About tudogz
Rank 14062
679 followers Joined October 2016
Hi all. My name is Thomas, or Tudogz. (Why do you ask?) At the time of joining, (Oct 2016) I'd just recently retired from what





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asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

Hi all. Is there a way for me to save an image from Site Content to use

within my site? I don't want to use SC to write the article, but I'd

like to use images fr

HI Tudogz, I create a new post on my site content and I click insert image I can choose to insert from my website galary or from image finder and I save before moving it to the blog.

Thanks for replying. I think I'll follow Chrystopher's suggestion, below.

The way I do it is I create a new post on my WA Blog and insert the images. Then I save them to my hard drive and delete the blog post without publishing.
I'll give Chrytopher's way (see below) a try though, as it seem a bit less convoluted!
Rich :-)

Thanks for replying. I think I'll follow Chrystopher's suggestion.

Yes, you can add all the images you have found and want to use to a dummy Page, then publish it to your website. Go to your WordPress backend and delete the Page. The images will still be in your Media Library for use on other Pages/Posts

Thanks a heap! That seems like the way to go.

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How can I save an image from site content?

How can I save an image from site content?

asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

Hi all. Is there a way for me to save an image from Site Content to use

within my site? I don't want to use SC to write the article, but I'd

like to use images fr

HI Tudogz, I create a new post on my site content and I click insert image I can choose to insert from my website galary or from image finder and I save before moving it to the blog.

Thanks for replying. I think I'll follow Chrystopher's suggestion, below.

The way I do it is I create a new post on my WA Blog and insert the images. Then I save them to my hard drive and delete the blog post without publishing.
I'll give Chrytopher's way (see below) a try though, as it seem a bit less convoluted!
Rich :-)

Thanks for replying. I think I'll follow Chrystopher's suggestion.

Yes, you can add all the images you have found and want to use to a dummy Page, then publish it to your website. Go to your WordPress backend and delete the Page. The images will still be in your Media Library for use on other Pages/Posts

Thanks a heap! That seems like the way to go.

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asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

Hi all.
Does anyone know when we'll have a banner showing the new pricing structure?
I'd have thought it would have been supplied as a matter of urgency.

Some one had created some images to post with your wa I'd link but I don't think any new pricing banners have been created yet.


Thanks. I actually was under the impression that the monthly fee had changed also. I see that it hasn't.
I was just updating a couple of articles.
Cheers, T.

You're very welcome!


I don't think they had an annual price banner...maybe the $299 Black Friday but the only one I remember other than that is the one that compares the Starter and Premium memberships and that one only showed the monthly price, which hasn't changed.

Thanks. I actually was under the impression that the monthly fee had changed also. I see that it hasn't.
I was just updating a couple of articles.
Cheers, T.

Any time

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Is there a banner with the new prices?

Is there a banner with the new prices?

asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

Hi all.
Does anyone know when we'll have a banner showing the new pricing structure?
I'd have thought it would have been supplied as a matter of urgency.

Some one had created some images to post with your wa I'd link but I don't think any new pricing banners have been created yet.


Thanks. I actually was under the impression that the monthly fee had changed also. I see that it hasn't.
I was just updating a couple of articles.
Cheers, T.

You're very welcome!


I don't think they had an annual price banner...maybe the $299 Black Friday but the only one I remember other than that is the one that compares the Starter and Premium memberships and that one only showed the monthly price, which hasn't changed.

Thanks. I actually was under the impression that the monthly fee had changed also. I see that it hasn't.
I was just updating a couple of articles.
Cheers, T.

Any time

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asked in
Everything Wordpress

As an illustration for a post, I want to use a screenshot from my computer as an example. The result is very grainy. Is there a way I can make it better quality?

You could use the PrtScn key and paste it into Paint 3d. Then you can make it a png or jpg. png is higher quality but jpg helps it load faster (and is often used for images online).

I have found that the Snip & Sketch tool in Windows does a fine job as well.


Thanks Palatia.

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Question about screenshots. how to make them better?

Question about screenshots. how to make them better?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

As an illustration for a post, I want to use a screenshot from my computer as an example. The result is very grainy. Is there a way I can make it better quality?

You could use the PrtScn key and paste it into Paint 3d. Then you can make it a png or jpg. png is higher quality but jpg helps it load faster (and is often used for images online).

I have found that the Snip & Sketch tool in Windows does a fine job as well.


Thanks Palatia.

