About Me4TheWin
Rank 7525
501 followers Joined July 2016
Hi, I'm Deedee! I'm a 40-something mom of three amazing kids, one boisterous chocolate Lab, and two endlessly entertaining kitties. I love drawing, crafting, reading,





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asked in
Everything Wordpress

I'm a CJ Affiliate member, and have just discovered that they have a handy code I can install on my website that will monetize any link that goes to a CJ advertiser site. I'd r

My suggestion is to place your code in a so called 'text' widget in the footer section of your website. You find this under appearance -widgets.

Where do I put cj affiliate page-based link tool script?

Where do I put cj affiliate page-based link tool script?

asked in
Everything Wordpress

I'm a CJ Affiliate member, and have just discovered that they have a handy code I can install on my website that will monetize any link that goes to a CJ advertiser site. I'd r

My suggestion is to place your code in a so called 'text' widget in the footer section of your website. You find this under appearance -widgets.

asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

In September I started a new website (amazinglygifted.com). Since then, I've been plugging along, writing what I *think* is good content. I've been choosing great keywords, at

I'm thinking that this may be a case of your getting into a niche that's significantly more competitive than the niche your other site is based on. Are you seeing similar keyword results (particularly QSR) between the two niches?

Hi Bob,

I'm thinking you're very right.

When I did the initial research before choosing this new niche, it seemed far *less* competitive than the other. Honestly, I was amazed at how many great low QSR keywords there were to choose from! But I guess I should have dug deeper into who, exactly, those QSRs were. In doing manual Google searches, I'm seeing now that they're the sites a good chunk of the *country* reads every day. Ugh!

Is there any hope for my little website, or do I just call this one a bust and try again? I don't expect to succeed overnight, or without hard, smart work. Yet seeing who my competitors are now makes me wonder if breaking into this niche is even possible. Any thoughts?

I’ve recently watched a video about how long does it take to make money and get traffic... and this guy explains on average it takes about 6 months to start seeing your traffic to grow.

I’ve seen many ambassadors including vitals and Nathaniel also have website take months and months until their website starts gaining traction.

Even Kyle had a very motivational post on how traffic starts as a trickle them turns into a stream and than a river.

So I’m short just keep writing and doing what your doing and google WILL notice. Give it around 6-8 months and see how your website is doing then.

Here is the video on how long it takes to earn traffic: Hope this helps and wish you the best of luck.

Thanks, Michael. It's just that this isn't my first website, and I've never had this happen so slowly before, especially when using 'low hanging fruit' keywords like Kyle recommends. Like I said, I don't expect to make money for a while yet, but the fact that my articles aren't showing up in searches at all is concerning. Guess I just need to not worry about it and keep plugging along.

It sometimes isn't so much keywords as in how you are promoting the content. Are you borrowing too much from other pages and passing it off as your own? Google likes content that is original and really written by you and no one else.

True. Google likes good original content

I agree with you completely, which is why I write all of my own content.

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Why aren't any of my posts ranking?

Why aren't any of my posts ranking?

asked in
Keyword, Niche and Market Research

In September I started a new website (amazinglygifted.com). Since then, I've been plugging along, writing what I *think* is good content. I've been choosing great keywords, at

I'm thinking that this may be a case of your getting into a niche that's significantly more competitive than the niche your other site is based on. Are you seeing similar keyword results (particularly QSR) between the two niches?

Hi Bob,

I'm thinking you're very right.

When I did the initial research before choosing this new niche, it seemed far *less* competitive than the other. Honestly, I was amazed at how many great low QSR keywords there were to choose from! But I guess I should have dug deeper into who, exactly, those QSRs were. In doing manual Google searches, I'm seeing now that they're the sites a good chunk of the *country* reads every day. Ugh!

Is there any hope for my little website, or do I just call this one a bust and try again? I don't expect to succeed overnight, or without hard, smart work. Yet seeing who my competitors are now makes me wonder if breaking into this niche is even possible. Any thoughts?

