About OCH3943
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646 followers Joined January 2016
Hello There! Welcome to my profile page! I signed up for an account in Wealthy Affiliate in 2016 but only joined and went Premium from





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asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hi All,

Can anyone share how can we properly add DKIM records for our domain emails hosted here in WA?

I am trying to set it up but Site Support doesn't seems t

How did you set up your email forwarding? If you just did a simple forward in Site Email then that won't work anymore. You need to set it up through Gmail settings.

Yea the same thing was advised in the live chat :)

Hi Colette and Philip, I set up my domain email in MS Outlook. So when I use my domain email to send email to other people who are using gmail, those mails goes straight into spam folder.

If you are saying you actually created your domain email in Outlook, rather than WA Site Email, then I cannot cannot comment further as I know nothing about that process in Outlook. Depending on how the Outlook process works it could be that you need an smtp plugin and smtp mail service.

Thanks for chipping in. The issue is something different. It is about setting up DKIM records.

Good luck resolving this.

That landed in the community if it was meant for site support.

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Has anyone requested site support to add dkim records for your domain emails hosted here in wa?

Has anyone requested site support to add dkim records for your domain emails hosted here in wa?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hi All,

Can anyone share how can we properly add DKIM records for our domain emails hosted here in WA?

I am trying to set it up but Site Support doesn't seems t

How did you set up your email forwarding? If you just did a simple forward in Site Email then that won't work anymore. You need to set it up through Gmail settings.

Yea the same thing was advised in the live chat :)

Hi Colette and Philip, I set up my domain email in MS Outlook. So when I use my domain email to send email to other people who are using gmail, those mails goes straight into spam folder.

If you are saying you actually created your domain email in Outlook, rather than WA Site Email, then I cannot cannot comment further as I know nothing about that process in Outlook. Depending on how the Outlook process works it could be that you need an smtp plugin and smtp mail service.

Thanks for chipping in. The issue is something different. It is about setting up DKIM records.

Good luck resolving this.

That landed in the community if it was meant for site support.

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

Dear WA community,

I notice that when I share my blog post URLs or website domain on Whatsapp, neither my website logo or the featured image is showing. It works when I

Kindly let us know if you were able to resolve it or need additional assistance. Thank you Richard.

Hi Abie, I too had similar output from ChatGPT but it didn't work.

I asked ChatGPT, these are the steps to follow

Install and activate AIO SEO: Ensure that you have installed and activated the All in One SEO plugin on your WordPress website.

Access AIO SEO settings: In your WordPress dashboard, go to the All in One SEO tab, usually located on the left-hand side menu. Click on it to access the AIO SEO settings.

Configure Open Graph settings: Within the AIO SEO settings, look for the "Social Meta" or "Social Settings" section. This is where you can customize your Open Graph settings.

Set default image: In the Open Graph settings, you will have an option to set a default image. This image will be used when there is no specific featured image assigned to a post or page.

Customize metadata: You can also customize the Open Graph metadata for your posts and pages individually. When creating or editing a post, scroll down to the AIO SEO section below the content editor. You will find fields to enter the title, description, and image specifically for Open Graph.

Save your changes: Make sure to save your settings after configuring the Open Graph options.

You really have to love Chat GPT.

Sometimes helpful other times outdated. One must check the validity of info given by it. But yeah overall, useful for brainstorming and ideas to use as a tool

I agree about it being outdated. I wish they would update it to at least the end of 2022.

I am sure it will evolve as time passes along :)

Hey Richard,

Being as nothing has worked for you this far, I decided to try Google searching your question. It appears that you are not the only one suffering from this same issue. See screen print below...

You may it to your advantage to run the same search and read through what others have tried. Perhaps one technique that has been shared might work for you.

Also... it MIGHT be your SEO plugin that is causing this issue. AIOSEO has dropped off being the number 1 SEO plugin for a few years now.

If that turns out to be your issue, you may have to change plugins. Rank Math makes it sooooo simple to switch over to theirs from AIOSEO... just so you know.

Hope you find this helpful.

There are also free image sizers online and some of them will resize your image for various sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites. Generally, they all follow a very close format. https://www.google.com/search?q=image+sizer+online&rlz=1C1JSBI_enUS1064US1064&oq=image+sizer+online&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i10i433i512j0i10i512l8.4149j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Hi David, thanks. I understand that the image should be at least 300 x 300 px from what I have read. But my images are bigger than that already.

if you edit the post at the bottom in the seo section you will find a social section and this is what is displayed for the opengraph information....
the default open graph information is found in your seo section in the sidebar....

Thanks Phil,

But it didn't work for my case...

In the Social Network settings in the AIO SEO plugin, I have set it as Featured Image.

