probably do not need to rewatch the training, although if you haven't got it, it cant do any harm. If you open Zaaxy and hover over those top titles, you can press the ? and it tells you what they are

Hi Catherine, yes I picked up on those points by doing that, but I am trying to get a feel for what is an adequate findings over the 4 columns, I don't expect there are many jackpot results left, where the first column is in the 1000.s and the next then naturally high, a QSR of 0 and SEO of 100, that's why I used the numbers I included at that was an actual result on Jaxy., to see if I am reading results in the right way for what we are trying to use them for.

And thank you for your help

If your targeted keyword you want to use is poor because everyone is using it. Look into using Alphabet Soup feature within Jaaxy to get like keyword ideas is always an option.


If those were my keywords i would go for it

thank you Catherine

You are very welcome. If your website is new, then it's life blood is content creation so try not to overthink it, just write. I know it's hard but nothing is written in stone you can and should go back to EVERY article when you learn something new. Try not to get hung up on perfectionism, I can tell you (with over 20 years experience) that doing your best is good enough. Also failure is n essential stepping stone to success.

I went back and rewatched the training and had to take notes - for quite a while, to refresh my memory and make sure I didn't go all squirrely on the searches. DO NOT be afraid to rewatch training, take notes, etc. Alot of times when you rewatch it - like in a movie, you see things you didn't 'see the first time - it can be the same way with the training...... I use Grammarly- to clean up spelling and grammar mistakes; you definitely want to do that for your posts. There are others out there, but I like Grammarly.
I believe i have the paid one, but it is so worth it to have a clean, error-free post :-)

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asked in
Getting Started

What can you use the blog section for, are there any guidelines? I see that the higher-ranking members have some very impressive content, I am sure I will be doing the same at

For WA:

You may like to blog your questions or post about why you decided to join Wealthy Affiliate, how you came about your niche, your goals for this week and the following week, your aspirations, etc.

Ok thanks again, I have saved the rules and the link, I have gone through them twice and I will read more, very helpful

You are fabulously welcome :)

Which one?

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How to best use the blog section?

How to best use the blog section?

asked in
Getting Started

What can you use the blog section for, are there any guidelines? I see that the higher-ranking members have some very impressive content, I am sure I will be doing the same at

For WA:

You may like to blog your questions or post about why you decided to join Wealthy Affiliate, how you came about your niche, your goals for this week and the following week, your aspirations, etc.

Ok thanks again, I have saved the rules and the link, I have gone through them twice and I will read more, very helpful

You are fabulously welcome :)

Which one?

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asked in
Getting Started

in your overall ranking, I just noticed the creator ranking, where does this build from and how?

Content, writing content to the community :)

thank you as always Abie, can I ask you one more please? as I go through the training platform does it suggest to you when to make your site go live, because that is only when you can ask for comments isn't it?

As soon as it is built, it goes live.

You also need a Gravatar to use the comments system in-house.

Thanks Abie, I am sure I have already set up one of them a little while back

You are most welcome :)

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Wher does your creator rank build itself from?

Wher does your creator rank build itself from?

asked in
Getting Started

in your overall ranking, I just noticed the creator ranking, where does this build from and how?

Content, writing content to the community :)

thank you as always Abie, can I ask you one more please? as I go through the training platform does it suggest to you when to make your site go live, because that is only when you can ask for comments isn't it?

As soon as it is built, it goes live.

You also need a Gravatar to use the comments system in-house.

Thanks Abie, I am sure I have already set up one of them a little while back

You are most welcome :)

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asked in
Getting Started

I have written a detailed article that's over the word limit for me to put in the AI box, for it to rewrite, which I know will be much better than my gibberish, how can I use t

Hey Robbie, instead of trying to write a full article in the special instructions section and then have AI rewrite it, just give it a topic and let it do all the heavy lifting. All you need to give it is the title and how many sections and you’re good to go. The whole point of AI is to make the writing process easier. You no longer have to struggle to write when AI can do it for you. Then you just take the AI content and make it your own 💯

The max you can input in the optional content area is 5000 characters.

Why don't you ask GPT to do this task for you?

Better still, you can edit it yourself, infuse your voice, experiences and emotions into it.

My saviour is here!
First, they seem to have hidden GPT over here, they seem to have let other apps use and push you in that direction unless you had the earlier versions. But if you know away, I would love to use it, I have a VPN, which you would think might make it easier.

I have done basic editing in Word and Grammarly, but I was not too sure how the bots at google and then the hundreds of readers would take it, nervous? yes a little I know my industry inside out and I am a little bit of a legend, particularly in Florida, so for me it is important Abie, I suppose I could cash in on the criticism when it comes too hahaha

A VPN has nothing to do with editing content.

And GPT is an independent app you can access here :)

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Article posts, help I have been spinning my wheels on this?

Article posts, help I have been spinning my wheels on this?

asked in
Getting Started

I have written a detailed article that's over the word limit for me to put in the AI box, for it to rewrite, which I know will be much better than my gibberish, how can I use t

Hey Robbie, instead of trying to write a full article in the special instructions section and then have AI rewrite it, just give it a topic and let it do all the heavy lifting. All you need to give it is the title and how many sections and you’re good to go. The whole point of AI is to make the writing process easier. You no longer have to struggle to write when AI can do it for you. Then you just take the AI content and make it your own 💯

The max you can input in the optional content area is 5000 characters.

Why don't you ask GPT to do this task for you?

Better still, you can edit it yourself, infuse your voice, experiences and emotions into it.

My saviour is here!
First, they seem to have hidden GPT over here, they seem to have let other apps use and push you in that direction unless you had the earlier versions. But if you know away, I would love to use it, I have a VPN, which you would think might make it easier.

I have done basic editing in Word and Grammarly, but I was not too sure how the bots at google and then the hundreds of readers would take it, nervous? yes a little I know my industry inside out and I am a little bit of a legend, particularly in Florida, so for me it is important Abie, I suppose I could cash in on the criticism when it comes too hahaha

A VPN has nothing to do with editing content.

And GPT is an independent app you can access here :)

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