About Mark-Dom
Rank 57446
690 followers Joined February 2015


Hi there this is just a little bit of our background, and we are Mark and Dominique. We live in the UK and have been together





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asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hi everyone, what are people using to capture peoples emails ? I am interested in the lead boxes that pop up on the page if someone is trying to scroll down the page or leave th

Did you mean a light box Mark?

If you did, one man's web form is another's annoying pop up!

Personally, if I want to fill in a webform I'll do it if there's one on the page and I'm interested in the subject matter, however, if I'm trying to navigate the site and get a pop up webform I'm just as likely to find it annoying and close the site.

Just me maybe but I don't think I'm the only one.

Anyway Mark, bought that ring yet ;-) ??


Hi mark, thanks for that mate, my misses said the same thing as you about the pop up box. Found out i can do it via my get response account, and still have to get the wedding rings yet mate.

Many thanks for the answers guys.

Try leadpages and aweber, I would be cautious of sumome I have heard once installed you get annoying pop ups on your site from them you can never remove.
When you install any plugins always read the reviews check also their site and do a google, also ask members here at WA

I believe SumoMe has this.


Gary thanks for this info. But a remark by dazwilk above has a negative comment on Sumome. I have been a friend of Aweber owner for since some time ago and although I have not properly set up my own site yet (Yes, I am starting now) I was always thinking of using Aweber for my list (or I love to use tribe) building as it has a good reputation on the Net. That said, could you please tell us your experience with Sumome? Is it really annoying? Tell us also your positive opinions on this plugin. Thanks in advance.

I think you have a lot of control with SumoMe if you use it properly, and in combination with Mail Chimp, it's free... I think it's a good place to start...

Thanks Gary for the info.

I am a very big fun of summome plugin. it is just wonderful multitasks plugin.

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Best plugins for lead boxes ?

Best plugins for lead boxes ?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hi everyone, what are people using to capture peoples emails ? I am interested in the lead boxes that pop up on the page if someone is trying to scroll down the page or leave th

Did you mean a light box Mark?

If you did, one man's web form is another's annoying pop up!

Personally, if I want to fill in a webform I'll do it if there's one on the page and I'm interested in the subject matter, however, if I'm trying to navigate the site and get a pop up webform I'm just as likely to find it annoying and close the site.

Just me maybe but I don't think I'm the only one.

Anyway Mark, bought that ring yet ;-) ??


Hi mark, thanks for that mate, my misses said the same thing as you about the pop up box. Found out i can do it via my get response account, and still have to get the wedding rings yet mate.

Many thanks for the answers guys.

Try leadpages and aweber, I would be cautious of sumome I have heard once installed you get annoying pop ups on your site from them you can never remove.
When you install any plugins always read the reviews check also their site and do a google, also ask members here at WA

I believe SumoMe has this.


Gary thanks for this info. But a remark by dazwilk above has a negative comment on Sumome. I have been a friend of Aweber owner for since some time ago and although I have not properly set up my own site yet (Yes, I am starting now) I was always thinking of using Aweber for my list (or I love to use tribe) building as it has a good reputation on the Net. That said, could you please tell us your experience with Sumome? Is it really annoying? Tell us also your positive opinions on this plugin. Thanks in advance.

I think you have a lot of control with SumoMe if you use it properly, and in combination with Mail Chimp, it's free... I think it's a good place to start...

Thanks Gary for the info.

I am a very big fun of summome plugin. it is just wonderful multitasks plugin.

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

Would love to know how to do the above, is it covered in the training courses ?

I used gravatar

I too want to know this. fav icon didn't work for me. I want my company's logo not a picture of me. Tommy I will follow your advice

Go to gravatar.com

Cheers Tommy.

All sorted out Tommy, many thanks.

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How do i change my blog post avatar to a picture of me ?

How do i change my blog post avatar to a picture of me ?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Would love to know how to do the above, is it covered in the training courses ?

I used gravatar

I too want to know this. fav icon didn't work for me. I want my company's logo not a picture of me. Tommy I will follow your advice

Go to gravatar.com

Cheers Tommy.

All sorted out Tommy, many thanks.

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asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

What would you guys and girls say is the best Auto Responder to use ?


I am using listwire. It's free and suits my needs for the moment, but I will probably go to aweber in the future.
You can check out my opt in by listwaire at



Cheers guys for all your very helpful comments.

I have been using Aweber for the last five years with no problems! :)

two heavyweights to choose from...Aweber and
GetRespomse...both are feature-rich and have plenty
of helpful tutorials...I believe free trials for both

I haven't installed it yet but after trying MailChimp, I am definitely going to use aWeber. To get the features I needed with Mail Chimp, I had to upgrade. Kind of a "Bait & Switch" as far as I am concerned. At least you know up front what aWeber is going to cost. Just my 2 cents worth. Plus the online training is good with aWeber.

