About DaisyB
Rank 28371
1,300 followers Joined December 2014
Hi, I'm DaisyB. I am so glad to be back at WA! This is the most awesome place on the web to learn and earn!





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asked in
Getting Started

Could I poll everyone on which different photo editors people use - paid or unpaid? There are so many choices. Some of them re-size, some don't. others will add music or mak

I used Photoshop for many years but did not use many of the advanced features.
Recently I changed to a free editor, Paint dot net. It's able to do almost everything I want, nearly as well as Photoshop.
So far I'm happy with it!

Thanks Andrew. I also asked my Granddaughter and she uses Photoshop Express which is now free. Is that the one you were using?

No, I was using the paid version.
I didn't realize they had a free version. I'll check it out one day and see how it compares to paint.net


I use Canva, I have pro yearly subscription.

Thanks Abie

And most welcome :)

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Could I poll everyone here on which different photo editors people use - paid or unpaid?

Could I poll everyone here on which different photo editors people use - paid or unpaid?

asked in
Getting Started

Could I poll everyone on which different photo editors people use - paid or unpaid? There are so many choices. Some of them re-size, some don't. others will add music or mak

I used Photoshop for many years but did not use many of the advanced features.
Recently I changed to a free editor, Paint dot net. It's able to do almost everything I want, nearly as well as Photoshop.
So far I'm happy with it!

Thanks Andrew. I also asked my Granddaughter and she uses Photoshop Express which is now free. Is that the one you were using?

No, I was using the paid version.
I didn't realize they had a free version. I'll check it out one day and see how it compares to paint.net


I use Canva, I have pro yearly subscription.

Thanks Abie

And most welcome :)

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Hi Everyone, I follow a blog that gives a lot of detail tips about building sites. The topic has come up to question whether or not to take your site to https. I know that we c

Google asked me how I wanted to list my website. I chose https.

Who is your host for that site Marilyn? Is it Google?

HTTPS is actually only needed when you sell your own products and have a payment service on your website

No. There's no need for https on an affiliate site as you aren't processing any payments on your site. And WA don't support it.

Google has over 200 factors that affect rankings. Https is just a minor one.

I wouldn't worry about it.

As I understand it, SSL is not just about payments. It's about secure communication between the site visitor's computer and the browser that connects to the website.

That includes email addresses, login ID's, passwords, names, and all manner of personal data.

My email provider has it but does not process payments.

So we're in agreement. Affiliate sites don't need any of that.

As there aren't any user emails, personal data being stored. Affiliate sites just redirect people to sites with ssl Eg Amazon, clickbank etc

Look at the top of this page - WA is an https site.

Yes I acknowledge that affiliate sites don't really need that. However, as I said, i just started a new domain which I do intend to make into an e-commerce site. Also as i mentioned, google is now including the https as a ranking factor. It may not count for much ranking but as a site becomes large - it does.

Yes Chris it is about security not just about payments. I know WA hosting is very secure and I wouldn't want to have to go outside to get an 's' added for my e-commerce site. The affiliate site that I have built should be just fine without the 's' because it really isn't big enough to concern it. But even browsers like Firefox are set up so it warns people if a site is unsecured. So it is a valid question either way.

It's a question I've been wondering about for a while.

I suspect that most WA member sites don't carry visitors' personal information, so SSL is not something they would actually need. But, as you say, it's something the market is beginning to expect, whether it's relevant or not.

This is especially true as the "https" bit of a site gets lit up when you go to a secure site, and this carries an inference that all other sites are "insecure" in some way.

I don't have it on my sites at HostGator, but I do keep thinking about it for that reason alone.

It's a simple add-on, costing around $30/yr for basic protection and $300/yr for eCommerce sites.

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Are we able to go https?

Are we able to go https?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

Hi Everyone, I follow a blog that gives a lot of detail tips about building sites. The topic has come up to question whether or not to take your site to https. I know that we c

Google asked me how I wanted to list my website. I chose https.

Who is your host for that site Marilyn? Is it Google?

HTTPS is actually only needed when you sell your own products and have a payment service on your website

No. There's no need for https on an affiliate site as you aren't processing any payments on your site. And WA don't support it.

