About bbraunj
Rank 28263
505 followers Joined May 2014
My name is Josh, I'm going to be a Junior in high school, and want to earn some money online. I'm interested in creating my





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asked in
WA Affiliate Program

Hey everyone.

Just wanted to say that I think I'll be leaving WA for a while and probably will stop doing stuff with my site. At least until next summer. I might try it agai

Josh, way to go with keeping up with studying. Especially in the summer, I'm having a hard time getting myself to study daily. PSATs, ACTS, and SATS... they are all a pain lol but are totally worth it in the end. So best of luck! I'm sure your gonna do great with the test. As for your site, that all depends on you and whether you want to continue one day with your niche, or start fresh. Whatever you do, best of luck kiddo :)

Thanks Lera!

Your site was always going to be a good one. Keep it.Often, after a break from such an intense session as you've done at WA, you come back with fresh perspective. Your site will benefit immensely. I encourage you to hold it on standby. I wish you great success with your educational persuits. Go well, young man.

Thanks. I think I'll back it up and put it back on when I've got more time

Whatever you decide to do with your site I wish you well.Also you seem from your remarks that you have your head well and truly screwed on,I wish you good fortune with all studies and I am sure you will do well in your test.


I would start fresh next year. So many things change over time. Start fresh and knowing what you know now you can fly through the setup process.
Good luck to ya and have a great day!


Yes you can host elsewhere for $4 or $5. a month and manage your site whenever you have time. You may want a break from all that studying, once in awhile. I once ignored a site for a year and then started working on it again, it was still all there as I had left it. We wish you the best of luck and success, congratulations on having a goal and going for it.

Thanks. I might host it but I think I might just back it up since my Google rankings won't really be improving while I'm gone.

Wishing you the very best!!!


School is important, you can always come back. You have a good outlook on your future. Study hard and prepare for the psat test .


I believe you are being very diligent and trying to plan ahead. I admire your dedication and work so far with WA. I wish you the best in your Junior year.


WoW! That's great! Follow your dreams, young man. If I were you, I'd just start fresh. Things will have changed by next Summer and you will want to follow the newest, freshest stuff by then.
However, if you do decide to keep it, why not add plugin WPBackUP & back it up to Dropbox until then--you wouldn't have to pay for hosting. Just a suggestion...
Best wishes on achieving your dreams! You go, go, go!

Thanks for the plugin idea. I think I might do that since Google rankings won't really improve by keeping it hosted.

You have 30 days after canceling your membership to move it to another host. Nothing will change as far as how you manage your site. Sounds like you have a bright future ahead of you. I wish you well:)


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Im about ready to give up for now what are the consequences?

Im about ready to give up for now what are the consequences?

asked in
WA Affiliate Program

Hey everyone.

Just wanted to say that I think I'll be leaving WA for a while and probably will stop doing stuff with my site. At least until next summer. I might try it agai

Josh, way to go with keeping up with studying. Especially in the summer, I'm having a hard time getting myself to study daily. PSATs, ACTS, and SATS... they are all a pain lol but are totally worth it in the end. So best of luck! I'm sure your gonna do great with the test. As for your site, that all depends on you and whether you want to continue one day with your niche, or start fresh. Whatever you do, best of luck kiddo :)

Thanks Lera!

Your site was always going to be a good one. Keep it.Often, after a break from such an intense session as you've done at WA, you come back with fresh perspective. Your site will benefit immensely. I encourage you to hold it on standby. I wish you great success with your educational persuits. Go well, young man.

Thanks. I think I'll back it up and put it back on when I've got more time

Whatever you decide to do with your site I wish you well.Also you seem from your remarks that you have your head well and truly screwed on,I wish you good fortune with all studies and I am sure you will do well in your test.


I would start fresh next year. So many things change over time. Start fresh and knowing what you know now you can fly through the setup process.
Good luck to ya and have a great day!


Yes you can host elsewhere for $4 or $5. a month and manage your site whenever you have time. You may want a break from all that studying, once in awhile. I once ignored a site for a year and then started working on it again, it was still all there as I had left it. We wish you the best of luck and success, congratulations on having a goal and going for it.

Thanks. I might host it but I think I might just back it up since my Google rankings won't really be improving while I'm gone.

Wishing you the very best!!!


School is important, you can always come back. You have a good outlook on your future. Study hard and prepare for the psat test .


I believe you are being very diligent and trying to plan ahead. I admire your dedication and work so far with WA. I wish you the best in your Junior year.


WoW! That's great! Follow your dreams, young man. If I were you, I'd just start fresh. Things will have changed by next Summer and you will want to follow the newest, freshest stuff by then.
However, if you do decide to keep it, why not add plugin WPBackUP & back it up to Dropbox until then--you wouldn't have to pay for hosting. Just a suggestion...
Best wishes on achieving your dreams! You go, go, go!

Thanks for the plugin idea. I think I might do that since Google rankings won't really improve by keeping it hosted.

You have 30 days after canceling your membership to move it to another host. Nothing will change as far as how you manage your site. Sounds like you have a bright future ahead of you. I wish you well:)


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asked in
Everything Wordpress


When I open my site 'bestlaptophelper.com' it redirects to 'h118.direct.bestlaptophelper.com'. What does this mean?

