About Suzay
Rank 189590
968 followers Joined February 2018
Hi my name is Suzay. I'm happy to be alive especially after C.H.F., Congestive Heart Failure summer of 2018, where they said I could have





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asked in
Getting Started

What does it mean, go ahead and add 2 tags. What are tags anyhow? How do I do this? What did I fail to ask here, that I might need to know?

Tags are to summarize in a word what the post is about. With tags WA members can find it when do they search in the menu bar spy glass for specific terms (tags). Without tags no one would be able to find your blog and that would be a real shame..

Hey there! Tags relate to your content. So for example of you were to write a post about new years eve today, you could put your two tags as Happy New Year or 2022 or Celebrating. It's really just a quick word or two that relates to what your blog post is :)

Hey Claire, that was the clearest answer yet!! Thank you, and very much appreciated! AWESOMELY AWSOME!

More than happy to help Suzay :)

hey hi Suzay,

good question!

yes, tags = relevant topic or in WA parlance = keyword(s) ...

so that when your audience searches for a particular subject and if your blog post has the keywords in it, your post will come up for them to L👀K at ...

hope this helps you, give it a go...

all the very best ... :))

I had the same issue at one time. Now I know that I can add keyword tags that describe my post so someone looking for information about the topic can find it easier.

Take care,

Tags are just keywords that someone might use to find your post.

So just enter relevant words or phrases.

You'll find as you start typing, a list of suggestions will appear and you can select one if you wish.

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Trying to write first post, (i'm a 2018 person) tags? 2 ?

Trying to write first post, (i'm a 2018 person) tags? 2 ?

asked in
Getting Started

What does it mean, go ahead and add 2 tags. What are tags anyhow? How do I do this? What did I fail to ask here, that I might need to know?

Tags are to summarize in a word what the post is about. With tags WA members can find it when do they search in the menu bar spy glass for specific terms (tags). Without tags no one would be able to find your blog and that would be a real shame..

Hey there! Tags relate to your content. So for example of you were to write a post about new years eve today, you could put your two tags as Happy New Year or 2022 or Celebrating. It's really just a quick word or two that relates to what your blog post is :)

Hey Claire, that was the clearest answer yet!! Thank you, and very much appreciated! AWESOMELY AWSOME!

More than happy to help Suzay :)

hey hi Suzay,

good question!

yes, tags = relevant topic or in WA parlance = keyword(s) ...

so that when your audience searches for a particular subject and if your blog post has the keywords in it, your post will come up for them to L👀K at ...

hope this helps you, give it a go...

all the very best ... :))

I had the same issue at one time. Now I know that I can add keyword tags that describe my post so someone looking for information about the topic can find it easier.

Take care,

Tags are just keywords that someone might use to find your post.

So just enter relevant words or phrases.

You'll find as you start typing, a list of suggestions will appear and you can select one if you wish.

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asked in
Getting Started

Keep it Simple and Streamlined, WAmily! your WAunty Suzay

Hi sister Suzay.

Great to hear that everything is moving fine for you.



You too Norleila, Hugs, hugs, hugs! Thank you so much, Norleila there is no one quite like you. You are really special, amazing, and so powerful in the lovliest, and most sensible, yet most gentle ways!
Norleila Fan Club member,

Norleila Fan Club member.

Wow Suzay. You inspired me.

Hope you"re doing fine and keeping well.

Keep in touch. 💕

Hi Norleila, what a great way to start my day when the central person of the Norleila Fan Club drops by for a little visit. Thank you!
I had to slow it down and rest more. I've had an infection in my leg, for which I'm taking antibiotics, and I see a doctor tomorrow, and it's getting better. I couldn't do a lot of things outside that needed attention in summer because it was so darn hot. Now we are well into the fall season, and I did my best to help with getting rid of a thorny, invasive weed called goathead. goathead dot comma is not a satanic site, so calm down Honey. That was last month, (By the way, each little flower puts out 200 seeds, and one plant grows 3 feet around in a few weeks so it had to go, no matter what! it is also called puncture vine as it will go through tires.)

So this month, I submit, is heal me time. I take the whole boat of vita C & D3, B-complex, niacin (B3), (B! is thiamine to keep my nemesis, congestive heart failure at bay!) quercetin, zinc, selenium, magnesium, N A Cysteine, the one they want to keep from us, plus topical essential oils,
So my Dear, Dear, Dear! I miss you too. Have been taking Jay's 14-day class to the best of my ability. Seen some folk there I had not seen in a while!
We shall chat again soon! Thanks for stopping by. I LOVE you a lot, and then some!
WAuntie Zay


You're very welcome, Suzay!😎👍👍

But of course.