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asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

Can we search for a WA member by their name? I don't mean their nickname, I mean their real name. I know there's a way to do it in reverse; find their name from their profile,

^^^^^Above in the Need help (your Name, Thomas) Type in their "name."
If that doesn't do it, check your personal email.
First search for the words Wealthy Affiliate. Then re-open opened emails, You might get lucky.
3rd) Match their heart energy and want to hear from them. Focus and do it repeatedly daily while fondly thinking of them. Do think of them like this for about a week. Then check all your incoming WA posts.
Hey Thomas Tudogz, if you do have pets, they are way smarter than we might think! Even though they don't speak our language, they observe everything about us. I am an energy healer for people and I occasionally get to pet sit. Well if one pet acts out, usually against me or another pet in the home then I'm going to have a talk with that one, and it's all about energy: how the other pet feels, how I feel when they act out on us. why they act out that particular way, etc. That it's OK for them at anytime to send me a "thought bomb," and I send them back as well with great love, because we can continue communication even from great distance. Yet there is zero distance from a linked heart. Go figure. And seek the person you wish to find.

Interesting approach, though in this particular case it wouldn't work as the person I wanted, I've never had contact with. It doesn't matter, as if we're meant to "find" each other it'll happen.
I agree with you, that animals (dogs particularly, imho) understand us and our behaviour better that we often give them credit for.
All the best.

^^^^^^^^Above in the Need Help (your name).
Or, search your personal email tudogz for Wealthy Affiliate. then re-open ones you opened. Heck, after trying the first way ^^^. there is NO BOX. 3), Like you can't stop thinking of someone, like you are now, and so if 1 & 2 didn't work, match their heart energy and want a post from them.

Great question, my friend, and some good answers!

Nope, just by nickname to protect people's privacy :)

Can you even find someone by their Nickname? I haven't been able to figure it out.

Hi - you just use the grey search bar at the top of the screen.

Thanks, Diane! I should've known to ask you! Lol

I never though of using it to search for people, only questions.

I can't wait to have as much knowledge as you have here. I'm glad you're teaching me along the way!

I appreciate you letting me know how ☺️


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Can we search for a wa member by their name?

Can we search for a wa member by their name?

asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

Can we search for a WA member by their name? I don't mean their nickname, I mean their real name. I know there's a way to do it in reverse; find their name from their profile,

^^^^^Above in the Need help (your Name, Thomas) Type in their "name."
If that doesn't do it, check your personal email.
First search for the words Wealthy Affiliate. Then re-open opened emails, You might get lucky.
3rd) Match their heart energy and want to hear from them. Focus and do it repeatedly daily while fondly thinking of them. Do think of them like this for about a week. Then check all your incoming WA posts.
Hey Thomas Tudogz, if you do have pets, they are way smarter than we might think! Even though they don't speak our language, they observe everything about us. I am an energy healer for people and I occasionally get to pet sit. Well if one pet acts out, usually against me or another pet in the home then I'm going to have a talk with that one, and it's all about energy: how the other pet feels, how I feel when they act out on us. why they act out that particular way, etc. That it's OK for them at anytime to send me a "thought bomb," and I send them back as well with great love, because we can continue communication even from great distance. Yet there is zero distance from a linked heart. Go figure. And seek the person you wish to find.

Interesting approach, though in this particular case it wouldn't work as the person I wanted, I've never had contact with. It doesn't matter, as if we're meant to "find" each other it'll happen.
I agree with you, that animals (dogs particularly, imho) understand us and our behaviour better that we often give them credit for.
All the best.

^^^^^^^^Above in the Need Help (your name).
Or, search your personal email tudogz for Wealthy Affiliate. then re-open ones you opened. Heck, after trying the first way ^^^. there is NO BOX. 3), Like you can't stop thinking of someone, like you are now, and so if 1 & 2 didn't work, match their heart energy and want a post from them.

Great question, my friend, and some good answers!

Nope, just by nickname to protect people's privacy :)

Can you even find someone by their Nickname? I haven't been able to figure it out.

Hi - you just use the grey search bar at the top of the screen.

Thanks, Diane! I should've known to ask you! Lol

I never though of using it to search for people, only questions.

I can't wait to have as much knowledge as you have here. I'm glad you're teaching me along the way!

I appreciate you letting me know how ☺️


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asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

Is anyone else having this problem?
I live in Australia and wanted to set up a Pinterest.com account. Whenever I type pinterest.com into my browser I'm diverted to .com.au.

