About RichBrennan
Rank 16000
5,304 followers Joined January 2017


I'm an aspiring entrepreneur passionate about personal development which I believe is the key to success both in business and in life. After years of





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asked in
Getting Started

Hi all
I've had my MMO site on the back burner for about 3 years now and and am currently updating my WA review.
Does a Free Starter Member who upgrades to Premium / Prem

That's no longer applicable. Starters may remain a starter indefinitely and communicate with the platform indefinitely;

The starter account is a test drive of the Wealthy Affiliate platform to see if it fits your business needs and objectives. You get the one siterubix subdomain.

When you decide to upgrade, you will be provided with the tools, training, and a free dot com domain name.

As a Premium, your subscription will be $49 monthly plus credits for a FREE domain.

Or $99 monthly for the premium plus + and credits for two FREE domains.

To learn more




Thanks, Abie :-)

Diane has you covered well here.


Hi, Mike
I saw Diane's answer, thank you.
Here's a blog post I wrote a couple of years ago which might be of interest to you. Diane left a comment on it at the time.
You can check it out on the link below.

Thank you!


Hi - no, that offer was removed last year.

They now get a free .com domain or 2 free domains with Premium Plus.

There have been a lot of changes to the free starter membership.

For example, they no longer have access to Jaaxy or Site Content.

Many thanks, Diane - much appreciated
Cheers - Rich :-)

You're welcome!

If you want me to have a read-through when you've written it, let me know, and I will be happy to check the info.

I will do, Diane - thank you :-)

Here's the Review, Diane.
It's a lot more detailed than most of the 'bare-bones' that come up on Google.
Not sure whether this is a good thing or a bad thing.
It's certainly very detailed and I've tried to inject a bit of humour into it to keep the reader on the page.
I've been thinking I may need to reduce some of the content and link what I leave to a seperate blog post.
I know I'll get an honest opinion from you, so I'll look forward to your feedback. Thanks again for your help.
Rich :-)

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Upgrade membership 1st month half price?

Upgrade membership 1st month half price?

asked in
Getting Started

Hi all
I've had my MMO site on the back burner for about 3 years now and and am currently updating my WA review.
Does a Free Starter Member who upgrades to Premium / Prem

That's no longer applicable. Starters may remain a starter indefinitely and communicate with the platform indefinitely;

The starter account is a test drive of the Wealthy Affiliate platform to see if it fits your business needs and objectives. You get the one siterubix subdomain.

When you decide to upgrade, you will be provided with the tools, training, and a free dot com domain name.

As a Premium, your subscription will be $49 monthly plus credits for a FREE domain.

Or $99 monthly for the premium plus + and credits for two FREE domains.

To learn more




Thanks, Abie :-)

Diane has you covered well here.


Hi, Mike
I saw Diane's answer, thank you.
Here's a blog post I wrote a couple of years ago which might be of interest to you. Diane left a comment on it at the time.
You can check it out on the link below.

Thank you!


Hi - no, that offer was removed last year.

They now get a free .com domain or 2 free domains with Premium Plus.

There have been a lot of changes to the free starter membership.

For example, they no longer have access to Jaaxy or Site Content.

Many thanks, Diane - much appreciated
Cheers - Rich :-)

You're welcome!

If you want me to have a read-through when you've written it, let me know, and I will be happy to check the info.

I will do, Diane - thank you :-)

Here's the Review, Diane.
It's a lot more detailed than most of the 'bare-bones' that come up on Google.
Not sure whether this is a good thing or a bad thing.
It's certainly very detailed and I've tried to inject a bit of humour into it to keep the reader on the page.
I've been thinking I may need to reduce some of the content and link what I leave to a seperate blog post.
I know I'll get an honest opinion from you, so I'll look forward to your feedback. Thanks again for your help.
Rich :-)

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asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

Hi Folks

I'm looking into joining the Audible Affiliate Program, but I don't particularly want to join Amazon Associates.

As Audible is owned by Amazon, can someone

Oh dang !I just joined Awin today after reading a WA post about it yesterday. Hope they have got some other decent affiliate programs 😂

Hi - they have thousands of well known household names as their merchants. I am sure you will find plenty of choice.

Thanks Diane

Actually Audible closed their program on Awin and all other networks, so yes, you are stuck working with their program on Amazon. Really low commissions!

I did see that there's a program on Rakuten called SimplyAudioBooks.com, but it may be difficult to get approved into it (that's what Rakuten is known for).

Thanks, Jeannine, I wasn't aware of that.

Yeah, how Amazon rolls... on square wheels!

