About siamjerry
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2,739 followers Joined October 2014
My name is Jerry and I was borne in 1955 in good old The Netherlands, I have been living in Thailand since 2003. There I





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asked in
Everything Wordpress

I see that the position of the comment box on my website is not at the beginning, but at the end of all comments. For a laptop computer, this might not be an issue. With a mobi

Hi Jerry
This is a standard feature of WordPress and is controlled within the theme's code.
Here is a link to a response to someone else's question to the Generate Press team ...


You will see that it is possible but means setting up a child theme and changing a little code.

Thank you Richard!

Believe that can be set in Settings > Discussions.

I'd look at below resource


Hope this may help

Thanks, Abie, but I tried that already. It is not about older/newer comments being on top. I would like to see the comment box right under the article, not below all comments.

Not practical having it above the post | article, because folks want to read your content, then comment. - it would be like Facebook pages commenting.

However I try find you a solution.

What if you have 100 comments, but people just want to comment?

I have been looking so far I have found reply button moved to top of comment or comments moved to another post. But not what you are seeking.

However, may be if you know coding and can edit the code however I will keep looking.

I would not edit code on the actual thing vs testing site see how it turns out before applying to main.

Thank you for your patience meanwhile.

I would certainly not alter the code. Thanks for your efforts and maybe there just is no solution.
I am just trying to solve the riddle of getting 40,000 and more clicks and not getting one comment outside the WA community.

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Position of comment box on website gives problems?

Position of comment box on website gives problems?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I see that the position of the comment box on my website is not at the beginning, but at the end of all comments. For a laptop computer, this might not be an issue. With a mobi

Hi Jerry
This is a standard feature of WordPress and is controlled within the theme's code.
Here is a link to a response to someone else's question to the Generate Press team ...


You will see that it is possible but means setting up a child theme and changing a little code.

Thank you Richard!

Believe that can be set in Settings > Discussions.

I'd look at below resource


Hope this may help

Thanks, Abie, but I tried that already. It is not about older/newer comments being on top. I would like to see the comment box right under the article, not below all comments.

Not practical having it above the post | article, because folks want to read your content, then comment. - it would be like Facebook pages commenting.

However I try find you a solution.

What if you have 100 comments, but people just want to comment?

I have been looking so far I have found reply button moved to top of comment or comments moved to another post. But not what you are seeking.

However, may be if you know coding and can edit the code however I will keep looking.

I would not edit code on the actual thing vs testing site see how it turns out before applying to main.

Thank you for your patience meanwhile.

I would certainly not alter the code. Thanks for your efforts and maybe there just is no solution.
I am just trying to solve the riddle of getting 40,000 and more clicks and not getting one comment outside the WA community.

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Yesterday I have had to put my sitemap into Google Search Console, after I inexplicably lost it a long time ago. Now sitemap is asking me to set the maximum number of pages to

Hey Georg,

Here is a Google Guide to help you: https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/183668?hl=en

If you are using the sitemap plugin that Kyle recommends, you could review your setting using the following tutorial: Removing unnecessary things like categories and tags, has kept my sites from experiencing this issue.

If the setting changed does not resolve your issue, you could put in a ticket to the plugin's developer and ask them how to handle this issue. As that would be your only other alternative.

Have noticed that the WA search in this new platform, is now buried so deep that we need to leave the page we are working on in order to find training that has been shared.

Hope you find this helpful.

Thanks for your reply, I looked at the Google guide and the training. I am using Kyle's plugin recommendation.
In the meantime I also was in contact with the plugin developer, who insisted the feature was in.
Strangely enough, when I opened sitemap, I briefly saw that setting and the max of 1,000 posts, after which it disappeared!
Anyway, issue resolved.

GSC stop requesting for index, they upgrade. Mybe soon can, if u have paste sitmap.xml first they automatically reading all post/page.. if have red mean something happen.. all the best. 👍👍

Previously, I fetched all my posts to GSC, which usually were then indexed within a day. After I put the sitemap in again and today I fetched my latest post, it said Google knows this page already and indexing was disable. So, there you go!

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Did the sitemap settings change recently?

Did the sitemap settings change recently?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Yesterday I have had to put my sitemap into Google Search Console, after I inexplicably lost it a long time ago. Now sitemap is asking me to set the maximum number of pages to

Hey Georg,

Here is a Google Guide to help you: https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/183668?hl=en

If you are using the sitemap plugin that Kyle recommends, you could review your setting using the following tutorial: Removing unnecessary things like categories and tags, has kept my sites from experiencing this issue.

If the setting changed does not resolve your issue, you could put in a ticket to the plugin's developer and ask them how to handle this issue. As that would be your only other alternative.

Have noticed that the WA search in this new platform, is now buried so deep that we need to leave the page we are working on in order to find training that has been shared.

Hope you find this helpful.

Thanks for your reply, I looked at the Google guide and the training. I am using Kyle's plugin recommendation.
In the meantime I also was in contact with the plugin developer, who insisted the feature was in.
Strangely enough, when I opened sitemap, I briefly saw that setting and the max of 1,000 posts, after which it disappeared!
Anyway, issue resolved.

GSC stop requesting for index, they upgrade. Mybe soon can, if u have paste sitmap.xml first they automatically reading all post/page.. if have red mean something happen.. all the best. 👍👍

Previously, I fetched all my posts to GSC, which usually were then indexed within a day. After I put the sitemap in again and today I fetched my latest post, it said Google knows this page already and indexing was disable. So, there you go!

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I am regularly updating existing posts, and also comments are added. Do we need to inform Google any time a post has been updated or commented to? Or do Google algorithms see t

Hi Georg, I typically do a URL inspection on posts I update through webmaster tools. I update no more than 10 posts a day. Hope this helps!

Thanks, Vitaliy.

Anytime my friend!

Thank you so much for your question Siam, it also helped to understand a few things here. Wishing you great success.

Google's bot's will crawl your site to find these automatically, however, if it is a major content change that you have done, you can log in to Google Search Console and use the URL Inspection tool (left-hand menu) to force Google to re-index the page before the next scheduled crawl by one of their bots.

Thanks, that will do!

How often do the bots crawl a site?

That depends on how popular your website is, how frequently you publish content, other sites linking back to your site and whether you use sitemaps and the URL inspection tool. It can be as little as a few hours up to 6 months.

I put sitemaps into search console and just yesterday started requsting indexing on my newest posts

You're going in the right direction, well done :-)

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Posts updates and telling google?

Posts updates and telling google?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I am regularly updating existing posts, and also comments are added. Do we need to inform Google any time a post has been updated or commented to? Or do Google algorithms see t

Hi Georg, I typically do a URL inspection on posts I update through webmaster tools. I update no more than 10 posts a day. Hope this helps!

Thanks, Vitaliy.

Anytime my friend!

Thank you so much for your question Siam, it also helped to understand a few things here. Wishing you great success.

Google's bot's will crawl your site to find these automatically, however, if it is a major content change that you have done, you can log in to Google Search Console and use the URL Inspection tool (left-hand menu) to force Google to re-index the page before the next scheduled crawl by one of their bots.

Thanks, that will do!

How often do the bots crawl a site?

That depends on how popular your website is, how frequently you publish content, other sites linking back to your site and whether you use sitemaps and the URL inspection tool. It can be as little as a few hours up to 6 months.

I put sitemaps into search console and just yesterday started requsting indexing on my newest posts

You're going in the right direction, well done :-)

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