Google has over 200 factors that affect rankings. Https is just a minor one.

I wouldn't worry about it.

As I understand it, SSL is not just about payments. It's about secure communication between the site visitor's computer and the browser that connects to the website.

That includes email addresses, login ID's, passwords, names, and all manner of personal data.

My email provider has it but does not process payments.

So we're in agreement. Affiliate sites don't need any of that.

As there aren't any user emails, personal data being stored. Affiliate sites just redirect people to sites with ssl Eg Amazon, clickbank etc

Look at the top of this page - WA is an https site.

Yes I acknowledge that affiliate sites don't really need that. However, as I said, i just started a new domain which I do intend to make into an e-commerce site. Also as i mentioned, google is now including the https as a ranking factor. It may not count for much ranking but as a site becomes large - it does.

Yes Chris it is about security not just about payments. I know WA hosting is very secure and I wouldn't want to have to go outside to get an 's' added for my e-commerce site. The affiliate site that I have built should be just fine without the 's' because it really isn't big enough to concern it. But even browsers like Firefox are set up so it warns people if a site is unsecured. So it is a valid question either way.

It's a question I've been wondering about for a while.

I suspect that most WA member sites don't carry visitors' personal information, so SSL is not something they would actually need. But, as you say, it's something the market is beginning to expect, whether it's relevant or not.

This is especially true as the "https" bit of a site gets lit up when you go to a secure site, and this carries an inference that all other sites are "insecure" in some way.

I don't have it on my sites at HostGator, but I do keep thinking about it for that reason alone.

It's a simple add-on, costing around $30/yr for basic protection and $300/yr for eCommerce sites.

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asked in
Website Development & Programming

I was just reading Loes new training about buying domains here at WA. I have a direct question that has bothered me since time began (for website building anyway)!


Anyone can look up the details of your domain name through a simple whois search. Here is one such website that allows you to do these lookups.


What happens though is that people often times register there domains without privacy. This opens up all of their personal details to the world, details in which spammers and scammers often times will use to solicit. Don't be surprised if you don't have privacy that you will get phone calls from people "pretending" to be from this service or that service, trying to get information or money out of you.

Yes, by ICANN rules you have to verify your details with a registrar, but you do not have to publicize these within a whois search. I never recommend leaving your whois details open.

If you want to provide people with a way to contact you, you can do so directly on your website. :)

Really helpful Information, Kyle. Thank you so Much. I had already purchased my domain from GoDaddy, is it possible to transfer the domain registry to WA?

QUESTION: DaisyB has raised an issue that I find important. I would like to use my hosting at WA for my new sites and to add my existing sites to my profile so others could comment. I just did a search on my profile and was glad to see my last name did not show up.

ISSUE: If I list my sites on WA can google, yahoo or MSN LINK my LAST name to my site if I choose not to list my last name on my site and WA profile?

Here is a factor everyone needs to be aware of even if you are not in the same situation as DaisyB. Even a BLAND SITE could be picked up by a job recruiter when you apply for a job or even a credit card, bank loan ect. Oh it is illegal you say? Really? I worked in personnel and they feel they are ABOVE the law. How are you going to prove they terminated you or refused to hire you?

Believe me many corporations want to have you DEPENDANT on them and resent you having a second income!

I know I worked in personnel for five years! They will also run checks to see if you ever sued anyone. My current site is NON-corporate friendly being a liberal political site. I also will be creating sites dealing with help from religion and psychology. I want to write freely W/O my future job being at stake. Even if I am near retirement I still want the option to work W/O my web life being part of my background check.

So what does listing our site in our WA profile expose us to if we do not list our last names? What about the other issues DaisyB raised concerning mailing lists? If you can write a Kindle Book with a pseudo-name and keep your privacy why cannot you do a website and mailing list? IF you use the privacy option when registering your domain?

Obviously, the Domain Registry Company, Kyle, the mailing list company and Kindle-Amazon would HAVE to know our real names but that does not mean they have to be public - or do they?

