New Activity Dashboard


Dear Kyle and Carson,

We all are very excited to hear about the New Activity Dashboard you are working on!

We expect very good things to come.

Recently, I put out a question to the community about what were the best features, resources, and projects members would like to see added to the New Activity Dashboard.

Here is a summary of the most popular member responses:

  • Categorized Posts i.e. Health, family, tech, quote, animal, spiritual, environmental, etc.
  • Community Hub where related niches could collaborate and network
  • Button to filter out social and business posts
  • Button to “mute” members content showing up in activity feed
  • Video call help line to ask tech questions
  • Make it clear the TRAINING aspect is called out in the post
  • Add blog post tags to the “My Notifications” window
  • Coffee Pot icon for social “Chit Chat”
  • Filters to configure specific groups of activities and people
  • A “Make Whatever I Need “ button!

We hope this list can add some additional ideas to help you optimize the new dashboard.

All members should feel free to add any other suggestions they might like to see added in the New Activity Dashboard in comments below.



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Recent Comments


Nice contribution which I'm sure Kyle & the gang will find helpful. It's good that POSITIVE PROGRESS has and is emerging from this thread - at one point it did seem a little like a kinda "taking sides" thing, when really I think most Members were in more a "continuous improvement" mindset
Kind regards

I'm all about continuous improvement that is mutual, Richard.

Thanks, Kaju, for another awesome post for tackling the current situation in WA

I try D, I try.

You're doing great!

I like Coffe Pot..Lol

Mee too, me like coffee!

Yes and thank you for your kind correction.

Excellent. Thanks.

Thanks Dr, notice I put in your idea "Make a Whatever you Want" button, that was my fav!

Excellent idea!:)

Yes I think so too, Vesna.

oh no! There's going to be new stuff to began to get familiar around this site now...hahaha

That's okay Kit, it won't be coming too soon, and even if it does the training will be great!

Sounds good!!!

Sounds exciting

Seems like it could work, Pablo. We'll see.

Excellent ideas....

It could be great, lets wait and see Orion.

That is great. WA just gets better and better. Thanks fo sharing .

Looking forward to seeing what will be coming too.

Agreed!! :)

Pretty much covered it lol
The only other thing we need is an "Irrelevant" button hahaha
There are sooo many posts about stuff that has nothing to do with helping OTHERS build their business.

"Helping Others" are the key words, I agree. Within helping others, there is great room for diversity. Thanks for your comment.

You got it :)

I believe in time all posts become relevent..we can always learn something from somebody, unless you're talking about your washroom break or you broken toenail! I'm always learning from others, even personal stories! Have you ever sat down and listened to an elderly man or woman and the stories they tell of growing up long before technology? The forgotten ones in society have a lot to say, and that's what caring for others is allabout! That's why when I had such an amazing welcome when I joined yesterday, I thought, "Wow!, These people really care!" I really listen to people by voice or by text, so I don't miss what's not said in between the lines! I have sat down on a park bench and shared a sandwiche with a homeless man, and listened when he cried about how he got sick, and lost his job, and couldn't get another one, so he washes car windows, and gets $2 a car, and how some people give him the finger for trying to do anything..he lost his family when he lost his job! My mom and dad taught me that! Business and work is important, but so is caring for your fellow man!! :)

Actually, I have sat down and listened to the elderly, but THAT, is not this..

In fact, I know what it's like to be homeless for sometime.......

So glad you brought that up!!! :)

Imagine doing it with a dog and loved one you want/have to keep fed.....


But caring is not leading other people who are looking to learn how to build their business...

To "YOUR" website that is OUTSIDE of the WA platform, and warns you "your information may not be safe" if you visit it....

where syour affiliate links to different things just so happens to be SOLD there as well???

Yea, not quite the same Katrina! Lol

Asking for feedback, 100% Completely Fine!

Asking people to check out your other referral offer...

Yea, I don't think you would do that either :)

But thanks for your concern.

If that came off too-insensitive, I apologize.. But..

Any member here who knows what I stand for, knows I 1000% support each and every member here, LITERALLY!!!

But ETHICAL + SINCERE care is needed in BOTH business and life.

Mom and dad taught me that as well.

The goal is to HELP PEOPLE.

NOT send people to your website so they can buy something... when they're already here in WA..

Not sure how you took the previous comment I posted, but I'm pretty sure we're agreeing on the SAME thing.

All posts DO become relevant....

When you "Help" > Don't sell people already in WA!! :)

Glad we can help inform others together!

Hope all is well :)

not quite sure how you took it, but no hard feelings :), that seemed just a tad defensive! I'm sorry if I hit a nerve. I think that's the problem with texting, it's hard to read tone :) My mom was homeless as well for awhile, and I think that's why I have a heart for the homeless! I think I just too it as you saying some posts are irrlevant because it's not helping others BUILD their business! I am sooo sorry if I misunderstood your last line! Datn texting and trying to fully agree people shouldn't spam their links, and I was a little surprised that some of the members welcoming me were adding a link to their greeting and telling me about sales that were going on, not you, but others! I made sure I read the rules twice..learned that in

Completely understand. I can see how you took it that way. Again, I apologize if taken the wrong way. And Yes, I agree, can't really read tone through writing lol

And I'm sorry to hear that about your mom, my family went through the some similar situations it sounds like -_-

But no worries or problems on this end, I can tell you care about people and love it!! :)

And yea, spamming their links on your wall, when you didn't ask for it?? Lol It's like, why?? hahaha

I agree, the links within the greeting messages can definitely throw you off also, especially when people haven't gone through any training yet..

But, I'm glad to be connected with you, look forward to supporting and rooting for you Katrina!!! Let's help others win :)

Sounds good to me!! :)


Kitkat, thank you for your prescient comments , You are very WISE for a newcomer. I totally get your comment in spirit, and I wholeheartedly agree.

This is a diverse community, a very positive helpful community, and diversity is our greatest strength, What many people fail to see is something that you allude to in your post.

There are not only life lessons to be learned in members' diverse blog posts, there are BUSINESS lessons at every turn that will help your online business. Whether it be a direct online tutorial, SEO reflections, a shared experience, an uplifting article to give you the encouragement to not give up, personal ingenuity that inspires your creativity to problem-solve a process, etc...these are manifest inside the personal stories shared by others. Not all, but in most of them.

Sometimes the message is not readily apparent, sometimes its in the subtext, but believe me it is there.

All need to to do is read the articles with a sharp intellect, an open mind, and an open heart - and you will get the message.

If you think big, you will SEE big.

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