It also won't let me upload images. It either

Seems like I'm not the only one who had an issue. WA must've done something, because now my site's back to normal, and I actually think it's a little faster. I'm gonna say if you've got this issue, just wait it out.

I'm having the same thing happening to me when I login through WA

I just logged into my site now and I have h111.direct.mydomain.com. Must be server side, could WA hosting have a virus?

cant say I have come across this one, if you cannot get anywhere try live chat failing that can always put in a support ticket

Hey Josh! I was having some logon issues yesterday, which I never have, so I ran my Autocare system fix. I had some registry errors and other issues. I restarted my laptop and had no further trouble. Maybe you can try something like that?

I'm scanning for viruses now after a reboot. My site's still doing the h118 direct thing but now it's loading like normal. It's very strange

Sorry Josh, that's beyond the scope of my computer/software knowledge!

Haha thats ok. I hope that either it'll fix itself or my scan will fix something. Thanks for the help

Hello, I'm having the same issue as well as some others. Support have said my site runs okay on their end although that doesn't help me very much. I feel much better now I know it isn't just me but that doesn't help you either.
Good luck

I'm so sorry you're having that problem Barry. I hope you can get it resolved soon. Let us know what happens please.

That looks like a redirect virus you going to need to contact your hosting company


Ok. I'll try sending a hosting support ticket

When I try I get error establishing a database connection Josh. I think you might need to talk to the power that be (hosting support) on this one. That h118 thing is strange.

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What does h118 direct mean?

What does h118 direct mean?

asked in
Everything Wordpress


When I open my site 'bestlaptophelper.com' it redirects to 'h118.direct.bestlaptophelper.com'. What does this mean?

It also won't let me upload images. It either

Seems like I'm not the only one who had an issue. WA must've done something, because now my site's back to normal, and I actually think it's a little faster. I'm gonna say if you've got this issue, just wait it out.

I'm having the same thing happening to me when I login through WA

I just logged into my site now and I have h111.direct.mydomain.com. Must be server side, could WA hosting have a virus?

cant say I have come across this one, if you cannot get anywhere try live chat failing that can always put in a support ticket

Hey Josh! I was having some logon issues yesterday, which I never have, so I ran my Autocare system fix. I had some registry errors and other issues. I restarted my laptop and had no further trouble. Maybe you can try something like that?

I'm scanning for viruses now after a reboot. My site's still doing the h118 direct thing but now it's loading like normal. It's very strange

Sorry Josh, that's beyond the scope of my computer/software knowledge!

Haha thats ok. I hope that either it'll fix itself or my scan will fix something. Thanks for the help

Hello, I'm having the same issue as well as some others. Support have said my site runs okay on their end although that doesn't help me very much. I feel much better now I know it isn't just me but that doesn't help you either.
Good luck

I'm so sorry you're having that problem Barry. I hope you can get it resolved soon. Let us know what happens please.

That looks like a redirect virus you going to need to contact your hosting company


Ok. I'll try sending a hosting support ticket

When I try I get error establishing a database connection Josh. I think you might need to talk to the power that be (hosting support) on this one. That h118 thing is strange.

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asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

I've heard of people sharing articles multiple times on their social media accounts, but doesn't it seem kind of spammy to do so? Or am I wrong. Does it actually help get engagemen

boomergp08, thanks indeed for the clarification.

You're welcome.

I share content a few times a day at different times so it just does not look spammy for nothing more annoying than bombarding people with all at the same time

I always share my content multiple times a day everyday but NEVER the same content. I also spread out my sharing across 5 different social media networks and I try to share during their peak hours. It has been GREAT for my rankings and my traffic! But it will take time and dedication to see results.

The mistake most people make when sharing on social media is either they share the same thing over and over multiple times per day or they share something once and never again. Both of those ways are not how you utilize Social Media Marketing.

If you post the same article multiple times in a day it will look like you are spamming. Depending on how many web pages and posts you are planning to share will determine how often you should share. Someone like me that has 30 different pages/posts that I share, I can and do share several times a day everyday and I never share the same content more than once every two days.

So lets say you have 4 articles to share. Share 2 on one day, then the other 2 the next day, and then the first 2 and so on and so on everyday. You also MUST engage with others and also share other articles that are not yours, just like JennPGD said below. In regards to what hbbglobal said about Facebook, I agree and personally I share the least on Facebook. For me, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest, & LinkedIn in that order are much better than Facebook.

Wow very informative. Thanks!

Thanks for that. So you share each article once on each platform but never the same day. Meaning that if you use 4 platforms, you will need at least 4 days to totally share your article. Is that correct?

No. If I share the one article on Twitter once per day I will also share that same article on all of the other networks once per day. So if I am using 5 different social media networks I will share the article 5 times a day, once on each of the 5 networks.

1. Share your article once a day.
2. Share something else too like things that inspire your audience.
3. Share someone else's article.
4. And don't forget to engage with your followers/fan. :)


You're welcome.

