Vegas 2019. Thank you Kyle & Carson!


I could still vividly remember when I was sitting in front of my old ASUS laptop 2 years ago reading other Super Affiliates' Vegas posts, admiring how they enjoyed their well-deserved FREE Vegas Trip.

Most importantly, I was really jealous that they could take a photo with these 2 great men like this👆

Aftering visualizing, working hard and waiting for 2 years, I made it. Finally, it's my turn to take this long-awaited photo with Kyle & Carson. Like I've told them, it's really a dream come true.

Anyways, I don't think I need to go into details about what we did because Kyle has written his 2019 Vegas blog summarizing what we did (including what we ate and where you went lol):

If you haven't read it, take some time to check it out via the link above.

A Very Meaningful Trip For Me...

Well, this Vegas trip wan't just my first Vegas Trip. But thanks to this opportunity, it's also the First Time Ever that I get to travel overseas with my girlfriend aftering surviving our 4-year long distance relationship❤️

That's why I said it's a very meaningful trip for us.

So apart from Vegas, after the conference, we drove 4 hours from Las Vegas to Grand Canyon for another 2 days before driving another 4 hours back to Vegas to take our return flight. It was spectacular and we took lots of great photos...⛰

You Can Certainly Do It Too!

What I really want to share with you is that regardless of your age, your gender, your education/family background, you can earn this FREE Vegas Trip too✈️

Look! I could still remember the days when I was laying on my army bed reading through Wealthy Affiliate's training and also other people's blog posts, success stories, etc... And they were just less than 2 years ago.

  • I didn't come from a rich family.
  • I don't have a College degree & I actually dropped out because I want to focus on my business
  • I don't have any working experience apart from working part-time as restaurant server for a few weeks in 2018 just to survive the days while I hustled to build up this business.
  • I don't know anything about computer science, coding or programming.
  • I didn't know anything about online marketing, affiliate marketing, building website and sales when I first started out 2 years ago.
  • English is not even my mother tongue language.

And this was my income growth for the past 13 months (since Jan 2018):

Can you see how many things can be done and how life can be changed in just a short 2 years if you really work for it?

So I'm telling you that earning yourself a FREE Trip to Vegas and creating a full-time passive income online is really really possible.

Of course it's not gonna happen in a few months' time. It can take many months or years depending on your commitment level. But the rewards you'll get are defintiely worth the hustle, even if you have to put in an extra few hours of work every night before you sleep or sacrificing some of your weekends. (In fact, I sacrificed most of my weekends in 2018 because I was so committed and determined to make it happen)💪💪

As you can see, the reason why some people couldn't make it is because of the lack of patience. And they're are expecting assymetrical rewards as compared to the work & time they're willing to put in. So basically, it's having the wrong mindset and expectations.

I know there are many of you who are already working hard for your Affiliate Bootcamp site aiming for Vegas 2020.

You don't need more motivation. All you need is just to be patient and be consistent in your work. If you feel motivated and publish 5 posts this week but you put your business aside for the next 2 weeks, it's hard for you to stay on track.

We all have busy schedule and many different commitments in our lives so there's no excuse (except that you're sick). But you gotta figure out which ones are the priorities. Prioritizing tasks in your to-do list and arrange them based on their importance and urgency level is a very important strategy to increase your productivity.

I really look forward to seeing you in Vegas next year because I'll definitely be there again and again and again.

My next target is 3000 sales so I can stay in the SKYLOFT. I'm not sure when I can achieve that because it's a challenging goal. Maybe next year or the year after. But no matter what, I'm all in🔥🔥

I really hope you can GIVE ALL IN as well. You'll thank yourself later.

I'll end this post with these 3 photos...

These are some awesome WA Goodies that I really love (Something you can look forward to)

And this is the amazing view that you get to see every morning when you wake up in Vegas. It really makes you feel that this world is full of hope and greatness.

And of course, this awesome group of Super Affiliates...

If you want to earn this FREE Vegas Trip but you don't know how to get started yet, simply head over to the Affiliate Bootcamp training and follow it step-by-step:

And if you need help, I've created an epic training on how to get more WA Premium Referrals (Sales) here:

Wish you all the best and look forward to seeing you next year!

Whose's coming? Let me know below :)

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Recent Comments


Awesome post Jerry and thanks for sharing. I'm so thrilled for you that your hard work has paid off and continues to pay off for you. I have no doubt that one day you will reach the 3,000.
It's wonderful reading all of the stories that have come out of Vegas - it's clear to me that's all down to hard work and persistence.
Thanks Jerry :)

That’s right. Wish you all the best Melissa!

Thanks for sharing all of this. English is not my first language also so I'm really happy to hear you have made it anyway. 👌😀

I'll go trough Kyle's training for a 2nd time to make sure I have everything right and I will also read your blogs and your trainings to learn more on how you made it happen.

Thanks again for sharing I've followed you on Instagram also. I need more positivity on my newsfeed haha have a good day my friend and good luck for your next goals!

Thanks Ricky! All the best!

Some great pics and more great feedback from the Vegas incentive you guys qualified for. Congratulations on achieving that. Many of us are hoping emulate those of you who made it this year in 2020.

This paragraph from your post really hit home with me as I am definitely guilty of this a lot.

"You don't need more motivation. All you need is just to be patient and be consistent in your work. If you feel motivated and publish 5 posts this week but you put your business aside for the next 2 weeks, it's hard for you to stay on track."

Congrats again and thanks for an inspiring post.

Haha glad I could inspire you! Hope to see you next year!

Perfect, thanks for sharing your experience:)

Congratulation Jerry.

Also Great Photos.
I was at Grand Canyon but in the summer - so next time I gotta be there in Feb 2020, right :)

See you there man,

Yup see you there!

Great job Jerry and well deserve!

Especially nice to see that you spent time with your girlfriend which has been a long distance relationship. Nice to see you took some extra time for the two of you. This is just another advantage to having your own successful online business. You don't have to worry about rushing home because you have to work.

I have wanted to visit Vegas for a long time so I want 2020 to be the year I experience Vegas., but it will be in style.

Keep doing what you've been doing.

Many more years of success to you!


Yup. A true laptop lifestyle haha. Thanks Greg. See you next year in Vegas!

Congratulations, with all your hard work and believing in yourself you most certainly deserve it.


You are a true inspiration. I will have to have my son and daughter read your post also to be an inspiration. Your determination and patience really paid off.

Thank you for this great post and take care!


Really appreciate that Nida!

Great post Jerry, very inspirational. Looking forward to it.

Well Done Jerry, your hard work has definitely paid off. Hope to be able to join you one of these years...
You are a very inspiring young man, love reading your blog posts.

Keep up the hard work and i am sure you can achieve the 3000 goal.

All the best


Thank you John! See you in Vegas soon!

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