About lcadataentry
Rank 41382
682 followers Joined September 2013
Hello, My name is Lisa. I work full time as a Licensed Dental Assistant. I work part time working on creating and improving





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asked in
WA Affiliate Program

I am looking for more likes on my Facebook page. It is https://www.facebook.com/pages/CatholicNetProductscom/647354881976042. I would definitely return the favor. Thanks. It

Thanks Daniel!! I just did the same for you on your two. Take care and God Bless!!! Lisa

You have a lot more likes than I do....so I need more help. I have liked yours.....here's mine: https://www.facebook.com/petesportstuff

It's done, take care and God Bless. Lisa

OK daniel44....I have liked both of your sites. :)
Take care......Pete
(oh.....if you want any sports or fashion apparel: www.petesportstuff.com :)

done. mine's https://www.facebook.com/wabrenda

Done!! Thank you bkcook! Take care and God Bless!

Done deal!!! Mine's https://www.facebook.com/midboomers

Thanks so much!!! I liked your page as well. God Bless!!

This is my facebook page.


Liked. :) Mine is https://www.facebook.com/flyeventually

Thanks so much!!! Just liked your page. God Bless!!

:) You're welcome and Thank you to you too. Blessing.

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Would you like my facebook page and i will like yours?

Would you like my facebook page and i will like yours?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

I am looking for more likes on my Facebook page. It is https://www.facebook.com/pages/CatholicNetProductscom/647354881976042. I would definitely return the favor. Thanks. It

Thanks Daniel!! I just did the same for you on your two. Take care and God Bless!!! Lisa

You have a lot more likes than I do....so I need more help. I have liked yours.....here's mine: https://www.facebook.com/petesportstuff

It's done, take care and God Bless. Lisa

OK daniel44....I have liked both of your sites. :)
Take care......Pete
(oh.....if you want any sports or fashion apparel: www.petesportstuff.com :)

done. mine's https://www.facebook.com/wabrenda

Done!! Thank you bkcook! Take care and God Bless!

Done deal!!! Mine's https://www.facebook.com/midboomers

Thanks so much!!! I liked your page as well. God Bless!!

This is my facebook page.


Liked. :) Mine is https://www.facebook.com/flyeventually

Thanks so much!!! Just liked your page. God Bless!!

:) You're welcome and Thank you to you too. Blessing.

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asked in
WA Affiliate Program

I am trying to get more "likes" on Facebook. It would be most appreciative. I, too, will definitely return the favor. Thanks so much.

Go to www.catholicnetproducts.com.

Done! Thanks a lot!!!! Lisa

Done! I also got your other social networks you have listed on your site. Here are mine:

done---If you would like my WA blog thanks ---nice facebook page --

Thanks croninweb, can you leave me your FB address so I can return the favor? Thanks. Lisa

If you would instead like my WA blog --thanks

Hello, I am trying to like your WA blog but you do not have any social icons on your site. Can you leave me your Facebook address so I can like it? Thanks so much.

What you need to do is take this link over to your Facebook and post it

and thanks so much --O by the way -I have enough likes at my Facebook --

You are on my Facebook page. Take care and God Bless.

this is a great idea. I am at work right now so I can do it when I get home. I have a page too. it would be helpful if you like mine too. I'll post it when I get home. Not allowed FB at work and I forgot my iPad this morning.

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I Also Need Help With Facebook "likes".

I Also Need Help With Facebook "likes".

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

I am trying to get more "likes" on Facebook. It would be most appreciative. I, too, will definitely return the favor. Thanks so much.

Go to www.catholicnetproducts.com.

Done! Thanks a lot!!!! Lisa

Done! I also got your other social networks you have listed on your site. Here are mine:

done---If you would like my WA blog thanks ---nice facebook page --

Thanks croninweb, can you leave me your FB address so I can return the favor? Thanks. Lisa

If you would instead like my WA blog --thanks

Hello, I am trying to like your WA blog but you do not have any social icons on your site. Can you leave me your Facebook address so I can like it? Thanks so much.

What you need to do is take this link over to your Facebook and post it

and thanks so much --O by the way -I have enough likes at my Facebook --

You are on my Facebook page. Take care and God Bless.

this is a great idea. I am at work right now so I can do it when I get home. I have a page too. it would be helpful if you like mine too. I'll post it when I get home. Not allowed FB at work and I forgot my iPad this morning.

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asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

I was wondering if any of you can do me a favor? I need more facebook likes and was wondering if you can like me through Facebook through my website. It is www.catholicnetprod

Hi Lisa have place a like on your page please find mine below if you can return the favor.
Take care and be well

I just return the favor!!! Thank you!!! and God Bless! Lisa

Thanks Lisa appreciated. Take care be well Stay in the light.