This sounds like a tricky one, don't you think companies of any size with the personnel will eventually track you down, no matter what name you produce your sites.
In my experience, no matter what size the town or city, word gets around and somehow they find a way, best thing to do would be keep it to yourself and consult with Kyle.
Cheers Gib

That is what I am trying to decipher. To me, the privacy thing is a really excellent thing to do. When someone types your name into google search bar, if you are anywhere on the net, it pops up. If you have a website, you should be able to use a pen name for the public if you want to. As long as you have verified yourself to the registrations, that should be good enough.

To me, what is more nerve wracking is the autoresponders thing.where you have to give your location. I do understand that this issue is larger than me. These things have been done for two purposes - one is the gov can trace your activities for taxes and the the other the searching for online criminal activity. Well and good. While these are necessary, it does not allow me personal security. Do you see what I mean?

Hi Gib, I have no concerns whatsoever about my privacy or safety in WA. I said upfront that WA is the first place where I do feel safe enough to even ask the questions. I am not sure what you mean by companies tracking, I think that is a different issue.

I don't believe they will spend thousands to search for you unless you are applying for a trade secret position. Nothing in this world is absolute. But I would hope that since my last name is not in my WA profile AND not on those websites where I want privacy then my online life in regards to those sites at least, is private.

Hi, Daisy. Sounds like you may need to correspond with Kyle or Carson on this and get their advice.

Hi Marilyn, Perhaps I could. Thanks for the suggestion.

I agree. Something needs to be done about this.

Due to all idiots running around this earth, I really don't spread my home address all over the internet.
That said.

I do think, when you have a business like plumming or a shop, or something like that, it's quite obvious you have to put in your name, address, telephone number and city.

We are just intermediaries, between the customer and the supplier, and I am not willing to share my private address data to the whole world.

I agree Loes 100%. An on the ground business obviously needs it but an online business should be able to be careful of who gets their home address. For example, if I confirm my real home address to the autoresponder they can verify that but should not have to make it public when they send emails in my list. They should be allowed to give us the option of us a generalized or private style of address to conform to the Can-Spam.
How do you get around having the autoresponder use a different physical location address when they send your email.?

I don't use an autoresponder, and I don't do email marketing

That is interesting. I'll have to think that through.

Using domain privacy has always been a common and accepted practice. Registering a domain name should not obligate you to place your name, mailing address, and phone number into a publicly-searchable database.

As far as I can tell, all of the Can-Spam requirements apply only to email, not websites. Among other requirements, commercial emails must contain an unsubscribe link and a mailing address. That's entirely different than exposing your contact information through the who-is database.

But the issue is still the same be it email or website. for example, anyone can create a google / hotmail email address with any name basically. They can go on my site and sign up with it. I have to respond with my actual location in the bottom of my autoresponder email. If I don't set it up, then what is the use of my website? that means I cannot "build the list" as marketers are always saying is important.

Spammers work on volume. Ease of access is a key to the way they work. They're not goimg to spend the time and take the trouble to get onto your mailing list to receive an email from you. Doing that doesn't begin to compare with the ease of searching the who-is database for registered domain owners' contact information.

I would like to know the community's thoughts on this as well, I have purchased the privacy protection to make my information private, didn't know that it would affect my site's performance.

But in your case, I certainly understand the reason why it's even more important. We'll find an answer soon enough. Keep your head up and pray for safe keeping.

Thank you for your kind thoughts. I would like to find an answer.

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Is domain privacy good or useful?

Is domain privacy good or useful?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

I was just reading Loes new training about buying domains here at WA. I have a direct question that has bothered me since time began (for website building anyway)!


Anyone can look up the details of your domain name through a simple whois search. Here is one such website that allows you to do these lookups.


What happens though is that people often times register there domains without privacy. This opens up all of their personal details to the world, details in which spammers and scammers often times will use to solicit. Don't be surprised if you don't have privacy that you will get phone calls from people "pretending" to be from this service or that service, trying to get information or money out of you.

Yes, by ICANN rules you have to verify your details with a registrar, but you do not have to publicize these within a whois search. I never recommend leaving your whois details open.

If you want to provide people with a way to contact you, you can do so directly on your website. :)

Really helpful Information, Kyle. Thank you so Much. I had already purchased my domain from GoDaddy, is it possible to transfer the domain registry to WA?