In the blog post Social section, I have tried Default Image Source (Set in Social Networks), and also tried Featured Image in the Image Source dropdown menu. Both didn't work when I paste the URL on Whatsapp where no image shows up.

oh well - sorry it didn't fix it...
i hope you manage to get a solution soon...
have you tried searching the plugin directory for a solution...
having a quick look around - is the size of image you are showing in the order of 256x256 to 400x400 and less than 300kb...
and any og image data whatsapp will take the last one in the list....
so maybe if you can select an image in the seo data for that post you can have one in that size to see if it shares...
make sure there are no spaces in the filename - replace spaces with either underscore or dash....and make sure the full url is included https://.......
inspect the meta data by viewing the post and press ctrl+u - a new tab will open - find ( ctrl+f) og:image and search for the last one....
and if minifying the data it maybe removing the " " around the image url - these are needed so if this is the case then it needs t obe excluded somehow....

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How to make website logo or featured image appear in whatsapp when I share my website blog url?

How to make website logo or featured image appear in whatsapp when I share my website blog url?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Dear WA community,

I notice that when I share my blog post URLs or website domain on Whatsapp, neither my website logo or the featured image is showing. It works when I

Kindly let us know if you were able to resolve it or need additional assistance. Thank you Richard.

Hi Abie, I too had similar output from ChatGPT but it didn't work.

I asked ChatGPT, these are the steps to follow

Install and activate AIO SEO: Ensure that you have installed and activated the All in One SEO plugin on your WordPress website.

Access AIO SEO settings: In your WordPress dashboard, go to the All in One SEO tab, usually located on the left-hand side menu. Click on it to access the AIO SEO settings.

Configure Open Graph settings: Within the AIO SEO settings, look for the "Social Meta" or "Social Settings" section. This is where you can customize your Open Graph settings.

Set default image: In the Open Graph settings, you will have an option to set a default image. This image will be used when there is no specific featured image assigned to a post or page.

Customize metadata: You can also customize the Open Graph metadata for your posts and pages individually. When creating or editing a post, scroll down to the AIO SEO section below the content editor. You will find fields to enter the title, description, and image specifically for Open Graph.

Save your changes: Make sure to save your settings after configuring the Open Graph options.

You really have to love Chat GPT.

Sometimes helpful other times outdated. One must check the validity of info given by it. But yeah overall, useful for brainstorming and ideas to use as a tool

I agree about it being outdated. I wish they would update it to at least the end of 2022.

I am sure it will evolve as time passes along :)

Hey Richard,

Being as nothing has worked for you this far, I decided to try Google searching your question. It appears that you are not the only one suffering from this same issue. See screen print below...

You may it to your advantage to run the same search and read through what others have tried. Perhaps one technique that has been shared might work for you.

Also... it MIGHT be your SEO plugin that is causing this issue. AIOSEO has dropped off being the number 1 SEO plugin for a few years now.

If that turns out to be your issue, you may have to change plugins. Rank Math makes it sooooo simple to switch over to theirs from AIOSEO... just so you know.

Hope you find this helpful.

There are also free image sizers online and some of them will resize your image for various sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites. Generally, they all follow a very close format. https://www.google.com/search?q=image+sizer+online&rlz=1C1JSBI_enUS1064US1064&oq=image+sizer+online&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i10i433i512j0i10i512l8.4149j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Hi David, thanks. I understand that the image should be at least 300 x 300 px from what I have read. But my images are bigger than that already.

if you edit the post at the bottom in the seo section you will find a social section and this is what is displayed for the opengraph information....
the default open graph information is found in your seo section in the sidebar....

Thanks Phil,

But it didn't work for my case...

In the Social Network settings in the AIO SEO plugin, I have set it as Featured Image.

In the blog post Social section, I have tried Default Image Source (Set in Social Networks), and also tried Featured Image in the Image Source dropdown menu. Both didn't work when I paste the URL on Whatsapp where no image shows up.

oh well - sorry it didn't fix it...
i hope you manage to get a solution soon...
have you tried searching the plugin directory for a solution...
having a quick look around - is the size of image you are showing in the order of 256x256 to 400x400 and less than 300kb...
and any og image data whatsapp will take the last one in the list....
so maybe if you can select an image in the seo data for that post you can have one in that size to see if it shares...
make sure there are no spaces in the filename - replace spaces with either underscore or dash....and make sure the full url is included https://.......
inspect the meta data by viewing the post and press ctrl+u - a new tab will open - find ( ctrl+f) og:image and search for the last one....
and if minifying the data it maybe removing the " " around the image url - these are needed so if this is the case then it needs t obe excluded somehow....

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

Dear WA Family,

May I know what do you guys commonly use to create a comparison table in wordpress?

I use the Table block but seems that it always ended up as a

is it worth looking at this plugin - i know another plugin but seems useful...
and mobile friendly...
apparently you can switch off plugin after use - but test this first...

Thank you Phil!

I use the table block, too.

Press the return key if you want your info to continue on the next line in the same block.

Frank 🎸

Hi Frank, thanks. I will give it a try.

When I am in draft mode, the table looks fine where the text in each row and column (a 3 column table) are nicely wrapped to the next line. But upon clicking Preview, it became 1-liner.

