About dbrownukk
Rank 13771
533 followers Joined December 2013


Hi, David here,





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asked in
Everything Wordpress

I have recently started using Bing adwords. I keep seeing adwordassistant.com visiting my site. The landing page that adwordassistant.com arrives at does correlate with the bing

Not had that problem yet. Did u get it fixed?

The WP-Ban plugin seems to be working so far. Very easy to configure but not checked any impact on site performance. Next on the to do list via Google Webmaster

I have not had any problems with adwordassistant.com. Hope you are able to figure this out...now, I see Kristian1974's comment about semalt and I do get those fromtime to time.

I had a problem with semalt
The htaccess method worked for one of my sites, but Kyle sent me a link to simply register you site address to "opt-out" of the Semalt bot visits - much easier method. I don't know what the link is, but PM Kyle?

looking it .. strikes me as spam as it is also saying when you land there it might be up for sale

Agree, but it did get me to visit the URL... thanks, David

I have a similar issue with semalt.com. I am pretty sure that it is spammy, here is a link to what Google says about them:
Their site over at http://adwordassistant.com/ is bare bones, I would wager that it is a similar thing.
It is possible to block using the htaccess file apparently:
http://logorrhoea.net/2014/01/how-to-block-semalt-com-referrer-traffic-using-htaccess/ is for Semalt.

I hope that sheds some light...best wishes, Andy

Thanks Andy - I also have a few hits from semalt - all part of the learning curve. Cheers.

ban hammer and wp ban are both rated 4 or above

wp ban looks suitable - will install and see if I can stop the statistics looking too good!

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Anyone have multiple hits from adwordassistant dot com ?

Anyone have multiple hits from adwordassistant dot com ?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I have recently started using Bing adwords. I keep seeing adwordassistant.com visiting my site. The landing page that adwordassistant.com arrives at does correlate with the bing

Not had that problem yet. Did u get it fixed?

The WP-Ban plugin seems to be working so far. Very easy to configure but not checked any impact on site performance. Next on the to do list via Google Webmaster

I have not had any problems with adwordassistant.com. Hope you are able to figure this out...now, I see Kristian1974's comment about semalt and I do get those fromtime to time.

I had a problem with semalt
The htaccess method worked for one of my sites, but Kyle sent me a link to simply register you site address to "opt-out" of the Semalt bot visits - much easier method. I don't know what the link is, but PM Kyle?

looking it .. strikes me as spam as it is also saying when you land there it might be up for sale

Agree, but it did get me to visit the URL... thanks, David

I have a similar issue with semalt.com. I am pretty sure that it is spammy, here is a link to what Google says about them:
Their site over at http://adwordassistant.com/ is bare bones, I would wager that it is a similar thing.
It is possible to block using the htaccess file apparently:
http://logorrhoea.net/2014/01/how-to-block-semalt-com-referrer-traffic-using-htaccess/ is for Semalt.

I hope that sheds some light...best wishes, Andy

Thanks Andy - I also have a few hits from semalt - all part of the learning curve. Cheers.

ban hammer and wp ban are both rated 4 or above

wp ban looks suitable - will install and see if I can stop the statistics looking too good!

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Hi. On monday of this week I had a keyword phrase that returned on Page 1 of the Google results. I use Jaaxy and a Chrome Incognito browser to check.

On tuesday, wednesday a

Actually David, Robert has just posted on this, including a link to a Matt Cutts video, which you might find interesting.

Haha David, when you've figured google out let me know.

Great answer Andy Thank you

you might not like dancing..but you are going to have to dance the Google dance. It is like standing on your dad's feet, you only get to go where they want to go.,Re-indexing is haphazard even if your updated site map pings them..factor in:
your skewed browser history, with its bias towards your results
the last picture built up by the bots was some time ago, so they are working from THAT snapshot...
when they do index it, new and fresh and engaged with content is bigged up- so if your posts have different social dimensions that will skew the weight attached to them..and it will all go a bit boingy boindy (technical speak- I could explain it, but you would not be able to see your loved ones again)

It settles down- when you publish you can set the date and time...Consistency is better, as it will affect when the search engines will set to come back again..do a similar number of posts each week, and settle on the same days, and within a say two hour time frame.. Consistency is key..

Drive interest to them using FB, Twitter and Google +, and you will be rewarded.

Rinse and repeat...