I’ve recently watched a video about how long does it take to make money and get traffic... and this guy explains on average it takes about 6 months to start seeing your traffic to grow.

I’ve seen many ambassadors including vitals and Nathaniel also have website take months and months until their website starts gaining traction.

Even Kyle had a very motivational post on how traffic starts as a trickle them turns into a stream and than a river.

So I’m short just keep writing and doing what your doing and google WILL notice. Give it around 6-8 months and see how your website is doing then.

Here is the video on how long it takes to earn traffic: Hope this helps and wish you the best of luck.

Thanks, Michael. It's just that this isn't my first website, and I've never had this happen so slowly before, especially when using 'low hanging fruit' keywords like Kyle recommends. Like I said, I don't expect to make money for a while yet, but the fact that my articles aren't showing up in searches at all is concerning. Guess I just need to not worry about it and keep plugging along.

It sometimes isn't so much keywords as in how you are promoting the content. Are you borrowing too much from other pages and passing it off as your own? Google likes content that is original and really written by you and no one else.

True. Google likes good original content

I agree with you completely, which is why I write all of my own content.

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asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

My latest website is only a month old, and I only have 9 articles and a few pages there. Since my niche is gift ideas, I keep thinking I should hold off on sharing it to social

You should share, share, share! Follow the lessons as outlined in the getting started portion. It goes over social media sharing very early on. :)

Thanks, Marc -- I've been going back over the beginning lessons since it's been so long, and you're right -- it's covered early on. So I guess I need to get over myself and start sharing LOL! Thanks for the reminder!


Hello Deedee.

That's my sister's name.
I feel that it's never too soon to share your site. If you feel it's not ready just ask the community to critique it for you. You'll receive great honest feedback.

To your success


Hi Henrietta,

Thanks for both the tip about sharing SOON, and the reminder that site feedback is available. It's been a while since I started a new site, so in some ways I'm learning this all over again.

How fun that your sister and I share a name! :-)


Thank you Dee Dee.
And you're welcome. Looking forward to our assisting each other.


Nothing is ever too soon to share!! Definitely share it! I'm not very active with FB anymore because how they advertise (my FB account is private and they frown and will delete if you have multiple accounts) and charge. I get everyone wants to make money (I worked in the Marketing/Advertising business for years). I'd start with FB if you like it and have a big following, use Instagram (big money maker), and Twitter. I am gaining more success on Instagram and Twitter than FB at all.

Share your website definitely! I have mine advertised in my Insta and Twitter account and am getting more people visiting it every day on Twitter over any social media site. I don't use Pinterest either, just not a fan and can only keep up with so many social media sites. I go with whoever I have the best success with so far.

Depending on your niche, I am in South Korean Skincare, Beauty/Makeup, and other product reviews. I do free giveaways right now for US only for my favorite products and other countries to gain more followers and people to visit my blog, I will do giveaways of their choice (up to a certain dollar amount) on a website they like of their choosing since International shipping is ridiculous from the US.

Good luck!

Thank you! You've given me a lot to think about here. I especially appreciate your input about which streams are working better for you. Seems like it does depend some on the niche, but like you, I don't have time for all of them. Will give Insta and Twitter a go! Love your idea about giveaways, too. Will have to brainstorm how to work that while not putting myself in a financial hole just yet -- ha ha! Thanks again!


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Is it too soon to share my site on social media?

Is it too soon to share my site on social media?

asked in
Social Engagement & Marketing

My latest website is only a month old, and I only have 9 articles and a few pages there. Since my niche is gift ideas, I keep thinking I should hold off on sharing it to social

You should share, share, share! Follow the lessons as outlined in the getting started portion. It goes over social media sharing very early on. :)

Thanks, Marc -- I've been going back over the beginning lessons since it's been so long, and you're right -- it's covered early on. So I guess I need to get over myself and start sharing LOL! Thanks for the reminder!


Hello Deedee.

That's my sister's name.
I feel that it's never too soon to share your site. If you feel it's not ready just ask the community to critique it for you. You'll receive great honest feedback.

