Ready to Make Your Next Move?


While unexpected windfalls can be exciting, nothing compares to the satisfaction of earning success through hard work. That kind of success comes down to small, consistent habits. And the best part? You can develop these habits and share your success with others as much as your heart desires.

If you're always the most intelligent person in the room, you're doing it wrong. I've learned that being the least knowledgeable person in the room guarantees my growth. Surrounding myself with driven, inspiring individuals has shown me that my potential is far greater than I ever imagined.

Are You Feeding Your Mind?

Books are one of the best ways to feed your mind and fuel your personal growth. Whether it's finance, personal development, or any skill you want to master, reading offers profound insights. Don't have time? No problem—listen to audiobooks while you're on the go. Not sure where to start? Pick something that genuinely excites you, something that sparks your curiosity. Start small, and gradually build up your knowledge.

Never Settle for Less

One of the biggest mistakes you can make is being satisfied with where you are now. Always aim for more. Did you accomplish a goal? Great—set another one. Like bloggers who consistently push out content, you should constantly push yourself to learn and grow, even when it's uncomfortable. The more you stretch yourself, the more you realize how much you can achieve.

Guard Your Time Like It's Gold

Your time is your most valuable asset. With just 24 hours a day, you can't afford to get distracted by trivial things. Learn to say "no" to anything that doesn't align with your goals. Focus on high-impact activities that genuinely benefit you. Everything else? It's secondary.

What Will You Do When Challenges Hit?

Challenges will come—no doubt about that. So, what's your plan when they do? The biggest mistake is stopping at the first setback. Instead of saying, "I can't do this," ask yourself, "How can I make this happen?" That slight shift in mindset makes all the difference. Every day, you're either growing or staying stuck. Which will it be?

Tap Into Your Unlimited Potential

Your subconscious mind is limitless. Imagine the power you could unlock by using it to your advantage. With the proper perspective, discipline, and willingness to grow, there's no limit to what you can achieve.

The Time to Act Is Now

Everything I've outlined above can absolutely change your life. It may not happen overnight, but you'll see the results sooner or later. Once you start, trust me—you'll never want to return to where you were. This journey of growth and self-discovery is absolutely open to everyone. The question is: Are you ready to take the leap and run with it?


Other blog posts:
What's Really Holding You Back?
Who Wouldn't Want That?
In Your Own Words, What Do You Make of This Image? $100k Hard, $1M Easy
Canva, All Glowed Up
In Your Own Words, What Do You Make of This Image?

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Recent Comments


Awesome! TheAbiePPlus, thank you for the energizing post. My favourite is on time! Time is something that cannot be recovered, once lost. If one learns to use it well, other things become perfectsly streamlined. Have a refreshing weekend and a successful week ahead.

You are so right, lol. I was commenting on Steve's as that...
I appreciate you, Joseph! You too. I hope your weekend is super magical.

Thank you very much, TheAbiePPLus, I ighly appeciate your support and encouragements.

You are always most welcome, Joseph!

Wonderfully said Abie. Guarding my time is an on-going battle. When first starting out I deleted every game from my phone, except for one, words with friends. YouTube distractions are the worse, I add/delete channels all the time. I’m still learning to mange this one because I’m always trying to learn.
I would love to tap into my subconscious mind though!

By far, games are really the worst time-wasters. Sorry, but it's true.
Well, YouTube, if you are educating yourself, is not.
Your subconscious works wonders. For example, I listen to podcasts while I am sleeping; your brain never goes to sleep. No comfort? It doesn't matter, I know I am winning. Time is precious; once gone, it is gone forever.

I like the idea of listening to podcasts while sleeping. Something new to try. Thanks

No problem, you let me know how that works for you :)

Abie, I've been with WA 3 months and I have a long way to go. I just want to say thank you. I always look forward to your positive and encouraging posts. Thank you for being here.

Three months is a huge milestone... Congratulations, and you are most welcome, Walter! How's your weekend going?
The pleasure is mine. I appreciate you 🙏🎉

I just posted two more blogs on my website, so my weekend is going great. I hope yours is too. I tried to access the classes but it says that I have to update to premium +. I'm unable to do that at this time so I keep adding posts, watching the chat comments, and reviewing training. It's all good here! Thank you for being you!!

That's wonderful, Walter, and I am glad to hear it.
They may be yellow-crowned, i.e., open to Premium Plus+ subscribers. You can tell by looking if they have yellow crowns or purple diamonds.
I appreciate the update. I'd keep the momentum.

Let's GO! <<< I see this in the live chat. AbieOi.

Yeah, I wrote it, lol. Lola! You are lurking LMAO

I do. AbieOi.


AbieOi. Exciting stuff!

You are welcome, Lola! How's your weekend going?

Lousy. AbieOi.

Really!? Why or What is happening?

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