Bezos will reap his just rewards, Jeannine!

U can join separately.

Hi - no, you don't have to join Amazon. Audible is actually within the Awin affiliate network, so you would need to join Awin first. It will cost you £5, but you get that back with your first commission payout.

That's great, Diane
I've just checked out the link that Abie has sent me below and the affiliate tab takes me to Awin, which confirms what you say.
Thanks for your help and your quick answer.
Rich :-)

Hi, I think you have to be, please check below link


Hi Abie
The affiliate tab in the link takes me straight to Awin, so it looks like you don't have to be an Amazon Associate first, as Diane says above.
Thanks for your help - much appreciated.
Rich :-)

Thank you very much for the great information

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A question about the audible affiliate program?

A question about the audible affiliate program?

asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

Hi Folks

I'm looking into joining the Audible Affiliate Program, but I don't particularly want to join Amazon Associates.

As Audible is owned by Amazon, can someone

Oh dang !I just joined Awin today after reading a WA post about it yesterday. Hope they have got some other decent affiliate programs 😂

Hi - they have thousands of well known household names as their merchants. I am sure you will find plenty of choice.

Thanks Diane

Actually Audible closed their program on Awin and all other networks, so yes, you are stuck working with their program on Amazon. Really low commissions!

I did see that there's a program on Rakuten called SimplyAudioBooks.com, but it may be difficult to get approved into it (that's what Rakuten is known for).

Thanks, Jeannine, I wasn't aware of that.

Yeah, how Amazon rolls... on square wheels!

Bezos will reap his just rewards, Jeannine!

U can join separately.

Hi - no, you don't have to join Amazon. Audible is actually within the Awin affiliate network, so you would need to join Awin first. It will cost you £5, but you get that back with your first commission payout.

That's great, Diane
I've just checked out the link that Abie has sent me below and the affiliate tab takes me to Awin, which confirms what you say.
Thanks for your help and your quick answer.
Rich :-)

Hi, I think you have to be, please check below link


Hi Abie
The affiliate tab in the link takes me straight to Awin, so it looks like you don't have to be an Amazon Associate first, as Diane says above.
Thanks for your help - much appreciated.
Rich :-)

Thank you very much for the great information

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asked in
Search Engine Optimization

When I'm writing my SEO Title for my posts based around my Keyword, Generate Press automatically includes my Website Name in the Word Count, taking my title way over the 60 cha

Hey Richard,

That sounds more like WordPress than GeneratePress doing that.

Once you type in or paste your post or page title, WordPress assumes and creates the permalink to match your title.

I have to shorten my permalinks a LOT because I purposely create longer than 60 character titles in order to GRAB the attention of those searching Google.

See screen print below... to see what I searched for... then read the Google support response here: https://support.google.com/webmasters/thread/14834157?hl=en

Hope you find this helpful.

Thanks, Trish.
It does seem to be GeneratePress (see FrankB-1's answer below) as I''ve created a dummy post with the same title in another of my sites using a different theme and it doesn't include my website title (not my URL as I incorrectly said in the question).
From the info you attached, it doesn't seem to matter in any case and I was probably worrying unnecessarily.
I would assume that Google sees the same combination of website title and post title for every single post that gets put up and will not distinguish between the peculiarities of this theme or that them, etc.
Thanks for your answer - the Google support thread was very informative and I've bookmarked it for future reference.
Rich :-)

Hi Trish
Just in case you miss it, here's a blog post I've just done with the answer courtesy of Jay. Thanks for your help.
Rich :-)

Yes Rich, I've seen this claim before for being able to shorten titles displayed in search results... which, this did not work. However, for your purposes, I agree.

Great post! Have "Like'd" it.

This isn't specific to Generate Press, this will be configured within your SEO Plugin, such as All in One SEO. Having a "Post Title - Site Name" is the normal and recommended approach.

I've just checked your screenshot below to confirm this, as you had me thinking when you said your URL was included. The URL isn't actually included, it is just your websites name.