You definitely want to be careful not to share too often on any one social media platform. I know Facebook is one of the most rigid on this, but the problem could spread into causing your audience to shrink. They'll start blocking your posts if all they see out of you is your "businessy stuff". I think you could share a new post each day on each platform you have accounts with and be totally fine, though. I hope that helps!


I think its best to stick with fresh content each time you do an article thats what boosts your ratings !

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How many times should i share my articles?

How many times should i share my articles?

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

I've heard of people sharing articles multiple times on their social media accounts, but doesn't it seem kind of spammy to do so? Or am I wrong. Does it actually help get engagemen

boomergp08, thanks indeed for the clarification.

You're welcome.

I share content a few times a day at different times so it just does not look spammy for nothing more annoying than bombarding people with all at the same time

I always share my content multiple times a day everyday but NEVER the same content. I also spread out my sharing across 5 different social media networks and I try to share during their peak hours. It has been GREAT for my rankings and my traffic! But it will take time and dedication to see results.

The mistake most people make when sharing on social media is either they share the same thing over and over multiple times per day or they share something once and never again. Both of those ways are not how you utilize Social Media Marketing.

If you post the same article multiple times in a day it will look like you are spamming. Depending on how many web pages and posts you are planning to share will determine how often you should share. Someone like me that has 30 different pages/posts that I share, I can and do share several times a day everyday and I never share the same content more than once every two days.

So lets say you have 4 articles to share. Share 2 on one day, then the other 2 the next day, and then the first 2 and so on and so on everyday. You also MUST engage with others and also share other articles that are not yours, just like JennPGD said below. In regards to what hbbglobal said about Facebook, I agree and personally I share the least on Facebook. For me, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest, & LinkedIn in that order are much better than Facebook.

Wow very informative. Thanks!

Thanks for that. So you share each article once on each platform but never the same day. Meaning that if you use 4 platforms, you will need at least 4 days to totally share your article. Is that correct?

No. If I share the one article on Twitter once per day I will also share that same article on all of the other networks once per day. So if I am using 5 different social media networks I will share the article 5 times a day, once on each of the 5 networks.

1. Share your article once a day.
2. Share something else too like things that inspire your audience.
3. Share someone else's article.
4. And don't forget to engage with your followers/fan. :)


You're welcome.

You definitely want to be careful not to share too often on any one social media platform. I know Facebook is one of the most rigid on this, but the problem could spread into causing your audience to shrink. They'll start blocking your posts if all they see out of you is your "businessy stuff". I think you could share a new post each day on each platform you have accounts with and be totally fine, though. I hope that helps!


I think its best to stick with fresh content each time you do an article thats what boosts your ratings !

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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

Hey WAers. I've got a quick question for you. Should all internal links be opened in the same tab? I've got links to a post on benchmarks throughout all of my articles, and cur

Keep it as it is. They will not wander off, if they do then they didn't mean to settle there in the first place. No worries. Good job

I would keep it as it is, we are guided to keep it in the same tab

You have it right. DO NOT link other sites on the same tab. Then the will lose your site!

You are right, bbraunj. I do the very same thing with my internal links.

Thank you all for your answers, and I've decided to keep internal links in the same tab. I think it makes more sense if you're staying on the same site to stay on the same tab. They can always open it in a new tab if they choose, but by default I'll do internal links in the same tab and external links in a different tab.

seems to me that it would be your own preference
I like to keep my site in their browser, so I have external links open in a new tab

great question & all the best

Always open in a new tab.

I like to send then to a new tab and not have them lose my site link in case they want to return if the link they clicked on was of no interest to them.

I always open all links in a new tab. Just my personal preference. Linking out of your site, definitely!

When link inside, don't need a new tab. Go outside, a new tab.

Spot on MisterWailor, keep your viewers on your site without cluttering up their browser's tabs and don't lose them to an external site. ~Marion

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Open links in new tabs for internal links?

Open links in new tabs for internal links?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

Hey WAers. I've got a quick question for you. Should all internal links be opened in the same tab? I've got links to a post on benchmarks throughout all of my articles, and cur

Keep it as it is. They will not wander off, if they do then they didn't mean to settle there in the first place. No worries. Good job

I would keep it as it is, we are guided to keep it in the same tab

You have it right. DO NOT link other sites on the same tab. Then the will lose your site!

You are right, bbraunj. I do the very same thing with my internal links.

Thank you all for your answers, and I've decided to keep internal links in the same tab. I think it makes more sense if you're staying on the same site to stay on the same tab. They can always open it in a new tab if they choose, but by default I'll do internal links in the same tab and external links in a different tab.

seems to me that it would be your own preference
I like to keep my site in their browser, so I have external links open in a new tab

great question & all the best

Always open in a new tab.

I like to send then to a new tab and not have them lose my site link in case they want to return if the link they clicked on was of no interest to them.

I always open all links in a new tab. Just my personal preference. Linking out of your site, definitely!

When link inside, don't need a new tab. Go outside, a new tab.

Spot on MisterWailor, keep your viewers on your site without cluttering up their browser's tabs and don't lose them to an external site. ~Marion

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