Hitting a Milestone - 2,000 Sessions on My Site in One Day


Today I wanted to share a milestone I finally hit with my gaming website, Awesome Shooter Game Reviews, which I've had for over 2 years now.

On October the 29th, I hit an all-time traffic record on my site for a single day, which broke the 2,000 session mark (2,001 to be exact). At the start of October I was barely raking in a quarter of this amount of traffic every day - so what caused the massive spike?

Well, in the gaming niche that I'm involved in, topics become hot FAST, especially when a new game is released. On October 21st, a massive shooter called Battlefield 1 was released and I knew that this was a big opportunity - especially since I had the week off upon its release! I anticipated a bunch of topics that would be popular with the game and tried to hit them from a different angle to which the gaming blog giants would go from and it turned out to be very successful, even though I've only done about 4 posts on the game since it's release.

This has fueled me with a lot of motivation and confidence, because all I have to do now is rinse and repeat! So my tip going forward for all of you is to target hot topics and try to get their before the rest of the competition; obviously this will be much more effective in some niches than others, but I think it can be effective to some extent in all of them.

Thanks for reading and I hope you have a great day!

All the best,

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Recent Comments


Awesome!!! well done! You make a fantastic point on anticipating blog post with new product releases.

keep up the great work.

You're doing a great job, James!
Thanks for your advice!

Wow, that shows a great improvement just keep doing more and everything is possible.

Thanks :)

Brilliant, congrats on this milestone. You should be proud of your progress thus far and attaining 3,000 sessions in a day is a big deal!

Cheers Kyle!

That's really quite an achievement. Well done.

Great progress, keep it up :)

Well done :)


Nice work congrats.

Great post, thanks for sharing.

Awesome James you are doing well. As I understand the gaming market is very volatile and you have to be at the front of the game to rank well. You are doing a great job in a very competitive market.
Well done as you said rinse and repeat.
Wish you the best.
Cheers Kev

It is a tough market and I've found that you just have to hit it from a different angle to the big sites; just doing game reviews isn't going to get you very far. Thanks a lot for the encouragement!

I like the way you think outside the box, you are doing well keep it up. Cheers Kev

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