Top 3 Ways WA Members Are Wasting Money


I've been around a while, and there are a few common threads I see pop up either within questions or via private messages. I wanted to make a quick list of some obvious things you can avoid to save yourself some time and money while going through your training at Wealthy Affiliate and building your business.

Here are 3 things that I see WA members wasting time and money on.

1. Supercharged Plugins

  • Plugins that create content for you (aka content curation)
  • Plugins that take pictures/video from other websites automatically
  • Plugins that automatically create websites for you
  • Plugins that claim to boost your rank or SEO
  • Plugins that build Amazon stores for you

It's a hard pill to swallow sometimes, but automatic stuff just doesn't work in my opinion. There are cool plugins out there. But if you are going to buy one, think, "Is it going to enhance my work or do it for me? "Done for you" is a myth perpetuated by internet gurus and every DFY solution I've ever tried has come back to bite me in the butt.

2. Fast Traffic Secrets

Unless you are paying for traffic via PPC or other paid advertisements, traffic is going to come slowly. Painfully slow.

Any kind of "system" that promises 100% free, unlimited, targeted, hungry, and ready to buy traffic is a scam just waiting to happen.

Think about WHO is coming to your website and what their mindset is. If you are driving 10,000 people to your site from a traffic exchange where folks are PAID to click on your website, is that going to help you make a sale? Nope.

Any time a product says they found a "loophole" and discovered a "secret" that no one knows, they're talking trash, and you can stop reading their page. I've bought 200+ products over the past 2 years building out my bootcamp website, and nothing has ever surprised me, no matter if I paid $5 or $97.

3. Buying Other Products

I'm not saying that the courses in WA are the only way to make money online. A lot is covered, for sure, but there are plenty more ways to make money.

HOWEVER, you are currently paying a monthly or yearly fee to be a member here. Following the training, it's possible for anyone to make a full time income from their website(s). Many people have done it.

It's just my opinion, but if you haven't started making money from the methods taught here yet, what's the point of starting another project? Master one thing before you start the next.

BONUS: Pre-Made Websites

Thanks to Kelly below for tuning me into this, and reminding me that I've done this before. Sometimes buying a pre-build website can be useful, but know what you are buying first! Lots of people have the idea that a pre-made site means they have "business in a box", but actually most of your work is going to be creating the content, not making site site.

A lot of what you get with website building places is just a fancy looking theme. If that's what you want, spend $50 on a theme instead of $300-$2000 on a website.

Plus, once you build a couple sites yourself, you will have a better idea of which companies are actually giving you value for your money.

Wealthy Affiliate truly does have everything you need to start an online business. It's not the only way, but it's a way that works, and you have a community here that can help you make this method work for you.

Since you're a member, save your money 'cuz you don't need all this extra stuff.

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Recent Comments


Great advice. Thank you!!

I'm so glad a ran into this guy while I was checking out another site. (Scam...but I didn't know it) and he led me here. I'm learning slow, but I'm learning. It was your link that pointed me to WA. In time I know I will make what I pay to be a part of this community. To think of what I saved, then to top it off with some of the greatest people I've met from all over this world, I know it's worth the investment. Thank you Nathaniel for leading me to WA. I have no problem giving you 22.00 a month. Your knowledge and the training here, then meeting all of you.....yep, it's worth it.

I believe it's $22 the first month then $47 anyways well worth it if you are just starting out.

I'm talking the commission one gets for recruiting someone. Nathaniel recruited me

Such good advice, Nathaniell, thanks. :)

Very good Nataniël, for me, I haven't spend a dime on all of those, however, I am a little distracted through all the free funny stuff, but since yesterday back on track, wrote three posts about affiliate network programs, Bootcamp course 1, lesson 8, have a nice day:) Loes

I feel so guilty after reading this post. I have to admit that out of "greed" and over "eagerness", even after I took WA Premium package, I still try out other programs. Sure enough, nothing comes close to what WA has to offer.

awwwww. Now I feel bad :)

No, you don't have to Nat lol! I will try my best to focus on my training here. Within a month, I have a full functioning website that is ready for the world! All because of WA!

Well Said! Great Post!

Good advice as usual. :-)

Thanks Nathan for sharing this information. I am in just that position you are talking about, building my business but not yet earning. It is better to concentrate on this and not get distracted by anything tempting outside this community.

I fell into those traps, definitely stuff to avoid. I also wasted money holding onto domains thinking that I would do something with them "someday".

Totally guilty of this one too.

Good post mate. Thanks!

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