Lisa, I "liked" your FB - really! Beautiful site. I just created a Facebook Page, it's brand new, so if you feel like giving my new page a like, though not much there yet, I would appreciate it:


Which Facebook plugin are you using on your site. I like the organized way you have set up the 3 socials in your sidebar. ~ Jude

Hi Jude, You can get a plugin "jetpack" for you to display a FB like box in your site (this is what I use). Once it is uploaded and activated you then can go to your widget section in the admin section and there you will see an option of FB like box to display on your sidebar of your website by using the widgets. Once this is completed, PLEASE write me back so I can "like" your FB page through your website since I cannot do it through your FB page. Thank you soooooooooooooooo much for "liking" my page and I want to do the same for you!!!! Thanks also for the compliment. Do not forget to get a hold of me back!!! Take care and God Bless!! Lisa

Thanks Lisa. I host my site at WA and Jetpack is not accepted here any longer because people tend to activate every feature and then it slows down their site. I will look for another option though and will let you know when I have it set up but that may take me a while. ~ Jude

Hi Jude just in case this is what I used also recommenced by Kyle this links is part of one of his lessons just in-case your are interest.

Thanks Andre. I have seen Kyle's video on that. In the meantime I will use the Simple Add Share Button - I'm happy with it.

I liked your FB page. Great job! ~ Jude

You have an awesome site, I liked your page. Keep up the good work that you are doing.

I would love to like your page too, can you give me your address???? Many thanks, and for the compliment. God Bless. Lisa

I am good Lisa, no need to return the favor. I love God as well and spend the entire afternoon reading your posts. Well worth the like.

Icadataentry, following you and I will click on your link.........Frank

thank you, please do not forget to give me your address. Many blessings!! Lisa

Hi. I clicked like but from your website. Do you have your FB link you could post here. You can like mine if you wish https://www.facebook.com/babyboomerslearntoblog

I facebook liked your last article. Very informative and great job. You can like my facebook page by going through my website www.catholicnetproducts.com under "Follow Us on Facebook". Thanks. You did a superb job with your website!!!! Many blessings to you, Lisa

Hi Rick have place a like on your page please find mine below if you can return the favor.
Take care and be well

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Can Anyone Help Me With Facebook Likes?

Can Anyone Help Me With Facebook Likes?

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

I was wondering if any of you can do me a favor? I need more facebook likes and was wondering if you can like me through Facebook through my website. It is www.catholicnetprod

Hi Lisa have place a like on your page please find mine below if you can return the favor.
Take care and be well

I just return the favor!!! Thank you!!! and God Bless! Lisa

Thanks Lisa appreciated. Take care be well Stay in the light.

Lisa, I "liked" your FB - really! Beautiful site. I just created a Facebook Page, it's brand new, so if you feel like giving my new page a like, though not much there yet, I would appreciate it:


Which Facebook plugin are you using on your site. I like the organized way you have set up the 3 socials in your sidebar. ~ Jude

Hi Jude, You can get a plugin "jetpack" for you to display a FB like box in your site (this is what I use). Once it is uploaded and activated you then can go to your widget section in the admin section and there you will see an option of FB like box to display on your sidebar of your website by using the widgets. Once this is completed, PLEASE write me back so I can "like" your FB page through your website since I cannot do it through your FB page. Thank you soooooooooooooooo much for "liking" my page and I want to do the same for you!!!! Thanks also for the compliment. Do not forget to get a hold of me back!!! Take care and God Bless!! Lisa

Thanks Lisa. I host my site at WA and Jetpack is not accepted here any longer because people tend to activate every feature and then it slows down their site. I will look for another option though and will let you know when I have it set up but that may take me a while. ~ Jude

Hi Jude just in case this is what I used also recommenced by Kyle this links is part of one of his lessons just in-case your are interest.

Thanks Andre. I have seen Kyle's video on that. In the meantime I will use the Simple Add Share Button - I'm happy with it.

I liked your FB page. Great job! ~ Jude

You have an awesome site, I liked your page. Keep up the good work that you are doing.

I would love to like your page too, can you give me your address???? Many thanks, and for the compliment. God Bless. Lisa

I am good Lisa, no need to return the favor. I love God as well and spend the entire afternoon reading your posts. Well worth the like.

Icadataentry, following you and I will click on your link.........Frank

thank you, please do not forget to give me your address. Many blessings!! Lisa

Hi. I clicked like but from your website. Do you have your FB link you could post here. You can like mine if you wish https://www.facebook.com/babyboomerslearntoblog

I facebook liked your last article. Very informative and great job. You can like my facebook page by going through my website www.catholicnetproducts.com under "Follow Us on Facebook". Thanks. You did a superb job with your website!!!! Many blessings to you, Lisa

Hi Rick have place a like on your page please find mine below if you can return the favor.
Take care and be well

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