Bux is on the Ropes

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Apologies everybody for my absence from the WA platform. I’ve been on the ropes the last week or so. A boxing term, that means that things are not going too well, having to put up a bit of a fight.

It’s this cancer thing that’s knocked me off course recently, but in true rhino style I’m fighting back.

So for those that sent messages asking about where I was, thank you. In fact, to those that didn’t send messages, thank you to you too - for reading this.

I’ve had my low period, for now, and this week is going to be a better week, I’m sure.

I know the hospital wants to start treatment soon, perhaps they have noticed a change too. However, it doesn’t alter the fact that I’m determined to beat this little c.

You don’t get rid of me that easily. Watch this space for more of my silly blogs very soon.

It’s not just about sunny days, it’s more about what you do when the storm hits.

Keep charging folks.


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Looking forward to these "silly" blogs buddy, and I want to see some out nad out really stupid ones so you can catch up with me. Go for it buddy. Remmember one of the best ways to increase white blood cells is the intake of the green plant made poplar by Bob Marley and many others.
Over the last few weeks, I have been doing a lot of reading and there seems to be a lot that has been suppressed by corporations that only want people to buy their products.

I will PM my email address and if you ever feel like a chat, drop a line and I will send my phone no.


I've emailed you Steve.
Yes, we have a shop in town that sells green plant products. Completely ignored by the police, well, it is Glastonbury after all. Visitors to the town think we are joking, until they go and look themselves - many end up spending a lot of money.

Hello Bux

I'm really sorry to hear you have cancer. That's so sad and taking time out to focus on yourself is important so don't feel you have to apologize to WA for that.

It's great that you are feeling a bit better this week. I like your attitude and it sounds like you are in a much better headspace now which is great. I know you can do this. Stay strong and keep charging through things. I know you can beat this sucker.

I wish you all the best with your treatment and I wish you good health and many blessing. I look forward to your next blog post. God bless you always. All the best to your success.



Thanks Timothy, really appreciated comments.
Yes, keep charging, that's all that I know.
Look after yourself.

Hello Bux

You're welcome and thank you for your reply. I hit a low point recently to and almost quit WA. I only stayed because I have a yearly membership which in a way has been my saving grace.

I've been trying to deal with my mental health issues which has made this year quite tough. I hope to get back into things soon and I will do my best to look after myself.

Thank you again for your reply. Take care and look after yourself to my friend. All the best to your success.



Its good to get your problems out in the open Tim. I've found the folk here at WA very encouraging. They may not be able to help in a direct way, but the support and encouragement is outstanding. There is always someone that has been there before, got the T-shirt, got an answer for you.
Stick with it buddy. A little extra effort every day makes a big difference after a month.

Hello Bux

Thank you so much my friend. Yes the WA community is amazing and I'm planning to do a post on my WA blog post when I'm feeling up to it to get things out in the open.

I usually do that to and things have been quite tough lately. I'm still chugging along but very slowly. Thank you so much again my friend. All the best to your success.



And all the best to you Tim.
Take care buddy.

Thank you so much Bux and I wish you the same as well my friend.

Hello Box,

I am so sorry to hear this news! See yourself healed Bux, do not give in to negative Doctors giving you a life sentence, you can heal ok :)

Kind regards

Thank you Erica. That is the plan, to bea😎t this leukemia or at least live a good life with it. I'm not finished yet.
You take care too.
Bux 😎

I am sure you will beat it Bux, think of all your good memories often as this will put you in a state of happiness, and not fear from a diagnosis.


Wow, Bux! Too many of us are getting cancer :( So sad. I'm so sorry you are also going through a cancer scare. I still don't know if I will need chemo. I find out tomorrow. Dr said I will need hormone replacement, but I'm worried about it giving me migraines again when I recently got them under control.

Stay strong, my friend!

TeriOi 😎😉🥰

Thank you Terri. More scans and blood tests for me before they decide for definite. They give me choices but I don't know enough to make a decision. And all those abbreviations just flow off their tongues and I go glassy eyed.
I'll be thinking of you. Good luck.
Bux 🌻

Hey Dave, sorry to hear buddy. There must be something in the water..or maybe it's the sky trails...lol..where is my silver tinfoil hat. lol
I too am back behind the wheel trying to knock down that C before it gets me.Im indulging unhealthy belts of laughter and exercise....often both together as I have to watch my flab continue to exercise even after I have stopped.

Hang in there buddy.

SteveOi! I can't believe you also have cancer! Major bummer, there.

We need to all hang in together )

Take care, friend :)


Ha ha Steve, I actually wore a tin foil hat like that in France about 12 years ago when they had a Japanese sunami and the nuclear plant went super nova and the winds blew towards Europe.
Every one thought I was mad, but it brought a lot of laughs. And laughs help to make life what it is.
Take care Stevoi.

Thanks Terioi
Round 2, it hasn’t got me yet and I will knock it on the ropes again.
Take care my friend

Laughing fills us with oxygen buddy, and we need that oxygenated blood.
Also working on raising my white blood cells. Herbal..ahem…cookies are good for that..
Also no beer and losing weight…am putting in the hard yards buddy

Must eat those cookies…hehe.


I agree on the 'cookies', Steveoi!

Eat hearty, lol :)


Wasn’t there a Jungle Book song about all hanging together.
Good point Teri.

You can have some of my white cells Stevoi, my cancer is making too many and pushing the red boys out.
Keep active buddy, whatever it takes.

Thoughts and prayers,

Thanks Kerri, appreciated. I'm not done yet, and every prayer helps.

I know you can beat this thing, Bux!

You can do it! 💪

Myra ♥️

I can Myra. I will beat it or at least learn live with it.
Funny thing is, I feel healthier now than I felt last year.
You take care too Myra.
Bux 🌹

That's very good to hear, Bux!

Hang in there!

Myra ♥️

You've got this partner!


Thanks Grant. Yes, absolutely, I'm in charge. Last week was tough but now I've caught an up wave. Onward we go,

Hang in there, Bux! You will be up and at 'em before you know it!


I will Rudy. thanks for the reply, much appreciated.
You can't stop an old rhino from charging.

Damn Skippy!😎


I like it.


A C survivor times 2 here! A positive attitude is a must in your survival kit here. My thoughts are with you and your family as you battle your way to the winners circle. If there is anything we can do, please don't hesitate to ask.

Wow, thanks Courtney. The winners circle - that's the place for me.
I have every intention of staying positive, just the occasional dip.
Look after yourself too.

You have absolutely every right to have a low moment here and there. The main thing is not staying in that low moment. Yell, cry, rage, if you need to and then keep moving forward. If you ever need to DM me, please, please, whether it's a high or low moment, don't hesitate to do so. I will be glad to help in any way that I can. It's sucks, for you, for your family. It just sucks all the way around, and I realize you don't know me but sometimes that's better. We all want to protect our loved ones so whether it's an illness or grief or just a low moment in time, we put on a smile and pretend, for them. You don't have to do that with me. So dm me when you need to and know that I will listen and not judge. And sometimes that makes all the difference in the world.

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