About MINDwell
Rank 6381
1,927 followers Joined November 2015
I am a medical doctor who after 35yrs of practicing medicine can see glaring holes in how health care is delivered. The profit model does





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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

6 months in WA and have done my 100th post. I would like some feedback at this milestone please. Please test my new rating plugin at top of post as well.

The post is here

Very well done and professional I just love how you have done it.

I'm not a good judge with websites as I am a newbie. When I have my peep on your site, I was astonished at what I've seen. It's fantastic. How did you do it. You've done a great job. Me, too, I will do my best to create one like yours. Inspires me.

The site looks fabulous to me and seems very professional. It is very important that websites dealing with our health or our money have high levels of accuracy, authority and confidence and I think that it is fully accomplished. With respect to the 100th post, comes well to my because right now I am going through a slump.


I'm not a good judge of websites but I liked the look of yours and it read easily.
Great job!


You've got a great niche, inspiring words in all your pages.
I shall follow you closely and read more of your posts so I can write some feedbacks.

bless you

Checked your site, its Fantastic. Great layout, like the share and Like buttons to. If you have time Please check my site

Thanks Mike.


like your site --- keep it up
put something in the sidebars in time to fill it out
good work

I was trying to figure that today, Thanks for the comment becuause thats what helps us go forward and more professional.

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I need some feedback on my 100th post please?

I need some feedback on my 100th post please?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

6 months in WA and have done my 100th post. I would like some feedback at this milestone please. Please test my new rating plugin at top of post as well.

The post is here

Very well done and professional I just love how you have done it.

I'm not a good judge with websites as I am a newbie. When I have my peep on your site, I was astonished at what I've seen. It's fantastic. How did you do it. You've done a great job. Me, too, I will do my best to create one like yours. Inspires me.

The site looks fabulous to me and seems very professional. It is very important that websites dealing with our health or our money have high levels of accuracy, authority and confidence and I think that it is fully accomplished. With respect to the 100th post, comes well to my because right now I am going through a slump.


I'm not a good judge of websites but I liked the look of yours and it read easily.
Great job!


You've got a great niche, inspiring words in all your pages.
I shall follow you closely and read more of your posts so I can write some feedbacks.

bless you

Checked your site, its Fantastic. Great layout, like the share and Like buttons to. If you have time Please check my site

Thanks Mike.


like your site --- keep it up
put something in the sidebars in time to fill it out
good work

I was trying to figure that today, Thanks for the comment becuause thats what helps us go forward and more professional.

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asked in
Everything Wordpress


how do i use WA recovery please

Glad you have now restored it! Thank god for support!


Great eh!!!!!!

Support is great:) I know how it feels when you wreck your website badly, done it several times
For next time:)


Do not panic everything is still there just ask support

I had to have Support restore my site it was down for 7 hrs. but they brought it back.


When you get it fixed you can use a child theme to add the code

Is this a plugin? - deactivate it.
Is this HTML code you typed into the editor ? - delete the code.

Help me understand what you did, exactly.

i put code in header.php but it didnt work and website wont load
not plugin
deleted code carefully to no avail

Ouch! For future ref. Open two browsers with the Editor open to the same file. Make a copy of the all the contents, just in case. That way if the one breaks it. You're still connected and can paste it all back in there and SAVE. It will overwrite the bad stuff and put everything back into play.

good point

Been there, done that. Support restored. :-)

Listen to PJ, as this is the easiest solution.

Just fyi: a DIY option is to open the theme's zip file on your own computer, find the header.php file, and then FTP the header.php file into the proper folder on your site.

But I imagine you would be more comfortable with the support solution.

:) It will all work out.

Yep, done that too, but requires a wee bit more skill. :-) Thanks Fran!


Open a ticket and they will restore everything.


Plus-1'd you PJ.

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I stuffed up my website trying to insert html code editor?

I stuffed up my website trying to insert html code editor?

asked in
Everything Wordpress


how do i use WA recovery please

Glad you have now restored it! Thank god for support!


Great eh!!!!!!

Support is great:) I know how it feels when you wreck your website badly, done it several times
For next time:)


Do not panic everything is still there just ask support

I had to have Support restore my site it was down for 7 hrs. but they brought it back.


When you get it fixed you can use a child theme to add the code

Is this a plugin? - deactivate it.
Is this HTML code you typed into the editor ? - delete the code.

Help me understand what you did, exactly.

i put code in header.php but it didnt work and website wont load
not plugin
deleted code carefully to no avail

Ouch! For future ref. Open two browsers with the Editor open to the same file. Make a copy of the all the contents, just in case. That way if the one breaks it. You're still connected and can paste it all back in there and SAVE. It will overwrite the bad stuff and put everything back into play.

good point

Been there, done that. Support restored. :-)

Listen to PJ, as this is the easiest solution.

Just fyi: a DIY option is to open the theme's zip file on your own computer, find the header.php file, and then FTP the header.php file into the proper folder on your site.

But I imagine you would be more comfortable with the support solution.

:) It will all work out.

Yep, done that too, but requires a wee bit more skill. :-) Thanks Fran!


Open a ticket and they will restore everything.


Plus-1'd you PJ.

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