Fear Less, Live More

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Fear is a significant barrier—fear of failure, judgment, or inadequacy. It can hold us back instead of allowing us to thrive.

"I don't want to start a business because I might fail."

Confronting fear can work wonders, but how do you actually do that?

Do it afraid. <<<

Has anyone seen the movie 'Yes Man?'? Do that—say "yes" to everything that comes your way. (Just kidding, kind of!)

But seriously, how can we overcome fear?

Define it: What exactly are you afraid of?

For example: "What if I start a YouTube channel and people laugh at me?"

What's the absolute worst that could happen?

Maybe embarrassment, but can you prevent or repair the situation? Plan steps ahead just in case things don't go as expected.

Consider the potential benefits:

You could learn valuable lessons or discover new skills and passions.

Ask yourself: If you don't face your fears, where will you be in five, ten, or twenty years?

Often, we make fear seem more significant than it actually is. When we finally push forward, we might find that our fears aren’t as overwhelming as they appeared.


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Recent Comments


"Face the fear and do it anyway".... yes I'm afraid of my failings and feel out of my depth sometimes, but I'm more afraid of my future years in my current situation, so trying hard to push the fear aside and create a better life. Thanks Abie 😔

Ah Lizzy, But you have the advantage of being a Kiwi, a completely different outlook!
Future years I don't really count like that anymore ! hahaha

Yes we are very blessed in Aotearoa, thank you Robbie.

Afraid..... I am more afraid with this affiliate business that I am not good enough, smart enough, or rich enough. Okay these are the things nearly each and.every one of us have thought about in our life. However, it is the sabotage we make up in our mind when life gets hard.

Abie, your read is so appropriate for the moments in our life when we need to reconnect with ourselves. Take the fear and use it as fuel instead of a loss.

Thanks again for another great post.


Hi Abie, bang on for an awful lot of people.
Fear is not something I have faced very often in my life, even my departed mother would agree, I am more of a fearless person!
There are a couple of exceptions which do stand out, the dentist! After the butchery of the roving dentist van as a child, it took me until my late 30's to overcome that fear.

And the only other one that I can remember, is when I took my 4.5-mill yacht through a reef as it surfed its way in with wind and tide behind me and a 110-degree turn to the port at the end of the run-in.

My knees were shaking for hours after this as I had 5 beautiful ladies on board who were my responsibility. I have never forgotten that day.


I'm a dentist and the only thing I fear are dental patients. That's why I'm here lol

Nice one DD


Everything you say is true, Abie. In doing what you say we face our fears, accept them, acknowledge them, and admit that they are there. But we don't back down as an example (not necessarily a good one). There was a moment when I could have gotten into a fight, I was literally shaking in my boots. I am not a fighter, but I would not back down. I would have probably gotten my butt kicked if we had fought, but thankfully the situation was defused.

As I said, it may not be a good example, but there it is.


You must have instilled some fear in your opponent, lol

I don't know about that. he was in better shape than I was, much better. I am just glad it got diffused because neither of us was backing down.


I am glad you guys made out.

thanks :)


You are welcome, JD!


goodnight, Abie


Goodnight, JD!

good morning, Abie.


Morning, JD!

:) Did you sleep well, Abie?


Absolutely! JD!

Great! :D


Superb! :D
Have you?

Pretty much, yes. I didn't wake up and could not go back to sleep. So I count that as good. :)


That's fab, JD!
Thank you for the updated.

welcome. unfortunately, this (friday) morning I woke up at about 1:30 and could not go back to sleep. it is my own fault because I did not cut off the caffeine when I should have. oh, gonna try to work on a hair-brain scheme that has been percolating in the back of my head. ;s)


Oh no, I totally get the struggle of waking up too early and not being able to fall back asleep—it can really throw off the day. At least you have a fun hair-brained scheme to dive into! Sometimes, those wild ideas turn out to be the best. Good luck with it, and here’s hoping for a better night's sleep tonight!

I hope so. But, the hair-brained scheme is on hold till, 1) I hear back from an artist, and 2) I get the funds to do what I want if she says no.

Hopefully, I will. just have to cut the caffeine off by 5 pm if not earlier. :)


Thanks a trillion!

This is the third topic that has inspired me to reimagine old patterns and replace them with new ones. Unfortunately, the old patterns are no longer applicable or acceptable. The days of bullying and manipulation through fear are over. A new, even more effective strategy is being prepared...

Thank you for your notes, Roman!
You are absolutely correct; there's no more room for that.

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