Yeah, pressing the return key should prevent that.

Thanks again Frank. It works beautifully now!

You're welcome, Richard! 😎

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What is the best way to create a comparison table in wordpress?

What is the best way to create a comparison table in wordpress?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Dear WA Family,

May I know what do you guys commonly use to create a comparison table in wordpress?

I use the Table block but seems that it always ended up as a

is it worth looking at this plugin - i know another plugin but seems useful...
and mobile friendly...
apparently you can switch off plugin after use - but test this first...

Thank you Phil!

I use the table block, too.

Press the return key if you want your info to continue on the next line in the same block.

Frank 🎸

Hi Frank, thanks. I will give it a try.

When I am in draft mode, the table looks fine where the text in each row and column (a 3 column table) are nicely wrapped to the next line. But upon clicking Preview, it became 1-liner.

Yeah, pressing the return key should prevent that.

Thanks again Frank. It works beautifully now!

You're welcome, Richard! 😎

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

Dear WA Community,

I have been using AIO SEO in my older website and it has the feature to allow me to add "nofollow" when I add an external link.

I have a new we

In the new block editor you have to add it manually or by using a plugin.

For me, I add the no follow manually - after you have added your external link you will have to click on the 3 dots on the tools then the drop-down menu will open... then click on Edit as HTML, then the block that you have just added an external link will show as HTML then you can insert the "no follow" inside the noreferrer noopener code.

After adding the nofollow you can switch back by clicking Edit visually.

Hope it helps!

Hi Rowe, thanks.

I am wondering whether I should switch back to AIO SEO or go to Rank Math.

SEO Framework doesn't seem to be so efficient. :(

Hi Richard,

For convenience maybe but I'm not sure if it could affect your site especially if it has already gathered traffic.

You can check the link below and decide which way is more efficient.



My apologies; I have it wrong.

Its ok Lula.

Hey Richard,

In Rank Math, you can select to make all of your external links "nofolow". See screen print below...

So, I went into my trusted test site and activated SEO Framework but could NOT find any such option... which is odd.

Have you tried submitting a ticket to the plugin developer?

Even a quick Google search in answering your question, brought up nothing even close to an answer.

Wish I could have been able to help you.

Hi Trish, indeed, it is odd.

And in Rank Math, may I know is there also a "sponsored" link feature that we can add when it comes to affiliate links?

I found it in Rank Math website on the Sponsored tag.

But I do not quite understand the instruction: In the Affiliate Link Prefix field, enter the slug /go/. Once you have entered the slug, click on the Save Changes button to save your changes.

Is it telling me that I should identify the affiliate link URL pattern and add as a prefix? Like I have Etsy affiliate link which all has "https:// tidd.ly/ <random alphanumeric for the product"

How should I be adding the slug?

Good find, Richard :)

The Rank Math directions are offered here: https://rankmath.com/kb/manage-affiliate-links/

Thank you Trish!

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How to add "nofollow" in url external links when using seo framework?

How to add "nofollow" in url external links when using seo framework?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Dear WA Community,

I have been using AIO SEO in my older website and it has the feature to allow me to add "nofollow" when I add an external link.

I have a new we

In the new block editor you have to add it manually or by using a plugin.

For me, I add the no follow manually - after you have added your external link you will have to click on the 3 dots on the tools then the drop-down menu will open... then click on Edit as HTML, then the block that you have just added an external link will show as HTML then you can insert the "no follow" inside the noreferrer noopener code.

After adding the nofollow you can switch back by clicking Edit visually.

Hope it helps!

Hi Rowe, thanks.

I am wondering whether I should switch back to AIO SEO or go to Rank Math.

SEO Framework doesn't seem to be so efficient. :(

Hi Richard,

For convenience maybe but I'm not sure if it could affect your site especially if it has already gathered traffic.

You can check the link below and decide which way is more efficient.



My apologies; I have it wrong.

Its ok Lula.

Hey Richard,

In Rank Math, you can select to make all of your external links "nofolow". See screen print below...

So, I went into my trusted test site and activated SEO Framework but could NOT find any such option... which is odd.

Have you tried submitting a ticket to the plugin developer?

Even a quick Google search in answering your question, brought up nothing even close to an answer.

Wish I could have been able to help you.

Hi Trish, indeed, it is odd.

And in Rank Math, may I know is there also a "sponsored" link feature that we can add when it comes to affiliate links?

I found it in Rank Math website on the Sponsored tag.

But I do not quite understand the instruction: In the Affiliate Link Prefix field, enter the slug /go/. Once you have entered the slug, click on the Save Changes button to save your changes.

Is it telling me that I should identify the affiliate link URL pattern and add as a prefix? Like I have Etsy affiliate link which all has "https:// tidd.ly/ <random alphanumeric for the product"

How should I be adding the slug?

Good find, Richard :)

The Rank Math directions are offered here: https://rankmath.com/kb/manage-affiliate-links/

Thank you Trish!

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