WA will not be the same
without you.

Take that to the bank.

I love you.


I think she is only wanting to cancel a domain purchase, Elizabeth, not her membership! It sure wouldn't be the same without her!


Oh, alright. Hope she has it resolved.

Thank you, Jeff, for your clarification.


Well, Elizabeth, I at least hope that I am right!


We'll soon find out.


I hope we find out to the positive, Elizabeth!


Yes, you're right.

Elizabeth 😃


Bless, your sweet, sweet heart Jeff. Not leaving, you are right!
Saw you at Jay's tonight I believe.
I spent most of my afternoon waiting around, filling out paperwork at Urgent Care. Brrr, chilly in there, had to do "warm-up" exercises to actually warm up.
Glad I went, I'll be getting a better primary doctor very close to where I live, who is also my friend Mary's doctor and recommended by her.
When I was done at Urgent Care, I went over to the Kingman Walmart's drive-through Pharmacy, and quickly got my new antibiotic Rx and headed to home, and Jay's class. I'll have to Press Replay!
Thank you, Awesome Jeff,

You're very welcome, Suzay! I'm glad you are getting antibiotics and a new doctor!

I hope you are improving, my friend! I was at the class too, I just didn't make any real comments! I'll review all the recordings and take some copious notes at that time!


Not leaving and as is my WAy, saving money since last year for WA Black Friday.
Jay helped me figure out how to pay, last year.
I got my money ready already.

I LOVE you Elizabeth, can't live without you in the Never Ending Story of His story.
Not leaving. I like it here too much. Our WAmily is a grand family!
So many great people at WA, and Kyle, Carson. Jay. I could write names all day.
Someday my name will be in there too. I am hopeful for my future as well!

No, I won't let you... :-)

Love you dearly.


Wonderful... got to let you on it.


I believe that it will be, Z!

Me too Jeff,
repeat and take lots of notes. I cannot see the tiny *** stuff on my screen with class. The Universe directed me to a WA'er yesterday who did a teaching on exactly what Jay was teaching Badboy###. he's really an awesome good guy! I LOVE WA.
(TIP: you know it's the Universe when events fold or unfold in a subtle incongruent way.) Or here, it was WAy email said so and so, Badboy answered my question, but he didn't even click a response! And someone else answered.
Lights ON! Pay attention! Shift Happens!
I love these little universe data drops. The universe is playful and sees if you see it through the fold.
I know you understand this Jeff, it's like Ozone and lightning go together for those that can smell the Ozone.


Yes, indeed, things happen Suzay!

I cannot read the small print later!

I'll take notes at another time!


Hey Suzay,

Go to https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/websites/domains and find the registration you are referring to. Make sure that Auto Renew is OFF and you will NOT be charged again once the one year term has expired.

DO understand that you will receive SEVERAL email prompts explaining that if you want this domain registration to click here, sort of jargon.

That is done to help users who may change their minds, as MANY have done so in the last minute.

Just ignore all those prompts that pester you about the upcoming expiration date and once past, you won't hear from the registrar by email again.

Hope this helps you.

Hi Trish, and thank you!
I did just hit the OFF button.
I bought it on Oct 7, today is Oct 22.
Can I get some money back or not? OK, Jeff answered, there are no refunds, so that's OK. Now I know what I didn't know.
It's OK.

I appreciate you, Trish

The actual registrar is ONE company, and that's NOT WA or GoDaddy, or any other hosting provider. That's why the no refund.

And, it's sooooo much cheaper now to register a domain. Not long ago it cost a LOT more... like in the hundreds of dollars. :-)

Trish, you are right, WA has the best deals for us.
I remember calling a merchant in Florida with a website that I was looking at just to pass the time while waiting for the owner to get on the phone with me.
I wanted to buy something from him and his business was about customizing trucks. Anyways, I noticed something saying the expiration date of the domain was in 2 days!
So when the owner was talking to me, I say hey did you know..blah and blah.?
He didn't know about it.
I said, look for yourself. Did whoever handles this for you say you have renewal payment needed?
Well since you've had it for a while, you wouldn't want it to lapse, or that could be quite expensive to redeem it.
Yeah, later he called me back to thank me, which was nice, he even called last year, again. So whatever happened he now remembers renewal is coming.

I lost .one myself and couldn't pay GD to redeem it.
Also nice, our WA automated reminders!