QUESTION: DaisyB has raised an issue that I find important. I would like to use my hosting at WA for my new sites and to add my existing sites to my profile so others could comment. I just did a search on my profile and was glad to see my last name did not show up.

ISSUE: If I list my sites on WA can google, yahoo or MSN LINK my LAST name to my site if I choose not to list my last name on my site and WA profile?

Here is a factor everyone needs to be aware of even if you are not in the same situation as DaisyB. Even a BLAND SITE could be picked up by a job recruiter when you apply for a job or even a credit card, bank loan ect. Oh it is illegal you say? Really? I worked in personnel and they feel they are ABOVE the law. How are you going to prove they terminated you or refused to hire you?

Believe me many corporations want to have you DEPENDANT on them and resent you having a second income!

I know I worked in personnel for five years! They will also run checks to see if you ever sued anyone. My current site is NON-corporate friendly being a liberal political site. I also will be creating sites dealing with help from religion and psychology. I want to write freely W/O my future job being at stake. Even if I am near retirement I still want the option to work W/O my web life being part of my background check.

So what does listing our site in our WA profile expose us to if we do not list our last names? What about the other issues DaisyB raised concerning mailing lists? If you can write a Kindle Book with a pseudo-name and keep your privacy why cannot you do a website and mailing list? IF you use the privacy option when registering your domain?

Obviously, the Domain Registry Company, Kyle, the mailing list company and Kindle-Amazon would HAVE to know our real names but that does not mean they have to be public - or do they?

This sounds like a tricky one, don't you think companies of any size with the personnel will eventually track you down, no matter what name you produce your sites.
In my experience, no matter what size the town or city, word gets around and somehow they find a way, best thing to do would be keep it to yourself and consult with Kyle.
Cheers Gib

That is what I am trying to decipher. To me, the privacy thing is a really excellent thing to do. When someone types your name into google search bar, if you are anywhere on the net, it pops up. If you have a website, you should be able to use a pen name for the public if you want to. As long as you have verified yourself to the registrations, that should be good enough.

To me, what is more nerve wracking is the autoresponders thing.where you have to give your location. I do understand that this issue is larger than me. These things have been done for two purposes - one is the gov can trace your activities for taxes and the the other the searching for online criminal activity. Well and good. While these are necessary, it does not allow me personal security. Do you see what I mean?

Hi Gib, I have no concerns whatsoever about my privacy or safety in WA. I said upfront that WA is the first place where I do feel safe enough to even ask the questions. I am not sure what you mean by companies tracking, I think that is a different issue.

I don't believe they will spend thousands to search for you unless you are applying for a trade secret position. Nothing in this world is absolute. But I would hope that since my last name is not in my WA profile AND not on those websites where I want privacy then my online life in regards to those sites at least, is private.

Hi, Daisy. Sounds like you may need to correspond with Kyle or Carson on this and get their advice.

Hi Marilyn, Perhaps I could. Thanks for the suggestion.

I agree. Something needs to be done about this.

Due to all idiots running around this earth, I really don't spread my home address all over the internet.
That said.

I do think, when you have a business like plumming or a shop, or something like that, it's quite obvious you have to put in your name, address, telephone number and city.

We are just intermediaries, between the customer and the supplier, and I am not willing to share my private address data to the whole world.

I agree Loes 100%. An on the ground business obviously needs it but an online business should be able to be careful of who gets their home address. For example, if I confirm my real home address to the autoresponder they can verify that but should not have to make it public when they send emails in my list. They should be allowed to give us the option of us a generalized or private style of address to conform to the Can-Spam.
How do you get around having the autoresponder use a different physical location address when they send your email.?

I don't use an autoresponder, and I don't do email marketing

That is interesting. I'll have to think that through.

Using domain privacy has always been a common and accepted practice. Registering a domain name should not obligate you to place your name, mailing address, and phone number into a publicly-searchable database.

As far as I can tell, all of the Can-Spam requirements apply only to email, not websites. Among other requirements, commercial emails must contain an unsubscribe link and a mailing address. That's entirely different than exposing your contact information through the who-is database.

