Activity Dashboard 2.0: Does it Stand Up to Predictions?


Here we are almost one year later. Official Date: May 1, 2018.

Well Ladies and Gents, Activity Dashboard 2.0 (AD 2.0) a.k.a “New Activity Dashboard” is finally HERE, and I must say it looks absolutely stunning!

There has been so much talk and great anticipation about AD 2.0 since early last July, and we all knew this would be a MASSIVE project, but we waited with baited breath for these exciting changes to finally arrive.

And now AD 2.0 is finally here. Wow.

To Carson and the entire WA Tech Team, we totally commend you on doing such an AMAZING job on the new design and functionality of this UPDATED interface.

As far as the UI design goes, you and the WA Team have hit a “moonshot” homerun!

But does Activity Dashboard 2.0 stand up to predictions?

Remember, this idea FIRST “officially surfaced” and was brought to our collective attention by Kyle in his July 17, 2017 post Ambassadors Rank and Activity Official Update

However, Kyle was already talking that this new activity dashboard was “in the works” through comments on other member’s posts at least one week prior to the publication of this aforementioned official post.

So based on the intrigue raised within small circles of WA BASED ON Kyle’s comments, on July 15, 2017 I wrote my very own popular post called “New Activity Dashboard.”

Here in my post I asked the entire WA community (and also in the “Ask a Question” forum) what were the best features, resources, and projects they would LOVE to see added to the proposed New Activity Dashboard.

The following were YOUR 10 Most Popular Responses from 10 months ago:

  1. Categorized Posts i.e. Health, family, tech, quote, animal, spiritual, environmental, etc.
  2. Community Hub where related niches could collaborate and network
  3. Button to filter out social and business posts
  4. Button to “mute” members content showing up in activity feed
  5. Video call help line to ask tech questions
  6. Make it clear the TRAINING aspect is called out in the post (omit)
  7. Add blog post tags to the “My Notifications” window
  8. Filters to configure specific groups of activities and people
  9. Coffee Pot icon for social “Chit Chat”
  10. “Make Whatever I Need” button!

You can review my post by clicking here New Activity Dashboard

You can also review the answers to my original question - where most of the "10 Most Popuar Responses" were taken from - by clicking the link below:

What Features would you like in the New Activity Dashboard?...

Let’s first omit # 6 as this is a specific characteristic of any post. Plus this would be more a part of “Creating Training” not a post.

Let’s now have some Fun here, and compare AD 2.0 from its original idea to its actual creation, and how did AD 2.0, hence our “new activity dashboard” stand up to predictions?

Let’s compare YOUR above requests to what the actual New Activity Dashboard” now includes.


What Member Proposed Changes Have Been Made:

Button to Mute Content (Proposed Item #4)

Has WA created a Button to Mute content if a member should choose? Yes.

However, this was one of the first changes made to the UI, the “Mute Discussion” button was added to the top of blog posts many months ago way back in August 2017.

What Member Proposed Features Have Not Been Made:

1. Categorized Posts: (Proposed Item #1)

Has WA yet sorted member’s posts into various specific categories? No.

Currently I see no indication of Categorized Posts.

However in the “Dashboard” view at the top there is a new feature called a “Pin” which is actually a Blue Pin icon. Here you can “pin” posts at the very top and place them yourself into various categories.

2. Community Hub: (Proposed Item #2)

Has WA created a community hub where related niches could collaborate and network? No.

However, this is still sufficed by Live Chat, so perhaps WA felt this would be a redundancy.

3. Button to Filter Social and Business Posts (Proposed Item #3)

Has WA yet created a button for members to filter social from business posts? No.

This was a HOT topic that was talked about by the entire community 10 months ago, but over time has since faded into the background. So perhaps the WA founders did not see a need to any longer address this issue.

4. Video Call Helpline (Proposed Item #5)

Has WA yet created a video call helpline for members to ask tech questions? No.

I don’t see anywhere where WA has included this. If suppose if you want to video chat, get friendly with a member and just Skype someone, or use Facebook Messenger.

5. Add Blog Post tags to “My Notifications” (Proposed Item #7)

Has WA yet created Blog Post tags to “My Notifications” window? No.

However, they is now have a new symbol for a "Starter Referral" that shows in “My Notifications” and elsewhere.

6. Filters to configure specific groups of activities and people (Proposed Item #8)

Has WA yet created Filters to configure specific groups of activities and people? No.