To your success


Hi Henrietta,

Thanks for both the tip about sharing SOON, and the reminder that site feedback is available. It's been a while since I started a new site, so in some ways I'm learning this all over again.

How fun that your sister and I share a name! :-)


Thank you Dee Dee.
And you're welcome. Looking forward to our assisting each other.


Nothing is ever too soon to share!! Definitely share it! I'm not very active with FB anymore because how they advertise (my FB account is private and they frown and will delete if you have multiple accounts) and charge. I get everyone wants to make money (I worked in the Marketing/Advertising business for years). I'd start with FB if you like it and have a big following, use Instagram (big money maker), and Twitter. I am gaining more success on Instagram and Twitter than FB at all.

Share your website definitely! I have mine advertised in my Insta and Twitter account and am getting more people visiting it every day on Twitter over any social media site. I don't use Pinterest either, just not a fan and can only keep up with so many social media sites. I go with whoever I have the best success with so far.

Depending on your niche, I am in South Korean Skincare, Beauty/Makeup, and other product reviews. I do free giveaways right now for US only for my favorite products and other countries to gain more followers and people to visit my blog, I will do giveaways of their choice (up to a certain dollar amount) on a website they like of their choosing since International shipping is ridiculous from the US.

Good luck!

Thank you! You've given me a lot to think about here. I especially appreciate your input about which streams are working better for you. Seems like it does depend some on the niche, but like you, I don't have time for all of them. Will give Insta and Twitter a go! Love your idea about giveaways, too. Will have to brainstorm how to work that while not putting myself in a financial hole just yet -- ha ha! Thanks again!


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asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

My niche is gifts. So my blog posts are about gift ideas for various kinds of people, plus other topics related to gift giving. Because my website is new, I only have a few art

Hello Deedee

What I do is have a tab in the menu bar and it says Reviews -
this is so easy and clear for any one to see
Then I have submenus for each item I have a review for and the submenus are put uber each other so when I person clicks on then Review tab about ten subs drop down with the name of each item in each sub menu - easy
I just use the link to link the article to the submenu - Check my website and look at the reviews tab and you will see how it works OK

All good fun


Hey Deedee,

I have a product review on one post and several on one page. Sometimes mixtures work best for me depending on what I have to say.

Hope this helps you.

I have a review page on one of my sites. They do go onto my blog roll when published, so to keep my blog roll from being over loaded with reviews, I also work on other content articles to post after several reviews. I also have a 'start here' page that explains what my site is about and how to find what you're looking for.
My reviews get me outside paid gigs. I've received lots of awesome stuff this way:)
My site pages go something like this-
Start here. Blog roll. Reviews. DIY. Challenges. About

Everything is easily found.

Hope this helps.

Where is the best place to put product reviews on my site?

Where is the best place to put product reviews on my site?

asked in
Authoring & Writing Content

My niche is gifts. So my blog posts are about gift ideas for various kinds of people, plus other topics related to gift giving. Because my website is new, I only have a few art

Hello Deedee

What I do is have a tab in the menu bar and it says Reviews -
this is so easy and clear for any one to see
Then I have submenus for each item I have a review for and the submenus are put uber each other so when I person clicks on then Review tab about ten subs drop down with the name of each item in each sub menu - easy
I just use the link to link the article to the submenu - Check my website and look at the reviews tab and you will see how it works OK

All good fun


Hey Deedee,

I have a product review on one post and several on one page. Sometimes mixtures work best for me depending on what I have to say.

Hope this helps you.

I have a review page on one of my sites. They do go onto my blog roll when published, so to keep my blog roll from being over loaded with reviews, I also work on other content articles to post after several reviews. I also have a 'start here' page that explains what my site is about and how to find what you're looking for.
My reviews get me outside paid gigs. I've received lots of awesome stuff this way:)
My site pages go something like this-
Start here. Blog roll. Reviews. DIY. Challenges. About

Everything is easily found.

Hope this helps.

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