About bradleygt
Rank 17357
688 followers Joined December 2012
Hello my name is Brad, and I currently work at my dads gas station and repair shop and make $400 a week. I want to





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asked in
Everything Wordpress

I've imported hundreds of images without issue. Now, suddenly it says "http error" and I get a red box with an X, and images won't import.

I tested a few other images to s

Ok i got it to work. The problem was in the file name. P'Nut, in the file name, needed to look like this, P-Nut

Try log out and close browser, then start again. If that doesn't work delete browser cache temp file.

Thanks for trying, but unfortunately that didn't work.

Have you tried new file name, or maybe open image in editor/paint make a slight adjustment and save.

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How to get images into wordpress when it says "http error"?

How to get images into wordpress when it says "http error"?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I've imported hundreds of images without issue. Now, suddenly it says "http error" and I get a red box with an X, and images won't import.

I tested a few other images to s

Ok i got it to work. The problem was in the file name. P'Nut, in the file name, needed to look like this, P-Nut

Try log out and close browser, then start again. If that doesn't work delete browser cache temp file.

Thanks for trying, but unfortunately that didn't work.

Have you tried new file name, or maybe open image in editor/paint make a slight adjustment and save.

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asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

My current understanding of how to go about using similar keywords is to write for one, (the best one first obviously), then, a few months down the road, go after the next one,

O.k. great idea. Thx everyone.

Good question, Brad. Yep. Keep in draft on your site. Have some in WA rapid writer to transfer. Have many in .rtf ready to copy and paste on my computer where I can write with no distractions. ^_~

You just have to create the post and leave it in draft mode!!! It will be perfect for this.

After you are done, just don't hit the publish button.

You can create 20 web post in one day but do not publish them all at once just spread them out during the month. So if you have ideas write them and hold them as a draft only no one will see them until you publish them.

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Possible to hammer similar kws at once?

Possible to hammer similar kws at once?

asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

My current understanding of how to go about using similar keywords is to write for one, (the best one first obviously), then, a few months down the road, go after the next one,

O.k. great idea. Thx everyone.

Good question, Brad. Yep. Keep in draft on your site. Have some in WA rapid writer to transfer. Have many in .rtf ready to copy and paste on my computer where I can write with no distractions. ^_~

You just have to create the post and leave it in draft mode!!! It will be perfect for this.

After you are done, just don't hit the publish button.

You can create 20 web post in one day but do not publish them all at once just spread them out during the month. So if you have ideas write them and hold them as a draft only no one will see them until you publish them.

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I copied this off of a peice of spam, so who knows.

Hello Web Admin, I noticed that your On-Page SEO is is missing a few factors, for one you do not use all three H tags

I have gotten that exact comment on my site a few times. I know our titles are always H1. I have no idea what LSI is. I would love to hear more detail from other WA'ers on their opinion of this. I'm just going to keep doing what Kyle tells me to do ;) Hopefully, he doesn't tell me to jump off of a bridge or something...

Naw, I was seriously asking. At least one part seemed wrong but as a whole it got me wondering. I haven't been in the game long enough yet to know the old way. Although I am beginning to see things change already.

No, I don't think so. Brad, is this a punk question? LOL.

You go Brad, on your terms. Keep wondering, it's part of dreaming. It drives creativity. It's an emotion that drives me to write original content for my readers. I believe you will know what will get you where you want to go and your readers will join you. ^_~

thats the old way of doing SEO. Your post title is automatically and H1 tag and using h2 is too spammy and large. I use h3 tags to create subtitles in my posts which work well.

Wow I got the same piece of spam. *Waits to hear the opinions* lol

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In terms of seo is it helpful to use all three h tags?

In terms of seo is it helpful to use all three h tags?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

I copied this off of a peice of spam, so who knows.

Hello Web Admin, I noticed that your On-Page SEO is is missing a few factors, for one you do not use all three H tags

I have gotten that exact comment on my site a few times. I know our titles are always H1. I have no idea what LSI is. I would love to hear more detail from other WA'ers on their opinion of this. I'm just going to keep doing what Kyle tells me to do ;) Hopefully, he doesn't tell me to jump off of a bridge or something...

Naw, I was seriously asking. At least one part seemed wrong but as a whole it got me wondering. I haven't been in the game long enough yet to know the old way. Although I am beginning to see things change already.

No, I don't think so. Brad, is this a punk question? LOL.

You go Brad, on your terms. Keep wondering, it's part of dreaming. It drives creativity. It's an emotion that drives me to write original content for my readers. I believe you will know what will get you where you want to go and your readers will join you. ^_~

thats the old way of doing SEO. Your post title is automatically and H1 tag and using h2 is too spammy and large. I use h3 tags to create subtitles in my posts which work well.

Wow I got the same piece of spam. *Waits to hear the opinions* lol

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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

This is not my chosen niche. And I made up the numbers. But, if the below where true.

youth fishing rod , 250 searches
youth fishing rods , 250 searches
Zebco youth f

In the first example, if you used Zepco youth fishing rods then you will also rank in youth fishing rod and youth fishing rods because you have all the phrases in one.

O.k. good. I was hoping it was like that.

you can add words to the front or back of key phrases… and you don't have to use them all at the same time… or in the same month… If you use a version and get good results from it, then you may want to use variations of it once a month if it yields results. I would start with jaaxy and see which ones fit your criteria the best… I would start with the strongest one as you may never end up using the others….

Thanks Julie. It's beginning to make more sense now.

Thanks Julie.

you are very welcome...

