My Next Step - Get "Insider" Google Info
In the early 2010's, Google launched what is known as Google Instant. You have probably become very accustomed to using it by now. What I want to do is take the root of my target audience, in this case 'minimum wage' and start typing it into the Google search bar to see what sort of results it gives me.
What Google is doing is giving you terms that are commonly typed in, sometimes in your local area. Because I am BC, Canada it is offering me relevant results to that and the most POPULAR searches based on my initial "minumum wage" search.
They are trying to predict what you may be looking for based on popularity. The cool part about this is that they are basically telling you which keywords are "best" ones. From this you we already have FOUR keywords that can be leveraged for our Wealthy Affiliate campaigns.
Lets dig a bit deeper though. As I continue typing, I get more results. I type "", here is what Google's predictive search gives me:
Then I type in another one of the keywords from my initial Google search, "minimum wage workers".
As you can see, another subset of relevant and useful keywords. These are piling up quickly.
Lets try something else, a technique that you can use to get many more "questions" that people are typing into Google. Add the start of a question to the beginning of the phrase. In my example below I type in "how minimum wage"...
Another set of search terms that people are actively searching, looking for help and response within.
These are all within the realm of this target audience, and again, these keywords can be leverage to get traffic and get rankings in Google. And remember, this is just a small component of one of the "original" target audiences we gave you.
Hopefully you can see the potential for 100,000's of keywords, because the keyword opportunities are pretty much endless.
I did not get How to leverage the key words from the example to promote WA using article?
If I wrote one article review show some of services provided at WA without pointing to any targeted audience, is this right?
then when I using google Ads will use one of the listed target audience, is this correct? (I misunderstood Kyle through his post! he means something I did not get it yet!
So any help will be appreciated!
I think we need to be a bit more realistic. WA is not for everyone. There are some basic skills that a person must possess to start any online business with WA.
Ability to express oneself in writing (better in English), ability to learn some tech skills, willingness to put in a lot of time and effort before seeing any money.
I wouldn't target people who want to win a lottery or find any other get rich quick method. It will take too much effort trying to change this mental setting. Look at the "Work from home" type of groups on FB. The only posts that get attention and a gazillion "How?" comments are those with videos of people counting $100 bills.
Cash is the king there.
Well, it's getting too long. I'll have to make a blog out of it..