$80,000 Earnings in 2022 + Plans for 2023 (Project G)

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Hey guys,

Long time no see!

I decided to write another post, summarizing my progress over the last year, which was the best one yet, as well as discussing my plans for 2023.

Hopefully, this gives someone the motivation they need to grind hard in 2023 and make whatever goals they set for themselves a reality.

2022 Earnings & My Story

As you can see, in 2022, I earned nearly $41,000 from my only website that I've been grinding on for the past two and something years.

It's worth noting that those 41k is only from US Amazon, I made an additional $8k from UK, DE, and CA Amazon, and then Advertising and brand deals added up to around $30,000, which puts the grand total at around $80,000 for the year (maybe a bit less or more, the exact number is not important).

I personally hate sharing earnings, but I am doing this for the whole purpose of showing you it's possible--I am a former professional hockey player with finished high school, so I have no background or experience--All this was achieved by hard work, dedication, and endless learning and curiosity.

This year I quit hockey for good and went full-time online.

I also encountered a lot of adversity this year--Sickness, the website randomly losing 50% of traffic (you can see that in the graph), and other personal stuff.

But I am still very happy with the number, although I know that are people here that make $80k in one month or even a day, so I am staying humble, and I understand that this is all just a beginning and I need to keep growing and learning.

And so should you!

You may be at the start of your journey, or maybe you're a seasoned veteran making millions, but no matter where you are, make sure you're learning every day and working hard--These two things will ensure you will make it to your destination.

Plans for 2023 (Project G)

Now, while I enjoy working on my website, I felt for some time that I need a change. Working 8, sometimes 12 hours a day, every day, can become repetitive.

That's why I decided to partner up with a great friend of mine (whom I met here on WA), Zarina.

She was super helpful and kind to me when I was new here and needed some guidance, so when she reached out to me with this idea, it was a no-brainer. We also complement each other nicely, and we both work very hard.

Without going into detail, we launched our website back in December 2022, and basically got to work immediately. This website is in a very high-paying niche, so we also set some ambitious goals:

Our goal for 2023 is to make $100,000 in a single month before the end of this year.

We're going to go all-in on this, hire a bunch of people (we already hired five people for content creation and editing), and hopefully reach our goal in the upcoming months.

Something For YOU

We didn't plan this before, but we got an idea that it would be super helpful to people if we document the whole process from day 0 to hopefully $100,000 made in 30 days.

So that's exactly what we're going to do--At the end of each month, we're going to post a detailed post (On Zarina's laptop lifestyle beauty blog), covering all the expenses, earnings, blog posts published, traffic, our thoughts, etc.--Everything YOU may need to know when starting a new website from scratch will be laid out in each post.

We'll also talk about our mistakes so you can avoid those on your journey.

The January post will be published soon, so stay tuned!

Lastly, as I mentioned before, I've been lucky enough to meet some great people along the way that helped me immensely in my progress.

So, if you're just starting your journey or you're stuck somewhere along the way, feel free to reach out to me and ask questions--I am happy to help anyone out!

Take care!


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Recent Comments


Hi Richard,

Thanks for this blog post. I found you through Zarina's blog and learned about "Project G." It all sounds very exciting. I for one will be following your progress.

Zarina has made some incredible progress over the years and it seems, so have you. I am sure the two of you together will be unstoppable.

Good luck.



Thank you for the kind words!

Thanks Rici for sharing! It was really inspiring. Wish you all the best with your new venture! Can't wait to see all your achievements on the way and thanks again for sharing.

Thank you! :-)

Hi Richard,

That's awesome- you've been through a lot. However, your hard work has paid off as well.

I'm looking forward to seeing you and Zarina succeed. As I posted to her article, both of you will kill it and do well.

Thank you for sharing- All the best :)



Thank you, Eric! :)

Thanks for the kind words! :-)

Hello Richard,

Well done to you for taking action; it's amazing what we can do when we are focused! It sounds like you have been working extremely hard. It is very interesting that you came here with no knowledge and really made things happen.

I wish you every success with your new project, and I look forward to hearing regular updates. It's also great that you have paired up with Zarina.

Have a great weekend.


Thank you so much! :-)

It's a pleasure and it's a pleasure to hear your story and to hear what you're doing! Well done.


Richard, I'm surprised and proud of you for sharing the 2022 results! I know it's not easy for you.

Thanks for your kind words, I remember vividly when you reached out and how impressed I was with your website for a newbie! I knew you'd be successful and I was right.

Was very excited for you when you shared the last success post and your last year's results (despite the drop), and super excited for our future with Project G!

I feel it was one of the best business decisions we've made 😁 🔥 LFG!

I feel the same way about it! Let's go! :-)

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