Hi Thomas, when we search in Google chrome the search engine, Google geolocates us, so when the results come through they will be from our country of origin.

The likes of Pinterest will do the same, we will be geolocated to our country of origin, it doesn't matter in a lot of instances. because we are still logging into these platforms.

Another example would be Godaddy they geolocate you as well, to all intent purposes it is the main site.

It is a way for these companies to comply with the statutory obligations of the users country of residence, sales taxes are one such issue that is coming to the fore.

If it is something that you require as mentioned create a VPN

A quick definition;

A VPN works by routing your device's internet connection through your chosen VPN's private server rather than your internet service provider (ISP) so that when your data is transmitted to the internet, it comes from the VPN rather than your computer.

or you could try setting up your own search engine via Google; thereby customizing search results by country or region.

Your custom search engine can be customized to prefer search results from a particular country or region. Results from other countries or regions may still appear with a lower ranking. You can also customize your search engine to exclusively return results from the selected country or region, filtering out all other results.

Go here;


- click add.
- add the site to search; eg https//www.pinterest.com
or google.com
- name your search engine.
- Click create.

Doing it this way can be a workaround you will be presented with pinterest.com and not pinterst.com.au.

Hope this helps.

Thanks, Alex, for the detailed reply.
In the past, it's always been easy to access sites from any country just by entering the appropriate url. I set up a Pinterest account before I realised I was on the au site.
I was thinking I should have a US one, as that's where we mostly market to, but RoseAnn says she still gets traffic from the US to her AU account. I guess I'll just leave it as it is.

Yes. The only way around it would probably be to use a VPN and point it permanently to the US. You would need to always have it on when you enter Pinterest on your computer or it could cause issues.

I have found it fine to have an au one. Still get most of my viewers from the US.

Thanks, RoseAnn.
Am I to assume then, that a Pinterest account on the .au site is pretty much the same as a US one?
You say you get most views from the US anyway, so maybe I'll just leave it as it is.

You need a business account and when you look at the analytics on desktop, you can see info on your viewers.

I think it is the same site and I have not noticed it pick out local pins to show in my feed first like Google often does.

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Access pinterest dot com from australia?

Access pinterest dot com from australia?

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

Is anyone else having this problem?
I live in Australia and wanted to set up a Pinterest.com account. Whenever I type pinterest.com into my browser I'm diverted to .com.au.

Hi Thomas, when we search in Google chrome the search engine, Google geolocates us, so when the results come through they will be from our country of origin.

The likes of Pinterest will do the same, we will be geolocated to our country of origin, it doesn't matter in a lot of instances. because we are still logging into these platforms.

Another example would be Godaddy they geolocate you as well, to all intent purposes it is the main site.

It is a way for these companies to comply with the statutory obligations of the users country of residence, sales taxes are one such issue that is coming to the fore.

If it is something that you require as mentioned create a VPN

A quick definition;

A VPN works by routing your device's internet connection through your chosen VPN's private server rather than your internet service provider (ISP) so that when your data is transmitted to the internet, it comes from the VPN rather than your computer.

or you could try setting up your own search engine via Google; thereby customizing search results by country or region.

Your custom search engine can be customized to prefer search results from a particular country or region. Results from other countries or regions may still appear with a lower ranking. You can also customize your search engine to exclusively return results from the selected country or region, filtering out all other results.

Go here;


- click add.
- add the site to search; eg https//www.pinterest.com
or google.com
- name your search engine.
- Click create.

Doing it this way can be a workaround you will be presented with pinterest.com and not pinterst.com.au.

Hope this helps.

Thanks, Alex, for the detailed reply.
In the past, it's always been easy to access sites from any country just by entering the appropriate url. I set up a Pinterest account before I realised I was on the au site.
I was thinking I should have a US one, as that's where we mostly market to, but RoseAnn says she still gets traffic from the US to her AU account. I guess I'll just leave it as it is.

Yes. The only way around it would probably be to use a VPN and point it permanently to the US. You would need to always have it on when you enter Pinterest on your computer or it could cause issues.

I have found it fine to have an au one. Still get most of my viewers from the US.

Thanks, RoseAnn.
Am I to assume then, that a Pinterest account on the .au site is pretty much the same as a US one?
You say you get most views from the US anyway, so maybe I'll just leave it as it is.

You need a business account and when you look at the analytics on desktop, you can see info on your viewers.

I think it is the same site and I have not noticed it pick out local pins to show in my feed first like Google often does.

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