Discovered a Great Plugin
Recently decided to merge my first two affiliate websites built here at WA into ONE new website; so set out one day to learn all that I could BEFORE I began my task.
- Purchased my new website domain name:
- Backed up both of the older websites
- Installed a NEW plugin I learned about WP Optimize
Let me stop my list of tasks here ... to tell you that WP Optimize helped me by removing any and all post and page revisions, as well as optimize my wp database, making these sites easier to load ... and easier to transfer or EXPORT my posts and/or pages without transferring all of the revisions.
SIDE NOTE: Because my Disclaimer, Contact, About Trish, and Privacy Policy pages were (in many instances) EXACTLY alike, I didn’t need to merge all of BOTH site’s pages ... though I did have to tweak the About Trish and Privacy Policy pages for obvious reasons.
Anyway, what made me decide to share this nifty plugin with all of you is this ... that when I used WP Optimize on two of my VERY old websites (hosted out of Toronto, Ontario), this plugin saved one site nearly 20MB of space!
...and the other site nearly 10MB of server space saved. WOW!
There was much tweaking needed on my new website ... pictures had to be installed differently ... as featured images because I am using a purchased theme instead of a free theme. All embedded videos had to be coded differently in order for the theme’s responsive video embed option to work eliminating the need for my video plugin.
Now ... because of all of the editing in the NEW website, I figured I had better install WP Optimize here too, and clean up all the latest revisions. Look what it saved by doing this:
The author of the post who recommended using this plugin recommended for you to back up your website FIRST and FOREMOST ... BEFORE using this plugin.
You can either use the plugin Marion Black recommended using: .... or, for larger sites (like my two older ones hosted out of Toronto, as WP Clone can only back up 25MB) you can use your FTP access to download the entire site.
Once your website is FULLY backed up, you can then go ahead to install and activate WP Optimize.
Once activated, look to the left-hand sidebar under your WP Dashboard for WP-Optimize and click on it ...
...all you need to do now is click on the big PROCESS button and wait.
Watch to see what will appear ABOVE these tables once your site is optimized, and you should see a list similar to the following:
...and then look to see how much of YOUR site’s database space was saved!
Recent Comments
I am curious Trish, I want to remove all my content from one blogger site and move it over to a WP site. Will this plugin do this? I understand I will have to load this plugin onto the WP site and do it from the new site. I then want to delete the blogger site. Will the new site be able to use the old URL's so that we don't get 404 errors and the like? I would be interested in any help you can give me. Michael
Hi Michael,
I was merging 2 WordPress sites that I own ... into a new WordPress site that I own.
However, I Googled "how to export blog posts from blogger to wordpress" (without the quotation marks, of course) and got several great posts offering guidance for the task you have described.
I recommend that you reading thoroughly through several of these posts to see which tricks worked ... and which didn't. As this is EXACTLY what I did before taking on the task of merging my 2 sites into one.
Makes life a whole lot easier, learning from others mistakes ... and, so far many others online EVERYWHERE are still offering great tips to save those following them with whatever task to not have to repeat their mistakes.
Be patient and make sure you have lots of time to do this merger ... and time to take regular breaks once you start.
This task you are about to start is simple ... but NOT easy.
If you go slowly, taking and fixing up one page/post at a time and then taking breaks when your head starts to throb from so much concentration ... you will be able to accomplish this task.
On your mark ... get set ... GO! ;-))
Thanks Trish, I really appreciate you taking the time to explain all this. I hope you are having a great day.
Thanks Trish! Sounds like a great plugin. I probably have too many plugins, so I might need to think very carefully about adding yet another one!
You're not alone on having too many plugins Stephen. I still have yet to update my personal blog.
The theme is sooooo outdated (though responsive, thankfully) and there are far more plugins on my personal blog than those you listed as being on yours ... just so you know ;-)) ... y'er not alone ... guilty I am!
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Thanks for posting Trish! I'll be checking this out...
You're very welcome Armand.