If you are repurchasing one on auto-renew, just click the box no and it will not renew unless you do it manually! The rest is as Joe says. There are no refunds for the the term purchased for!


You know my brain, Jeff, that's because we share stuff from
Thank you!

Your answer is so better than mine was going to be, I thought burn the credit card. Lol. Forgive me my follies Zay.
Hugs to Zay.

Sorry Jeffoi, only a manly handshake for you.


Yes, Suzay, the Brain of ALL brains!


Hugs back, Stephen! thank you for brightening the day, in your special way!
Z to Z

Sounds good to me, Stevoi, and burh the credit card debt with no impact to the individual as well! 🤪🤝

Personally, just ride it out and purchase a new one if you like. You're already paid for the year so.........

Lily, Aussiemuso, posted a teaching about, com,
info, etc. and that hyphenated domains indicate spam.
This was shortly after I bought 2, one without hyphens, and one without. The one I'm turning off is with the hyphens.

So, I bought it on Oct 7, today is Oct 22, and did not know if I could get money back, or not, but apparently not.
It's OK though. I usually don't change my mind after fact-finding, and social proof, because I trust Lily's teaching to be based on factual evidence.
So I can't get money back to apply toward another one.

Thank you, Joe, I appreciate the information, and I appreciate you!

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What are the steps to cancel a domain purchase?

What are the steps to cancel a domain purchase?

asked in
Getting Started

Keep it Simple and Streamlined, WAmily! your WAunty Suzay

Hi sister Suzay.

Great to hear that everything is moving fine for you.



You too Norleila, Hugs, hugs, hugs! Thank you so much, Norleila there is no one quite like you. You are really special, amazing, and so powerful in the lovliest, and most sensible, yet most gentle ways!
Norleila Fan Club member,

Norleila Fan Club member.

Wow Suzay. You inspired me.

Hope you"re doing fine and keeping well.

Keep in touch. 💕

Hi Norleila, what a great way to start my day when the central person of the Norleila Fan Club drops by for a little visit. Thank you!
I had to slow it down and rest more. I've had an infection in my leg, for which I'm taking antibiotics, and I see a doctor tomorrow, and it's getting better. I couldn't do a lot of things outside that needed attention in summer because it was so darn hot. Now we are well into the fall season, and I did my best to help with getting rid of a thorny, invasive weed called goathead. goathead dot comma is not a satanic site, so calm down Honey. That was last month, (By the way, each little flower puts out 200 seeds, and one plant grows 3 feet around in a few weeks so it had to go, no matter what! it is also called puncture vine as it will go through tires.)

So this month, I submit, is heal me time. I take the whole boat of vita C & D3, B-complex, niacin (B3), (B! is thiamine to keep my nemesis, congestive heart failure at bay!) quercetin, zinc, selenium, magnesium, N A Cysteine, the one they want to keep from us, plus topical essential oils,
So my Dear, Dear, Dear! I miss you too. Have been taking Jay's 14-day class to the best of my ability. Seen some folk there I had not seen in a while!
We shall chat again soon! Thanks for stopping by. I LOVE you a lot, and then some!
WAuntie Zay


You're very welcome, Suzay!😎👍👍

But of course.

WA will not be the same
without you.

Take that to the bank.

I love you.


I think she is only wanting to cancel a domain purchase, Elizabeth, not her membership! It sure wouldn't be the same without her!


Oh, alright. Hope she has it resolved.

Thank you, Jeff, for your clarification.


Well, Elizabeth, I at least hope that I am right!


We'll soon find out.


I hope we find out to the positive, Elizabeth!


Yes, you're right.

Elizabeth 😃


Bless, your sweet, sweet heart Jeff. Not leaving, you are right!
Saw you at Jay's tonight I believe.
I spent most of my afternoon waiting around, filling out paperwork at Urgent Care. Brrr, chilly in there, had to do "warm-up" exercises to actually warm up.
Glad I went, I'll be getting a better primary doctor very close to where I live, who is also my friend Mary's doctor and recommended by her.
When I was done at Urgent Care, I went over to the Kingman Walmart's drive-through Pharmacy, and quickly got my new antibiotic Rx and headed to home, and Jay's class. I'll have to Press Replay!
Thank you, Awesome Jeff,

You're very welcome, Suzay! I'm glad you are getting antibiotics and a new doctor!

I hope you are improving, my friend! I was at the class too, I just didn't make any real comments! I'll review all the recordings and take some copious notes at that time!


