The key to being successful within any niche, is being able to effectively research and expand upon an audience. Breaking down an audience allows you to derive new marketing angles, and uncover a lot of untapped keywords. Keywords which can then be targeted within your article marketing efforts and your website SEO via blog posts and pages.

I am going to break down one of these target audiences for you in detail. This can be done with any of the target audiences from the previous page and I think you are going to find this quite revealing.

Minimum Wage Workers

What better audience than the minimum wage worker audience. These people are typically vastly underpaid for the work they do and are often taken advantage by their employers during weak economic times. You likely know several people that are in this situation, maybe it is even you?

What if you could point this audience to a resource like Wealthy Affiliate and point out the reality of success online for part time or minimum wage workers? You would likely be in for many referrals and sizable monthly commissions!

Along these lines, people are always looking for lower paying, unskilled jobs. Let's take a quick look at some potential searches that people may type in using the Wealthy Affiliate Research Platform (free to use). You will find this under the "Research" tab in the top menu as shown below.

If you go into that too, and under the Keywords tab you can perform your kewyord research. In this case, I typed in "minimum wage".

Some of these terms get several 60,000 searches a month. There is one problem though, some of them are a little bit too broad. You are facing some stiff competition if you try to get ranked under the search term "minimum wage" in Google as you are up against massive websites like Wikipedia and Government sites.

You can quickly check competition by clicking the "Get QSR" button, if it is not already visible to you. In my case, my entire QSR column results are available (as shown below).

Minimum wage has 300 competing websites within the search results, which is basically the maximum number of websites that search engines will index. That is WAY too much, we are aiming under 100...ideally under 50 with a newer website. I need to go a little more niche with my terms to get more targeted searches.

I took a term from the initial search, "current national minimum wage" and I plugged it back into the keyword search.

Here are some of the results from that search:

You can see with the check marks, that there are 5 keywords already that I found that meet my "low competition" criteria.

This is just a few of the queries out of many that were yielded within the search results. This small little sub-niche of making money has just become much larger and much more apparent very quick.

Now what you want to do is collect a "group" of keywords that have low competition, yet get a good amount of traffic (ideally 50 searches per month). These keywords will act as keyword ideas for a pages or posts that you will be publising on your website.

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kfsonwa Premium
Ok so keywords & utilise social hang outs I think I understand, but I don't have a webpage and need to learn how to do that... so I'll keep reading training until that comes forth, the actual step through of how to set up web page, so I can utilise keywords targeting my audience to attract traffic to my page for WA Affiliate interest to turn into $$. I feel I'm a long way from that...
Anarhlia Premium
Hi kfsonwa,
That is the first thing you should do. Go to training on the left hand side bar ( the green button) and then click Online Entrepreneur Certification. Making a website is the first thing you need. Dont do anything else until you start that training. Good luck!
Safia369 Premium Plus
@ AlexEvans
I did not get How to leverage the key words from the example to promote WA using article?

If I wrote one article review show some of services provided at WA without pointing to any targeted audience, is this right?

then when I using google Ads will use one of the listed target audience, is this correct? (I misunderstood Kyle through his post! he means something I did not get it yet!

So any help will be appreciated!
Safia369 Premium Plus
what I understand that Jaaxy is not enough for keyword search and can be overestimated! Oh God..Is it correct?
AlexEvans Premium Plus
Hi Safia,
I am just in between meetings so will try to give it a good shot.

Just from reading your comment it appears that you are putting the horse before the cart. Using PPC or Google add words to promote is further along in the training, so plenty of things to work through before tackling that and as per the training it is probably better to start with Bing adds not as expensive as Google add words, a good way to learn and not so expensive if you make mistakes along the way.

If we go to the training, We are trying to establish our direction, or who are we going to reach out to.

The direction I am going to be choosing for my business is:


and the second thing

The name of my brand:


Initially, we need to work out who we are targetting and then secondly how are we going to create content that will reach out to that audience.

The basics of it are that we want to create content that is related to what people are searching for in Google.

The amount of content that is posted online on an hourly basis is mind-boggling, it is unbelievable.

The key is to create content that is focused and relevant to the audience that we have decided to target.

So if we look at the training Kyle has started with a broad search term.

If at that stage you write an article and someone from an authority site writes an article...................both are indexed

The question is will you be on the same page in the search results for that search term, the answer is no you will not even be in the same stadium.

So how you leverage the keyword research is that you drill down so if we look at the example, Kyle has drilled down and down and down, so it ends up with search terms that are more targetted and as we do that the search terms have less competition, not so many folks writing about that topic, at the same people are searching for those search terms, so the chances that when Safia writes an article, folks will click on it and read and possibly click through to your offer and the chances are that you will end up on page one for that particular search term so once again more chances for folks to see your content.

Hope that makes sense

Good job.and the more content that we produce and get indexed and ranked more and more folks turn up to your show.

It is a whole process and one that does not happen overnight, much better to follow the training and cross the bridges as you get to them

Best wishes.
AlexEvans Premium Plus
Hi Safia,
Try not to overthink things, it causes us more problems than it solves, only speaking from experience.

