Farewell to WA

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Farewell to WA

I'm not going to make this a long, drawn out goodbye.

It's just to let the many friends and acquaintances that I've made in the Wealthy Affiliate community since joining in 2018 that I've decided to leave.

Also known as "doing a Partha" lol.

Checking my statistics, I see that I've created 444 WA blog posts, 57 training courses and have accumulated 8.6K followers, so I hope I have been of some help to fellow members of this community.

I regard many of you as friends (as Ricky Gervais says "you know who you are") and will miss the daily communication.

But I can no longer afford the time to keep it up.

I need to focus on my affiliate marketing sites and the three training courses that I'm creating and need to launch in the next few months. There's only so much time.

I'll miss you all and wish everyone all the best in their ventures.

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Sorry to see you go Phil, I've enjoyed your posts.

Just want to add that I run training courses. My websites for marketing my courses and memberships are hosted on WA. But as you say you can only work on so much at a time.

I wish you well on your new journey.

Good morning Phil,

I was just communicating with Andre in live chat and he mentioned that you had left the platform. So you may not even see my comment.

Thank you for all your input over the last few years, I fully understand that there is only so much time in a day. It's good that you want to keep moving your business forward.

I wish you every success and hopefully, you may return in the future.

All the best.


Very sorry to hear that you will be leaving us here but I fully understand why!

I will certainly miss our interactions though...

Take care my friend and all the very best moving forward with your projects and life in general!


Thank you, Nick. I've enjoyed our interactions too.

When is your last day here my friend???

Today. I expect to disappear at any moment.

That soon my friend??

Take care ok!!


Hi Phil, WA will be losing one heck of a great person. You have always been very helpful to myself and everyone here at WA. I do wish you all the very best Phil and I know you will do great in whatever you undertake to do. You will be missed.


Thanks, Michael. I appreciate the sentiment.

I am in WA family since almost 3 months and already seen you and Partha leaving??? WHY???? You guys - very experienced people - cannot leave us that way! :(

I have learnt a lot from you Phil, so I really thank you with all my heart.
We cannot really know how what we write could impact on someone's life.
For example, I have learnt from you that websites could be sold and it was a WOW moment for me!

I hope you change your mind. Really. Stop doing "Partha thing" all of you!! Lol!

Don't worry, people come and go, and often times come back again. The "partha" thing is not a thing, and our community and platform has never been stronger than it is today. We are going to continue building on this, and we have a lot of exciting updates, innovations and evolutions moving forward Romy. :)

I know Kyle :) The "Partha thing" is just a joking way now for saying "don't leave". Losing very experienced people is a problem though that you should really consider! When people like Partha or Phil who are very close to be ambassador in WA are leaving, I think you and Carson should try a way to keep them in the family! I mean these people really gave a lot to WA during their years and this should be considered in some way!

Haha yeah, please don't leave ANYONE. People do come and go, and that is something that is totally their decision. We will continue to improve the platform and the community side elements with every day that passes, that is our goal and I think you will find that a lot of people have life situations that pull them away, but often times will find their way back to the community here. :)

Thanks, Romy and all the best to you as well.

Sorry, but I just need to free up the time. It's a limited resource.

Well said, Kyle and I totally agree.

All the best going forward.



Oh no! Aww, I sure hate to hear this Phil. I understand why but I selfishly don't want you to leave, LOL! Well, all the best to you and I know you'll enjoy much success with your online businesses. Thank you for all the training and conversations you have given us. I'm on one of your mailing lists so I will still be in touch with you.


Thanks, Alice and all the best to you as well.

I'll send you an email from my personal email address (if I haven't already) so that we can maintain contact.


Thank you Phil! I would love to stay in contact and I actually do have your email address already and I know you have mine. 😊


Yes, of course we do. I'll let you know the sites I'll be focusing on when the dust settles.

Awesome! Thank you!

Hey Phil, all the best for you moving forward. I know you will be successful at it. Thanks for the help I have received from you in the short time I have been here.

You know it is strange the connection one can make on a platform such as this, but it is because of this connection that I am saddened to see you go.

Have a wonderful journey, my friend.


Thanks, Rod and all the best to you as well.

Hello Phil

This is sad news but I understand why you are leaving. You have to do to what you have to do. As Albert Einstein would say not everything that counts can be counted. When exactly are you leaving? You have been a big help to the WA community and a very valuable member.

All the good ones are leaving for some reason. Thank you for everything you have done for the WA community and for all of your contributions. You will be missed but not forgotten.

WA won't be the same without you. I hope to be able to follow your continued online work somehow if it is possible. I wish you all the best in all you do and I hope to see you return to WA one day in the future. All the best to your success.



Thanks for those good wishes, Timothy. My yearly subscription expires on June 7.

You could consider subscribing through one of the websites listed on my profile. Just request one of the freebies. That would allow me to contact you by email.

Hello Phil

You're welcome and thank you for your reply. Wow you are leaving really soon and I hope you enjoy your everything else you do.

I had a look at the links section on your profile and I the super affiliate challenge websites interests me the most so I will have a look at it and subscribe later when I have time.

I hope you enjoy the rest of your evening as well as the rest of your time on WA. Farewell my friend. All the best to your success.



Thanks, Timothy and all the best to you as well.

You're welcome Phil

Hi Phil,
Departures are not readily welcome but they happen. I`m glad I met you on this awesome platform. I joined WA community only in April this year and in a very short space of time I got to know you, you`ve personally encouraged me to go for it and to make a success of my membership. Now I see you have been so generously helpful to many of the WA community. I appreciate that.
We gonna miss you.
Wishing all of the best going forward.
So long

What a lovely comment, Aubrey. Thank you.

Ohhh, this is sudden notice! I'm sad to hear you're leaving us... me. I understand and wish you the best and many successes in your affiliate marketing businesses. Take care and stay well. Thank you, Phil, for all your help. Who knows... maybe, just maybe you'll come back.


Thanks, Monica. It's all about time being a limited resource.

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