Hope this makes sense and helps,

Hi Christopher, it does seem to be GeneratePress in this instance as I use the WA default All In One SEO plug in on all my sites. I created a dummy with the same title on another site using a different theme and it doesn't include my website title (not the URL as I incorrectly said in my question).
From Trish's (@triblu) answer above, it doesn't seem to matter in any case.
Thanks for coming back to me - much appreciated.
Rich :-)

Thank you for getting back to me Rich, I have never seen this from GeneratePress, but then again, I haven't need to alter the default SEO Title provided by All in One SEO, Yoast or Rank Math. I'll do some testing to confirm your findings. Not that I don't believe you, but because I'm heavily in to SEO for Local Clients, and it will be good to know this, just in case I need to make changes for a client in the future :-) The need just hasn't arrisen for many years :-) Thank you for bringing this to my attention :-)

Hi Chris
Here's a couple of screenshots I took as per above.
The first one is of a post on another of my sites using a different theme, and as you can see the SEO title is 53 characters long as it does not include my website title.
I then created a dummy post on my site where I use GeneratePress and the same SEO title is 79 characters long.
I'd be very grateful if you could come back to me here with what you come up with when you do a bit of digging. It doesn't seem to be the problem that I thought it would be but I'm very keen to know the answer purely for interest's sake and maybe to help someone else out in the future.
Rich :-)

No worries Rich, I'll do that :-) There doesn't appear to be any screenshots attached though

Sorry, Chris.
It was as you suspected an issue with my SEO Plugin, rather than with GeneratePress.
Here's the solution courtesy of Jay. And thanks for your help, too.
Rich :-)

Thank you for updating me Rich, I’m just worried by all the members who are now frantically removing their site title from all their posts and pages :-(

I saw your comment on my post, Chystopher, and I'm inclined to agree. It seems the solution has led to more questions.
Rich :-)

No worries, I’ve just responded to it again :-)

Just seen - thanks again :-)

Hi Rich,

I also have tried to correct this problem, which is apparently specific to generatepress. What I do is just paste my meta title and meta description (same for the social info) in manually. Don’t use the ones that are already pre-populated for you. It won’t fix the word count but it will use it exact the way you enter it. I sent generatepress a support ticket when I built my website but they never answered me. I would stick with generatepress theme, since it is one of the fastest and will help you rank better. Every theme probably has its little bugs.


Hi Frank
Thanks for your answer. That's very interesting regarding your Support ticket. I hope their theme functionality is better than their Customer service!
From what Trish (@triblu) says above, it doesn't seem to matter anyway. Google will surely see the same combo of website title and article title, regardless of the quirks of whatever WordPress them the originator is using.
Rich :-)

I think you're correct but I always change my meta description anyway.

Hi Frank
I got the answer from Jay. It's to do with All In One SEO settings rather than Generate Press. Thanks for your help, too.
Rich :-)

Thanks, Rich!

You should be able to edit it if you wish to. But sometimes even if it goes beyond the character count, I still just leave it. It's up to you, what you want to include or not.

I'm just confused as to why Generate Press includes the website URL in the character count when other themes don't.

Ah... now I get you. I went back to check my posts' SEO title, and realized it's the same case for mine. I did not even know this before, never bothered to actually count the characters. I have been using GeneratePress from day 1 of my site, so do not really have a basis for comparison with other themes.

Here's the solution courtesy of Jay. Thanks your help, as well.
Rich :-)

Thank you for this, really appreciate it!

Is it the URL or the name of your website?

Sorry, Gordon. It's the name of my website, not my URL. Thanks for pointing that out! From the answers I've got, particularly from Trish (@triblu) it doesn't seem to matter anyway and I was probably getting stressed over nothing!
Rich :-)

Hi Gordon
Here's the solution courtesy of Jay. Cheers
Rich :-)

Was going to explain that to you, which is why I asked if it was your title rather than URL. Glad you got it sorted

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Problem with seo title in generate press theme?

Problem with seo title in generate press theme?

asked in
Search Engine Optimization

When I'm writing my SEO Title for my posts based around my Keyword, Generate Press automatically includes my Website Name in the Word Count, taking my title way over the 60 cha

Hey Richard,

That sounds more like WordPress than GeneratePress doing that.

Once you type in or paste your post or page title, WordPress assumes and creates the permalink to match your title.

I have to shorten my permalinks a LOT because I purposely create longer than 60 character titles in order to GRAB the attention of those searching Google.

See screen print below... to see what I searched for... then read the Google support response here: https://support.google.com/webmasters/thread/14834157?hl=en

Hope you find this helpful.

Thanks, Trish.
It does seem to be GeneratePress (see FrankB-1's answer below) as I''ve created a dummy post with the same title in another of my sites using a different theme and it doesn't include my website title (not my URL as I incorrectly said in the question).
From the info you attached, it doesn't seem to matter in any case and I was probably worrying unnecessarily.
I would assume that Google sees the same combination of website title and post title for every single post that gets put up and will not distinguish between the peculiarities of this theme or that them, etc.
Thanks for your answer - the Google support thread was very informative and I've bookmarked it for future reference.
Rich :-)

Hi Trish
Just in case you miss it, here's a blog post I've just done with the answer courtesy of Jay. Thanks for your help.
Rich :-)

Yes Rich, I've seen this claim before for being able to shorten titles displayed in search results... which, this did not work. However, for your purposes, I agree.