But the issue is still the same be it email or website. for example, anyone can create a google / hotmail email address with any name basically. They can go on my site and sign up with it. I have to respond with my actual location in the bottom of my autoresponder email. If I don't set it up, then what is the use of my website? that means I cannot "build the list" as marketers are always saying is important.

Spammers work on volume. Ease of access is a key to the way they work. They're not goimg to spend the time and take the trouble to get onto your mailing list to receive an email from you. Doing that doesn't begin to compare with the ease of searching the who-is database for registered domain owners' contact information.

I would like to know the community's thoughts on this as well, I have purchased the privacy protection to make my information private, didn't know that it would affect my site's performance.

But in your case, I certainly understand the reason why it's even more important. We'll find an answer soon enough. Keep your head up and pray for safe keeping.

Thank you for your kind thoughts. I would like to find an answer.

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hi, I have been searching through the question bar to find out how to clear all the revisions on the pages of my website. I cannot find any place to do that. I can't seem to lo

Regarding going back to see the training you have done simply click my history on the left of your page

Thanks Katie.

Hi Shawn, thank you for the info. I followed the link. I cannot access my wp php-config because of the theme I am using. I love the theme (Customizr) but because it is not written in the same kind of geek talk language as WP, I have trouble even adding some plugins or code. For example, when I am told by google tag manager to enter the code into every page <body> or some plugins that need to be inserted in the <head>, I am not able to do it because it isn't there. The theme overrides the WP access I guess. It is becoming a struggle.

Hi again Shawn,
To explain what I mean, here is samples of how the theme works. I find this under the "appearance" and "edit" buttons in the dashboard. Unless the place to add it is under one of the customizr php file areas. then I don't know how to find the WP php.

OMG, you are so awesome, Shawn. Thanks so much. Happy New Year!

Hope it helps :)

yes it does!


I think you mean the comments on your site?

Check these training: Hope this helps!


Actually I meant the revisions. Every time a post or page is added to or changed or improved or revised, wp saves the old version of the page or post. These old revisions are not removed automatically and can pile up and slow down your site. You can find the tab for it on the right hand side of the editor - near where you click the update for the page/post. Thanks for your suggestions though. They are excellent things to remember.

Yeah, but they're completely not related to the topic! :-)

I see Katie has helped you...

So did you. It is always good to be reminded of the larger picture going on. and comments seem to be the lifeblood of building a good site so it really matters to pay attention to them. I appreciate that you took the trouble to connect. Thanks.

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How do you clear the revisions on a wp website?

How do you clear the revisions on a wp website?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hi, I have been searching through the question bar to find out how to clear all the revisions on the pages of my website. I cannot find any place to do that. I can't seem to lo

Regarding going back to see the training you have done simply click my history on the left of your page

Thanks Katie.

Hi Shawn, thank you for the info. I followed the link. I cannot access my wp php-config because of the theme I am using. I love the theme (Customizr) but because it is not written in the same kind of geek talk language as WP, I have trouble even adding some plugins or code. For example, when I am told by google tag manager to enter the code into every page <body> or some plugins that need to be inserted in the <head>, I am not able to do it because it isn't there. The theme overrides the WP access I guess. It is becoming a struggle.

Hi again Shawn,
To explain what I mean, here is samples of how the theme works. I find this under the "appearance" and "edit" buttons in the dashboard. Unless the place to add it is under one of the customizr php file areas. then I don't know how to find the WP php.

OMG, you are so awesome, Shawn. Thanks so much. Happy New Year!

Hope it helps :)

yes it does!


I think you mean the comments on your site?

Check these training: Hope this helps!


Actually I meant the revisions. Every time a post or page is added to or changed or improved or revised, wp saves the old version of the page or post. These old revisions are not removed automatically and can pile up and slow down your site. You can find the tab for it on the right hand side of the editor - near where you click the update for the page/post. Thanks for your suggestions though. They are excellent things to remember.

Yeah, but they're completely not related to the topic! :-)

I see Katie has helped you...

So did you. It is always good to be reminded of the larger picture going on. and comments seem to be the lifeblood of building a good site so it really matters to pay attention to them. I appreciate that you took the trouble to connect. Thanks.

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