About TetaJulie
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252 followers Joined October 2018
I am Julienne, a single mother. I am divorced and live with my son Brave. I have siblings too. i just like being connected to





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Website Development & Programming

Hello dear,

Is there anyone who can tell me clearly how to use mega description is posts?

You have so.e good answers Julienne.

The meta description is what the search engines use in the search results. It's like a caption of your post content. I manually enter mine and try to stay at the 150 character count. I make sure it includes my keyword and is descriptive of what my post is about.

Hi Julienne. We assume you mean 'Meta description'. We looked into this recently. As you likely know, if you don't add your own meta description, Google will do it for you and what it frequently ends up doing is selecting the opening words of your post. Sometimes this can produce a good result and other times not but the meta description is important and it is well worth your while adding your own.
It should be 155 characters or less, including spaces, contain your keyword and give a clear indication of what your post is about.
Hope this helps.
Colette and Philip

Hello, I am creating training about this now but Jay did a live webinar that shows you a bit on this. He also covers many other important things... here is a link you can try as well

How to use meta description?

How to use meta description?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

Hello dear,

Is there anyone who can tell me clearly how to use mega description is posts?

You have so.e good answers Julienne.

The meta description is what the search engines use in the search results. It's like a caption of your post content. I manually enter mine and try to stay at the 150 character count. I make sure it includes my keyword and is descriptive of what my post is about.

Hi Julienne. We assume you mean 'Meta description'. We looked into this recently. As you likely know, if you don't add your own meta description, Google will do it for you and what it frequently ends up doing is selecting the opening words of your post. Sometimes this can produce a good result and other times not but the meta description is important and it is well worth your while adding your own.
It should be 155 characters or less, including spaces, contain your keyword and give a clear indication of what your post is about.
Hope this helps.
Colette and Philip

Hello, I am creating training about this now but Jay did a live webinar that shows you a bit on this. He also covers many other important things... here is a link you can try as well

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