Great post! Have "Like'd" it.

This isn't specific to Generate Press, this will be configured within your SEO Plugin, such as All in One SEO. Having a "Post Title - Site Name" is the normal and recommended approach.

I've just checked your screenshot below to confirm this, as you had me thinking when you said your URL was included. The URL isn't actually included, it is just your websites name.

Hope this makes sense and helps,

Hi Christopher, it does seem to be GeneratePress in this instance as I use the WA default All In One SEO plug in on all my sites. I created a dummy with the same title on another site using a different theme and it doesn't include my website title (not the URL as I incorrectly said in my question).
From Trish's (@triblu) answer above, it doesn't seem to matter in any case.
Thanks for coming back to me - much appreciated.
Rich :-)

Thank you for getting back to me Rich, I have never seen this from GeneratePress, but then again, I haven't need to alter the default SEO Title provided by All in One SEO, Yoast or Rank Math. I'll do some testing to confirm your findings. Not that I don't believe you, but because I'm heavily in to SEO for Local Clients, and it will be good to know this, just in case I need to make changes for a client in the future :-) The need just hasn't arrisen for many years :-) Thank you for bringing this to my attention :-)

Hi Chris
Here's a couple of screenshots I took as per above.
The first one is of a post on another of my sites using a different theme, and as you can see the SEO title is 53 characters long as it does not include my website title.
I then created a dummy post on my site where I use GeneratePress and the same SEO title is 79 characters long.
I'd be very grateful if you could come back to me here with what you come up with when you do a bit of digging. It doesn't seem to be the problem that I thought it would be but I'm very keen to know the answer purely for interest's sake and maybe to help someone else out in the future.
Rich :-)

No worries Rich, I'll do that :-) There doesn't appear to be any screenshots attached though

Sorry, Chris.
It was as you suspected an issue with my SEO Plugin, rather than with GeneratePress.
Here's the solution courtesy of Jay. And thanks for your help, too.
Rich :-)

Thank you for updating me Rich, I’m just worried by all the members who are now frantically removing their site title from all their posts and pages :-(

I saw your comment on my post, Chystopher, and I'm inclined to agree. It seems the solution has led to more questions.
Rich :-)

No worries, I’ve just responded to it again :-)

Just seen - thanks again :-)

Hi Rich,

I also have tried to correct this problem, which is apparently specific to generatepress. What I do is just paste my meta title and meta description (same for the social info) in manually. Don’t use the ones that are already pre-populated for you. It won’t fix the word count but it will use it exact the way you enter it. I sent generatepress a support ticket when I built my website but they never answered me. I would stick with generatepress theme, since it is one of the fastest and will help you rank better. Every theme probably has its little bugs.


Hi Frank
Thanks for your answer. That's very interesting regarding your Support ticket. I hope their theme functionality is better than their Customer service!
From what Trish (@triblu) says above, it doesn't seem to matter anyway. Google will surely see the same combo of website title and article title, regardless of the quirks of whatever WordPress them the originator is using.
Rich :-)

I think you're correct but I always change my meta description anyway.

Hi Frank
I got the answer from Jay. It's to do with All In One SEO settings rather than Generate Press. Thanks for your help, too.
Rich :-)

Thanks, Rich!

You should be able to edit it if you wish to. But sometimes even if it goes beyond the character count, I still just leave it. It's up to you, what you want to include or not.

I'm just confused as to why Generate Press includes the website URL in the character count when other themes don't.

Ah... now I get you. I went back to check my posts' SEO title, and realized it's the same case for mine. I did not even know this before, never bothered to actually count the characters. I have been using GeneratePress from day 1 of my site, so do not really have a basis for comparison with other themes.

Here's the solution courtesy of Jay. Thanks your help, as well.
Rich :-)

Thank you for this, really appreciate it!

Is it the URL or the name of your website?

Sorry, Gordon. It's the name of my website, not my URL. Thanks for pointing that out! From the answers I've got, particularly from Trish (@triblu) it doesn't seem to matter anyway and I was probably getting stressed over nothing!
Rich :-)

Hi Gordon
Here's the solution courtesy of Jay. Cheers
Rich :-)

Was going to explain that to you, which is why I asked if it was your title rather than URL. Glad you got it sorted

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One Profit Ready Website
Market Research & Analysis Tools
Millionaire Mentorship
Core “Business Start Up” Training