2018 Year In Review: $40K Thank You WA! Happy New Year!

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Happy New Year my WA friends!

I hope everyone had a great holiday season and ready to rock it here in 2019!

As I have been doing, I've been updating my progress here since I started and so I'd love to do a 2018 in review post here to summarize my year with final results, as this is my biggest year so far, totaling $40K in revenue:

I started here in Sep/16 and my first full calendar year, I didn't do too well revenue-wise but this is how it goes when you're building your online business.

Mid 2017 was when I really started writing a lot more on my blog, daily in fact, and continued to do so throughout 2018 with some slow down in the latter part of 2018.

If it wasn't for that ramp up in 2017, there's no way I would have made what I made in 2018.

If you're new to this online business, know that you don't get paid for the work you do today but you will get paid when you have established enough trust with your audience by providing and creating enough valuable content to them.

Content will always be king whether you write it or record it in a video form and the more you can create, the more visitors you will attract, the more money you make.

I still publish about 5 posts a week and have over 600 posts on my blog now and received almost 370K visitors in 2018.

Income Breakdown:

Here's the breakdown of my income that I've been using to be consistent:

And if I used WA reporting to proof my numbers:

Jaaxy is very little as you can see. :)

This is from my Mediavine dashboard which I started only in May/18, these are the display ads on my site:

Averaging 4 digits a month just for ads! Totally truly passive after initial setup!

However, this ad network only allows sites who's sessions are over 25,000 and even then, it's not a guaranteed shoe-in.

Make sure you're branding your business nicely and have at least 1 or 2 social media accounts that might help.

2018 In Summary:

  • Achieved 4 digit income in Mar/18
  • Achieved Vegas Super Affiliate Conference in Aug/18
  • Over 600 blog posts
  • 369K visitors
  • $40K highest income year 2018
  • $7.9K highest income month in Nov/18
  • One website - Started Sep/16

I think you can call my income for 2018 a "full time" income since some people do make that much a year.

But if you have seen my 2019 goals, this is far from what I want to achieve.

I want to build a 6 figure income this year and that means more than doubling my 2018 income.

I really hope I can do this and give you guys a better "2019 Year In Review" post!

Advice To New Members:

When you come to WA, you're not just going to "see" if you can make money online. You absolutely have the blueprint to follow in the training here to build an online business just like mine or BETTER.

There are many members here who do way better than me, make way more money than what I've reported above.

This is just to let you see what's possible if you really dive into the training and really learn this business.

The training alone will not get you to success though.

YOU will be a BIG factor in the success of your online business.

YOU need to be able to:

  • Follow closely to the training & DO the tasks
  • Ask questions if you're stuck
  • Be able to also be resourceful & find your own answers
  • Persistence in finding your answers
  • Consistently work on your online business, at least 15 - 20 hours a week
  • Create high quality valuable content
  • Be willing to work without pay!

There's no sugar coating anyting with this online business, it's just pure "you reap what you sow" and you DON'T "reap" quickly or instantly.

The last point is very important and if you look at my history above (or read my posts on my profile), you will see I had to put in a lot of work in building my business in 2017 to reach the income I have in 2018.

Some people can achieve what I have in much shorter time but also many who haven't reached their first dollar in 2 years time as well.

Therefore, when and how much you'll make in your online business highly depend on you and how badly you want an online business to be churning out money like the way mine does.

I hope seeing my 2018 results will motivate and inspire you to work even harder in 2019 to reach your goals!

If I'm your Premium Coach, REACH OUT FOR HELP!!

I'm always here for everyone but especially those who have me as their Premium Coach (see Help Center, I should be listed there beside the owners), do not sit there and be stuck.

Everyone also has WA's incredibly helpful community so there's no excuse not to get help here.

Reach out for help and get onto the path of success!!

Wishing You All The BEST 2019!


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Happy New Year Grace and congratulations on a 40k year.

I learn so much from you my friend and I know this year, you are going to blow it out of the water with 6 figures as you have all the qualities and work ethic to achieve these results.

I wish you continued success and also thank you so much for sharing how to do this properly.

I am only 6 months in and already seeing some really great results and intend to really rock 2019 as well

Go well and grow huge my friend

Hi Vicki, Thank you and happy new year to you too!

I'm glad you can learn from me and I can't wait to see what you'll do this year. :)

Thanks for your support and let's bang out this 2019 big time!

I always love reading your success blogs Grace. You would have to be one of the most committed WA members here. Your sheer volumn of work is incredible to me. I work full time and putting out a blog a day boggles my mind lol.

I’m hoping to get where you are but it’s going to take me a lot longer, and that’s just something I need to come to terms with :)

Thank you for sharing, you are an inspiration.

Hi Heidi, Yes, you will take a little longer than me but definitely not impossible as I have seen many quit their jobs here from building this kind of online business so you can definitely do it! :)

Just keep at it, and keep building, as long as we get to our goals, it doesn't matter how long it takes!

I wish you much more success in 2019!

Thank you for sharing with us this inspiring post on your success within Wealthy Affiliate.

You're so welcome! :) Always happy to share and celebrate with the community.

Way to go Grace!!!!!!!!! You are an inspiration to us all. I actually just watched your first Vegas video and about to watch the second one. 3rd, 4th, and 5th by Saturday.

See you in Vegas in 2020!

Make a living, make a difference.


That's awesome Mark and glad you are doing my training, it will by pass a lot of headache as I pretty much tell you exactly what to do if you want to go my route. :)

You will get qualify this year if you can crank out those product reviews.

See you in Vegas 2020!

Amazing progress. Thanks for sharing your success. It motivates and inspires me.

Thanks so much Holly! Keep up your great work and see a brighter 2019!

Fantastic results and most definitely, yours is one the most inspiring stories on WA. Thank you for sharing and teaching the rest of the WA community how to achieve financial success through working hard and focus on what matters.

Happy New Year and looking forward to reading about your 2019 experiences :)


Hi Alenka,

Thanks very much and grateful for you to follow my progress! I will also share and help others as long as I can. WA has given me so much and I can never repay a community that has supported every step of the way.

Wish you so much success!

You are my Littlemama.. as I have said you inspire me. I’m slowly getting my training in. I’ll do more as kids are going back to school after this holiday!

Keep it up! Keep inspiring us! Wish you all the best in the coming year! I know you are going to achieve your goal as you are very hard working!

Thank you so much for your help!

Hi Nida, We're in the same boat, but my kids pretty much leave me alone when I want to work so I've been pretty lucky with that. :) You will get there too!

I hope you will have an amazing 2019!!

Congratulations that is amazing! I get happy when I see others succeed. Wishing you success in this new year!

Kind regards,


Hi Ana, I do as well, it never gets old for me seeing someone's first sale or any success posts. I love it all! :)

Wish you much success too in 2019!

Congrats!! That's awesome! Thanks for the advice and motivation! :)

Hi Janis, Thanks so much! :) Glad I can motivate you!!

Congratulations Grace, I will meet you in Vegas 2020!!

Thank you Shrestha! Yes let's do this Vegas 2020 here we come! :)

Yesss!!!! I'm so ready for the next year!


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