I have been using aWeber, which certainly isn't bad and provides a trusted name that has been around for quite some time, but there are certain things that I don't love, beyond the price increase from $19/month after 2,000 subscribers. The user interface is a little clunky and not the most user-friendly, especially for newbies, but can integrate with virtually any and everything and once you do learn it, it's not too hard to utilize.

I know some people use Mailchimp and not that I've heard it is bad, but I have heard that a lot of people eventually outgrow the system, which sounds like a good problem to have, but I have heard that transferring your subscribers to your new email service can prove to be quite a nightmare.

For now, I am sticking with aWeber. They get the job done an have excellent customer support, but I can't say that will be my provider for the long haul yet. One thing I can say is very nice about them is that they offer a 30-day trial for $1. It may be worth checking out so you can at least get a feel for it and determine whether or not it is for you and you could easily cancel before the 30 days is up if you want. Good luck and all the best!

i currently use get response but was just wondering if any others were better.

If you're in the U.S., use aWeber. In the U.K., use Get Response. Mail Chimp is free and an excellent alternative, although the costs commence at something like 2000 subscribers and from there on in they're most expensive. Keep in mind that you can't transfer double optin names from one AR to another.

Ask Kyle. What he uses with WA is pretty darn impressive. The first one I got, I responded saying I appreciated it, even though I knew it was probably an autoresponder. I got another one right back, telling me "no way this is an autoresponder" ... lol. Yeah, riiiiiiiight, with over 300,000 members, he's personally writing emails to everyone who goes premium?


I think you mean damn as dam holds water!

Actually I said, "DARN" but I still getcha, lol

On my screen the r and n run together. When the result is a word that's what I see!

Yeah, I get that too, a lot on my screen. In fact, when I read your reply, I looked at my comment the way it looked and could see how easily the "rn" looks like an "m".

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Best auto responders to use ?

Best auto responders to use ?

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

What would you guys and girls say is the best Auto Responder to use ?


I am using listwire. It's free and suits my needs for the moment, but I will probably go to aweber in the future.
You can check out my opt in by listwaire at



Cheers guys for all your very helpful comments.

I have been using Aweber for the last five years with no problems! :)

two heavyweights to choose from...Aweber and
GetRespomse...both are feature-rich and have plenty
of helpful tutorials...I believe free trials for both

I haven't installed it yet but after trying MailChimp, I am definitely going to use aWeber. To get the features I needed with Mail Chimp, I had to upgrade. Kind of a "Bait & Switch" as far as I am concerned. At least you know up front what aWeber is going to cost. Just my 2 cents worth. Plus the online training is good with aWeber.

I have been using aWeber, which certainly isn't bad and provides a trusted name that has been around for quite some time, but there are certain things that I don't love, beyond the price increase from $19/month after 2,000 subscribers. The user interface is a little clunky and not the most user-friendly, especially for newbies, but can integrate with virtually any and everything and once you do learn it, it's not too hard to utilize.

I know some people use Mailchimp and not that I've heard it is bad, but I have heard that a lot of people eventually outgrow the system, which sounds like a good problem to have, but I have heard that transferring your subscribers to your new email service can prove to be quite a nightmare.

For now, I am sticking with aWeber. They get the job done an have excellent customer support, but I can't say that will be my provider for the long haul yet. One thing I can say is very nice about them is that they offer a 30-day trial for $1. It may be worth checking out so you can at least get a feel for it and determine whether or not it is for you and you could easily cancel before the 30 days is up if you want. Good luck and all the best!

i currently use get response but was just wondering if any others were better.

If you're in the U.S., use aWeber. In the U.K., use Get Response. Mail Chimp is free and an excellent alternative, although the costs commence at something like 2000 subscribers and from there on in they're most expensive. Keep in mind that you can't transfer double optin names from one AR to another.

Ask Kyle. What he uses with WA is pretty darn impressive. The first one I got, I responded saying I appreciated it, even though I knew it was probably an autoresponder. I got another one right back, telling me "no way this is an autoresponder" ... lol. Yeah, riiiiiiiight, with over 300,000 members, he's personally writing emails to everyone who goes premium?


I think you mean damn as dam holds water!

Actually I said, "DARN" but I still getcha, lol

On my screen the r and n run together. When the result is a word that's what I see!

Yeah, I get that too, a lot on my screen. In fact, when I read your reply, I looked at my comment the way it looked and could see how easily the "rn" looks like an "m".