Thanks for commenting OldMule. But it is my understanding that I am to write separate articles for each keyword in order to optimize them for SEO. Ya know? Like, put youth fishing rods in the title, and in the first paragraph. Then in another post, put youth fishing poles in the title, and first paragraph. And on, and on

Well, between the 3 of our thinking, (mama2karsten, yourself and mine), it should all work - just do not stuff them and spread well so content is readable you should be fine.
Write it and see what it looks like - a lot easier when it is in front of you anyway.
Good luck with it my friend.

I just thought of something else. Won't it look weird to my viewers on my site? To see all this duplication going on? Like in the featured articles slider on the home page. Or the recent posts widget in the sidebar. Or the menu drop down.

Wont they be like, "lets see, should I read this guys post on youth fishing rod, or youth fishing rods, or youth fishing poles, or fishing rods for kids, or fishing poles for kids, or children's fishing pole, or children's fishing poles, or fishing pole for my kid, or fishing rod for my kid." "Hey wait a second! All these articles are about the exact same thing. This site is lame. I'm outta here."

I get where you are coming from! But.
We take the niche - fishing rods for the young/kids whatever.
Stick main keyword in title.
In paragraphs and blogs we use the youth, kids, and fishing rods here and there getting a fair balance of distributed keywords throughout our content, so that it reads smoothly. Without stuffing.
If it needs 2 more lines - add them.

Hope this is some sort of help?

I would write articles for all three of the top list. The articles would need to be unique content.

Any given word in any given phrase has a chance of ranking in any article, so the more content the better.

I would only write an article for the first and last in the second group, as the two in the middle do not make sense and are not natural.

Traffic expected?

To me this would be an awesome idea to test to track. :)

Thank you Shawn. That helps.

I've only written a couple handfuls of articles so far. And each article has been about an entirely different keyword. I've been wondering how I could possibly write a unique and interesting article for two (or more) very similar keywords. I still don't know. But it's time for me to try.

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How do I make use of similar keywords?

How do I make use of similar keywords?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

This is not my chosen niche. And I made up the numbers. But, if the below where true.

youth fishing rod , 250 searches
youth fishing rods , 250 searches
Zebco youth f

In the first example, if you used Zepco youth fishing rods then you will also rank in youth fishing rod and youth fishing rods because you have all the phrases in one.

O.k. good. I was hoping it was like that.

you can add words to the front or back of key phrases… and you don't have to use them all at the same time… or in the same month… If you use a version and get good results from it, then you may want to use variations of it once a month if it yields results. I would start with jaaxy and see which ones fit your criteria the best… I would start with the strongest one as you may never end up using the others….

Thanks Julie. It's beginning to make more sense now.

Thanks Julie.

you are very welcome...

Thanks for commenting OldMule. But it is my understanding that I am to write separate articles for each keyword in order to optimize them for SEO. Ya know? Like, put youth fishing rods in the title, and in the first paragraph. Then in another post, put youth fishing poles in the title, and first paragraph. And on, and on

Well, between the 3 of our thinking, (mama2karsten, yourself and mine), it should all work - just do not stuff them and spread well so content is readable you should be fine.
Write it and see what it looks like - a lot easier when it is in front of you anyway.
Good luck with it my friend.

I just thought of something else. Won't it look weird to my viewers on my site? To see all this duplication going on? Like in the featured articles slider on the home page. Or the recent posts widget in the sidebar. Or the menu drop down.

Wont they be like, "lets see, should I read this guys post on youth fishing rod, or youth fishing rods, or youth fishing poles, or fishing rods for kids, or fishing poles for kids, or children's fishing pole, or children's fishing poles, or fishing pole for my kid, or fishing rod for my kid." "Hey wait a second! All these articles are about the exact same thing. This site is lame. I'm outta here."

I get where you are coming from! But.
We take the niche - fishing rods for the young/kids whatever.
Stick main keyword in title.
In paragraphs and blogs we use the youth, kids, and fishing rods here and there getting a fair balance of distributed keywords throughout our content, so that it reads smoothly. Without stuffing.
If it needs 2 more lines - add them.

Hope this is some sort of help?

I would write articles for all three of the top list. The articles would need to be unique content.

Any given word in any given phrase has a chance of ranking in any article, so the more content the better.

I would only write an article for the first and last in the second group, as the two in the middle do not make sense and are not natural.

Traffic expected?

To me this would be an awesome idea to test to track. :)

Thank you Shawn. That helps.

I've only written a couple handfuls of articles so far. And each article has been about an entirely different keyword. I've been wondering how I could possibly write a unique and interesting article for two (or more) very similar keywords. I still don't know. But it's time for me to try.

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hello, and thanks for reading.

I have my social share buttons set up to display on the top and bottom of pages/posts. And it works fine in every place but one.


It should be in the sets of the plugin you are using--if it don't have a setting for each page -you may not be able to get off that one page --

If you are using the Sociable plugin there should be a box on the right side in the Wordpress editor that will allow you to remove the buttons from that particular page or post.

I'm not using that plugin. But thanks anyway.

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How Do I Remove Social Share Buttons From Blog Page?

How Do I Remove Social Share Buttons From Blog Page?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

Hello, and thanks for reading.

I have my social share buttons set up to display on the top and bottom of pages/posts. And it works fine in every place but one.


It should be in the sets of the plugin you are using--if it don't have a setting for each page -you may not be able to get off that one page --

If you are using the Sociable plugin there should be a box on the right side in the Wordpress editor that will allow you to remove the buttons from that particular page or post.

I'm not using that plugin. But thanks anyway.

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