Not leaving and as is my WAy, saving money since last year for WA Black Friday.
Jay helped me figure out how to pay, last year.
I got my money ready already.

I LOVE you Elizabeth, can't live without you in the Never Ending Story of His story.
Not leaving. I like it here too much. Our WAmily is a grand family!
So many great people at WA, and Kyle, Carson. Jay. I could write names all day.
Someday my name will be in there too. I am hopeful for my future as well!

No, I won't let you... :-)

Love you dearly.


Wonderful... got to let you on it.


I believe that it will be, Z!

Me too Jeff,
repeat and take lots of notes. I cannot see the tiny *** stuff on my screen with class. The Universe directed me to a WA'er yesterday who did a teaching on exactly what Jay was teaching Badboy###. he's really an awesome good guy! I LOVE WA.
(TIP: you know it's the Universe when events fold or unfold in a subtle incongruent way.) Or here, it was WAy email said so and so, Badboy answered my question, but he didn't even click a response! And someone else answered.
Lights ON! Pay attention! Shift Happens!
I love these little universe data drops. The universe is playful and sees if you see it through the fold.
I know you understand this Jeff, it's like Ozone and lightning go together for those that can smell the Ozone.


Yes, indeed, things happen Suzay!

I cannot read the small print later!

I'll take notes at another time!


Hey Suzay,

Go to https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/websites/domains and find the registration you are referring to. Make sure that Auto Renew is OFF and you will NOT be charged again once the one year term has expired.

DO understand that you will receive SEVERAL email prompts explaining that if you want this domain registration to click here, sort of jargon.

That is done to help users who may change their minds, as MANY have done so in the last minute.

Just ignore all those prompts that pester you about the upcoming expiration date and once past, you won't hear from the registrar by email again.

Hope this helps you.

Hi Trish, and thank you!
I did just hit the OFF button.
I bought it on Oct 7, today is Oct 22.
Can I get some money back or not? OK, Jeff answered, there are no refunds, so that's OK. Now I know what I didn't know.
It's OK.

I appreciate you, Trish

The actual registrar is ONE company, and that's NOT WA or GoDaddy, or any other hosting provider. That's why the no refund.

And, it's sooooo much cheaper now to register a domain. Not long ago it cost a LOT more... like in the hundreds of dollars. :-)

Trish, you are right, WA has the best deals for us.
I remember calling a merchant in Florida with a website that I was looking at just to pass the time while waiting for the owner to get on the phone with me.
I wanted to buy something from him and his business was about customizing trucks. Anyways, I noticed something saying the expiration date of the domain was in 2 days!
So when the owner was talking to me, I say hey did you know..blah and blah.?
He didn't know about it.
I said, look for yourself. Did whoever handles this for you say you have renewal payment needed?
Well since you've had it for a while, you wouldn't want it to lapse, or that could be quite expensive to redeem it.
Yeah, later he called me back to thank me, which was nice, he even called last year, again. So whatever happened he now remembers renewal is coming.

I lost .one myself and couldn't pay GD to redeem it.
Also nice, our WA automated reminders!

If you are repurchasing one on auto-renew, just click the box no and it will not renew unless you do it manually! The rest is as Joe says. There are no refunds for the the term purchased for!


You know my brain, Jeff, that's because we share stuff from
Thank you!

Your answer is so better than mine was going to be, I thought burn the credit card. Lol. Forgive me my follies Zay.
Hugs to Zay.

Sorry Jeffoi, only a manly handshake for you.


Yes, Suzay, the Brain of ALL brains!


Hugs back, Stephen! thank you for brightening the day, in your special way!
Z to Z

Sounds good to me, Stevoi, and burh the credit card debt with no impact to the individual as well! 🤪🤝

Personally, just ride it out and purchase a new one if you like. You're already paid for the year so.........

Lily, Aussiemuso, posted a teaching about, com,
info, etc. and that hyphenated domains indicate spam.
This was shortly after I bought 2, one without hyphens, and one without. The one I'm turning off is with the hyphens.

So, I bought it on Oct 7, today is Oct 22, and did not know if I could get money back, or not, but apparently not.
It's OK though. I usually don't change my mind after fact-finding, and social proof, because I trust Lily's teaching to be based on factual evidence.
So I can't get money back to apply toward another one.

Thank you, Joe, I appreciate the information, and I appreciate you!

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asked in
Getting Started

A WA member taught in a post just after I bought it that because of the hyphens, it would be ID'd as spam. I spent much time in Hawaii, I never liked spam!
Just give me the

Once a domain name is purchased you are the owner for one year. If you do not renew it it will automatically expire.