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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

Shall i put the links on all the pictures i use ?

Yes I think the importance is to get the balance right being selective with links.

What the others have already said ... sparingly, and only when appropriate and relevant to the post/article/review, etc.

By all means make use of adding links to pictures when and where appropriate....or even link to a 'caption' of the picture giving an idea of where the viewer is headed?

I guess HoJo007 has said it pretty well. If it's appropriate, use an affiliate link but be sure the whole content justifies it. Remember, content is king and there is nothing that will turn a visitor off faster than non stop selling.

My philosophy could be wrong here, but the way I do it is sparingly. If it fits and it's a plain image of the product and associated with a review, I may occasionally have an affiliate link open to the offer from the image. However, I wouldn't recommend doing it with every image and use your best judgement as to where it would "make sense" and where it is simply overkill. Also, I will sometimes add a caption to the picture. For example, if I have a picture of a supplement I am recommending, I may caption it with "Sign up for your Free trial of xyz for a limited time." It's now attached the the picture and pretty clearly states that it will take them to the product. Plus, people are naturally drawn to image captions. Again, don't overdo it, but I think captions are underrated and under-utilized. The rest of your images should just be optimized. Optimize them for keywords, include your url in the images and you can even get some nice backlinks from it that way, too. Hope this helps shed a little light. All the best!


Cheers for that HoJo, great advice.

Hello again, I tend to only put links to pictures which are associated with amazon. For example, I take screenshots of other peoples reviews and link them. Check out my latest review post: http://thepcprogrammer.com/2015/03/corsair-vengeance-k70-mechanical-gaming-keyboard-review/
I don't link images of the product because people sometimes might want to click on them to get a larger image, but it's up to you I guess.
I was afraid that my page might become too spammy if I put links on all my pictures.
If you're doing internet marketing though, with reviews of programmes and stuff, I would link the images a few of the images but not all as it might end up being too spammy.
I don't think you should link them all, just link the ones you think would be suitable to link. Hope this helps!

Cheers for the advice Tim, i have been back through my pages and changed them.

I'm not an expert so I don't know for sure if Google penalises too many affiliate links through pictures but I would just be safe ;)

It's funny you should ask that because that's exactly what I did and am very pleased with it. You can see the way I did it here at http://casinocaper.com

I think you need to read this first

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Should i put affiliate links on my pictures within my pages?

Should i put affiliate links on my pictures within my pages?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

Shall i put the links on all the pictures i use ?

Yes I think the importance is to get the balance right being selective with links.

What the others have already said ... sparingly, and only when appropriate and relevant to the post/article/review, etc.

By all means make use of adding links to pictures when and where appropriate....or even link to a 'caption' of the picture giving an idea of where the viewer is headed?

I guess HoJo007 has said it pretty well. If it's appropriate, use an affiliate link but be sure the whole content justifies it. Remember, content is king and there is nothing that will turn a visitor off faster than non stop selling.

My philosophy could be wrong here, but the way I do it is sparingly. If it fits and it's a plain image of the product and associated with a review, I may occasionally have an affiliate link open to the offer from the image. However, I wouldn't recommend doing it with every image and use your best judgement as to where it would "make sense" and where it is simply overkill. Also, I will sometimes add a caption to the picture. For example, if I have a picture of a supplement I am recommending, I may caption it with "Sign up for your Free trial of xyz for a limited time." It's now attached the the picture and pretty clearly states that it will take them to the product. Plus, people are naturally drawn to image captions. Again, don't overdo it, but I think captions are underrated and under-utilized. The rest of your images should just be optimized. Optimize them for keywords, include your url in the images and you can even get some nice backlinks from it that way, too. Hope this helps shed a little light. All the best!


Cheers for that HoJo, great advice.

Hello again, I tend to only put links to pictures which are associated with amazon. For example, I take screenshots of other peoples reviews and link them. Check out my latest review post: http://thepcprogrammer.com/2015/03/corsair-vengeance-k70-mechanical-gaming-keyboard-review/
I don't link images of the product because people sometimes might want to click on them to get a larger image, but it's up to you I guess.
I was afraid that my page might become too spammy if I put links on all my pictures.
If you're doing internet marketing though, with reviews of programmes and stuff, I would link the images a few of the images but not all as it might end up being too spammy.
I don't think you should link them all, just link the ones you think would be suitable to link. Hope this helps!

Cheers for the advice Tim, i have been back through my pages and changed them.

I'm not an expert so I don't know for sure if Google penalises too many affiliate links through pictures but I would just be safe ;)

It's funny you should ask that because that's exactly what I did and am very pleased with it. You can see the way I did it here at http://casinocaper.com

I think you need to read this first

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