Please Share Your 'Pain Point' - I Want To Help

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For the over 2 million of us at Wealthy Affiliate (WA), more so the hundreds of thousands who are active in our WA Community on a daily basis, you know that the support you have here is priceless. Even so, there are times when you may struggle alone and not want to share your 'pain point' within the Community.

I want to help.

To do that, I am asking you to help me, help you.

So, What Is A 'Pain Point'?

A pain point is something that is causing you distress. You may not be able to find a solution here at WA and you may be struggling to push through on your own. I have had many of those experiences and I know I will have many more.

My strategy and focus are different and I am travelling off the beaten track, mostly.

I am trusting that, by now, you would have a sense that the money and technical side, although important, are not my number one priorities - yet.

I continue to strengthen the infrastructure for my business, realign my behaviours and mindset and move from being a practitioner to an artist in the field of Content and Affiliate Marketing.

In my humble opinion, these are the "muscles" I need to build to grow and sustain my businesses in the medium to long term.

They are also the areas within which I may be able to help you best.

Allow Me To Help You

Over the next week, I will be mapping out a series of learning interventions that I think may be of interest and benefit. Not the traditional technical path. We have more than enough good stuff there.

More along the path of non-technical, business-mindset, behaviours and attitudes. The kind of critical, elephant-in-the-room, provocative issues that we tend to skirt over.

If there is anything that is causing you to struggle and blocking your movement forward, please share either in the comments below or via PM.

Thank you, in advance, for contributing and I look forward to deepening our support within our WA Community.

Have a Fabulous Friday!


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Hi, Cassi.
My pain point?
I'm turning off for a while to the responses to focus on my work here at WA.

Love, Peace and respect always.

For the next while, I will only be receiving through PM here at WA or through my websites.

Rermain awesome, be safe and
Live long and prosper.

Your fellow WA member from Canada.

Paul mindra.


I understand that it can get a bit overwhelming and distracting here at WA.
Your business is your number 1 priority and I encourage you to keep it that way.

Thank you for sharing.
I will look forward to connecting when your schedule permits.



A great incentive, Cassi. I tink there will be many that are in need of this approach to what we are trying to do via the WA platform. As you say there are plenty of technical advice her, but I also agree that the mindset and behaviour part of our business is a bit, let me say "missing".

We can post a lot of quotes in order to motivate, but how do you use these quotes to shift your mindset into the right gear and take the proper action?

Looking forward to the lessons, Cassi😃


Roy, you have summarised precisely:
"how do you use these quotes to shift your mindset into the right gear and take the proper action?"

I am sure that you will be able to extend some tangible support too.
The martial arts strengthen our minds and help us to become emotionally strong and resilient.

I will be reaching out. 😉

Many thanks for your support.

Good post Cassi. Could help a lot of people.

I think most people get to a point of overwhelm at some point when they are learning, I know I did last year.
When you learn so much and are trying to do so many things for your business and live in the real world too you suddenly reach that stop point.
How it works part way through the training:
Feeling overwhelmed by how much there is still to learn, trying to integrate so much new information, building a website at the same time. Then often having other work, a real life to run, often family to consider too.
This all builds up and becomes too much as nothing runs automatically at this point. I think that its the point where many give up.
I wrote a post on it last year and many said they had or were having the same thing.
Now I have been selling online for nearly 10 years yet it still hit.
In todays world where people flit from one thing to another and aren't used to focusing on one thing intently for months, it must make it much harder.
I think that for different people it hits at different points which makes it harder to say "at this point this will happen but you can get past it".
I am used to battling through but many don't have those mental resources to cope.
Oooops a bit of an essay.

Linda, no essay at all.
I can identify with what you have shared as I too have pushed through that wall.

It is as you have said so eloquently, the "mental resources to cope".
You are so right.
A lot is placed in your lap when you enter WA.

I often think that if I did not have some understanding of technology, social media, marketing and communications that I would have all my knickers in a twist all the time. 🤦‍♀️

It is an area that many of us, (you included), have worked through and so we can provide some support to others.

I look forward.

Thank you for sharing.

You are very helpful and I am embarassed to say and dont know if this is relevant but my main concern is traffic, im not too sure how to increase this or get it across to my website. I know social media is good but I hope there are other methods? Sorry if this is off topic. I really look forward to your learning intrventions.
Have a great weekend. X.

Farah, there is absolutely no need to be embarrassed.
We can have the best put together website bit, if no one knows about it or is visiting it then, it matters not.

If content is our engine then traffic is the oil. 😊

I will incorporate some aspects of this.

Thank you for sharing.

Hi Cassi,

I just posted about a powerful way to get past our pain points as you describe them. Mel

Thank you, Mel.

I will have a read.

You are most welcome Cassi!


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