Jaaxy is an amazing resource, personally, it has been of huge benefit, can't say enough about it.

Like all tools and resources, they are only as good as our skill set to use it and the only way to do that is to use it, get our heads around it, you have to play around with it........... to get the results we need to work it.

The thing about it is that it is just not one thing we are building a huge jigsaw puzzle and each little bit adds to the picture.

Just follow the training we don't have to reinvent it.

Best wishes.
Safia369 Premium Plus
@AlexEvans thanks a lot for your input.
Your explanation just bring me back to the path.
How fantastic your replay (answer) and how amazing understanding my question!

Yep, I got it now.

Kyle are Amazing and now I know why he follow this strategy.
AlexEvans Premium Plus
You are most welcome hope that you found it useful.
Goatherd Premium
Okay I agree that this could be a very good target audience, but would this audience really be searching for these terms? I think if I was one from this audience I would be more likely to be searching for something like, "how to increase my income" It would be interesting to see some demographics of these searchers.
feigner Premium
so that i one of the target keywords to use - show them how adding a 'passive income' stream to their portfolio will gove them more income.
but getting to konw the audience is one of the most important things you can do - you then think like them and know what they are after.
good luck
Goatherd Premium
I couldn't agree more that getting to know your target audience is extremely important....... cheers Graham
Andrea27 Premium
I need help, I m still undecided and confused about the niche.At first my idea was open a website around something that I know good for example niches in the real estate field or music, but actually today i don t know how I could monetize those topics through the affiliate marketing, so I explored the BOOTCAMP here to understand if I should start promoting Wealthy affiliate due to the fact that there is already a path to follow, but when I came on the "about me" step I stuck again because I don t have any experience and result that prove that I m expert on this field,so, ok for the target ok for the niche but how could I start a topic on something that I m not expert with?
feigner Premium
i know how you feel - a couple of years ago i was in the same boat - i have a lot of interests but couldn't decide on one so went for the bootcamp - thre months later i was looking back at the certification course and starting again.
seriously if you are not really passionate about the make money online business and can either buy the products or just cobble together reiviews from others on the net then go for something less competative.
even something like bathroom fans! - they are cheaper than mmo products and there are a lot of them.
it can be something you are looking to improve on the house or have just bought. others will want the same thing so why not create a site about that?
note that your first one may not be your best one - or it may be a red hot hit.
take a little bit longer and use the search bar above to look for more info on how to look for your niche - boomergp08 has a good training as has loes.
good luck
Andrea27 Premium
Thank you Phil!Seeing that you overtake my same difficult in starting out is consoling!I will check this training. many thx
JerryHuang Premium Plus
Here's a recorded webinar where Kyle talks about how to efficiently become an expert: Hope this helps!
MaryFRM Premium
I'm not a creative person maybe.. But..
I think we need to be a bit more realistic. WA is not for everyone. There are some basic skills that a person must possess to start any online business with WA.
Ability to express oneself in writing (better in English), ability to learn some tech skills, willingness to put in a lot of time and effort before seeing any money.
I wouldn't target people who want to win a lottery or find any other get rich quick method. It will take too much effort trying to change this mental setting. Look at the "Work from home" type of groups on FB. The only posts that get attention and a gazillion "How?" comments are those with videos of people counting $100 bills.
Cash is the king there.
Well, it's getting too long. I'll have to make a blog out of it..
newmarketpro Premium
I share your opinion Maria - WA is not for everyone.
It's not for people who are not willing to learn and not patient.
The skill how to build an online business is something everybody has to learn - and all are provided here in WA. If one is willing to learn and persevere, she will break the code of how to 'anything' about the business - writing, expressing ideas, promoting and so on.

Just my opinion.

MaryFRM Premium
Look, my former nanny desperately needs work, as she has her own baby now. She is creative - can create diaper cakes, knit blankets etc.
But her English is very weak, no grammar whatsoever. She'll need years to fix it. Or hire writers.
But she is on food stamps and really has no money.
I would be happy to help her, but I feel it's just too over her head.
Need to find some other type of working from home for her.
verna8767 Premium
Hi Mary,
I agree with you 100%; WA is not for everyone! People still have to be teachable and have a certain level of basic skills. Recently, I have seen some poorly written profiles and I wonder how are those people going to be able to write. Content is the backbone of the online business. It's hard enough to be successful without the added lack of the basic skills.
newmarketpro Premium
There are 3 things that I can suggest you can explore.

1) She is good with creating products. Can she join-venture with someone who can write about her product and promote it online?

2) Get someone who is already have a site in her niche and have one category to promote here product. This can be done on an agreed proportion profit rate

3) Can she write in other language? If she can, help her to build a multi-language site which can be translated into English.

Just my opinion.

anusuya1 Premium
Your creative Nanny can get a domain in her own language and write. You don't have to have English to write. But this training is in English only. That can be a roadblock for her.