Since you already paid for it there is no harm in just letting is self expire.

Thank YOU George for that information.
I have another question, could I PM you for your opinion, please, something I'd like a bit of information on. I'm short of time right now, but later, soon, OK?


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How do I get ridcancel of a domain that I recently purchased?

How do I get ridcancel of a domain that I recently purchased?

asked in
Getting Started

A WA member taught in a post just after I bought it that because of the hyphens, it would be ID'd as spam. I spent much time in Hawaii, I never liked spam!
Just give me the

Once a domain name is purchased you are the owner for one year. If you do not renew it it will automatically expire.

Since you already paid for it there is no harm in just letting is self expire.

Thank YOU George for that information.
I have another question, could I PM you for your opinion, please, something I'd like a bit of information on. I'm short of time right now, but later, soon, OK?


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asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

I do not know how to subscribe to Jay's classes in this new system. Can someone help me, please? Suzay

Hi Suzay. Remember me? You gave me a kick up the bum when I didn't reply to your answer with an answer that didn't seem to read well.
I haven't been able to thank you for that kick up the Jaaxy, so now I will. Thank you.
Since tat day, I try not to just give a thumbs up, or a "like". I usually write too much and try to get others to do the same, but it's not easy as many don't seem to have the time to reciprocate.

To answer your question above, I think you can just go to his profile and click on his training.

I think this is his latest training.

Dave Buckley, Thank You back! I was just laughing so hard while reading that!

Hi Zay. I have left WA but thank you for supplying the powder for my dynamite fuse. I tried where I could not just to like a comment, but to give a real comment back. Good luck on your journey.

Hey Suzay,

The steps are offered here: Hope this helps you.

hi Suzay! Great to see you here!

Jay just completed a WAbinar on Tags ---

with the new system, simply click on 'Classes' above and do a quick search for 'magistudios' and Jay's webinars will pop up for you.

all the best & enjoy a brilliant, happy, healthy 2021 -- cheerio-o

Thank you Keishalina Beautiful heart like a rare jewel! I'll be checking that out tomorrow. Very tired tonight.
Best wishes for an Excellent year, 2021 to you as well. 2020 was see better, even see better into one's self, and prepare for something more fluid, more resilient.

*** keep well, happy & healthy! :)) ***

Hi, you can click Classes top menu


Also written a short blog post

And Happy New Year Suzay.

thank you Abie, I really appreciate you first of all, and I will check it out because things look a bit unfamiliar, surely your two suggestions will help me a lot. Thank you Sweetie!

Thanks Suzay and you are so very welcome.

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How do I get back to jay's friday classes?

How do I get back to jay's friday classes?

asked in
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform

I do not know how to subscribe to Jay's classes in this new system. Can someone help me, please? Suzay

Hi Suzay. Remember me? You gave me a kick up the bum when I didn't reply to your answer with an answer that didn't seem to read well.
I haven't been able to thank you for that kick up the Jaaxy, so now I will. Thank you.
Since tat day, I try not to just give a thumbs up, or a "like". I usually write too much and try to get others to do the same, but it's not easy as many don't seem to have the time to reciprocate.

To answer your question above, I think you can just go to his profile and click on his training.

I think this is his latest training.

Dave Buckley, Thank You back! I was just laughing so hard while reading that!

Hi Zay. I have left WA but thank you for supplying the powder for my dynamite fuse. I tried where I could not just to like a comment, but to give a real comment back. Good luck on your journey.

Hey Suzay,

The steps are offered here: Hope this helps you.

hi Suzay! Great to see you here!

Jay just completed a WAbinar on Tags ---

with the new system, simply click on 'Classes' above and do a quick search for 'magistudios' and Jay's webinars will pop up for you.

all the best & enjoy a brilliant, happy, healthy 2021 -- cheerio-o

Thank you Keishalina Beautiful heart like a rare jewel! I'll be checking that out tomorrow. Very tired tonight.
Best wishes for an Excellent year, 2021 to you as well. 2020 was see better, even see better into one's self, and prepare for something more fluid, more resilient.

*** keep well, happy & healthy! :)) ***

Hi, you can click Classes top menu


Also written a short blog post

And Happy New Year Suzay.

thank you Abie, I really appreciate you first of all, and I will check it out because things look a bit unfamiliar, surely your two suggestions will help me a lot. Thank you Sweetie!

Thanks Suzay and you are so very welcome.

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