About hantaah
Rank 9320
724 followers Joined May 2014
I'm Hantaah, from the UK I have studied web design and own a number of websites. I'm the boss of my own family and delegate tasks accordingly. I





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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Hi guys I was wondering if you could do a search for me as I have been working on a post

When doing a rank check it says the position is at #16 however is no where to be fou

what are you using to do a rank check?

It comes up on page 2 on Google under this link:


I found this link but not sure if this is what you are looking for

Just searched google for muslim web design, and you are on the first page, yes all of it? good work.

Much appreciated westbay

Can you find this link anywhere?


Confusing, why is it turning up in some and not other's search?

hantaah. I just clicked the link above and got a 404 error code. Today is the 24thJuly. 4days since last comment

Correct me if I understand your question wrong.
When I type your keywords(video seo guide optimization best practices) into the google this page, can you do a search for me come out on 113, page 11, in total 22 page but no muslimawebdesign appears, sorry
This is google-dutch version, don't know if that will give other results

ah I see, not sure if it will index in Dutch Google

obviously not

You got it right, thanks very much for searching for me

I searched in both .com and .co.uk several times and found nothing, sorry ;(


I could not find it


Just searched it on Google.co.uk and sure enough there you are at position #16 page 2

yea cool, it's only been on fr today

well chuffed

It shoes show #16 for us as well though, is it not on your US search?

Not at all in the US

ok thanks for checking

appreciate it

On the US google search. I found you on page 24. I didn't count for your ranking.

Ah At least it's somewhere. I did it today. Wonder why it's tutning up on some and not the others

I don't know. I can't find minds. But people are finding my page somehow.

I didn't find anything on the first 10 pages of google, but that might be because I'm in the U.S.. Your link is for the UK

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Can you do a search for me?

Can you do a search for me?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Hi guys I was wondering if you could do a search for me as I have been working on a post

When doing a rank check it says the position is at #16 however is no where to be fou

what are you using to do a rank check?

It comes up on page 2 on Google under this link:


I found this link but not sure if this is what you are looking for

Just searched google for muslim web design, and you are on the first page, yes all of it? good work.

Much appreciated westbay

Can you find this link anywhere?


Confusing, why is it turning up in some and not other's search?

hantaah. I just clicked the link above and got a 404 error code. Today is the 24thJuly. 4days since last comment

Correct me if I understand your question wrong.
When I type your keywords(video seo guide optimization best practices) into the google this page, can you do a search for me come out on 113, page 11, in total 22 page but no muslimawebdesign appears, sorry
This is google-dutch version, don't know if that will give other results

ah I see, not sure if it will index in Dutch Google

obviously not

You got it right, thanks very much for searching for me

I searched in both .com and .co.uk several times and found nothing, sorry ;(


I could not find it


Just searched it on Google.co.uk and sure enough there you are at position #16 page 2

yea cool, it's only been on fr today

well chuffed

It shoes show #16 for us as well though, is it not on your US search?

Not at all in the US

ok thanks for checking

appreciate it

On the US google search. I found you on page 24. I didn't count for your ranking.

Ah At least it's somewhere. I did it today. Wonder why it's tutning up on some and not the others

I don't know. I can't find minds. But people are finding my page somehow.

I didn't find anything on the first 10 pages of google, but that might be because I'm in the U.S.. Your link is for the UK

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