Oh, and don't check your results unless "incognito" or using duckduckgo.com


Something I wondered about too but never bothered to ask as I feel updating with content is more important. You did make me laugh with your last statement. Thanks for asking, useful.

Thanks, always good to laugh! All the best David

that is great, well done and see Cybridge is giving good advice

There are alot of things that you need to do inorder to effectively rank your website to #1. First, you must post quality content, 5 pages and up, content must not be duplicated, it should be original, work on your SEO, visitors and comments are helpful and useful in google rankings so you should work on that too and most of all your website age.

Got it! Was very surprised to be on Page 1. Proves that the systematic, or dare I say scientific approach works. David

I think it is the algorithm that Google uses. That and the fact that there is over 2 billion people online. I am not sure. Have you searched the WA site. Try google ranking or ranking changes. That might help you find out why. Just a thought.

How old is your website? If it's relatively new, then my experience is that it will tend to jostle a bit with other search results until eventually settling down into any one position.

Some posts will also disappear entirely off the radar if Google feels the content isn't relevant.

But as you gain more authority and your website grows, some of your content will start to rise in the rankings.

Many thanks, that makes sense. David

Hi - it's likely Google is just settling in your website.

Lots of other sites will have been added, and will be competing too - so google will just be weighing them all up against each other. This may happen for a short time, but it should settle down.

Cheers, Mark

Looks like 2 votes for 'Google settling down', which makes a lot of sense. The site is a few weeks old. Now to focus back on content rather than watching page ranking! Thanks for the support and feedback. David

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Confused on rapidly changing Google keyword page rank

Confused on rapidly changing Google keyword page rank

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Hi. On monday of this week I had a keyword phrase that returned on Page 1 of the Google results. I use Jaaxy and a Chrome Incognito browser to check.

On tuesday, wednesday a

Actually David, Robert has just posted on this, including a link to a Matt Cutts video, which you might find interesting.

Haha David, when you've figured google out let me know.

Great answer Andy Thank you

you might not like dancing..but you are going to have to dance the Google dance. It is like standing on your dad's feet, you only get to go where they want to go.,Re-indexing is haphazard even if your updated site map pings them..factor in:
your skewed browser history, with its bias towards your results
the last picture built up by the bots was some time ago, so they are working from THAT snapshot...
when they do index it, new and fresh and engaged with content is bigged up- so if your posts have different social dimensions that will skew the weight attached to them..and it will all go a bit boingy boindy (technical speak- I could explain it, but you would not be able to see your loved ones again)

It settles down- when you publish you can set the date and time...Consistency is better, as it will affect when the search engines will set to come back again..do a similar number of posts each week, and settle on the same days, and within a say two hour time frame.. Consistency is key..

Drive interest to them using FB, Twitter and Google +, and you will be rewarded.

Rinse and repeat...

Oh, and don't check your results unless "incognito" or using duckduckgo.com


Something I wondered about too but never bothered to ask as I feel updating with content is more important. You did make me laugh with your last statement. Thanks for asking, useful.

Thanks, always good to laugh! All the best David

that is great, well done and see Cybridge is giving good advice

There are alot of things that you need to do inorder to effectively rank your website to #1. First, you must post quality content, 5 pages and up, content must not be duplicated, it should be original, work on your SEO, visitors and comments are helpful and useful in google rankings so you should work on that too and most of all your website age.

Got it! Was very surprised to be on Page 1. Proves that the systematic, or dare I say scientific approach works. David

I think it is the algorithm that Google uses. That and the fact that there is over 2 billion people online. I am not sure. Have you searched the WA site. Try google ranking or ranking changes. That might help you find out why. Just a thought.

How old is your website? If it's relatively new, then my experience is that it will tend to jostle a bit with other search results until eventually settling down into any one position.

Some posts will also disappear entirely off the radar if Google feels the content isn't relevant.

But as you gain more authority and your website grows, some of your content will start to rise in the rankings.

Many thanks, that makes sense. David

Hi - it's likely Google is just settling in your website.

Lots of other sites will have been added, and will be competing too - so google will just be weighing them all up against each other. This may happen for a short time, but it should settle down.

Cheers, Mark

Looks like 2 votes for 'Google settling down', which makes a lot of sense. The site is a few weeks old. Now to focus back on content rather than watching page ranking! Thanks for the support and feedback. David

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