Surprising $5800 Results in January 2023 + Project G Update

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Hi folks,

Suddenly I'm active with WA blog posts here 😄 (although I'm soooo behind on WA messages, my apologies!)

Anyway, I'll keep today's post fairly short and to the point.

Do you remember my personal record I achieved with my main website in December 2022?

Here's the post in case you missed it:

$9300+ on December 2022: Finishing the Year with a Bang!

Well, to my surprise my January month was also pretty great.

Usually Jan, Feb, and March are the slowest months for me, but in 2023 I ended up making around $5800 USD.

Screenshot of my income spreadsheet:

(The screenshot above doesn't include UK and Canada Amazon commissions.)

To give you perspective:

On December 2021, I made around $3,000 (vs December 2022 of $9300 🔥)

On January 2022, I made around $2800 (vs January 2023 of $5800)

I'm so happy with these results.

It took me FIVE YEARS to grow that main website to this level.

(And that's without display ads, FYI.)

So I appreciate the fruits of my labour even more.

Another reason this excites me is because I have extra funds to invest in the new project I started with my business partner Richard, a fellow WA member.

He also shared a success story recently, it's a must-read!


Like we've mentioned before, we planned to document our Project G journey, and how we try to go from $0 to $100,000 in a span of a year.

The first post of our Month 1 progress is published!

If you'd like to read it, go to my WA profile and then go to the links section:

I think you'll enjoy the read :)

We'll be publishing our progress monthly throughout the 2023, and everything we do with the Project G website.

Richard and I would love to hear your feedback on the Month 1 post!

As always share your questions/thoughts in the comments section below :)

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Recent Comments


CONGRATS on your success and may your passive income continue to grow, You have certainly given me inspiration to press on even harder and I'm even more determine to make big passive money in the near future. Thank You very much for sparing, and you have a wonderful week-end.


Congrats with the commissions. My site is just over a year old and I just subscribed to another year at WA. I wrote 220 articles and half were indexed. Taking sort of a break doing less hours on my site recently but plan to increase time on my site soon. Best of luck to your continuing success at WA.

Hi Zarina,

It is so good to read success stories here.

Yours is pretty inspirational and is a testament to the fact that hard work and perseverance really do pay off.

You seem to be doubling your income each year now. Just think where you may be in another 5 years......

Keep it up and keep inspiring us.


Great project and already bookmarked. Thank you for sharing the journey. It is a perfect case study for anyone who doubts the process.

it is also perfect timing for me as I just started from scratch after messing about too much. Now it is a laser focus on getting my efforts right this time.


Good morning Zarina,

Thank you for your blog post, it's great and encouraging to hear about your achievements!

It is good that your website is still making good money, even in the quieter periods. It just shows what hard work can do and you have definitely done that!

I will go and take a look at the other link.

Wishing you a great weekend and great results.


Indeed, it's such a nice feeling!

And would love to hear your thoughts on the Project G Month 1 post! It's good to know if it's something that's interesting people, not just feel like Richard and I are writing it just for ourselves haha

Appreciate your support!

And check out our awesome logo for the Project G that we'll document our journey about:

Good morning Zarina,

It's always a good feeling when we see our hard work paying off!

I started to read your Project G Month 1 post and then got distracted; however, I have left it up on my screen to read today. I had a quick speed read of it, but I want to read it properly. It's always good to hear what successful people use to make the job easier etc.

Where is the best place to comment on your project, please? I see that Jovo has commented on the actual blog post itself; I can do the same if that is suitable for you.

Wishing you a great day and every success with the project.


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