What!? 10 YEARS in WA!? Yep. I can't believe it.


I though I joined this place in October of 2007, apparently not since it says September. Oh well...

10. Years. Wow!!

Given how I started out, by writing an eBook on weight loss than made a single freaking sale, to upgrading to bum marketing, and then finally finding WA, it's been a crazy journey.

I want to tell everyone that this community has been at the time of me joining, to today, the BEST place I can recommend for setting up a business.

When I was a college freshman starting out, lost on what to do with my life and wanting to somehow make money to pay for my classes as well as find a job where I would be happy, I never imagined that 10 years hence, I'd be doing THIS thing we call online marketing full time.

Working from home thanks to WA has really opened up a lot of amazing opportunities for me and I love what I do. Having my own hours, choices and self reliance falls right into my philosophy of life and work.

I can tell you that I'd be a lot more successful earlier on if I didn't make foolish and unethical mistakes, things that today I still regret but made full amends on.

if there is anything this 10 year elderly WA man can pass onto the newcomers and existing WA members, it's that:

You really need to stop distracting yourself and follow the MAIN training. I have said this like a broken record in nearly all of my blog posts here.

If I followed that training sooner, I'd have been a lot richer and wouldn't fall for mistakes that cost me everything, several times in life.

-You CAN work from home.

-You can LIVE and make GREAT money from home.

-You CAN travel and enjoy life.

And all through this awesome business and how WA shows you to infiltrate it :)

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Congratulations on 10 years and all your accomplishments! Also, you set a good example by mentioning your mistakes. I applaud you for making amends & showing it's never too late to do the right thing. You can hold your head high. Best of luck with all you do!


So great to see another member that's been here so long. May I ask how old is your WA site now?

I think it's coming to 3-4 years.

So does that mean you got to Vegas the first time super fast? How was that done with a newer site? Paid advertising?

A combination of SEO and PPC, but it took me about a year to get to Vegas the first time after starting the site.

Very cool, enjoy your 4th trip! So amazing to see. :) Congratulations on 10 years!!

Well done. an example worth emulating.

Congrats. Vitaliy, Happy WA Day. :)

Ty sir ;)

Wow. This is amazing. Congratulations on your anniversary. You are an inspiration for all of us.

Congrats Vitaliy, you are the living prove WA works, and can work for anyone!

Congratulations, great accomplishments!!

Well done, Vitaliy. 10 years speaks volumes of the value that WA offers.

Here's to the next 10 Jason, great to hear from you!

Congrats my friend! Time flies when you're the boss! lol

Ah you've been here for over 10 years too! We're going to celebrate in the city or when we meet in Vegas :))!!


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