However, within “Private Messages” there has always been a “Search by Keyword for People” which could be considered a “filter for people” related to your PMs,

But there isn’t a filter (from what I can see) to configure specific groups of activities anywhere.

7. "Coffee Pot" icon for Chit Chat

Has WA yet created a “Coffee Pot” icon for social “chit chat”? No.

Although this was suggested as a good idea by several on my post and in comments to "Ask a Question" as a way to separate social banter, this could be considered as frivolous.

8. “Make Whatever I Need” button!

Has WA yet created a “Make Whatever I Need” button? No.

Same as #7!

Great Features Left Unchanged with Better Organization

Save three new features, much of the original functionality from the old dashboard has been left unchanged in the New Activity Dashboard.

Tried and true favorites have remained the same, which is a GOOD thing.

For example: New Blog Post, Ask a Question, Live Chat, Private Message, Certification Training, Affiliate Bootcamp, and Jaaxy.

However, no doubt the organization of the UI has vastly improved. Branding has been removed, and the generic naming of specific parts of the entire WA website is more intuitive.

Live Classes (which are primarily Jay’s weekly live trainings) has now been renamed “Live Events”, but is essentially the same.

"Top Helpers Today" is a new feature in "Help Center" that was never in place before.

“My Training Activity" which apparently organizes all training you have reviewed on a given day, and "Training HQ” has been added. THESE ARE 3 NEW FEATURES.

Much of the previous branding has been removed and replaced with generic names: Jaaxy is now called “Research”, Site Rubix is now called “Website”, and Site Support, Ask a Question, Live Chat, and Private Message have all now been lumped together under the new category “Help Center.”

I agree with Carson, once we get used to the UI (if we haven’t already), it will be a much easier place to navigate, taking less clicks and less time.

And the new simple design of the UI is modern and immaculate with a stunning look.

In Closing, My Analysis

In summary, from what many WA members has asked for from 10 months ago, the reality is

  • There has been only 1 proposed change that has been made
  • 8 proposed changes YOU have asked that have not been made.

But that doesn’t mean that this activity Dashboard 2.0, a.k.a “New Activity Dashboard” already isn’t a much better version than its predecessor. And I believe this platform is only going to get even better.

Carson stated in his most recent post, “New platforms coming. Many, MANY new innovations coming. System upgrades and improvements coming that have been developed for the new WA that we've released today.

Expect brilliance from us, we cannot wait to deliver.”

I sure believe Carson. He and his Team have done a phenomenal job so far, Activity Dashboard 2.0 is exciting and fresh!

So in closing, what other further revisions would YOU like to see coming in the New Activity Dashboard?



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Recent Comments


Excellent Kaju, you have said it all for me.

Thank you for Voicing and blogging!


I really appreciate that Louisa. Than You for reading and enjoying. And above all, supporting!!

I agree with Rick Collins that buffetearns has said it all really well.

~ Isabella

Thanks Isabella, glad you enjoyed my impartial analysis.

Wayne is misunderstanding. Please read my new detailed comment to Wayne below, and this should clear everything up.


It's ok. I know that these were proposals that you collected from the community... I also read your conversation with Steven. I am definitely not tech savvy and am glad that there aren't too many changes.

I like your 'As long as everyone is happy. life is GOOD!'




Learn, Grow, & Be Successful!
Clg :)!

Thank You Dr. Rei, I am honored and happy you enjoyed the read!

You really covered it all and even though they didn’t make all the suggested changes, it turned out great! I like that it’s not completely unfamiliar, still easy to navigate, and I’m sure there will be more improvements to come.

No doubt Marcus, I really like what they have done. I am merely drawing comparison of the before and after facts, and some of these past requests may still be honored in the future.


@buffetearns has said it all and I could not say anything more or differently.

Excellent read!


Thanks you Rick, glad you enjoyed this. Much appreciated!

A spectacular and respectful perspective as ever Kaju, a wonderful read!

This new look is nice and as long as it remains functional and user friendly, I would hope that it meets the requirements of us all and attract new members!

I think that there are some wonderful proposals within in your post and and I would not think that any of it has been overlooked.

We all learn a lot from you and it certainly broadens my mind to things that are possible!

A new UX and a new exciting outlook!

Thank you again Kaju, excellent read!


Thank you for those nice words Wayne.

Let me be clear though: these weren't MY proposals at all Wayne, These were proposals by OTHER WA MEMBERS who answered my question and commented on my post last July.

(did you click on the link and read my post from last July 2017 "New Activity Dashboard"?)

So this post is an objective comparison of what was asked for, and what ended up being delivered.

There is absolutely no partiality by me in either direction, I am only reporting the facts laid out before and after.

I just want to clear something up, Wayne.

You say, "I think that there are some wonderful proposals within in your post and and I would not think that any of it has been overlooked."

It's understandable why you might think these are MY proposals Wayne, this post is LONG and unless you read EVERYTHING you will miss some important details. Not your fault.

Attitudes were different almost one year ago, as there were many members here complaining about the ambassador program before WA implemented a major algorithm change. This was also a major motivator behind Kyle's announcement as to why WA would soon change the user interface.

However, if you click on my original post below from July 15, 2017 (which also is in the body of this article) you will see that EVERY proposal in this article is IDENTICAL to the List of 10 proposals I wrote in last year's post - which were ALL were taken from various OTHER members' answers to MY question I asked in the "As A Question" WA forum around the same time - and the rest were taken supplemental material taken from comments in the July 15, 2017 post.

Some of these proposals I agreed with, some of them I did not. You will see ALL of these proposals were taken from answers and comments.

Here's my original July 15, 2017 post:
Here are the member answers from my original question:
What is MOST important to understand here is that this article is a comparison review after almost one year of what the actual END product rolled out by WA grew up to be compared to what OTHER members asked for the product to be at the time.


Here Mr, you leave my friend alone, I know you are my very own personal clown but you can't go giving my friends grief lol.

I mean, he can't help it if he wasn't here last year to read your mammoth post, he only joined not that long ago lol.

I will come and pull you by the nose back down beside me and then kick you out of the AHOF and then you can join again for a third time lol. xxx

as usual an exceptionally thorough exploration, Kaju. too much for my foggy brain at this early hour. but great none the less. Since I have only been here for 4 months I don't have the perspective of last year's discuusion.

i love this community but to me this is a tool to build a business and an income. i very much appreciate the improvements and how much easier it may make using the site but like other tools it is a means to an end not the end itself.

sorry everyone but I'm focused on the goal not the road even if there are a few pot holes or great scenery

that said, the new UX is a much cleaner and sleeker look and i like it

No doubt Steve, the look is cleaner ans sleeker. I love it!

The entire dashboard is essentially the same as before, just organized a helluva lot better! The truth is though only 1 out of 9 member from last year requests were made to it.

Nothing wrong with that, the WA Team knows best and what they want to accomplish.

Btw, you are absolutely right, none of this is too important anyway, as long as it gives us the proper functions. As yo say, the platform is only a means to an end, the end itself is success and making $$ online

Having led a UX development team many years ago and moving from a menu UX to an icon UX I agree with you. It's not terribly different just cleaner and I don't see many functionality improvements - things done differently and more efficiently. Remember, many people here are not very tech savvy.

But what the hell, people seem to like it. In fact they are gushing over it. Well, they seem to gush over the littlest thing but they are happy and in the end that's all that matters.

WOW I'm on a tear tonight. :)

Let's face it, people really like it because its EASIER ON THE EYES. And not taking anything away from that, that is very important. It feels current 2018-2019.

And people like what they are comfortable with, so its very good that they didn't change very much, other than reorganizing related elements and renaming them.

As long as everyone is happy. life is GOOD!


You have put together a very thorough comparison of old and new versions and of suggestions and reality, Kaju. That's very helpful and interesting.
I have to admit I haven't tried all the buttons and features yet but the design of the new UI looks very clean and clear.
What really amazed me was the fact that the change went so smoothly as if the system had never been any different. So very well executed without any hiccups (if there were any they were not noticeable to us).

Absolutely very professionally accomplished, I commend Carson and his tech team Sammy!

Even though this is different from the requests that were previously acknowledged, I really love the way it feels and looks. No complaints here!

I do like the changes so far - clean, fresh and much easier to get around, more intuitive.

If anything I find it challenging keeping up with notifications, both emails and the site notifications. I often miss things. It's probably just me but I could do with an easier more integrated way of keeping tabs on all the activity that goes on here. :)

~Mark :)

Yes we have to get used to it, Mark. But I really do like the new look!

In retrospect, I am comparing what was proposed to what was actually implemented. Not complaining, it looks and work great!

Wow, very comprehensive post, very enjoyable and covers a lot, so well thought out. From initial use of it, which was last night around 10pm UK time, I was blown away.. Evertything is just awesome and will only make use better and our businesses to

I agree whole-heartedly Dave and Thank You!


Your welcome


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